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Show h " f WOULD YOU PAY Elght-tonths off one cont a day to carry tho right tlmo In your pockot all tho tlmo7 That Is about what It costs to carry a $75.00 watch, tho kind wo sell. All prices, all grades. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH ii hicher prices Aro continually l)oiiK i clinrtfort on all food ; products. "While tho J price of Japan Tea has ' gone up, yet Hewlett's i are using the same high quality of Tea, and the ! prices are like tho Tea always reliable. If SCIiMWS HEfiE3ME TABLETS FOR ALL KINDS OF HEADACHli BY MAIL 25 CENTS SCHRAMM-JOHNSON, DRUGS THE "NEVER-SUBSTITUTORS" SALT LAKE CITY GRAGER WIRE & IRON WORKS 531 STATE STF1EET, SALT LAKE CITY if H if tr i 'if irif ijM ma The above represents one of tho ninny illtTerenl lelKiiK of Iron Fence wo mnmifnctur (or resilience, resi-lience, cemetery lots nnd public bullcllntta. Write for cutuloiriic nnd prices. seeds Good leedi are the true foundation of large crops. Our biz Catalogue tells all about the best teeds that grow. Send for Free Copy. VOGELER SEED CO., Salt Lake City JTESTED SEEDS 9 It costs hundreds of dnllurs every year to r TEST OUR SEEDS bo tj Hut when you Imy them you can depend S they possess Tho Quality. Write forour I Froo Dcocrlptlvo Catalo;. PORTER-WALTON CO., Salt Lako City izxnaantmMaxnmnri j1 i ,aim iam. Jium.u RUBBER STAMPS line HnbberTypc Outllts, nnd supplies In stock. Sluil orders receive prompt uttentlon. SALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lako City fll RS'B'PBTk MKN AND WO.MKN to I.carn H3 14 Vl B HllS HnrberTrnde In Klcht Weeks. UWauatl i u.ur TuUl0Ili lh bt.t o( toiM. $05. Tuition, with purtliil hct of tools, J.V.. Addren MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE 13 Commercial Street Bnlt l.nke Ulty. Utah COLONIST RATES. From Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Oninhn, Kansas City nnd other Eastern East-ern points to Acoma, Nevada, and Utah stations on the Salt Lako Route, on sale dally March 1 to April in, 1910, Inclusive. Send us tho nainc3 of your v friends in tho East who aro interested. interest-ed. For further information seo any , Salt Lako Uouto agent or address J. II. MAND13RFIHLD, A. G. P. A., Salt Lake ltouto, Salt Lako, Utah. COLONIST RATES. tj ' Send mo tho names of your friends or others in tho East who nro interested inter-ested in Utah, and wo will mnll thorn copy of our "Hints to Husbandmen," l" and give thorn full Information regard- tkzJz ing tho ono way Colonists rates to o Utah from Chicago, Omaha, nnd other 1 Eastern points, which aro on salo dally March 1st to April lfith, 1910, Inclusive. Seo agents Salt Lake ltouto for further Information, or nddress J. H. MANDEIIF1ELD, A. O. P. A., " Salt Lako Uouto, Salt Lake, Utati. |