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Show A MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. The governor in his first message to the thirty-lirst legislature wieely recommends re-commends the paseage of a law making mak-ing it possible to utilize the liberal appropriations ap-propriations already mady by the general government to establish here in Utah a military system which will be a credit as well as bulwark of safety for the new state so soon to be fashioned from the fair proportions of the territory. "We feel sanguine that the legislature will enthusiastically adopt this recommendation without - -delay. ' He is a wiee statesman who yet baa hia eyes upon the uplitting of I ' the masses of the people; who en- courages the up-growth of the military J spirit, Nothing does this more efficiently or perfectly than a wisely jf fashioned state military establishment. I No people having a taste for a military i affairs can be successfully enslaved, J while a people devoid of that spirit are careless of their riehts and liberties and are too inert and spiritless to do battle for them. "We are quite sur e - that the people of Utah have this spirit to a degree sufficient to place an active Tnilitia force in the field if occasion demanded of fully twenty thousand 6trong. The way to do thi3 is to organize orga-nize a military department according to the best models obtainable, uniform uni-form arm and equip it in everyway upon the best models, or strictly upon that of the United States. If this is done, be assured that the young men, , -- the manly young men of Utah, will fill the ranks with some of the finest young soldiers ever organized by any of the states, The young n gentlemen of the B. Y. academy , would - lead the van, and thus-, would be, utilized the fundamental principles of the mil-, itary art which are taught in that wonderfully won-derfully perfect system of education. Let us not forget that in case of a war with any of the first-class maritime mari-time powers of earth, our extensive J Pacific coast line would lay invitingly epen to attack. A he.;vy force of the enemy thrown upon the shore any where in California or the states north on the coast, would make tor the interior in-terior with rapid strides. Such is the nature of the country that the slope states must ever remain bat sparsely settled, as compared with the Mississippi . valley 6tates so that a perfect organization and training of the militia would form a nucleus for a volunteer army, and become of the gravest importance. If' the thnty-nrst legislature lovas and would Eecure the safety of the charming homes of fair Utah, it will act promptly upon the wise suggestion of the governor and at once pass all Jaws necessary to carry it out upon a liberal and scientific Bcale. Let the statesmanship of Utah not under-rate the military spirit of her young men. Let it encourage this spirit, foster and assist it in every way. We would see 1 Utah excel in everything and build up a militia here which would challenge the admiration of the country. The fathers of the present generation of young Utonians did not lack military epirit aB the past history of the territory terri-tory abundantly proves. Let the eons of these sires have a chance to Ehow the quality of the blood they have in their veins. |