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Show MINES AND MINING It is expected that tho smoker at Ogdcn will bo in oporatlon in tho near future. Two now veins have just been opened in tho Talisman company's Beaver county mines. Thero Is a report in circulation to the offoct that the big Assure for which the tunnel on tho McDonald Ely property, prop-erty, at Ely, is headed, haa beon reached. ' During tho week a total of 365,051 shares of stock, with a tielllng value ol $272,471.75, changed hands on tho floor of tho Salt Lake Mining Stock Exchange. Thrco now strikes of importance wero made at Vernon, Nevada, last week. In one mine assays show values val-ues of from $745 to $1776 in gold por ton. Tho Bleak Pearl mill in Boiso county, coun-ty, Idaho, haa arranged for the installation instal-lation of electrlo power from the Bolse-Paycfte powor plant, and Is expected ex-pected to bo again in operation any day. The Tunnol Oil company, of Vernal, which owns' oil placer claims In Garfield Gar-field county, Colo., and proposes to develop de-velop them, filed articles of incorporation incorpora-tion with the secretary of state of Utah last week. At a meeting of the dlroctori of the United States Smelting, Refining ft Mining company, held In Boston recently, re-cently, it was decided to place the common com-mon stock of tho company on a 7 per cent dividend-earning basis; "For 1906 tho United Status production' produc-tion' of copper will aggregate 975,000,-000 975,000,-000 pounds, an Increase of only about 4 por cent over 1905, which compares with an increase of 10 per cent in 1905 over 1904," Bays Daniel Guggenheim, Senator Clark, of Montana, makes tho prediction that tho figures for 1906 will show an Increase in coppor production pro-duction of probably less than 4 por cent The averago price will probably be In tho neighborhood of 19)4 cents. Thero 1b a disposition on tho part of tho Seven Devils miners, who havo heretofore dono all their railroad business busi-ness at Council to wait for the coming com-ing of the Huntington road down the Snake river, and cut Cuncll cold, as this road will be much nearer to thorn. Lemhi county, Idaho,-has suffered much through mining Inexperience. There aro today about 600 stamps in the county, of which only about 100 aro in oporatlon. Tho othors have boon put up on mines where the ore proved to bo too base for stamp mill treatment Lemhi county Is one of tho most favored counties in Idaho, or in the whole west, In its coal deposits, it Is claimed. Tho deposits aro known to bo very wxpenslvo; probably thoy will prove oven far larger than now anticipated, when tho country Is properly prop-erly developed. By vlrtuo of a compromise effected last week in Salt Lako City, botween James McGregor and tho directors of tho Silver King Mining company, all former differences "existing botween these Interests aro burled, and a now era dawns for all Park City within the very first week of-tho newly born year. Blast furnaco slag Is piling up in vast quantities at all of tho smoking smok-ing worKs in the western mining states. It cannot bo said to have bo-como bo-como a nuisance as yet, for tho dumps covor only a very small area, and they aro not tbo monaco to agriculture and other Industries thnt tailings piles aro. Their worst featuro Is that they represent a by-product for which ns yet no uso has beon found, says tho Mining Reporter. Thirteen cars loaded with Goldflcld oro, valued at $7,000,000, arrived In Vallojo Junction, Cnl., on tho llth, whero It will bo treated In tho reduction reduc-tion works and turned Into shining bars of gold nnd sllvor. Each car contained con-tained 1,00,000 pounds of oro, carefully sacked, A mlno opened In an absolute wilderness wild-erness that In about two years prf duces-approximately $2,500,000 worth of oro from Jess than 10 por cent of Its wholo area at an oxpendlturo of only $225,000, must merit tho confidence confi-dence of Investors. Such a mlno is tho Niplsslng. Tho mining district surrounding tho .llttlo old town of Lldn, Nov., Is coming com-ing to tho front with rapid strides, and In splto of tho former days of greatness nt Lldn, whon the camp was ono of tho most active In tho. west, tho future- bids fair to hold still greater-things. greater-things. 1 Quartz Bliot full of fru" gold, rack plckod samples of whjch would undoubtedly un-doubtedly assay up into tho thousands of dollars per ton, has beon encountered encoun-tered In nn entirely now vein on tho 225-foot level of tho Codar company's mlno In tho North Star district, Heaver county, Utah. A great amount of underground work Is going on. at tho Falrvlow Eagle, says tho Minor. Throo shllts nro worKlng lovols. A timbering crew has recently completed tho 75-foot station, sta-tion, and aro woll along tho tho second, sec-ond, In tho moanttmo thu sinking has reached a. depth of 190 feet. Will J. Dooley, a Salt Lnko 'man who Is developing u group of claims at nVsvolllo, Nov., has Just received word thnt tho mou omployod In sinking n uew shaft havo cucounturod lino ore u a depth of slxty-flvo foot. Tho Inn samples went 68 ounces silver and $2 50 por ton In gold. |