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Show eee eat A oe THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, °1906. VETERANS GML WAR I MULED OW BANKSUPON.MAY 8DRAW. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? , TAEASUA 10 HOLD EREAMPHENT HG BATTLESHIP Thousaads ef Men and Wemen Have Kidney. Trouble and Never Suspect It. Explosion in Forward Turret of ~hondon, Washington Conthe Kearsarge Brings Death cern Uses $10,000,000. pl OM MSR: To Prove What YOU, the Every Great Kidney Reader of Remedy, The Bottle Sent Absolutely CAUSE OF ACCIDENT “AS STILL A MYSTERY permittéd the National London, death inthe six men tion forward ship Kearsarge turret of done the . aking Severe Drills. in. the quarterly practice was most satisfactory sea, Phe battle-. target practice. his bout concluding with results up to yesterday, ently expected at the basis of pretrnery Rear-Admiral .- Evan fleet, one Puazzled by . telling of his ‘ 0) ciphering of the message, anxiety of the officials as dent h was finally reduced follods: to % of Message of a best t added soon form it ‘ Commander. mamera,.April AWashin cei: 14, On 1906, April the to de the th read as Secretary 18,. about 3:10 -px-m,, shortly after completion of tarj Kearsarge, at the forward turret, while the power was going below, three sections of a thirteen-inch charge of to ated. Lieut. Jose wand one secremained intact. is being. investi- M. Graeme, ee a has been sent to the a very critical state about following have since died: gun Maryland Dee in NORBERG, “THEODORE age it ay ATHY, seaman. recovery by, 'W.‘acdident;: KING, ordinary Py ices ean e was following telegraphed message to the the de- injured : Ves-~- Is the Mrs. to. the No cles; you get 26 to to the things we imagine that it books is quite as of higher If that the i cérns thé From March Chronicle Bookman. actualities :5 " of and : human Comment, turrets would have been A vt, positive turret the and in the ache, trouble, make heart ition, trouble; but away. no Swamp-Root gentle aid’to .Drunkenness, and permanent and drug to medical there is kidneys science. any take doubt from wamp-Root maga~ “Squaw aval regulations: prescribe © exact what is to be done in a case of this kind. C ity, ene week. is in your mind as to ‘your (Swamp-Root your urine on rising about it ina glass bottle and let it hours. If on examination it if there is a brick-dust set- is pleasant to take and is f | used you vinced what that you already Swamp-Root is need, you can purchase. the regular fiftycent and one-dollar size bot- in tles at the drug stores everywhere.’ Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name; Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. ¥ on every bottle. curini that i The c MANY KILLED BY = proZ STRONG DENIAL OF AWEUL EARTHQUAKE PUBLISHED SCANDAL. Latest Disaster in Formosa Reported More Terrible Than Previous One, OVER |: Blames “I did not .see the rig until too can people not allow much late with his the child by ee ae S$ summoned ulants and the man the én VEL friends of treatment 8 the Aussies of Gar gn” ae me witex cae rite overlook. the Sossip of othiers. people of all kinds will be with Says She The. best u ee Is Actress, The th published story went that on to ga: e : = the aa eer who is how wi ress with rh iL a the Russian act. gi, en hig om it is stated he hag lived thige Cone ee from his wife abou. to ie b 80. 8 » “being xplanation unable to doctor administered stim‘was rev: He was able wag secure a di- : the driver of ¢ mas stable ‘as for all: The Bismarck 2nd South is headquarterg commercia] i al tourists, attempt to stop, and whi pet up his horse and | traveling public in general. ” ov" 3 orse, i hintaan Kee- one . ficers from. the McCo; livery now looking .for later tied to a post on First South, and the ofare New ‘the iver. City Directory. Tt is expected that the new city directory for 1906 will be issued about April 25. It will be a much larger book than any o: its_p' cessors and will show pA a pie tas eas in las ear. the population o: £ the ¢ ¥ over vi * - and the ‘ BANK IS EXPANDING found Institution Increases Capital to $50,000. Special The Tribune. 4 LARAMIE, Wyo.bank April 14—The’ County National of this ane ibany as incirculation 000, the money for the from $25,000 to Py is 4 LEADERS MAKE ANSWER e been has a capital of $10 , Moyer:and Haywood Send Fraternal '. BOISE, » Greetings Ida., April to 14:—Upon receipt telegraphed the “Maxi following ky, Hotel 3 sply:- Belleclaire, ‘class ‘struggle, same. in a New which: ‘ tive land. — with ccept fraternal greetings, ' LLIAM.. b. HAYWOOD, ; “CHARLES H: MOYER, “Ada County. Jail.” » PERSONAL MENTION H. Willard merehant, Ellison, formerly ‘the district agent e Northwestern Mutual Life Scoweroft, the well-known Ogden was a Salt Lake visitor Saturday. | erties of tablets the etirative prop- every medicinal ingredient. Sold»: a: jaca nent by mail, doses one dollar, 100 or Hood Co., Lowell, Mass, “b been eyes sore pained, head ached, and everything I ate felt like lead, Hood’s Sarsaparilla cured me.” aed and 15th. ound trip §; Pee i from Salt rates Lake only $11.65; tickets good for return st. no blue Rehberger Paget Belle, Cairngorm starter, Hamburg oO R. Harry Payne Whitney the declaration.of his dependence Bull's Hye. ~ in Merry Israfel, Inquisitor. ty-five. Belle The of Lark, uts Pequest Carter. closes nominations, declarations leaves gible to. race. and this - and with list six- of forty-seven still .ecli- r some little time boxing. has been slowly in Johannesburg. The going whole mand class. art, however is booming again on Rand, and there is likely to be a for English boxers of good the de- Col. Warren has taken over the management of the boxing section of the Wanderers’ club,. at one time a number in the hands of Albert Fleming, son of the late manager of the National Sporting club here. Col. Warren says. he has been persuaded by of friends to interest himself in’a sport very popular in South Africa. His first show was a contest. between Mick Williarms,. the local heavy-weight, and Tom ) of Australia, who fought for: the championship of South Africa. Williams will be readily remembered for his two trerhendous fights at Johannesburg with Jack Palmer of Newcastle. The first ‘Williams: won in eight rounds, while he lost the second °on a foul in the seventh. y Jem. Mace, who saw him perform, Williams was deseribed as one of the most powerful men of his size seen in the ring, and Important Palmer can take Kk. Utah an and egneralship, strength rounds. showed skill and eh superior was beaten by Affiliated logical Society. Institute. lanai sit of now South anxious to get Jack Palmer out Africa to meet Murphy. to the & Anson €o. 74, Main St. HEARST STILL AFTER ~—-WPCLELLAN’S SCALP ceedings, NEW TO MOVED THH A TO 228 ey YORK, Hearst,.the Municipal Patrons of the popular Lyric theater should all. wait for the closing act of the olio in the New York Girls’ show which is being: given there this week, opening Saturday afternoon, to witness marvelous dancing of e George Bandy and Wilson duo. ‘ Bandy holds the championship cup, won in the world’s dancing contest in New York recently, and is certainly a wonder in his line. An exteptionally clever act is given by Miss Wilson. SIBGEL’S, Makes mimeniabsetint irate AMUSEMENTS — and CLOTHIERS ray 230 MAIN April 14—William candidate Ownership for Mayor R. on ticket, today serving a term in the penitentiary for burglary,. will be released from prison, his term of service expiring. s he leave Bheriff Sebring of Ogden will meet him with @ warrant for-his arrest, wh will be served, il be en, where LaV¢ the charge of ‘robbing the Ogden knitting factory on. the night of April 9 last -year. Se EXCURSIONS Via 0. 8. Liand-S. P. Linés, April 26 to May: 6,.inclusive; tickets good for return to July $1, Salt Lake to San Francisco and land one way, Angeles one way, Main st. and return, $44.00); return, $55.50.) $31.50 (via Salt Lake $43.00 (via Port- to Los Portland City Ticket Office, 201 . j . Calls Him Usurper.. {Said MoClelian is au usurper veurperofof | said omce arid not rightfully entitled. to. exer~ eise its functions, e votes for said of- , fi ce were not truly counted as cast; were illegally canvassed, and sel falsely returned Pope Sends Blessing. by the inspectors of election. Intimi dation - : Secre- | at the polling places du cin ¢ ST. LOUIS, April Eee the votng < hours and during the count prevented a % tary Anthony oe of St. Ou is an-; free expression of the will of the voters, . a a message nounced today that h b and true ascertainment and declaration of received ope .Pius granting the the vote. The same men weré, permitted| to .the apostol ic benediction American 0 vote more than once, ES : Federation of Catholic Societies on the feast of Haster. “The Vv votes of men who were’ not. registered were received. ‘Men -wete permitted , to vote ther men’s names, otes es. Bee ie i hee ad T, were purchased and lawful voters -disfran: ee by trick and devi a I i Be ST. Hat yourore.lunch e in theay inert palm garden the Royal. . “Black Pope” Will were pr ere e a can believes, in and. of the een aid George B lan and sole- at | verily ft Die. favor created ns.”’ tin, general known as the from cancer.- of the “Black Cardinal PADUA, Galgari, a Order of Jesuits, Pope.”” é and| the. face says: e why ‘ this Dies. italy, April 14.—Cardinal Guiseppe bishop of Padua, died today. of the re j “nthe niente Galgari upon ‘Tried for Recount, In conclusion, Mr, Hearst, He’ is suffering | tion, of the votes Be means eld.” : by ‘o ever. since : , ba in'his applica. -— application and the a Has more ;expedielection was ~ ead THE. Vigra i og ). STANDARD TONIC The ingredients of which §, S. S. is composed, and the method of com- bining and preparing them so that they gently and pleasantly build up and strengthen every part of the body, make it the ideal tonic for a disordered condition of the system. Every one feels the need of a tonic sometimes. The system seems to get ‘‘out of gear, ’* the appetite becomes fickle, the energies are depressed, sleep is-not restf ul or refreshing, and the entire body as a nervous, worn-out feeling. - When the system is in this depleted, ‘tundown condition it must be aided by a tonic, and S, S. S. is recognized every- where as the standard. Being made entirely of roots, herbs arid _barks selected for their gentle action as well as their invigorating effect on th system, it will not disagreeably affect any of the delicate members or tissues as do most of the so-called tonics on the market which contain potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient. These derange the stomach and. digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels or otherwise damage the health S. S. S. tones up the stomach and digest: ion, improves the appetite, produc refreshing sleep, rids the body of that ti red, run-down feeling, and supplie: tone and vigor totheentire system. It re-establishes the healthy circulation. . of the blood, acts more promptly and gi ves better and more lasting results: . than any other tonic, and because of its vegetable purity is an absolutely © safe medicine for young orold. §.-S. S. acts admirably in cases of dyspep-.. sia, indigestion and other stomach troubles, and after using it that unte nt fortable feeling of fullness, dizziness or drowsiness, after eating, “are no. longer felt. Not only is S. S. S. the greatest of all tonics but possesses pnrifying and alterative properties, and if there is a taint in the blood it will promptly remove every trace and restore perfect health, - In selecting ‘your. tonic lor this year do not experiment but get S. S. 8.,; the recognized stand- -. % has been ° the made public through his attorney the fact that he had made application to Attorney-General Mayer for the institution of quo warranto proceedings in the name of the peaple of the State of New York against George B. McClellan to test the title of: Mr. McClellan to the office. of Mayor of tanta AN ER New ork y. sh oa Baal support of the application, Mr. Hearst says: “ : ‘ nh Sc eit . Carl Jennings. Will Walk: From Pen i Charge of Fraud. Archaeo- SIEGEL’S HAVE MOVED 228-230 MAIN ST. | sheer after a great battle of six The loser, it is said, appeared beaten time after time, and the way he recovered and the vitality he displayed was truly remarkable. ol. Warren is easy prices and: TEMPLE OF MUSIC of ans he has come active. part..in archaeological i present secretary of the bear testimony to the weight and strength of his deliveries, en Opposed to Murphy, Williams had an advantage in weight, and though the Australian. fought. with indomitable pluck very Carstensen One. system i at Applies for Quo Warranto Proto The other declarations are Aaron J., Aeronaut, Disobedient, Sprakers, Au- eassin, an n nk of seniority, Prof. Cummings stands fifth among the professors’ now the ee. having held his’ present Jug- the ‘ three-year-old Several very fine instruments are. oferiag has has Pianos, Orgens, Mas- , ical Merchandise, etc Students. feel free to talk matters over with him. f In Rank of Seniority, re- There H. With upon to settle questions of cours L give advice. Prof. ummings’s ° quiet, unassuming manner especially qualifies him to do this work, since students will and Tradition all hav- declared. of the arts able to act e change from the present courses in the school of art to a system of majors and a combination polka has declarations. CALIFORNIA to April 30th. Proportionately low from other points. See agents. City Ticket Office 201 Main Secretary eighteen and Into Officer’s Arms. At noon today Carl'Jennings, who Buhl, Idaho. In the Twin Falls tract, April 17th. ‘Excursions via Oregon Short Line April 14th white FREE FOR A MOMENT Out. OPENING BURL TOWNSITE Miss Minnie, Lynch, 55 High St., Worcester, Mass., says: "When my health failed, skin became pimply, tomach seemed ™ Called cess are Twohearts in the half mile in. ec mile, and Schrimipscher in the mile. 3 oe d complied a , & Surplus aoe fundbankof profits of $44,911, undivided CARLISLE, Pa., April 14,— call track candidates at Carlisle brought num mong forty men. athletes, promising “ their consider spring such disfiguring and painful troubles as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also weakness»loss ‘of appetite, that tired feeling. The best medicine to take is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the blood, and effects permanent cures by giving healthy. functional activit to’ the y stomach liver, kidneys, bowels, and skin. Sprcrau—To meét'the wishes of those who prefer medicine in tablet form ting up Hood’s § and —_—— OO Indian Athletes _ Impure. or effete matters accumulated in the blood during the winte r cause in the to- day of:the.dispatch.sent by Maxim Gdiley from New York ? oyer an tay wood who are. in.' he. county jail in ‘tuis city* Yorkt: Brother—The the $20,000 Gorky. will ing ever Laramie to all, the ers to Pick Up Money. Tribune Special Sporting Service. JOHANNESBURG, April 14-—-For does 1 i consider it the lowest 3 tofe Be tits explana: '!0n what about hethis.pleases,” Hvery For one may remains say aboutto No. 30 West if dny one‘is found at fault. In carry BOXING BOOM IN AFRICA. ‘ My respect ‘tor them to suspect that th fe Position that Great Chance for Unattached Fight- get o the way, was thrown e | voree in Russia beca; f the stron, pavement, striking on the back of his head, | Official feeling against him, Gorky see me unconscious and was carried to | Cured a divorce in Finland and was mar the Godbe-Pitts drug stor Dr, Benedict | ried to Andreeva before a notary Man” Infringement Case. . ots. ceived hoe Panes Russians, think this disagr. could not have co; the streets, driving at a rather swift gait. Mr. | 7106 Pepper Maxim As a result of this publicati today issued a st pat eee lated reads as follows pees ee me of William Pepper & Son, blacksmiths, at 166 West Second South, was knocked down and run over by a horse and buggy driven by Ray Smith, at the corner of Main street and First South, ’ and rendered unconscious for about twenty minutes at about 11 o’clock last night. | Mr. Pepper was on his way to his home in | Waterloo and was about to board a Waterloo | car, whi th crossed the intersection of | 14—Whén club, gler left to carry his colors. August Belmont has taken out Blandy and Mount Henry, leaving Lord of the Vale as his representative. Andrew Miller Gorky. This morning the statement was fies ay that his compani on was not hig egal wife, who, mained in Russia. HORSE William Pepper, aged 65 years, of the frm | April to burg, Gorky arrived in this country last Tueg-day ‘he stated to the immigration officials that he was accompanied by Madame Dead. BY YORK, nominations stake of the Jockey faculty will be SCRIPTION” and also that famous altera- tive, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the “GoLDEN MEDICAL Discovery.” Write to Dr. Pierce about your case. He ig an experienced pee and will treat your: case as confidential and without charge for correspondence.. Address him at the ’ Invalids’ otel and Surgical Institute, .: uffalo, N. Y., of which he is chief cone : sulting physician. i also the treasurer of University Athletic association. In these positions he has rendered quiet but valuable service.e ‘ drawal of these two fromthe Beene nominations leaves only the three-yearold fillies, Ballotta°and Barly and Often, by NEW from declared Lady Amelia, leaving Hermis still an eligible. By the declaration of Prince Ham- Maxim Gorky Denounces Story That Woman Companion Is Not Wife. TOKIO, April 14—A violent earthquake occurred this morning in the southern part of the island of Formosa. The casualties and damage. done are reported to: have been heavier than those of the last outbreak. County of the Dean., Popular Jimmy Rowe would hurry last season’s champion in order to bring him to the post, and the withdrawal of Sysonby was a foregone conclusion. ; f Delhi, it was thought, however, would earry: the’ stable colors. é. with- bottl See Hn sy be sure to yo in The Salt Lake City Sunday Tribune guarantee the Senuineness of. this offer. : pired for Queen’s Rejoice. _ It would be difficult to find a man who is more popular with University students than Prof. Cummings. y e affectionately called ‘‘The Father of University Athletics.” He has always been a lover od, clean college sport and y ni- NEW YORK, April 14.—Sysonby and Delhi have both been declared.out of ithe Carter handicap. It was scarcely thought at the time the were'made for the opéning - opti Will creasing duties with the € institution make it impossible for him to the supervising work alone. railthat SYSONBY AND DELHI OUT Horses Are Withdrawn ’ Carter Handicap. Students: Students of the University generally and especially those of the arts and science department will rejoice to hear this news. For the last two years the necessity of appointing a dean has been frequently discussed, both among the stus and facult tution. science department have \felt that their department has been more or less slighted because of the want of a dean. As a result of this feeling they organized a society last year to boom the arts and science school. women who are “worn-out,” “run-down” or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, office: or’ sehoolroom, who | sit at the typewriter or sewing machine, | or bear heavy household burdens, and for nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has proven a priceless benefit because of its health-restoring and eevee ving powers. Ae aa As a soothing an strengthening neryine. “Favorite Prescription” is un-' ‘equaled and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritabi}ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, or St. Vitus’s dance, and other distressin: nervous symptoms commonly attendan upon functional and organic disease of _the womanly organs. ) It induces refresh-| ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. ; Cures obstinate cases. “Favorite Prescription” is a po eure for the most * complicated and obstinate cases.of ‘female weakness,” painfu periods, irregu-. larities, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic, organs, weak back, bearing-down fenga-| tions, chronie- congestion, inflammation and ulceration. ns 4 rigs Dr. Pierce’s medicines are made fro harmless but efficient medical: roots | found oe in our American forests, The In ians knew of the marvelous cura- _ tive value of some of these roots and im-' pee that knowledge to some of the riehdlier whites, and gradually ‘some of the more progressive physicians came to: test and use them, and eyer since.they have grown in favor by reason of their superior curative virtues and their safe and harmless qualities. Your druggists sell the “WAvonrrts PRE-: WH ARH BETTHR PRHPARED THAN EVER IN of the genthe line of Arrangements have been. mgde with the roads for the running of..excursions on day from Ogden, Provo and Par wiil arrive in the city at 9:30 a. m. on Famous Prof. Byron Cummings has been elected dean of the arts and science department at the .University of. Utah. _This action was taken at a meeting of the Board of Regents, held on Monday last, but the announcement was not generally made until yesterday. The recommendation was made by President Kingsbury and received the unanimous indorsement of the regents. . Wit a dean, the and science school Excursions Will Be Run. con- ‘Happy. Duty Glory. e@ members especially along : committee, march. is pleasant to take.) are known that our readers are advised to send t for a sample ge ing your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, 3 y. offer you read this generous prietors of this paper a n the Federal ‘court, Saturday the inju case involving, an’ infringement on a oe vight of . Edwin. Milton Royle’s pla; The Squaw Man,” was “continued by stipulation fhe Admiral-in command orders immediately a court of inquiry to ascertain the cause of the’ accident and place the responsibility ’therefor and a court-martial will follow perfect that Old Appreciating the fact that all the available funds of the G. A. R. are constantly used for the relief of sick and disabled soldiers, the citizens oO} y responded @ exer- : EDITORIAL NOTHE.—So J successful ig Swamp-Root’ in promptly ls even the most distressing cases of kidney, liver ort bladder roublen. prove its wonderful merits you may have 3 Sample bottl uable information, both sent absolutely free an se Mena. oom , cure addictions. Should. Display Science Department, Are ~ A public reception to in the Commercial been tenedered the G A. R. vernors. prominent citizens of Salt d who are expected to meet with a committee of the G A. R. at the Commercial club’ Tuesday, April 17, at 1 p.m. This committee’is composed of the ce: -Heber M. Wells, T. G., Webber, J. : e 9 n, J. G. McDonald, Fisher Harris and Raymond Naylor. you Students, Epecially in Art and commander-ini hi f£ strength; is the most the season. | ley Institute, Salt Lake when. and less Driver and Severely Hurt. LAND delicacies of drunkenness 1 back and liver complexion, Witten Beppey. Hua Bown by Cate | tito life.— in the The. Bismarck German, lunch room carries eyeérything in the line of German lunches and were killed. in;the zines clow ° ae for and RUN to April 30th. Proportionately low rates from other p oints. City’ Ticket Office 201 Main st, ‘Theory of Accident, times cause bladder, and mug- estimated at $45,000,000. An ammunition hoist the two, and had the powa hoist exploded probably ee wo amb many Coming. Tanner, PROF. KINGSBURY MAKES THE RECOMMENDATION the Public Reception to Be Held. fthe banquet Corp. Tanner the leading hospitals, recommended by physicians in their: privat practice, and - is taken accur. OF IDAHO SCHOOL % connected the: lower of One Thousand 15,000 ACRES ay ache though you had plenty up James G. A. for f the local posts e parade w the. principal. streets of the city and disband at the Odd Fellows’ hall, where the officia. meeting will be held. ‘This will start at 11 ~ m nd be Session until 5 p. m.. At 6 * angue 1 be served in the National Guard” arm he members of the and the ladies of the Rett 8 centtck invited guests. L The admission will be by ticket. & by doctors themselyes who ailkidney have ments, because they recognize in it the greatest and most. successful remedy for kidney, liver and bladder troubles. standing. dot osing structure/of anecdote, impression, ‘and opinion with regard to ‘Unser Fritz.” t is rather a’ pity :to of the pris i as one grows older Commander-in-Chief “Corporal’ chief of the during kidneys of the joints. As.a result of the earthquake in Formosa last month, 1014 persons were killed, 695 injured and 1200 houses were demo!lished. The prosperous towns -of ‘Datiyo, Raishko and Shinko Were completely destroyed. The damage done was roughly .The first feeling of the officers at th Navy department after reading the eable- surprise get often ~ he news, ing more could be done in Washington until further details were re- Fort Douglas latter will parade, providing permission is granted changing of their drill hour, ~ tling, or if small particles float about in it, your kidneys are in need of immediate attention, , Notified. celved from’ Admiral Evans. Po, + “Might Have Been Worse. “w to catarrh the back, stomach yellow. and waste condition, which Immediately on receiving the cablégram, Acti Secretary Newberry carried it to the President at the White House, and was authorized to send the foregoing expression of sympathy.’ e also communicated the sad news to Secretary Bonaparte at. i 01 head four ounces, place stand twenty-four is milky or cloudy, to other to to ‘Hew to Find Out: have they happen classic instance of this sort of thing is, of course, to be found . Albert Vandam’s “‘Hinglishman in Paris.’? This book was al as many your Nature, known “Reminiscences.” between have weak healer to May July $31. st. The general committees of arrangements of the G. A. R., having in charge the programme for the State encampment, which” meets in Salt Lake May 10, met in the Odd Fellows hall Saturday evening and completed the arrangements for that day. t It was decided to have a parade in the morning at 9:30 o’clock, which will. march to the depot and meet. the. special trains’ bringing in the visiting comrades. Besides..the members of the G. A. R. and W. R. ©. in ‘line will be Spanish war veterans, companies from the ‘National Guard, high school cadets, All H | The cure for these troubles is Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the world-famous kidney remedy. in taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help To San. Francisco and Return.. From Salt Lake, via O. S. L. and S. P. line make Loss. sale April for return you water. Unhealthy gravel, ache in feel.as may it ~ $31.50—$31.50. remember obliges night. | Cause indigestion, you. get a sallow, Secretary Shaw called attention to the fact that in this way the will be able to import gold without losing its use during ahkorent. Formerly ‘the banks were permitted to count in their reserve gold in transit. This rule has been change and the new rule is now adopted of advancing the money on proper securities to be returned immediately upon the arrival of the gold. Constructing and the rheumatism, pain or dull increase Removed. day during Makes you pass Regents -. of University. Designate Professor Byron Cummings for Position. Completed. as cured 6 stronger and better in every way, and I recommend: it to all sufferers. . ratefully yours, 1. “Walker, 331 Hast Linden” St., Atlanta, ‘Ga. A. irritable. We used to know a popular man of letters (now dead) who was famous for his ability to turn: out personal impressions of almost anybody. -W or. Hugo died, this gentleman wrote.a most. interesting paper on the deceased poet enRecollections of gram Gathering May 10,° Are for - Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible or many kinds of diseases, and if permitted to continue much suffering and many fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble irritates the nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, sleepless and limit Will Be definite of condolence commander-in- ‘chief. of the fleet, Admiral Evans, by Acting Secretary Newberry: Expression of Sympathy. “Aptil 14—Evans, Maine, naval station, Canimanera: — e Department is deeply grieved by Relatives Mail. Do » I was out of health and run down generally; had no appetite, was d jzzy and suffered with headache most of the time. I did not know ¢ neys were the cause of my- trouble, but somehow ‘felt that they might be, a ere is such bank The mention of how liberally Mr. Bigelow exploited his schoolboy associations with the German Kaiser leads us to reflect upon the rather flimsy fabric of so many alleg “personal reminiscencés’”’ which are given to the public from time to time. We fancy that most pérsons who write up their recollections of the: great and good men whom they have intimately known are apt to forget to draw any : dou seaman. * Guantanamo. at by assured w hen immediately used in the engagemént of ‘gold for shipment to the United. ee Twelve million dollars have been this U distributed,” On séaman. Dangerously Injured. “The following was dangerously Treasury and. City Ticket Office, 201 Main “tANTON O. 'FHORSON, seaman, “IU E. POSTER, turret captain, first: class... MELLIS H, the banks Limit gunner’s mate. NAOGEHLI, savings lines. Tickets on 6, inclusive, good “LIWUT. HUGGINS, turret officer. _'PHTHR by the deposit of any National bank desiring to import gold to any amount*not exceeding $5,000, to any one bank, the same to e@ returned immediately.on the arrival of the gold. K ; powder were ignited S tion of?the thirteén-inch Cause unknown. Matter advanced day a litGuanKear- oot, because as soon as your kidneys begin Bet better they will help all the other organs health. A trial will convince any one. High Price of Exchange, Message. The news came from Caimamera, tle cable station at the mouth of ta bay, indicating that the by Free Will GENCE U All Arrangenients for the State a Sample seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or ‘feel badly,” begin taking the great. kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- over $10,- Qs ‘am.from to “The price of ‘exchange having: reached a point where gold ought to have been imported, and believing the reason which it was not engaged to, be the loss on its use during transit, the sub-treasury at New York was authorized ‘Thursday afternoon to accept bonds available as security peas the Atlantic dreadful. accident on ships, the Kearsarge. was Make Quick Return. . gold © culminating amounts partment is. to-be returned by one of those accidents of the Caribbean The bank immediately upon receipt of the European gold. Secretary. Shaw, speaking of -the ground for.this action, which is’ a, new move on the part of the Treasury department, made the following statement in this city today: to Atlantic fleet -had been for wee ks| in the most severe drills in the The today. London . Will which acquire additional terror for sailors because of their obscure origin and almost impossibility. of prevention. waters was. made from years. were Have It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected, and how every organ allowed the use, of this Government gold ‘upon depositing bonds sufficient to cover the amount of the import: Gold engaged by the National City bank for importa- ago to a day, a-day. later. than the fatal on Missouri..disaster,, as every sailor immediately recalled, on a Friday and the 18th of the month, City bank to draw gold from the. United..States Treasury departinent, pending the arrival. of gold engaged: by this bank for*import from, rible Disaster’‘on Battle-ship Missouri. April 14—Two May ; NEW YORK, April 14.—Announcement that Secretary of the Treasury Shaw has Two Years to a Day Since TerNASHINGTON, Swamp-Root, Tribune Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is a powerful, invigorating tonic, imparting Ronlth and stren the in panleniae to the organs distinctly feminine. The local, womanly he ard, "8, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC GO., ATLANTA, GAs € _ |