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Show BABY'S WATERY ECZEMA. . I Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ran I $50 Spent on Useless Treatments I Disease Seemed Incurable. Cured by Cuticura for $1.50. "When my little boy was two and a. half months old ho broko out on both cheeks with eczema. It was tho Itchy, watery kind and wo had to keep his llttlo hands wrapped up all tho tlmo, and If ho would happen to get them uncovered ho would claw his face till the blood streamed down on his clothing. cloth-ing. Wo called In a physician at onco, but ho gave an ointment which was so sovero that my babo would scream j when It wns put. on. Wo changed doctors nnd mcdiclno until wo hod spent fifty dollars or moro and, baby was getting worso. I was so worn out watching and caring for him night nnd day that I almost felt sure tho dlseaso wob Incurable. But finally reading of 1 tho good results of tho Cuticura Rem- edles, I determined to try them. I I can truthfully say I was moro than 9 surprised, for I bought only o dollar and a half's worth of tho Cuticura Remedies (Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills), and they did moro good than all my doctors' medicines I had tried, and in foct entirely cured him. His faco is perfectly clear of tho least spot or scar of anything. Mrs. W. M. 1 Comeror, Burnt Cabins, Pa., Sept. 15, 3 1908." I Totter Draff & Chom. Corp., Solo Props., Boston. K ow& owgs; clecwxses g system JJecXvioSVy ; (xssysYs OXXQWOVeXCOVXVVW I abWxei eowsXaXxow To OeWXs beweJvivriV eJjecs,dVwasW W MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS 50A BOTTLE When You're Hoarse Use N PISS'S I Gives immediate relief. The fust dose relieves your aching throat and allay s the irritation. Guaranteed to contain no opiates. Very palatable. ) ,7 |