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Show • 7 •1. 1 * ARMY CHINA'S MODERN HAS JUAN SAN THE * * UTAH BLANDING, BLADE. AIRPLANES • - 4t China taken at far awakened Nanyuan barracks, has so the PRICES that her Peking, FRANCE IN armies are being Lieutenant shows MOUNT with modern the Hotchkiss equipped Pan testing airplanes. pound, CLOUDS cent*-in TO on gun but The photog machine. his usually franc=20 cost a Artichokes can be shops. bought at 40 to 50 range, but usually Salad, which before Except Everything Rents Have Apartments of Gone Fine 105 Up TO JUMP Meats the Head Not Far PER 200 TO List; Behind Clothing but Big 1s of -Scarcity Factor Ore., Is Cost the France lIe is One single item excepted,, everything 'in France has ndvanced from, 25 three years. 200 to due to the fact that Americans, off to United 1014, and who formerly had no French people handsome longer places pocially afford with coal almost and with the greater one can find a was. ever handsomely apartment of coven rooms with building, or more lira fine modern all Improvements, at a cheuper. rental than the place would have cost un furnished furnished would before the also an And nutoniatic brand radiators with pipes with striction. And -that from Women's shoes, too, ducks, double, A to it up, girl every is almost servants. are demand by Belgians and in refusces, porth the of who were cent exactly increased ago. Today a line yearly instead of 400 year a francs unlimited calls--but scriber must for for pay the wiring by the electrician: Bread is pay alone French, five sous, or one sou. But noted: was soggy. It nation no or and installs life of of 6. cost is the be to shortage sous before Brie, + selected cheeses war, 1s have on the Potatoes sold are doubled fetching 12 to and Beans potatoes the table, In Is will It in and be re the bread and and served better will can sters on street nt BUT SHE IS NOT either or red white. 00 centimes, or same wine will the franc, 1.25 probably af CHINESE and possibly one after on the has bottle receives Pouly charge of the paid five and returns he it two rental for sous better increase from In the wine price, zone difficulties dry champagne that cost 12 the war. now commauds to francs, and the a franc or only E Meat case, Price has doubled and Increased: •Pork takes the often costing centimes, 60 ham and bacon hibitive prices, eat people much as Veal them. will u half: a gunstor. cost francs a!rpiut.e. from three and kilo--two pounds soared Hoer has and a costing four, five, ' mistake purely about Oriental, at three and an. even short contingent a * CAUSES OF the of our troops "STRATEGIC fighting marching men through roused thec RETREAT" London usually phlegmatic city and, inset, "ACE" the king and to queen RAOUL LUFBERY 60 a ride Horse cabs cost as SO decrepit one only rides that amusement, it of not really to in them get any kinds all and cents almost everywhere and Lodging rates have since the one of francs a 20 hare advanced 2 soda costs Whisky served. is In of little Prices. advanced war, best hotels day and up. a room 14 to 16 one can find in and By quarters for and francs. of a the the but -legged on don of She Is Washington, can all the don the is Barnett of your was taken tume ball at charities, at this girl. sit Leila she the can't Gor the "The which best * riod of however, It saving of tiding them is stress. is the photo Pier for posits staggering Indemnity it in In the cos QUALITY amount No inherent pen almost in he had of Germany's debt for, person average French Need Failure economic We out 18 must ob honrding of put a teapot and must of respect own stand back, Pap or Uncle Jobe and be there to de He must doesn't boy personality and destiny. He depending ou to, give him him if help from: German the he or knowledge force of to much. he hasn't how or won't, minourt pelling has he ntakes. no. high up society within him the im his individuality he if "Go Don't wait portunity. Pitch in on at heart, to a work. so already.-Ohio if A lately al rubbers, one asked: him, sir, what To whichever pation. he "Madam, sell lower' some-, pound." is the mindful immediately the best than one Lieut. Raoul the Lafayette of E the Aights in was /aerial two battles of more than a has dozen made seven he days and engaged in single day. a "ace* who in five stomach like 3 lost ladies, Ostrich The old an stake premler: escadrille, man airplanes. Recently ladies of Lufbery, brought down several where, having or "Pray, failure A with whist the relies. Shop. of addressing with and who half game three done some eminence of company in dozen Journal. Talking •butcher is op a mind boy State on fail it The else Don't forever clean • advice success. and necessary, if some one. two Whepever much dad. at It how ask falls. failure.' only into boost himself. the is materialize a 'is a now." will: he assist he money A his thing times for himself. his | brave aspirit boy take. every not not wonton see on enormous the to work hurts, -the Himself Has the Merit Reliance. to cracked stocking. the like develop it proof is SUCCESS up the spirit of Henley's lines: Not in any rash or boastful way, but difference. i Who. would WINS Consider Self- lacking that the French strong box is the same today as it always has been for THAT One 50 subsisting on what he what he or she draws, French banks, news. at plate. a expectation trained the ordinary French raising it in the by on res: Another "strategic" German, retreat is the burden of Flunders. A glance at these busy British guns banging away will trenches show the reason for the strategy. over this pe France surprised As 1871 in have or she has and George sou at a time, from the A wife of. other years, Despite the annual accounts that would decent francs. years, so the surprising even servers today by Ameri you Narragansett attire, Chi Miss Mrs. ple saddled keeping Gor S. is só eyes. Barnett. graph Chinese and of daughter Washington, Major General local Miss and it 15 all, Bismarck is a day the pose isn't or no: is the table through. way believe yet the all. always there Chinese that--and in war * bath franco francs, one and cost In the 90 to. 100 00 at couple the hotels as a room a for bad month. All thrift clothes are ller nose to a for are ed to 14 are of veal than much Before 20 are before regis amount less will cost, with taurants. an good wine, about 20 francs franc lamb carried has francs Dinner as and advance 25. cen say, 1 franc expects the change 75 centimes for such room rents be the favorite French meats, and they hive both doubled in price. A roast Glory satisfied with as as French 95 horses comes cross few to 85 the the ting .then up for and class nearly. 30 cents. Sliced are marked at pro but 2 be chop 1 a antomobiles, bath small A. of Hotel Doubled. lead, for accept he can the nearly every in the exceptions It has than: more 100 per cent: Old how clothes is of won't Usually next In of the wildest enthusiasm. photograph The shows saluting the colors, which are dipped to them. y Before of picked times. of times a dater Meat their suit even the sweeter. Farleties so cheaper. and the ing or uniforms clothes. cent Ile a 18 their forgotten sight The all civilian Food the francs & up bending almost centime piece, which registers that any other section armies where there Industry. the Good are fore it are good and whereas three-piece outfit for 120 francs. per 15 Drinks or the of if or francs-40 greater especially Champagne In the the francs big 1.60, of up, that another Is having, the where No chauffeur steadily. bottle. The -is one is also Tobacco prices have been advanced three times since the war by the French government. usually back, there: 150 are be are garment where. army. And sous deposit three sous explaining merchant wine for the silk, prices market making make war a for a/deposit must be left on all hot ties because there: is a great shortage bottle with: manufacturers working entirely have a haul. and almost to out be least- dye year ago a purchased tered. Today cost. who of the reason for this although the strin• be cutters 10 R bought cents, girls than 200 francs increased price The worth energies come. fresh. be could 12 n tips Wine, next to bread, 1s essential at French table, and here one sharp advance in cost. Before the bottle war of, fair vin ordinaire, for even to cents sell price as suits anything ad Fresh huck from purchased be the have the a to Increased cost of gasoline and tires has caused 8. 25 per cent In advance taxicab rates. But, the increase in vege popular less y the man could francs. and Solasons, green, beans, beans, lima white beans and matoes. suits poor given is for the varieties their wool to the pretty Alen's tailors price, to tailored a is could and an ** third. Men's and in the the n it pald for can be hought ($40) ready made. Milk of all as up in bulk probably beans are hard to get and 30 10. 40 per vanced cont. each LONDON IN gowns and advanced sharply, raw gency. cause. the string to ENTHUSIASM night for sous this in this ROUSES GLORY Wages. quotation Women's other at n. for curds OLD al who because advance, weight, loaf allotted A 38 and the and sharp 8 boost handwork, for or artists High wages the are kilo sous New the doubled. by although when with bread camps war could these articles Paris much cheaper than York. Today, owing to the was trebled 18 vie amount Prince of in and and risen sour of ciga them a supply Cantacuzene of Russia," conditions in Russia. 3-Sentry bringing is advanced have to have which 6 long rather that the bought advanced is up to 9, 10 and 11 sous a litre, but it 18 a heavier, creamier milk than oue usually finds # in York New have before increased and to robes in Tuesdays Cumembert duced. for motortrnel Grant and duughter because of unsettled S. before 36 the nerve underwear, strong popular and milk, the high Due cheap price Swisse," "petit today. 3 them Silk can the so lack the do In that listed 8 as no be to there advanced It. it at the U. been brought to America of the National army. has brother cantonment for Gen. - boudoir not: of the of :. * * are sous each. pow work and of rush mad a higher. chick turkeys likely 5 crop longer the won which France for dark, smaller. whiter cent, and in restaurants, be served and all butcher shops are closed. Cheeses have advanced sharply due a day old before Deing understood that when the goes be is is per staple is is and will other who 22 Good socks and stockings are most? impossible. to find in Paris pound ronating chick unknown here--will. are" has no meat time, and one-fifth "pain" It and sold. tumn It white sub Instrument staff exactly the the bread has buys still the One derful the truly wind price. in sister one making granddaughter sharply. of has dairies. -with and from arrive dally. Telephones costs: 600 well those France of large, batches 60 per the two, the her in guard great the during day. frunes. 18 wonderful one, on four rooms, even hand, hnve mounted or other They Dearer. apartments for Rentals French a three- 4 Fish to. Apartments Small on ad France in Barbie, rarely districts, fresh, Eggs, strictly sous apiece, and since cold storage in France gas is which poorer month. | achieved twou in Tity, wuges because on Mondays open quality fabulous is thut at geese, * to cost house three, 10 and And the ts cost a years good meat, Rabbits--always vanced. 50 have and good foot. marks on an average old water, to even Horse no: hot sixteen and kilo, find, grades of a to er factories Impossible marked francs has soldiers, 1-American rettes.-2-Princess who with clothing francs now work, amount consumed. per cost are water. at to war miles on 3 ol years, with shoes showing pronounced increase, duet the leather shortage because of the army's demands. Ordinary high shoes francs. not very price the hot positions munition the priced makes six per couple women often does the desire three a 3 Dowd hent, on with one But elevator-of medium which nO electricity art war. his SO article. Couturieres of the Rue de la Paix world-wide reputation haves not per for robes, cent to prices much two francs advanced tailored suits. There has and a half a kilo. - The usual sausages, dresses and and other incrense, but even be patos, concoctions made heen a certain the the fore war these "creations" from melt fragments are double were to a Germans. or for men enten even in advanced 20. a question it than go as sum. upkeep, impossible servant problem Today the two for hard homes of in and in for recruit. any youthful walks two miles dully and six of for thousands soug, enlist earnest expensive last the most to army the franc. war three de August, in ex States fight was bought and Cheap as chiefy-pack States of the an for both: men and vanced steadily in that thousands their subleasing can last Item which has war began, and of enough be apiece, sous In 1014; today It' will cost 8: or 10 sous. Romaine is also very high. Green peas have not advanced as sharply n's the other vegetables, but the is limited. demand apart only the the the large rent foreignersed in The is the ments creased since Is percent had to as enlist Paris- KAISER and wants United to Living. of not has citemeut La Increased in THE "young," and fought in the In Civil wars, - - "Uncle" dian and John Dowd Sr. of Willamina, E bor FIGHT now enough Lettuce sons could WANTS Portland, Ore. he -Although one hundred and Ave years 1% CENT OLD, YEARS Under War. 25 is cheap, centimes around a now?" his replied: rump I cannot and ninepence a suw ostrich," mark. for Eats Anything. about "A not is the altogether ostrich will anything, including nails They or. demand other given a and she'l beside eat the literally and ginan. large gritty quantities of gravel substances, and are regular ration every noon. of broken bone |