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Show SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THE SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL .15, 1906. hg.) os aN TeamteG Oe THAT ip - FOR THE HoT CPEHING DAY CROWD- BLEA CHER, UMDIRE $. WEST HAS STRANGLE BASEBALL MASS HOLD ON CYCLISTS MEETING AT Y, M.A, Has Every Will Fast Rider Corralled for the Saucer Track. About at mass the ¥. : Nig wal ‘Work on the saucer track as Saturday, and the oval is new ready for the men to commence training, The entire surface of the track has been re- RUMORDS inges nas Fowler laid over iver Lawson inspected the track Saturday and Pronounced it the fastést in the country. “There is no doubt in my mind that all world’s competition reeords will be broken this year on the Saucer track, these records that they Lawson. will will stand be placed so low indefinitely,” said Track Greatly Strengthened. The new track will be motors, and it is being much better for freely predicted that a mile will be covered in 1:05 before the trials close will of be the sea ne ade ri Several. the motor $4, ciseae iss is DO : Manual Training Wins. GETTING THAr rome’ TO TRE WOVE Has apt pupil the coming qos se Redman to pare FR — become an Motor Cycling. ie your Lowy = 74. Seattle The cartoonist’s idea of how New York baseball fans are now training for Corbett and Hyland More * 2 ae Than Fulfilling Promises. The principals for the coming glove exhibition at the Salt Palace, April 27, put in anHoa hard day’s work Saturday, and by th traveling fu 7: nt ~ aoe Tee rail da ts anape for E men could be in bet er omysical (Committee the ae time “th ait Bai ¢ te th . Ball Games Today. Gives _ ff all the rough the ee , Hopper, who has ground in a day than in a week. The other any other rider does evening Hopper was union, probably joined covers the eol- more Jack Boyle of Wyoming Assassin. Is Victim of 4 9 Bog championship events in the pees i ces Wi e -pu on. Fr < arrives, at which time the erdtias championship” will be declared on the Salt Palace saucer, bob pate er wu no doubt defeat all the fast n Europe, and in order to ‘‘cinch’’ ne. title a ‘will have to lower Bho. colors 4 of Iver Lawso CHEYENNE, Boyle. sc Wyo., well-known 14.—Jack the Ketchum ranchman, aind: last night Cheyenne line, being at supper. an shot The Vivmagh assassin Ses April at was as- Apuiaaee oe a win iad escape when rise. open ‘all day May 1 for Clubs. eer Ea UR (ae ee Big. tbe y aba eee 571 3. 4 «428 ...a.. eoanee U for a cneaule B Ig pele solation Ten oer ae Fe cent % birds. from Ue teva receive a autiful $50 vent. Boyd Par’ he second reskin: of Salt prize be will aetaee okand shooters Gee loving an tasued desiring to cot the -enefit of gun, ex- ent Schedule of Shoot—irst Day. Powder $1.50 1,50 2.00 1,50 1.50 2.00 1.60 1.50 2,00 1.60 iekinee 2.00 Second ue T. Day. dae ee ae eri allison (representing Co), oe : e@ an eons Stevens San 15.00 20.00 R. 1,50 15.00} 1,50 15.00 prize, rs pela, second pirat i ve ereae i a prize, Ithaca shotgun).,..50 Boyd : e 4 oe ue even cup; SAH PING), cs! eakossdaea ark tar- edsisnal asenc, ED.00 : Seals Win From ee a 1.50 20.00} Ls. 00.00 Remarks From the Committee. 9 a. Eee a eee ar a ae ore for on. the curves of the ripped Png a Aven artette ore petoatne of safe elevcioe shots aS aad this 6 800003 04 - i i Batteries—C, Hall and Frary;. Hitt and Street. Umpire—Perrine. Salt Laker Cal., April The e has do- gerald Loses Game, 14.--Fresno won today’ bunt, f o eae ed Bs t ig int t nterest at to both college and ¥. M. ©. A. athletes is the fact of ‘Dr. c. G. Plummer sieges a medal, which will on Pee Sant The exhibition ee nen to best all-around pick the ae Se athlete winner Ree eee m, The “Cniversity, gpa who are the ly candidates Fred. nent Smaller ' Russell, Swapp oO Adam will ee the York. Standing LEAGUE, of the Clubs. Pr. New York ..... oedavescseesek. Pidiadelphia: 65 <sfavesvaa se ondeh BALE <a aug’ pees steed besetiend. Washington ...., 4 a Wh Boi 0 oD Pe SOL: FG. gBo 1.000 ae ate Philadelphia this afternoon, the opening of the American league season. Nearly 13,000 porn or through the turnstiles, thing of the free admissions a mbed over the fences. : President the pean league tossed out the 1 ators, Representatives, preme court of the United States aoe of the diplomatic corps were Pe Washington sontes +1:b0.0.00000 dn” Ti a Philadelphia . 00204 oo Soa aulegeretae tae a beat Bender and Schreck, Twelve Ianiide’ at New York. NEW YORK, April 14.—Twenty-five sand persons attended the opening game thouof the casion, as it lasted att “twelve innings, ; winning run being made by Williams on two-base hit pn. a sere z Chase, with men out. . B Yor! 0190000000 1 Seee ee 0001000000001 2 1 Batteries ~Chosbro and McGuire; Young and Graham. After A, Swimmin g Record, Churchill, the “socker’’ erack outside team, on r left ng of of the the CALIFORNIA BEATS STANFORD. in be most like“Cuddy’ Wy. aa eh 4 6 4 0 Hy woe Rese PE ds ADO sit 2 1500 Le +8 250 LS -250 09 38 000 0 3 000 Hami iton’ teens Washington .....: Lafayette .rener Lincol AUNT, 2< seas miner Webster . TAN csreae ATs Contest he Theater. tt matter: 25,000 Fans Attend Initial Game at New Quakers Defeat Senators. 02000010 This event MD Athletic Only slow batted Siwashes. : ee Prize A Shootinng will commence promptly at eech day, Black powder barre Twelve-guage guns are standard. Bo. Sal 14.--In were a by elegant bemty. Cal., April both pitch un- the winner cup given stati of wae Standing of the Clubs. 160 2.00 Cup event cup; sec- company ds Sweeney filled the bases. Casey hit ot ins ele and Hogan came home for the final $15,00 For the gen = ‘high average for the two |. to 15.00 | days we have a beautiful ‘$25 watch fob charm,'| 2% N. pore ASV nesses wane ys Lint 7 ; . 20.00 | given: b 8. The seco: ij ver Fre etl oe a 7 15. age will receive a sterling silver loving cup Battrate 25-—Toren aaa MoLean; "Witegoratd 15,00] donat bi ir, econah ties. for and Hogan. Tieipive—Bictona:ald. 20.00 | prizes will be shot oft at 25 birds. To the hig 15,00 Ra etaen eac an we will give $12.50; to th 15.00 0, d the third, $8. he low gun GRADE SCHOOL LEAGUE. 20,00 thpariuic through the entire Programime will 15.00 | receive $5 each day. ni och will be served ‘each day on the 20,00 5 grounds. warveot will be ree sue best The clu Pe in the Grade School le whatever, and re a comm to show during the past ten days, and ta you the "White. Elephant’’ staked out. for H s and Washingtons have yet to meet this occasio their fret setback. oS Genuine blue rocks will be thrown from two oe standing of “the elubs in the league foli sets of expert traps, set Sargent system, CVME ee” Leyse first vent and muah be on Te Brovierer slephonee Go, event Anderson Bros. CVCMtirrerrerreree20 MekKenzie .event.......csserees 15 No nated this scp, anea aver Gt a. but handed cateh by Wiacheas was about the only feature. Seore; A Los Angeles 01000 %— 8 19 0 Oakland .... tees 02-8 Batteries—Hall, Bergeman and Hager; See delph and Bliss. Umpire—Knell. eo ee en Tn a om Str 7 ee Any shooterlar shooting in : eight or more to event: executive committee ae the Salt Lake eee programme a ellsible enter un club, who are ‘‘boosting’’ for the coming | this event, high 1 Oo receive cup; sec Intermountain tournament in May, met Satur- | man to receive Fi68: Me : Even: 9 on ond day’s programmé. will day and drew up a schedule of the “various be the Leyson annie ap event at 50 birds, hanevents for each day of the contest and the dicap from 16 to 22 yards, high gun to receive prizes offered, which follow, as do rules and | the eup, second to elve an Ley: : et ak pee One. AMERICAN T he information ANGELES, in which Win, SENATORS AND OTHER HIGH OFFICIALS THERE prace Out Schedule | gssme'on ths second a y! thors wit’bora Box iiives Prizes E RANCHER SHOT DOWN — | Sign, @VERt Tersy_& Secpveces Ry Wooiirait ean toeeeneein“Go15 in at same will be LOS game, Targets n regular bea 8c. ¢ Interstate. association rules an Scie: in all events and will be strictly enforced, Referee’s decision will be final. Division of moneys will be ne Rose ore ex high gun ill be 2 an. and 5- 8-2-1, Ra Professionals an id representatives will , and pete e has already taken Sanea through work in season just begun. poms onan #48 T ATERMOUNTAIN SHOOT | =SE= SE Young OMMmLttee wo practice will make strenuous gauge ‘ee YUylene fe me om of ton Opening. LEAGUE. of the Angels a See ae two. workouts over the roads going home on his ‘bike’ with a_ sto eines nae an omorrow afterBOR “Ae: £9 neat canyon, ol the public will have a watch in his hand, ee himself. ee ae m box at No. 1 fire station, in was talking to him self and at the end the block said, “If I could ride a block mA Bias S fd Vas ‘Dat ges alps Pee 1-5 of a second faster I’ve got Iver Lawatricio Corrigan, but will ke son Feri and there. won't be any mistake lad, no matter what weight, who is Pepa about f stacking up against him. : At this point, some one yelled uot, ‘“‘Helone ce ee Th see gute Sie lo, Hop,” and the stop-watch was. put out f . of sight, but it took Hopper two blocks oO afterward took e a to slow ee to ae ordinance spee ure an amateur Kid Tex was e next ar ive H di Ww as as can be found this side of the Rockies, a workout, eee after the rope-skipping stunt the day’s programme was declared off. m u ade, and all- those that are produce their prizes are th Th ‘urft ee pap: team will play an attack of professionalism, This disease the ‘Dinwoodey team the Tower grounds is very catching, especially to those. who at 10o’clock this se a re in want of the “long green Fleischman has ordered new suits for the states that he can produce his prize unch and proposes to put a strong team in Iowa Champion Coming. the field, which is willing to meet any club in the State, ba: allenges received Worthington L. Mitten, champion rider t 208 South Main street. of Iowa, has announced his intention to afternoon at Liberty park the Dubei take a chance the y here, andTailors Salt Lake team will meet the famous will. yah about June aie lb from the Lyric theater in a practice nn will re from the Hast ae the ‘latter "part of nth, This will line-up of the latter will te as follows: Stayner, left fiepest oe mu seis er, pitcher; orty Spencer, catcher; Swalberg, first base: dansen, shortstop; Moffatt, third “tsar: Bobby ru Evans,: secon ase; Hansen, right field; _ Fred has won out in teins all the aat: riders, For the past eleven years there has been of run this side races championship no the Dubeis at Walker's next Sunday in a with Ke | je Rocky mountains, and the henedt game. game barre a majority of the tionciin races will have to a oh ‘the local track, Such events in the East ‘ this year would prove a farce, and as : . © 3 ws. gs lenty motor, and with pace-following in emer a man dove eet. COAST Standing Oakland ec Gutohare and Gtocers’ tea Gil eect | oP SNNG, Chnmtee ast ‘ PACIFIC MoULDY Fr: Los Angeles Portland ..... WENO sacesa DLOr awe nual training school team won from the, Gorlsseats institute Saturday by a score nf? Hi. Downing, o.3 hg" tt ne- up of the winners: gave and Willis, p.; Howard, lb.; G. Thom as, 2b.3 rkman, ss.; Burris, 3b.; ‘Meyhooter, lf.; Martin, cf.; Hills, rf, HAVE oO } week. Iver Redm: : a Be a 7. Samuelson pen “puxious to test their machines, whi ha newly quipped and which oo Hobstaate secae faster em — ee Sane SANS THAT Yov Baysinger the ' old, which makes the track much stronger and faster. and stiterE iiss) Pte ees, Field baskets—Bennion 3, Mitchell 3. ~ Free throws--Taylorsville—Bennion 2, Paxton 2 0 1. Free throw—Butler, Referee—Brown. ‘ Umpire—Hofman, ; covered by 1% and 11-inch Oregon fir, the been e President Ban Johnson Throws First Ball at Washing- DOWNSTAIRS x Paxton having THE -ADY meeting of the baseball enthusiasts M. C. A. was held Saturday after- rts tbe; ’ §,°F. Norton 8h.;.C. C. Verity p., BE. Davideea, outfie T the opening a baskét-ball game was held between the team from T: i ; assett, Bysinger, Jackson, Bennion and Miller were the st: performers. The line-up: Taylorsville, Midgets... PAG WIGH sd oases chance ssi tien: vacks-cseeen SET Ene Miller if enn ackson the Riders Who Will Camp in Zion. surface Out in Slow Exhibition; San Francisco Turns Down Seattle. OHPAS RESURFACING TRACK IS FINALLY COMPLETED mew Win Basket-Ball. A’ Interesting Facts Organize Team: Midgets Beat Taylorsville at ee Practically LOS ANGELES AGAIK AMERICAN LEAGUE TRIMS DAKLARDERS UPENS THE SEASON Other | Seores BERKELEY, in College Baseball Games. Cal. April 14.—By the seore of 4 to 3; 18 ‘Unicersity of California second pas ge me ee Ve soo ee from 8 this a to five water polo style). Mr, Churchill is also an expert viaver (soukar water polo, English Socker won the eeene s ica, e-tniversity Ag Colage 2, UniverAt sit of Michi Ree ashington—Georwetown University 1, Prince ion Glass Teams at High School, Class baseball is now on the list at the high mm. school, The spirit has spru n, up the students, A ses a of the junior .and senior classes, a the: jl probably have team on, the field before the end of the coming wee The juniors have become busy already an ve a eeting schedul for the coming Ce * my h they intend’ to elect eaptai Al the men who play in places on we “first eh schoo] team will be barred from Football a fairly Pormotiaw: strong turnout been §. di fall penalty p areas chelked: out, so . fast 2 1 The. # rounds are on the hill, Sixth and atroele Al are invited to attend. Blind Tribune Turfman Special CHICAGO, Plans Sporting B Track. — April 14,-John den, an, who is the loadin the the class Allen Leaves Bismarck Alleys. Charley ee has severed his connection as manager of the Bismarck alleys and will go te Den are, he will have charge of a bowling 5 pibpositio “His e@ will oe ‘talen either by Gyllenswan of the ‘Deesakan or Mellroy of the Independents, Pine enhiiiecne's here Tier t Condon will hay $500, 000, will be ready bloo for racing next year. This New Store of line Is a Success! Its success is shown by the people who wear the clothes and the kind * of clothes they wear PRICES $10.TO $35 . OEE EEE SSIS i i HE LUE LATTL eae Prs HARVARD'S ’VARSITY EIGHT PRACTICING TAKEN FROM LEFT TO RIGHT THEY ARE: ON THE CHARLES RIVER. THE CREW IS SAID TO BE SUPERIOR TO ANY WHICH THE COLLEGE BLAGDON, COXSWAIN; CAPTAIN FULLER, STROKE; NEWHALL, BEACON, RICHARDSON, GLASS, HAS HAD. FOR EMMONS, FISH, YEARS. FLINT. 210 Main Street. __ . : |