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Show GOVERNOR QUITS UNDER FIRE . Herbert Jnmes Hngcrmnn, the governor ot H ,"' , ''ujJ:Jill'''h 'v Mexico, who 1ms resigned his olllco while H sir ''' un(;L'r Investigation by tho legislature concerning W '''B lart a"cKcu" o-v-oiibIvo land frauds, Is only H tir$ L'al'M ou' "n(l ollu r lno youngest governors In H WW&W th" -"ntl'- !Vyra cti ' T'10 charge is that tho governor, wlthoui tht H ' ' knowlodgo und consent of tho commissioner of H WW y ' l)Uljl!,: l-aiuls, delivered to tho Pennsylvania Do- 1 Vm? ' vclopniont company a deed for 7,000 ucrcs of tlni- 1 'A "iv' '' bor ,lmt '10 ,t0'5 tl10 801,1 ot 1110 comml8-wK comml8-wK JM s1"-'1 al"1 ""lawfully alllxed It to tho deed, that WM XiWft ,ho l,in'1 lH w,,rth from 25 to 100 ncro but jmf wus 8t,It' nt 0,ll)' tnreo dollars an ncre, that tho H r j f fedeinl law nt tho time forbade tho selling of H " ' ' more than 100 ncrcs to nny one purchnsor, and H thnt therefore the territorial Institutions to which B theso lands belonged were defrauded. H Ex-Gov. Ilngermnn Is u product of the west. Horn In Milwaukee, ho H spent his boyhood In Colorado nnd his youth in New Mexico. H Hagermnn wni appointed in 1897 by President McKlnley second secre. B tnry of the United States embassy Ip Russia. E. A. Hitchcock, now secre, HBVJ tnry of the interior, was -then ambassador nt St. Petersburg. It wns largely HBVJ due to his good work us secretary of tho ombusHy, both under Mr. Hitchcock H nnd Inter under Chnrlemnguo Tower, thnt his appointment ns governor wns B secured. Mr. Hitchcock urged the appointment upon President Unosovelt. HBVJ Following ns It did closo upon thnt of another young man to n similar post- HBVJ Hon, the inferenco wns drawn thnt Mr. Hagerman secured IiIb place through a formor connection witli the rough riders, ns did tho governor of Oklahoma, HBVJ but this Is a mistake. HBVJ |