Show L door dear renders reader this ta Is your corner all questions submitted will bo be cheerfully and carefully answered except those seeking medical advice names and addresses of business firms cannot be printed here but will vill be e sent if a self addressed stamped envelope accompanies the request questions are arc limited to two full name and address must accompany each letter or no reply can be made all communications ore are hold held strictly confidential in requesting poems an and d songs the correct title the first line or the name of the author is necessary in order to find them please send stamped addressed envelope also with these requests so they may be forwarded directly to you address letters very plainly with pen and ink to helen brooks box 1545 salt lake city utah the tha following requested songs and joerns have been received since our last issue for which I 1 wish to thank the contributors when my golden hair has haa turned to silver gray A picture on the barroom floor my silver dell ball have courage my boy to say no 0 how I 1 hato to got get up in the morning falling pa lulng leaf the dying cowboy 0 how I 1 hato hate to get up in tho the morn ing three leaves of shamrock fallen leaf A boys best beat friend to Is his mother drunkards dream trail of the lonesome pine theres a long lone long trail al Winding my sliver silver boll bell below ow are others ot hers which are on the to be found aund list the organ Bui builder ldar I 1 sweetest tr Ea stolle telle I 1 spotted fawn jack was only a cowboy the dying cowboy texas ranger beautiful mabel claire rf it the wind had only blown the other way in the shadow of the pines irish jubilee I 1 wish I 1 was a 0 white man instead of a coon coon coon A little child shall lead them the cruel kiss when im gone soon forget me 1610 A man was waa the cause of it all chicken pie riding old paint an and d leading old ball she was bred in old kentucky dear miss brooks this Is the first time I 1 have written but hope I 1 am welcome ome to your corner I 1 om am a girl fourteen year old brown hair gray eyes anti and I 1 am quite fat I 1 would like you to answer a few ques tlona 1 1 I am not interested in school and cant study tell me what to do 2 my mother Is in going to got get married and I 1 dont like my intended step ta fa ther shall I 1 runaway run away or stay at home STEP AND A HALF blackfoot ida i my IV dear child no one can study for or you or do your work in tho the way of cf improving the individual self belt the t thing hing for you ta do Is to realize t his and also that there to Is only one time to do this most important work of getting an education and that la Is right now while you have the opportunity to go 90 to school A few more years and your almo tor for study will be over each year thereafter will be one of regret if you fall fail to take advantage of it if you fully realize this it will be sufficient incentive tor for you to become interested look about you and you will see gee those who have failed to tako take advantage of their opportunity to study compare them with those who have made the most of their opportunities and you will be convinced I 1 am sure th that t now is the time to be interested 2 suppose you do not like the step your mother Is about to take do you think you can run to a condition place or person who Is te lc your I 1 liking better take a chance and try to like him and make him like you before you run away into perhaps EL a very much worse worce condition running away from home has many more strings attached to it than you have any idea of stay at home and have only the edba in mind of trying to please and being behig pleased then if it work out there 16 k time to think of something else two questions Is the limit dearie but by ellmina trig all thought of your third you will take more interest in your studies BEI BEULAH mt lit view wyo A reader from idaho has kindly sent a poem entitled forty years ago aeo and wone wonders aers it if by any chance it might be bethe iohd one you wish he quotes this fr from memory and says saya there are ara several more stanzas perhaps some one else may remember the others ive wandered to the village torn tom ive sat beneath the tree upon the schoolhouse playground that sheltered you and me i but none were left to greet we me tom and few were leatto left to know who played with us ua upon the green there forty years ago the gross grass was wag just as green dear tom barefooted boys at play were sporting just as we did then with just as gay I 1 but the master sleeps upon the hill which ed oer with snow offered us u a sliding place there thera orty forty years adars ago dear ear miss brooks I 1 have long ions beens been a reader and admirer ot of your yo ur department and often thought of coming to you with rny my troubles lea I 1 want the nong none beautiful mabel claire it Is an ait old song afons and one never hears bears it these daysi days but I 1 think it one of the best ever composed I 1 dont suppose you have it but perhaps some of your readers will send it in IA I 1 will reciprocate in any way I 1 can with best beat wishes I 1 am yours truly OLD BACHELOR smackover Smack over ark As your letter will circulate over many states let us hope someone will wil I 1 receive it because my readers are very generous with the necessary time and patience it takes taken to send them in I 1 have received many in this way and am indeed grateful to everyone who has contributed these much desired and hard to find songs and poems dear miss brooks I 1 hava been reading your corner bo be tween you and me and find you are very good in answering questions so I 1 would like you to tell me what can remove freckles and what would bo be a good answer to a person when he says dont kid rne me 11 hoping to see BOB my answer in the next paper and thanking you in advance I 1 am yours truly V K X georgetown ida my dear I 1 answered your letter personally so so I 1 might give you the information reg regarding aiding your freckles but the letter was returned to me marked mark eJ luri unclaimed so now it if you did not give your correct name and address pleasa do so if you wish this information 2 there seem to be much to say when you are addressed thusly except possibly why not or did you think that was what I 1 was doing or something similar it seem to call cali for much of an answer hope you will never have any worse troubles than this virginia but it if you do come again dear miss brooks I 1 am truly grateful to you and also the kind utah reader for sending rat md the poem unawares I 1 see I 1 sent the wrong title but it Is the very poem I 1 have been trying for several severa I 1 years to get will you please tell me a good game to play at house parties wishing you much success in your good work I 1 am A B moore idaho I 1 am so glacel you enjoyed the poem A B and I 1 am sure the one who sent aena it will be made happy when she reads how long you have been trying to got get it you do not avy sa y for what age or how large a party so I 1 will try to give one tor for young people and one for grown ups for the elders we will call it 11 A baby party when inviting your friends request them to bring with them their baby photograph or the ear liest one they have collect them its aa the gueste guest arrive number them and give each guest abst a sheet heet of paper with numbers co corresponding responding to the numbers on the photograph display them in a convenient place so BO all al may scrutinize carefully and they are then requested to write thenamae the name of the owner of each photograph A prize may be offered for the he greatest number of correct guesses the same idea may be used to arrange P partners for refreshments lot let the men select a photograph from a basket where they are turned face down he then proceeds to find the owner for the younger 0 ones nes let it be the following arrange tho the players according to size the largest first each stands with tits or her hands on the shoulders of tho the person ahead the smallest player last the largest player then attempts to catch the smallest one this the others endeavor to prevent by twisting and turning in such a u ch a way as to keep th tho end farthest from the pursuer I 1 hope this will help you and am sorry to keep you waiting so long always enclose full name and address which will insure a more prompt reply than through the paper as so BO few can appear each week A stamped envelo envelope e should also accompany your letter tor for detailed information of this nature dear miss brooks I 1 saw in the corner your request for the poem the vace face on the barroom floor so I 1 am sen sending dirig it hoping it will be the right one 1 1 I was born the of august 1000 what is in my do day y colors and stone 2 could auld you give roe ma my zodiac reading hoping I 1 am not too much trouble I 1 remain your friend BLACK EYES idaho thank you so very much dlack blac k eyes for the poem your day ls Is sunday and january and october your months the tha Is your stone 2 no dear this Is out of my line entirely my dear miss brooks Brool cs will you please answer the following questions 1 should you go gi with a buy boy when you are 14 years old 2 should a girl be in love with a bo boy y a at t the age of 14 years 3 how should sh 0 id a girl comb her hair at the age of 14 years 4 how old should you be to go to the dances your truly MISS P H P F homedale idaho 1 I 1 no indeed you should have no thought of 0 boyo at 14 but have your entire mind on your studies and school work 2 how absurdly of course not how coald you 3 8 A style I 1 think ivay very becoming and ana Is la to ivay upcoming simple comb it back from the face in any manner which Is in becoming to your particular features bring it together at the back braid a few inches and fasten VI with ith a barette leaving the curled onda ends free A girl g arl of fourteen should not dress her hair in any extreme tyle style such euch ag a ear puffs or roughed in enormous kufs at the side aide of the head always th the film pie girlish tyles styles aro in better taste 4 sixteen or seventeen Bov enteen to Is quite young enough to KO go to dances dancea and than not the th public dunce hall girls dear miss apas brotha would 0 you gleaso guib ment invitations me menu aal tor for EL a formal breakfast to catl N honor of a senior clas cloan a tl members what day of the P 1 l doo dec 8 1004 and also aug 28 26 in 01 are tho the bucky d days ays months 1 for these dates NV we n 4 thank fa an k hn y g c for your invitations invitation i iiA fl f ol lowing our I 1 ed dear miss smith bor B I 1 shall ahall be very pleased please 1 I it or coq me the pleasure ot of your V breakfast ast at twelve corn cann onti day march the t wenty twenty eighth on sincerely your I 1 8 de decorate corato your room and athi alow flowers ere if possible tho the table B at ai I 1 snowy linen cover a bowl orb f resh fresh flowers flower cut glass elass trays or radishes olives and salted to ad 1 and peppers and the breakfast break fatt sit SIB complete the table furnishing furnis hint gin your breakfast with gra grant seeded beaded cut and sugared served own skin follow this thin with ajel dell browned flah fish with sho shoestring estaing tolka ns ci eggs and hot rolls come ll 11 denb V pre com compacted compan panted led by a lettuce NV with i th t tibia salad conserva with choose cheese ani anier st thin biscuit and coffee ahk th course cobrae A selection on the pla piano iba tr cal number with a recitation atio oril orr tiBy fed 01 may furnish tho tha onte 0 tur comber cembor 8 1004 tell fell on august 28 26 on saturday I 1 find tl icib ve for one born in august t lg az it months january and october V ren Ic 0 rod red and green for december th taking la Is the day february and juh juniah months colors gold red and gree Krei kreier iR i be photographed on your derthd ly ilk HB studios so main mai n salt t L lk lake B hi bi |