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Show 1 THE FOURTHm Repubs. in the House Hide a Disjli Horse. THE SPEAKER IN SADDLE And the Party Whip Crackine Kipht MerrilyLead Mer-rilyLead and Sujrar Memorials, Ee-jmbiican Ee-jmbiican to the Core, are Crowded I Through All is Respectful in the Council. I The Salt Lake Herald in introducing its report of yesterday's proceedings of the territorial legislature refers to the majority of the house in the following language: M With shameful al use of their power, an utter disregard of all principles of courtesy, the republicans have begun I their reign over the interests of the ter- ritory of Utah, and the unfavored I masses will have no chance to be heard. I Only those who have a special indus- try which they want protected, only those who wieli to have a chance at looting the public treasury, only those who belong to the favored classes, I need expect to have a hearing. No others should apply. Emery is in the saddle, Varian and Allen are applying the whip and spur, and no member of the majority dares to fail to fall in line when the party lash curls and cracks about their ears. Everything must give way before the behests of the bosses ." The result of their private caucus is then giyen by the Herald and their high-banded and utterly unfair proceedings pro-ceedings in the house are detailed. Following is condensed routine report of proceedings in both houses. IN THE COUNCIL. President Breeden introduced C. R No. 15, for an act to create a territorial board of horticulture and defining its duties, the board to consist of F. J. Kiesel. Peter lowe, C. H. Humstin--s. , )erg-, John C. Herman and Thomas '' Judd, for the first term of office, the I offices to be filled later by appoi ntment by the governor. President Breeden aleo introduced council bill No. 16, providing for the amendment of subdivision 7, section 3429, complied laws, so that the section will read: ''If the judgment debtor is the head of a family, all of bis earnings earn-ings for personal services, less than $100, when it appears by the debtor's affidavit that such earnings are neces- ' 8ary for the use of the family sup- K ' , ported wholly or in part by his . labors." H. J. M. No. 8. relating to escheated property of the church of Latter-day saints was read the second time and the th'rd and passed by a unanimous 1 yote. 1 II. B. No. 1, was amended to provide ' that salaries be paid only for actual - time employed, and passed on third reading. H. Ji. No. 9, was read the second time and referred to committee on ap-V ap-V propriations. J ) A message was received from the ! governor calling attention to the re ports of the Utah Territorial Loan commission and the biennial report of the commissioner of schools of their r respective committees. I TO VISIT THE REFORM SCHOOL. A communication was received from president of the board of trustees of the reform school, inviting the council to visit the institution at its earliest , a" convenience. Accepted. V A communication was received from W. II. Bancroft, genereal superintendent superinten-dent Union Pacific, tendering the courtesies of the company on the occasion oc-casion of the council's visit to the agricultural college at Logan. Accepted. Ac-cepted. Claims against the territory were presented bv Henry Cohn & Co., for $270 and J. C. Watson for $120 and were referred to the committee on claims. IN THE HOUSE. There was much useless discussion and a disgraceful amount of bulldozing. bulldoz-ing. Tolton presented a claim of R. R. Turner, sheriff of Beaver county. Referred. Re-ferred. The committee on judiciary reported recommending that the bill to make eight hours a legal day's labor pass. Pigman presented a bill to allow barber shops to keep open on Sunday. Referred. . Allen presented a resolution allowing Utah's World's fair exhibit to be taken to the midwinter fair without cost to the territory. Mason, by request, presented a bill prohibiting attorneyB-alaw. from be-, coming sureties. Referred. .. Sears presented a bill designed to remedy the Bbort-cominjrs of the law on the redemption of real property, by making it obligatory on the treasurer to give a redemption receipt that may be made of record. There is now no provision for 6uch a document. Johnson lmrouceu a Dill uesignea to tax mortgages and to repeal the laws on that subject passed by the laBt legislature. leg-islature. Referred - Johnson introduced an act to create the office of watermaster and to fix his duties. Referred. Parsons introduced a memorial to congress, urging the opening of the Uncomoahgre and Uintah Indian reservations. res-ervations. The memorial on statehood reported bacK by the committee, was taken up and passed unanimously. Then came the lead memorial, and a whole ocean of discussion covering the grounds that divide the two political parties and the phraseology used. Powers did not believe that statements should be made w ithout due consideration. consider-ation. He was not prepared to admit that the Wilson bill would strike down the lead mining, in this territory, and was not prepared to eay that its passage pas-sage would bring our laborers into direct di-rect competition with Mexican cheap labor. He does not believe in the tax ation for the benefit of any class as a principle, but wants Utah to be benefited bene-fited if th ere is to be any incidental protection. Others spoke for and against, and the memorial passed, the democrats voting no, the other not voting. vot-ing. The silver memorial setting forth that demonetization of silver has wrought stagnation in business and urging the immediate remonetization of silver at a ratio with gold of 16 to 1 was taken up and passed with a unanimous unan-imous vote. The sugar memorial wae taken up and passed by the republicans voting in the affirmative, the democrats in the negative. Powers explained he is in favor of home industries, but not in favor of the measure before the house. Hubbard made the same explanation. Stoker explained that he believes that bounties are unconstitutional. The memorial wants congress to retain re-tain the bounty of two cents per pound on American made sugars. |