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Show ;PLEASESSCHURMAN Cornell President Sees Good in Big Philanthropy Scheme. Believes Congress Should Grant Request Re-quest for National Charter Would Change Only One Small Detail. Ithaca, N. Y. In nn nddresi boforo tho Council congress on Friday night Presldont Jacob Gould Bchurmnn of Cornell commended tho schomo for tho Rockefeller foundation for which congress has been asked for a national charter. President Scluirmni) devoted his cntlro speech of several thousand words to this subject sub-ject and In summing up he said: "I recognlzo that section No. 2 of tho bill, which defines tho object of tho Ilockofcller foundation, authorizes and empowers that foundation to do any-thing any-thing nnd everything which may promote pro-mote and advance human civilization, that Is to say, morals and religion, nrt and science, manners and eoclal Intercourse, Inter-course, and nil that concerns tho political, po-litical, economic, and mntcrlnl well being of individuals nnd communities This is a vast field for tho exercise of philanthropy. "But Mr Rockefeller has conceived a vast schomo of philanthropy, for tho benefit of his fellow citizens and mankind. man-kind. Ills charnctor, ability and organizing or-ganizing skill arc adequate guarantees that ho will carry out his scheme wisely nnd successfully, with Incalculable Incal-culable benoflt and blessing to mankind. man-kind. It Is In the Interest of the nation na-tion that ho bo given a froo hand In tho oxorclso of his colossal boned cence. So long as ho Is acttvo or hie Influence rcmnlns It would bo wise and snfo to glvo tho foundation the tort of orgnnlzntlon ho desires. Neither Neith-er now nor hcronfter docB it seem necessary nec-essary to limit tho scopo of his beneficence, benefi-cence, which Is cocxtcnBlvo with the efforts of mnuklnd to attain a higher civilization, "The only change 1 would deslro to see In the proposed bill Is the total or partial elimination of tho method of selecting trustees by co-operation. The organization might well bo left n close corporation, If Mr. Rockcfollor so desires, de-sires, for n generation. But after that tlmo I am confident that It would Inure both to tho cfTlelency of tho foundation nnd to tho public welfare to say nothing noth-ing of tho satisfaction of tho sentiment of n democracy If tho majority of the trustees wore appointed by tho president presi-dent of tho United Stntes, with the advico and consent of the sonnto, or selected by somo other high abiding, governmental agencies that may fairly ho regarded as representing tho people peo-ple of tho United States, whoso welfare wel-fare Is tho primary object of tho lm-monso lm-monso and glorlouB benefaction." |