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Show PROBATE NOTICE-IN THE PROBATE Court in and for Utah County, Territory of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Benjamin M, Roberts deceased. Order appointing time and place for settlement settle-ment of final account and to hear petition for distribution. On reading and filing the petition of Benjamin Ben-jamin M. Roberts jr., administrator of the estate of Benjamin Roberts deceased, setting forth that be has filed his final account of his administration upon said estate in this court that all the debts haye been fully paid, and that a portion of said estate remains to be divided among the heirs of said deceased, and praying among other things for an order al-lowirg al-lowirg said final account and of distribution of the - residue ot said estate among the per sons entitled . It is ordered that all persons; in terestPd iD the estate of the said Benjamin; M. Roberts deceased, be and appear before the probate court of the county of Utah, at the courtroom of said court, in the county court house, on the 20th day of January 1894, at 10 o'clock a, m, then ' and there to show cause why an order allowing said final account and of distribution should not be made of the residue of said estate among the heirs and devises of the Bald Benlamin M. Roberts, deceased, according to law. It is further ordered that the Olerk cause notice to be posted in three public places in Utah county and a copy ;o this order to-be published in The Dispatch, a newspaper, printed and circulated in Utah county, four weeks successively prior to said 20th day of January, im, J. D. JONES, Probate Judge. Dated December 22, 1893. I Territory op Utah, I Cocntv of Utah. ( BH I, V. L. Halliday, Clerk of the Probate Court In and for Utah county. Territory of Utah, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the original order appointing ap-pointing time and place for settlement of final account and to hear petition for distribution in the estate of Benjamin M.Roberts.deceased, and now on file and of record in my office Witness my hand and the seal of said court, at my office In Provo City, this 22d (sbal.J day of December, A: D. 1993, V, L, HaujIoay, Clerk Qf the Probate Court,UUlj county, U,!. f |