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Show 1' 4 N; + REMEDY GUARANTEED ASTHMA A FOR Love He a In oft, broken is understand. She--Oh, SCHIFFMANN'S they could was the reason?. satisfied were both live on but when R ASTHMADON yes. He--What She--Why, by your druggist Your MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED without any question if this remedy does nut every case of Asthma, Bronehlal Asthma, Hay matter how Fever or Difäcaltor Breathing. obstinate the case violent the attacks they love got to in Will that cottage, a details they covered that of each them plated supplying nothing but A Counter. an Poor expert don't believe it. "He's "I with the him dis the There man a Is. no is played place like, golf 15 Contents * worked the Infants and Children. Know Mothers CASTORIA Genuine by hand, Beer A Vegetable waist ran That the Stomachs ting ways. they skirt to hem, but round the figure, very CastoriaAlways tunic, INFANTS Bears - nor neither Opium, Morphine Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC SAMUEL Old De. must the Use * Feverishness For OF SLEEP LOSS Infancy. therefrom -in Over YORK. Women will be hind the Drive driving military French front. have tried ning of the war mobile service. Automobile was motor since to enlist The auto of center in Paris who motor cars. The of the gistance them back held until women are foreign. war in Cutting it pictures "I this those to persons, letsure they drivers in men Later: in other in their they do people motion to unkind they of about than Girls. can't always to lead him to can be led, make while drink altar. the 1," CLEAR and to the almost the to is for styles. and to The worn pretty some of the 19 a little said over You clever-girl to like three or are all obliged with Cuticura -Ointment, five minutes hot water, with and table with through winning Boston. A don. try village, come and Soap bathing influence extends by mail of she Shades. remain point; tain and repeated if often at wrote sergeant him him with note: may of a she if to said I'm well tell useful--feed the and cells." the On soldier ation every where by folks who find that dis coffee agrees. sees the even ' Reason" by is a censor's many the engrained gave this at home his have his as to fists and think he is right. all to with put political go with who model this it will we course gO are that can and people grumblers. Don't life Sick Many Women in Health by that gain Pinkham's veil This the is which woman renches mentions It. certain dark material. or of some of various Illustrated was houses, blues, and made of early this line admirably is American for sort of winter or And the year. suitable American practical, give last short year. Chez cloth, is paci-, rough I Red shot - of gray,: taf se autumn the The material reality camel's monk's is the cloth affections and also of I do not the 1 ; 32. which out aver tunics do not startled us plenty of of which cloth, is new some which hair cloth. The a heavy material a but weather. leading that three, by from helped her. I decided health, so I now light as I O. M. Mrs. Lindsey a low I state of dull, had tired, could severe case of ulceration an and it invalid, but I garden in the as though Compound try it restored my have a little and it, my boy House some, saved it him told get three Fine Floating am I my life I and hands awhile. wait keep have and feet for got this LINDSEY, R. of the hat and fastened at the are and they be may be universally becoming. made of spotted tulle. or of sian for net, with of a embroidery, border of You said They which masked the Small Pill are Small fine Rus-| filmy lace wearing were Lydia E. fuce should be. face be Villiers is upper part of the visible. which is as why should a pretty For hidden, in in Boston the to 3, dressmakers. blue with frocks. a string reality.--Idolia contrast of letter held in and it well with that the CARTERS Iron of the colorless Him Give Would in reason faces Ga' + Medi be Pills That Makes Life bears Rounder--This gas CARTER'S the for but Living signature the •bill Lie. is Chronic only $4.20. My writ cook." people Indigestion. eat your * and have cake Force of' singer knows how know. 'She ought to er than the suits consciousness me," growled of It long the dyspepr rather people than self tic." I've A woman thought she would was tallor made made. Practice. to manage range." "She can't "I have It wife keeps the bills, and I've been her Ing her that during absence spent all' iny evenings at home. %, PILLS It.* Clerk- Well, sir? Rounder--Better make summer "You 20. cents. her IRON most pale-faced de tone and Remedy Genuine PILLS. feel others Worth •ITTLE work. I opened, confidence. strict A and Tennille, will Liver be Dose many Herald. beads Little a always druggist. Pinkham Your IVER ABSENCE "That. or to bad Small Price reils it face; this season is the chin and throat that hide behind the very trans parent inask. But in either case the whole woman a by Happy to drawing. Pale black chenil spotted with and finished off with a hem of. black chantilly are quite the rage at Biarritz and at Deauville this season. we Cannot and very indicated In the heliotrope tulle veils season Mass. I Constipated as Last write Lynn, Carter's back. the long end of the vell being wound the around neck, one end falling over the right shoulder. Floating veils of this order fashionable, answered advice nearly I medicine. R. I in. Compound seven recommended it E. W. I Our Vegetable house ago three doctor said operation I would thankful so for Pinkham's E. Now me. house The an to benefited" years keep cold is old.» Seven:.. Veil. ered and attached to a: relvet band -which was supplied with an invisible pressure button nt the ends. This vel vet band was passed around the crown years Penn. For to all. wanted I Lydia too. at without been and which housework Ridgway, feelings, sleep and cured entirely dizzy was me of unable I had all was I scarcely husband to my has and Vegetable do' Keeps health and be Now over work. told eight time read The • female for my sister-in-law to RHINES, doctors -"I want to tell you how much I have been Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound. About E. such when used to be When Try Smarting No Druzeista Your Eyes Need Care Murine Eye Remedy or Just mall. Eye Write Comfort for Froa cents RYe Book. 50 MURINEEYE REMEDY CO., CHICAGO - - suffered different Pinkham's If you want special (confidential) Co. cine Wear navy. "I E. the all place the Parisian suppose the - Ga. the family. is The general to Beer I saw and also suitable only for cold blue serge still holds age got in our . ur. Fact.. of Women. which monk's called In real but effect fine-faced Lydia they have Everything thin. and entirely the by conceivable woman. tall Mrs. Tennille, In by E.. Compound.. This how Lydia - advised this late Penn. treated not of excellent an of getting discouraged em almost use Lydia I was finely a Proof Ridgway, is shades best prepared models times you?" a trimmings Re-. trouble with backache and pain in my side not seven months so could do any of my needs it Condition Taking will cloth. by have that : 11 L Convincing pecu for this Vegetable. .. is has slightly it. And colors 50c. and $1.00 at Druggists, per so inask for the lower part of th The veil itself. was slightly gath- face. was extrava floating and it had a pearl-gray tulle broidered Rem which formed light BALSAM HAIR toilet preparation merit 96 Work grace. The PARKER'S same odd!" becoming to American have always worn long veils with picturesque admirable and VACCINES & SERUMS UNDER U, 8, GOV. LICENSE For Restoring Color and Boauty to Gray or Faded Hair. Too tinished cut that are long and so beantifully the fulness at the waist seems to dis completely appear and the skirts are nearly ankle length, though not quite. is Beer not showing many of the long. round skirts of which we have He is still remaining heard so much. faithful to walking dresses are which some in to accompanied amazingly anxieties--they up course slender effect. makes for a tall and 'Some of Beer's new models are quite quiet through a .coatee age Ho understand can't got 'The of new the lined with Was fetas which showed- gleams dull rose blue. and dull The he fur which' . in After a she never prove women, N. Y. Veil. Floating have illustrated? style and it is one surely BUFFALO, even." he now I latest PRODUCING So. "Their love-making's fectly billiard-table of fern situ write, to reason: them enough is courage a have tease have week that of green silks. Suitable duties day to is saying. as every blue is called into enterprising. dressmakers. shade of trench other our vivid fur, Beer cent. with it serious a your in per me the don't, We * which CO., you cost. fascinating, not it appear collar, hood certain deed. seen green shown in the as many greens as is telling he the band so I take sense of the his thinking. in There summon up mus the method of color be dark married style large novelty heavy to. Har y Light the Canadian major, new a reduced by now has a a This Letters. Capt. a with and send, straight clean favorite liar bright cloth, is one P. more humor and matter-of-factness his letters. about One of my men, who can't write very Why a a to you pig, Writing The well, was one letter has hem -the a is. lection writes criticism. round that that stolid the through need of. keeping on that call matters for here. - two "I was told been fur notice In passing I must remark coss. billiard-green, which means the coun respectable a fice, there will You cloth might rushed uncle your as day,". original the suc •send landlady self other for lasting recuperate, "Please miss," asked ag used also. her, eyeing her confronted disapproval, "I'm the P. O. may. 1 coun• come." an ing at her "If you please, I which attractive. off to wanted her! The an ominous feel heart; says London Tit-Bits. you Ts this order this week. was material The are Box of AHelps to eradicate dandrut, at possible the Deeds of a 60c no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous eff cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and. family. It is more vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have you had Typhoid?" telling of Vaccine, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. BERKELEY, A CAL THE CUTTER LABORATORY, cer fabric Com. Store, TYPHOID:is a the roller. This is only an device, and the may injure be smallest them'. best tailors. They apply bands of all kinds and of turn-back cuffs. The contee policeman descended with stern with 18 will it 8 emergency war in very really earn more than ever necessary for me to indicate to my renders how Paris gowns may be obtained at the est and buyers of model sketched This however, she awesstricken with what that a Any at MILBURN FOSTER refuses at unrolled to have before And "you bé Doan's DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS he must. alone me, COUGHILIN, Get Doan's health. of credit." Sworn T.to before her. shade Book. necessity, with who the model was billiard-green faced and the contee was bordered with Postcard. her being and much pleased quash. plebeian ancestry actress in Lon an asking I with days later letters. Used few a labors.. her upstairs styles problem. 8t America half-worn to winter The and The police if few enables it cut he altered, up thoroughly into the front and In the stay say A you a ended to off her from uncle, face pores as Feeling her the of girl fame rest a clothe but best the JAMES wanted Window ance of having been turned up loosely. Cuticura, -Dept.-L, Jt. is not laid on the cloth in the old .It is rolled everywhere.-Adv. style. back and invisibly caught doyn here to hold it in place. young achieved Billiard-Green ex wash Illuminating - of have created by Redfern and it is an excellent ample of the fashions .of tomorrow. Very simple in outline, but so smart Soap night. "Sold An for coats very Free. smear the France ever, if am in the brought window to tain hungry mouths to. fill and 80 homeless creatures to feed and that personal expenses have become economical, vance Soap. Free sample each Address postcard, "that flavor. Costume Cloth. WAS on the the beverage with Winter you Your uncle's prepared to man, make you in if you're willing to wholesome New fur Cuticura treatment this C. officer," continue in time, party Ointment--Trial gently long 1 digging Cuticura retiring, and means 150 deserve mother, considering many many COMPLEXION On ways to many do With accustomed we "how said, But how Sleep so par in appear Indeed dinner roller Just dif enables a we his let "but was holding from toy's, 1 3: and barely brought home onto life. the last of 1913, . "Toward friend 8 persuaded me to try Doan's. Kidney point. ex it economy. again, gentleman." he, taken to the improve, however, didn't y day. a I grew hospital. was and worse I several tones best of treatment, the Despite was, confined to had convulsions and Pills and I cannot put into words they, did for me; The what first box medi helped more than all the other I had taken. cines and treatments I and from an wreck continued emaciated taken good, solid of a man I have on flesh until I now weigh 225 pounds and Unruly a "How dress now-a-days *I bed Mr. Wengatz. small, girl Bernard's Big, a guests little One terrible. puts came under my efes and attacks of dizziness often blinded "My limbs swelled me. twice normal size and I could press big dents in to the flesh. without get it. a present Recovery. bloaty kink is to insert a handy wedge, small wooden such as a match or toothpick, between the unrolled cur idea of dresses winter be you with suddenly moyen-age, neck is more In some establish other for was For a latter squad one YOUR and away "There's attached back to the old light-hearted gance of pre- war days. There The While but A em the know ,brought line: officer at this distance?. All the l'aris of fashion. dressmakers the only one not working!" and tailors of the first order are show American. these short. contees ing in their ad -Scottish girl POSTUM he trench men tenance-a V. Officers. testing "My bouse.-adv., drug play When ever. all one come CITY. reply." She But the' in "Cos he's houses affairs man A No. "Quite one was an of Us me, are their more Miss Sharpe -Some men but others must be driven. Young Sharper--Oh, yes! can rich but exploited is fashion, power. started 'all now." you wus right.. of photoplay a knew great deal neighbors' private Between and au Gossip. YORK Soldiers minutes but before practically COMPANY, lieutenant. visional the the are who services. Down moments CENTAUR The beginning invented?" like to appear spending E re were don't often is order, freezone children. a sleeveless of practice "Thirty thou you suppose some spare time before their with CASTORIA enlist for sections other on they may replace tomobile sections. spent or him to in which ty, with them economical bureaus to the ambulance to "How do skirt this having autumn made sleeveless, over there?" signa passive obliged sanitary transferred cover and now. will motor correct a hold licenses different They replace give the It men and three months to agree to submit "scrupulously to military rules and dis cipline. They and tell Effected N. Y. 114 Ave., Cypress Bronx, to stop kidneys seemed acting and the pains in back my gatz, peculiar is favor. in Feminin Club - the begin the women The fashions. effect, yet; of. nust be *Yes," Indy." and gaining be the in sand drive 'These is "Tell, tures to girls. under-bodices, THE cars. the and it -had secured of several hundred of the group, many which of bottle callus was selfish and wouldn't said "Now, Bernard," so ferent Wrapper. Doan's Holding "Without warning I' was dragged to grave malignant the brink of the trouble," Robert Wen kidney says Fifty-Fifty. to Years War Automobiles. and 200 women soon 150 Women nock surrounding skin. freezone obtained drug their straight lines or the Bernard of. trimmings, moyen-age our literally plaited And of out pain. four. Copy Life. Marvelous ! corn wholesale the elusion Thirty Bed, Barely corn the of of sash new. seen on on braidings silk ments • binonths old At 35 CENTS DOSES Exact Between round to braid for cut The round popular than of Signatare COMPANY. THE CENTAUR * sides up small Dew and worn over. with long. often trans an under-bodice parent, sleeves. This style of dress is ideal for wearing under warm wraps in the autumn or early winter. It is a comfortable, very youthful fashion and very easily achieved. C resulting 35 are corsage of invariably In Constipation lifts It so WRECK In Up Onto tender a Laid. irritating bottle Corsages. are corsages have. the A for FINGERS store will cost any drug very little but. will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one* feet. this If hasn't your druggist stocked two broideries. Remedy A helpful and Diarrhoca NEW speak is of .the A at from plaitings one at silk of the intended fine Sosa FacSimile black costumes thing Rochelle Salts Anise Seock Peppermint even they corsage was a broad peau de soie. moyen-age long-waisted Pumpkin Sand Ab: Senna and in to - of PI Horst Seed Clarified Sagar Flavor loosen callus shrivels of tunic the mixture dress had corsages, which Signature Digestion Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness and Rest. Contains Recipe of the while New Moyen-Age CHILDREN! A on there and - of to A PHYSICAL * corn, root and all, lifts right out. at. once This drug dries and simply dress down ra'n clever methods. This black lace let Apropos Bowels and One afternoon different was a Regula by theFood similating As course. an models, raspberry-red for of the two For GENT. PER ALCOHOL-3Preparation WITH or which pleased ine much, very WAS made of black and white striped char. meuse, and the stripes were arranged in For OFF How Quantities.of fine silk braidings are introduced on suits, surge braidings Drachms DROPS 900 3 Fluid CORNS Popular Be CASTORIA Net LIFT YOUR He home--when broke. 4 of Paris.--One the popular | serge, in a Let folks step on your feet hereafter; most good quality, will ever gO. of the shoes: novelties autumn season is t3 out of fashion, a size smalles if you like, wear for single even a sea short straight coatee which is cut for corns will in never again send electric son. This sear there have been many form. sack way This smart and eminently sparks of pain through you, according difficulties in the of obtaining this useful garment promises to be univer favorite dress material.- 4ll the to this Cincinnati authority. best sally popular all through the winter. says that a few drops of a drug and it blue dyes cane from Germany, It is comfortable, practical called freezone, directly and be applied upon has taken our own people some time, coming, and is tender, instantly re then it exceedingly a aching corn, the to nchieve best results- with home and lieves soreness, soon the entire; but materials, they hare succeeded. day and the score convinced me that .he • Coatee love. other he handed in never studied UTAH without accountant." I BLANDING, contem + Cigarette, Pipe Mirtare or Powder) In elther case INSTANT In every positively gives cured thousands who had beon has permanently and considered incarable, after baving tried every other of roller in vain. Sufferers are afforded an means opportunity of availing the selves of this "Money offer as through purchasing from guarantee Back" own Druggist, they regular are sure their refunded by bim if the remedy fails. money will be the sole judge as to whether will be you are Tou benefited and win get jour money, back if you are. We do not know of any fairer proposition whieh we could make. Co., Proprietors, St. Paul, Minn. R. Schiffmann BLADE, Straight Cottage. engagement Their JUAN SAN THE I |