Show COUNTY RIVALRY REVIVED the contest among counties of tho the I 1 alst class tor for sweepstake sWeeps tako honors at too ae utah state 8 tate fair october 1 1 to 6 will hayo have all ltd its old time intense rivalry vairl ri according to t 0 the director of the holtI horticultural cultural division six counties will participate in the contest CO niest I 1 for or tho the boyd park silver loving cups cup one of the moist moat valued prizes offered at the exposition they are salt ake utah davit weber ober box aldort elder and cache the last named is ie back in the exposition after omitting its exhibit for one year careful pre preparation para tion is already almady to in progress in the construction of bootha and the placing of products one county began early in august to as its varieties the tural exhibits will probably eoll pae any showing ever made at a stat exposition many counties will compete la in the second and third divisions devla A new of scoring will be used by the judges th this to year it will points for representative be on FL a basis balb of 01 tive products aioo tor for adequate each product and BOO for q quantity U antiey ot of variety making a possible be BB the goal the excellent crop conditions to assure an unusual of utah are sid arld exhibit ot of product a this year |