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Show I I WHY NOT I Enjoy the plousiir tho Best, Tea on iho market? In your next; grocery or-; or-; dor, gently but firmly in-Hist in-Hist on HEWLETT'S TEAS hHnjr. Kent, ami refuse all substitution. To be married this spring? You should glvo her that engago-montrlng engago-montrlng at once. Wo liavomount-ed liavomount-ed a lot of medium prlcorj solltairea particularly chosen forengagemorit rings, $20.00 and up. aaal tkmMmXJ' salt lake city, utaii I PINGREE 1 Is tho nowost town in Idaho. I It will booponod early in.Tuno Jj with sale of lots uud excursion I on Oregon Slioi t Lino now fl branch to Incompleted to Unit 1 1 point tit tho Hiuiio tlmo. : I 1 SDAH0 Tho wonder stato of tho west, a 1 I hns dovclopod in tho lust five E years thousands of now acres 6 Ijj and liomcs. Do you wish to I 0 livo and thrivo in a roally R NEW TOWN If so, ask about PING RICH. 88 1 jj Merchants of all kinds arc K R s wanted there at once. Now is 1 1 jj your opportunity. Writo for jj booklet to II S B W. H. Scott, Gen. Manager g Pingree Townsile Company R or Jas. F. Burton, Secretary I H 5 Ogdcn, Utah 1 1 tarn iiwMTTiirrrvimTmTwwyiinTOiininwAi THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO I JitllEiillSE ....IS VIA I eeth, ioapa DEETH it only G5 milts from JARBIDGE and ii on Ibe main line of both the Southern Pacific and the Western Pacific Railroads. TESTED SEEDS It routs hundred of dollars crery year to mmu TOOT OUR BCSDS i Hut when you buy tticm you can depend they jiosscsh Tho Quality. Wrlto lorour Froo Doaorlptlv Catalog. PORTER-WALTON CO., Salt Lak City I RUBBER STAMPS arass iiuuui.il u i nun o ojlKoKt);i;tc. Kuit Jlne HubburTypo OutliU, mid Minplles In stock. Mull ordern rccclvu prompt attention. SALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lako City Constipation cnusci many wirlnus diseases. I Ii tlmruuKlily cured by Doctor l'lcrco'a l'loaianl Toilets. Ono a laxative, tbri-o for catluirtlc. Always keep Imagination under con-trol. con-trol. The Army of Constipation I Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE Sfev LIVER PILLS are Hf, responsible they notj only givo "lief rinTCD'C they permanently JKai iS:!:Ir?J cure Constipa.BKBHP' W!TT-LJ? ti.n. btt.jffiSfir 1IVER lions use Mpjjr I Ha them for 5r sr aMBt8 ness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sallow Slla. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE GENUINE must bear signature: MONEY ' HOW TO MAKE RT O 8 L Send for Prospectus HYGRAVITY OIL COMPANY 404 Story BldR. Loa Angelos, Cat. ICTCM Tnurndd In 100 maunilnos only r ccntu Liu I til n word und Ii per month for your bora andulrln. Hend now In tlmo for noxt month. k. IUHIUIEU, Ulwllac Hiy Uorln.il!, OkU. TOST CAKim. 10 for 10c Hoiiutlful colored, lllrthdar, Decoration Day.ltb July.lJindbCiipe.l-'lower.Animal, IjUCIllllIld ForvlKtl Tluvtii. Hh,2JtlT. 15lhbL,N.wI.rt delicately formed and eently rea, women I fl) will find, in all the seasons of their lives, as mm jSKfil maidens, wives or mothers, that tho ono simple, ilr-3 wholesome remedy which acts gently and Jlp -tllDi pleasantly and naturally, and which may bo M$&t$ used with truly beneficial effects, under any f conditions, when the system needs a laxative. 4 SU 'fef SW is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is VB? 'I fl well known to bo p, simple combination of tho 'v5f8 Pm laxative and carminative principles of plants MA with pleasant aromatic liquids, which are iVwXt gSg agreeable and refreshing to tho taste and lVTtV$V im acceptable to the system whon its gentle j'V5f 4' jfeajr cleansing is desired. W$ SMs Only those who buy tho genuine Syrup of W&SM ffi i Figs and Elixir of Senna can hopo to got its fcwXV & beneficial effects, and as a guarantee of the ?f excellence of the remedy, the full name of the VW YsJ company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed i 'V on tho front of every package, and without it VS.M r ' , any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and mrWaW J- Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should be M $ declined. To those who know tho quality of HlWISAv.-w this excellent laxative, the offer of any substi- ," r$ Mm tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna .HV.f(i?fVt is called for, is always resented by a transfer iuBVMBfil of patronage to some first-class drug establish- v-- SMtrel M' ment, where thoy do not recommend, nor sell ?''TIln false brands, nor imitation remedies. The genu- .'A ine article may be bought of all reliable drug- X-)' JrifMfMW gists everywhere; one size only. Regular & Ji$Ktfl price 50 cents per bottle. Get a bottle today tO'f&M to have In tho house when needed. M?$fW |