Show GUU emu p q R el A z U rh tv I 1 t A L HARD ROADS SAVE automobile WEAR the owner ovner C of f tin nn automobile would no doubt lie be greatly astonished by tho result it if tie ho were to stop anti figure how ho much lie was vas losing because of bint bad roads aronds anti and how enuch lie he would save RUC it if ho he could always drive on hard roads take gasoline for instance you can go 12 miles on a gallon of gasoline on a bad rond and 15 on a hurl hard surface at 25 cents it gallon and tin nn average of 20 miles it 11 adny fly or nilles in the ten months touting tout ing season you ou tire losing 20 0 ft year car if you travel on and ronda roads on tile lie question of tire tins ono one tire manufacturing company has tho the following to alle while nilles which holcli we ne guaran tee Is speaking tile most that can be holded for on ordinary ronda roads it la Is not too much minh to say that tho the avei ngo ago tire will n glo give nearly twice tills this amount on roads such us its they fire building in ili california in other words cords miles will he be tile life of it n rood good tiro tire when han tile aronds tire I 1 lint they should be while Q only hall of that mileage Is now tho ho average with etli good luck on tile the present condition of roads louds on tile tho subject of depreciation on oil your hiir machine a n loading leading auto truck manufacturer says ans we know kno tin na n general rule that tin nn average of I 1 11 ll 13 1 3 per cent of the V po tent itil economic life of it motor truck li Is abstracted by the pounding and crys augmenting effects of poor roads na as against hard roada cut the tire lind depreciation figures into two or three parts if you ou wish and the tie result will still astonish you add to the loss on gasoline and de dc tion the loss ot of oil anti and then add to that flie value added to your sour machine by your urea area of truffle and the comfort and pleasure which you will all derive nil fill from tile the smooth road II finally nally figure tile the number of anto automobile toni to obIle owners in your sour county or state and when lian y you ou get through you yon NN appreciate that this loss would build hundreds of miles of hard roi roads I 1 ds every year |