Show reclamation projects must be pushed of tile post of director of the reclamation service A involving tho the ret retirement ireme nt from of director A P davis is 19 said by secretary of tho the interior work to be duo due to the natural development of tho the reclamation work past the stage where tho the i services of engineers wore were to be considered tho the first consideration tho the american society of civil engineers I 1 had made representations as aa it result of mr davis separation from the government service tho the secre answer to tho the society was made la in a letter to its were secretary tary jainel 11 dunlap of cj now york all of our projects are not prosperous mr work wrote it la Is not a question fuestion of engineering so much as it Is of business acumen and operation this does not nan anan a diminished construction program but rather an increased and adi accelerated tolerated tele rated construction because with tho money returned resumed to the government under efficient vastness management there will be reed freed a fund to continue construction that otherwise will be retarded to handle the engineering ring work the engineering force of the service remains with the same chief at its head bond who tins has been engaged in the work for many years there Is no thought of minimizing the importance of reclamation or engineering it was roy my purpose to reta retain tili director A P davis in the reclamation service os as consulting engineer he at first consenting but subsequently declining the appointment the secretary of the interior who wh 0 alone Is charged with the execution of the reclamation act desires the greatest possible in every phase ani and aspect of reclamation be believes that the change to which you refer Is made necessary by existing conditions condition for unless improvement can be brought about many projects will be abandoned entirely by settlers some already have goue gone and the government not only y will lose millions of dollars invested but the te sett settlers lerg themselves will lose time labor and money already placed on their farm arms |