Show how colonial postal system was organized sed I 1 in the english colon colonies lei lu in america before 1039 such postal facilities as 8 existed were supplied by private enter enterprises primes in 1080 the general court ot of massachusetts took the first step toward the eat ot of a government postal batem system IQ in virginia each planter was required to convey the dispatches as they arrived to the next plant plantation atlon and so on in 1072 the government of new york established ft a monthly mall to boston and this practice was waa followed in other colonies benjamin franklin was identified with the early interests of the colonial post 0 office hice in n 1737 he be was waa appointed postmaster of philadelphia in the do de livery of letters letter by penny pont poat was begun in 1755 the th colonies combined to establish their own post office and to pay the necessary officials tb the continental conors cong rs appointed a con committee to devise a postal system which went into effect july 20 26 1775 benjamin Fi franklin anklin was waa unanimously appointed postmaster general |