Show cut C corn orn for silage as lower leaves drop off opinions differ as to t the he liest best time to cut corn com for silage elfage while the largest yield of food nutrients will bo be obtained if the corn la Is permitted to maturo mature fairly well it should not noi bo be too ripe for the reason that it will not pack so BO well in the silo ello and Is more likely to mold it may also be somewhat indigestible if fully matured andrew boss vice director of the minnesota experiment station at university farm says that as a safe working plan one should begin cutting corn for silage when three or br four athe lower leaves dry up and an drop off then I 1 ben the corn wl will it usually b be le in thel M I 1 lk or hard dough stage and some of i the early ears will be glazed or dented doted silage made under these conditions will be at its ita best for dalry dairy cows but for beef cattle cat tle says bays professor boss the corn com should fi be ba left in the fields field until fully dented unless perchance a severe drouth or hot spell has dried out the corn prematurely beef cattle feeders prefer better developed ears and greater maturity of the plant than do those who put up ensilage en for dairy cows |