Show independent 43 lia ia ww K VM ik i V 4 mg 0 aey eases your V ou r mileage dav upkeep tho life of your car tho the irli leage you get the power your motor deva develops lops arid and your expense of upkeep depends possibly more than you realize upon ilio file gna gas you use J 00 GAS is straight ruti run not cracked doctored or it t explodes explode ii clean und and free with a sharp shara powerful pil punch liell leaving no 1 residue to cause lom loaa of go arid expensive repa repairs irti you pay the price of GOOD OAS why not got et it I 1 jeep Jeep going until you com coir to nn an independent station ure aeo IGO coupon dooks books for e economy and coave alen co at ligo A stations Sta tlona everywhere every whore af 11 aw 4 n GOOD GAS s L I 1 S A T I 1 N E R W S W ve ell have ave I 1 just ree received dived a complete line of the kind S that gives alve you distin distinction ebion youage you are sure ju iu find something that will please tile the most fas tiLlious t I 1 A DRU 0 K W SMIL EARL MARSHALL S aa UTAH www 1 SERVICE GARAGE gairad K S thomas davis manager g GAS OILS AND GREASES FORD CARS OUR SPECIALTY as as t ford brakes relined reclined free crankcase S i g all repair work guaranteed try our service s b ti i i 2 A X myers M yer S stage S ag e line j PANGUITCH MARYSVALE AND RETURN t leave panguitch h daily at P M arrive marksville marysvale Marys vale ville 3 hrs hi 4 my rates to Marys vate are the sa s1 samy as wien othe t Ift liev can afford to haul you free you can ride the same wi byeis J CALL AT THE DEW DROP DROM IN x i first door north of state bank of garfield 10 4 4 10 44 4 1 f 1 alexs alexis 9 place A 9 i A good place to eat it you are thirsty try a bottle of our famous SCHLITZ the greatest non intoxicating drink ever ver made take a dozen bottles when you go camping or fishing I 1 green goods goad sp candies bread t special party suppers west of social hall panguitch 1 1 W ai electricity CTR I 1 C 1 l Y h 10 e THE MOD MODERN erna WAY 4 it 4 1 rt W f let Us modernize Mode inize yo ur ho reffie for f 0 r you yo u W 4 4 everything eve grything electrical ca I 1 on flin hand and A 1 we will install a ifa if a any n y arit apparatus Ap MS aratus W Us or fixle on 4 trial S TELLURIDE L L IDE TOWER CO 0 |