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Show RAILWAY CHIEFS . WANT HOADS BACK OPPOSE GOVERNMENT CONTROL BEYOND TWENTY-ONE MONTHS PERIOD DE8IQNATED. Fight for Prompt Return of Lines to v Owners ,AUer the Passage of "Remedial Laws Is Decided Upon. New York. A definite program calling call-ing for prompt return of tho railroads after tho, passugo .of remedial federal legislation was worked out at a meeting meet-ing here, December 20, of tho standing committee of tlio Association of Railroad" Rail-road" Executives, according to an official offi-cial announcement. Whllo provisions of the plan were not made public, It was suld that they look Into, consideration consider-ation every detail of the program. Tho program will bo submitted next month to the scntttu Interstate con-merco con-merco commission, If It Is approved at a full incetlng 6f thu association called for December ISO. Whatever tlio cost, It wns said, the .executives aro opposed to extending tho period of federal control beyond twenty-ono months after tho signing of peaco, ns prescribed by law. It Is untlerstood that, rather than hnvo tho time extended to llvo years, us suggested sug-gested by Director fleneral McAdoo, 'they would prefer rc'tirn of tho roads without tho proposed legislation. A hint as to what form tho executives' execu-tives' think this' legislation should tako Is found In. tho reasons they ascrlbo for Improved conditions effected by government operation, ;vhlclL aro additional ad-ditional -equipment, abolition of tho shipper's power to route his own truffle, truf-fle, Increase In demurrage rates,' do-crease do-crease In tlmo allowed for loading nnd unloading, and strict supervision uf shipments. |