Show TROPIC we had a very pleasant visit from the Cann cannonville onville missionaries millard hatch and ami clarence foy sunday wo we always getting acquainted quain inin ted with new people especially good ones A street meeting was held friday nil all tho the missionaries being present A largo large crowd assembled to hear what they had to say many being from cann cannonville onville jesse L jolley orpha cope marvin Beck beckstrom and leo barton went to and sunday on sunday school work the high school students paid a visit to the water canyon covo cove saturday it Is interesting to visit such places the alie ice formations are won delful and if boys and girls who visit this little fairyland will have respect for others and not destroy what there Is to be seen it will bo be a wonderland up tip to may 1 spine lay day we expect to have a good road running up tip to the cave so that thousands can come and see N the primary association gave a childrens dance thursday night free dancing refreshments fishing games gaines and ana other games made up the evenings enter ta anni ent we never know how children appreciate such treatment chester of panguitch Pan gultch Is the guest of mr air and atra john hutch this week starns Afe echain returned homo home friday front from glendale ile he and ernest riggs have a mall mail contract in that lt section lamar bybee whose marriage waa reported in last weeks paper gaved gave i us ua a redl real surprise lemar Is ia a clean i young man of good habits and will I 1 make the lady from glendale Glen dalo a fine husband we too all join in wishing them success and happiness as they cross that endless sea of matrimony 1 francis hatch returned home saturday from coyote with a load of 1 hogs tor for harmon walter munson who has been in american fork since july is home 1 ngaio happy and contented charley and wife of villo were yi visitors here this week the streets streeta are dry and sporting is now in order horse and toot foot racing Is the big feature the 75 yard dash between sears willis of and leo munson of tropic was won by sears the 60 yard dash h between lawrence I 1 adair and joseph A ott was won by lawrence george 11 mecham met with a very painful accident this week by falling from a ladder ladde while cutting utting down a tree ile he is able iao however wever to be up and around i jim baugh and arr orren e n made a flying trip flip io to Cann cannonville onville sunday myron bybee is home again the ward choir gave a real party lr in the hall tuesday miss rhea cope cop e entell entertained the following in a w picnic party thursday lucille lynn gean fean by bybee ee delma barton garna lloyd norman laile littlefield r elmo munson E earl arl partridge igo ray munson and arbon arben jalley |