Show walton of oklahoma much in limelight W X we gov john 0 walton of oklahoma Is much in the limelight these days it was only a n short time ago that he put tulsa county under martial law ile announced a campaign to rid oklahoma of mob violence and to bring to justice the persons responsible for the floggings that have been num numerous erous at first he named no names later it developed that the fight was between the state and the ku klux klan kian still later governor walton put the whole state slate under martial law then representative howard requested the united states war dopart department part ment to investigate the use of ok lahoma national guard units in the enforcement of gov waltons proclamation ma tion whereupon secretary weeks declared that a declaration by a governor of a state of martial law or that an insurrection against the government of the state exists exist sIs Is a matter in in which the war department can intervene av governor walton also attracted attention when lie he moved legal gal residence to muskogee Musko geo ona and announced his candidacy for the united states senate |