Show resolutions resolutions of respect adopted by the daughters of tile the utah pioneers of the garfield county camp february 1923 on the death ot of sister rhoana hatch henrie henne ne who was called home february 1923 chatin that inasmuch in as much as one of our noble pioneer women has gone to that reward she so justly merits we tile the daughters of the garfield county camp do sincerely sin cerly feel the loss of our oldest honorary member who was an ideal wife mother homemaker and friend her sweet face her bar kindly smile and warm sympathy were ever appreciated by those with chome she bame came in a col contact atac itac RESOLVED that we the daughters of the utah pioneers of the garfield county camp extend to her family and relatives our expressions of tender sympathy on this occasion RESOLVED that in the death of this noble woman the church has lost one of its most faithful members and the community one of its best beloved citizens F SOLVED RESOLVED E that we endeavor to emulate her virture vir radiate the be same spirit of love and smile in kindly greeting to all we meet |