Show GATE MADE HANDY FOR HOGS permits small animals to pass pasa through but horses and crittle are kept out I 1 am sending diagram ID and description of a gate which we have used with much success for about twenty years to allow hogs hoga through but not cattle or horses writes F bolln of kansas in the prairie farmer this gate can be of any length or height desired and as shown the vertical dents ore are ninde made long enough to catch on bottom board of fence fedee to prevent pushing and breaking but if wanted to work both ways the lower projections wilt will have to be cut cat off it will be better however to keep the gate ente looked hooked down and when wanted 0 trap gate in fence allows hogs oi or small animals to pass through but prevents cattle and horses from passing supply fasteners so ao that gate may ge be hold held open or closed closel as desired tor for passing stock through to raise gate up and hook it out of the way we generally make such a gate out of I 1 by 6 rough cypress and about 4 feet high spacing cracks from bot boin up tip 2 3 and IS fi inches |