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Show THE SHEEP PASSING BOUNDARY LINES ‘Several Bands, SALT LAKE MORNING, -APRIL 15, 1906. SUNDAY to Spring Catarrh Restored. to Healt 2) Honest People Tell Their Experiences. Spring,—the Time to Cure However, Are ‘Turned Back and Are Being Held. Mr. J. Q, Craig, a well-known athlete, whose home address is Bridgeton, N. J., writes from the are Donavin, Delaware, Ohio, as follows: “T can say of Peruna that, as a tonic for the fed of the year, it is the best for athletes, and as such I can give it a hearty recommendation.” Peruna does not fail to prevent the lassitude and languor incident to the approach of warm weather, if taken in time, © DR. HICKOX OF SALT LAKE WILL MAKE EXAMINATION No Intention, It Is Said, to Violate TRIBUNE, Catarrh. Mr. Wienand Houseman, a prominent and aged citizen of Seneca Falls, N. Y., is the inventor of a number of implements of modern warfare. He writes: “For several years past, I and my family used . your Peruna as a tonic and for the purification of the system in general and find that it is an excellent medicine to restore weak nerves to a healthy condition.” Judge Beatty’s Order. Special to The Tribune. GDEN, April. 14.—Information was re~ Ledivetl here today to the effect that on the boundary line between Nevada, Utah and Idaho, sheep were crossing in great num- ;bers ' in the. vicinity of Snowville and Cedar ereek. According to information jfrom-the boundary line in Box Elder ew however, and received today by the lorganization of the sheepmen and their ‘attorneys, two or three bands that at‘tempted to cross at that point were held y Mrs. wore a Mass., “T have aa The commission appointed by Judge ‘Beatty of Idaho and comprising Drs. Noble ‘and McBirney of Idaho and Dr. Rowe of Utah, is busy farther west examining the sheep that are crossing the boundary in great numbers, and which have all been found to be clean. The two or three bands _ theld on the line of Box Elder county will restrained from crossing until some sudee Pea ginis & Cor ee of the legal firm of Ma- nformation, in which it was ma ee "e ee e ear that the Ut ah ani née i ad accomplished Horning and against’ the same old fight. true, as all clean sheep are moving over the. boundary at the points where the commission is operating, LAWSON EN ROUTE BAST. Crack Bivyclé Rider Stops Over Two Hours in Ogden. + Spécial _to The for Spring Almost every one has come to believe that spring is a season that brings derangements of the body dependent on blood impurities. This belief is an old one, is nearly universal, and has arisen, not as the result of the teachings of the medical fraternity, but has been learned in the bitter school of experience. OGDEN, _rying 378 The ~ pad reet. othe iteses are from Washington, th ‘Norfolk navy yard, Pensacola aa Bro oe lyn. .The officers in ‘number vice in of them have heretofore seen serthe: Philippines tha in China. SHIPMENT Special to EIN, urchases The That ral tired result Feeling. of feeling, the which is depressii.g the natu- effect of M. for Beason, WINE CO.’S GOLD SEAL America’s Favorite Champagne. is fede. Do Not Delay. a bottle the of Peruna. when make spring. the first themselves ap- Take it accord- ing to the directions on the bottle. Contreatment spring. through the first This course of treatment is no experiment. should It-has helped thousands. it not help you? Wh A Spring Tonic. tried it has had the same experience as Mr. Warren M. Taylor, 1216 8th Ave., well established. the Church Everyone of i d in practically ai Is béine* vit on in Ogden Without Let-Up or Hindrance. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, April 14—The work of sinking the new track of the Ogden Rapid Transit company on the south side of Twenty-fifth street into the asphalt pavement, between. Lincoln and Grant aventies, went on today with a big force of men under Assistant Superintendent Joseph Bailey. The work is ee the concrete base of the pavement hay been a much better job than is racdivee from the average public contractor, and it will ae four or five days to complete the bloc No Hostile Anis. Meantime, no hostile attitude, so far as the laying of tracks are concerned,. has been evinced by Bier party against the other. Both are now on the alert, and another complication, in which one or the other will gain an advantage, is being looked for. “The principals, err: will say nothing as to future pla With ae Easter reception wedish Panevan Thousand March Good the other will Dah be by has Shepherd, Special ot The to eae of either, but the fight for control will nearly certainly result in rapid transit Ogden ona and other needed extensions an rovements, and those are what Ogden drole have been clamoring for. Whoever furnishes them will be the favorite. MORTON FUNERAL. Body Will Morning; Arrive in Ogden This Funeral in Afternoon. Spkcial Tribune to The OGDEN, April 14.—The body of rs. Glen Morton, formerly Miss Grace Glas: ton of Ogden, pene. died a few d in Tucson, Ariz. row, accompanied He her husband of less than a year, an er. brother, ‘Frank Clayton, The body willbe removed to the* residence of Thomas §S. Feeny, at 2560 Orchard avenue. h French wines — costs but HALF. Two Kinds, SPECIAL DRY— BRUT Sold by all leading grocers and wine merchants, URBANA WINE Co., Urbana, poy Y., Sole aieee on, who died in California yA very Tribune. parade of : league) which will parade is going to present some WITH rade. an separate anticipat- SWANSON The Tribune. n wrestler, 14.—Mike has ma OFF. Yokel, the Special to The Tribune. OGDE April 14.—Rev. Dr. John HE. Carver of the First Presbyterian church todav received from cere members in California twenty dozen cala lilies andthree dozen Easter lilies as a token of their appreciation an or use in .the Easter day services. The lilies have been bank in ere the oS gmens ever seen in U the churches tomorrow ee have an un reual floral decoration. Joseph’s church there will be a pranieon of Pasta lilies and the same will be the i a recent letter, feeling of creeping fever and cured and feel as though I willing at, in oy Francisco and is argumen has o admirer in Ogden to back n as just looking who is Spring is tarrh.: the best Nature spring. The | working. time to renews system They treat. herself. is rejuvenated have the empty confined of e in the county ‘boo s’’ who by boxes | He the Southern Pacific ASKS HEAVY DAMAGES. systemat-} Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars Asked for Loss of Boy’s Foot. Special to The Tribune. 14.—A has been. filed John Smalley, an ad litem of aie Smalley, an infant, against the Den & Rio Grande nd the Rio Grande TWenbarn railroads, in which itis sought to eae $25,000 and costs for personal injurie The suit is the ourente . of the PAclegn to Albert Smalley, 5 years, old, on No vember 22, 1905, whe ime playing on the tracks, was run over by boxcar and sustained the loss of a foot and the an Special suit Opera Company Passes. - to The Tribune. N, April 14.—The ane Metro- Francisco. In aggage and scenery, seven standard es The party is in charge . Ruble, traveling passenee agent of the Harriman lines a ye “who ee to Chicago aie ny, and who will remain with them inl they eae to the Hast. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, April 14.—Lucy Wickel is pe Frank D. Wickel for a divore sae tiger alleges that the ae ae ee ried October 25, 1900, and fae Bienen the defendant is an eae bodied man he has for more than a year ee Ne neglected to provide for the plai ue rayer is also inoliod tee the plaintifé be as ie to her maiden name, Lucy McCorm FREIGHT CARS. Southern Pacific Brakeman Arrested in Ogden on This Charge. Special to The street, Nash- cers have had previous advice of his robbing cars.in transit. in the train on which he had been. season, Just help her a little and she will bring you out of the quagmire in which you have been floundering so long. Give Nature a little assistance, lest -her struggles be in vain Case. George Lieut. ord M. 1. F. Rowlands from Is Denied. | Special to The: Tribune. OGDEN, April 14.—In the case of A. Stone, Sey of ge estate of x inslow, deceased, vs. the Union Pacific, the jury vine been Caen a@ motion by the d a non-suit was argued an eourt. The taking of testimony, for the defendant will be taken up on Tuesday morning. Pleaded Not Guilty. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, April 14.—Before Judge Howell in the District court .today, William Seven breaks up Grip and will come tively. up Special to April 17 on Arbor and 18, the formerly writes Southern R. W. Nicol of the Salt fone rie ata Supply company was in Ogden today from trip to New afternoon, practice a the big verete of the foneals . G. ves, a recent graduate of the Soncel of ‘Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo., Sree @ recent practitioner in, Boston, is ning offices in \the ewis block on Washinatae aed Dy. Beals es is a son of Sanford L. Iv of Ogd Garrett oe oe ore passenger agent of the Union Pacific, with headquarters at Oma. ° ay to Los Angeles to attend the Lacan of the general passenger and ticket agents. Superintendent Manson of the Southern Pacific returned on oO. tonigh rom a trip of inspection aes his division. He states that trains are n ning smoothly, but says that there ted 2 heavy volume of traffic, both freight id passenger What FOUR “JT respec; hours HUNDRED. Is Going on in Society Junction City. in the Special to The Tribune. ei OGDEN, April 14.—Mrs. J. H. Rhine delightfully entertained the Lucky Thirteen club on Wednesday ae at her ie Fowler avenue. h five woke ie diversion of the ethene. Dickson won the first prize, Ries. Gullt, ur the second and Rhi booby ‘prize. The home was bright with decorations of carnations, ee and white jes g the predominating colors. The tally Brief Mention. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, April 14—Trainmaster Thomas con- | N. W., brought a Washington, forward sickening cough ceased and my D. C., as from winter case of into catarrh it , te trials of this remedy in this class of derangements have demonstrated its effi-' ciency. " ‘Numerous Testimonials. Thousands of cases might be quoted their stantly receiving. Very tan physicians in the world have received such a’ volume of enthusiastic letters of thanks. : tarrhal affections weakening and as a tomic for M. Fill- effects.’”—Geo. A short course of Peruna now will be just in time. During the month of April you will find the strategic time to rid yourself of chronic catarrh, one of the most persistent, stubborn dis-* eases in the whole list of human ailments. After you have tried it you will say Peruna is positively the best spring medicine you have ever use A great many years K. Hodge, Hodge, of in which from Peruna the Ww of rescued spring people catarrh, and! n give our readers only ‘a slight gunn of the endorsements Revised vast Dr. array eS ae Hartm: is . con-} Formula. “For a numbér of years requests have come to me from a multitude of grate- ful friends, urging that Peruna one a Slight for laxative quality. with quite a length giveti I e time, and been a laxative’“adaltion of feel gratified to announce to the friends of Peruna tha have incorporated such a quality in the medicine which, in my opinion, can only’ enhance. its-wellknown beneficial character. extensive Baas! has ravages put them on a good, solid foundation of oS. Tyree, HARTMAN, M: ae. ’ i King, Staples, Lund, Mernlund\Glasmann, Fulton, A and own very evening Messrs. pleasant was -Glasmann surprise of WOMAN DIES IN LONDOK Friday : the er home on Steele avenue. he evening was spent at games, Miss Annie Hall and Richard Morrissey winning the first prizes at high five. The booby prize was won by i Florence Hill. After the awarding of prizes a eon was serve ose resen ere besee May Williams, Florence an A e Hill, Leola Howe, Katie Mills, Lizzie Tage ‘Alice Johnson, Lydia Smeding and e coe Richard and Raymond Movtiadey, elinap, Floyd Smith, Hdward Johnson, Albert Howe and Don McDan- ae George W. eee Leaves a, Large Fortune, and Coffers of Church May Benefit. of ‘Dillon, Mont., is visiting in. t city with her sister, Mrs. Don Pike wile. on her way home from New York, wher re: she’ has been apendide the Paes Gore, McKnight pe at Lake is M cit -visiting with friends in th Gs iis Bltcoe. a “Los Anath are in the c Lyon. After Peitinte here for a few days they will go to ake, where they will, make their George Barnes of ae Lork-is spending a Wau gone in the city, the guest of his aunt, Ss. n Maguire. The Ladies’ heat op ary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen: will give «a ecard party in Me of P. hall ‘on Wednesics aah hats _George . McCormick will entertain ati cards on Thursday afternoon at the Pacific hotel. The Woodmen of the World were hosts at an exceptionally enjoyable card party and social on Thursday evening, Burke Case Again Continued. The hearing in the case of John Burke, charged with'petit larceny, for stealing raiiroad journal brasses, has been continued indefinitely. Burke is in the custody of the Sheriff and a charge of grand. larceny will probably be preferred against him this week. Announcement of Everard of London, the death of Mrs. a wealthy member Sarah of the cablegram, Saturday. Mrs. Everard was about! 70 years of age and is’ understood to have massed a fortune in the brokerage business, : which, she is said to have heen a aarine, PA Kept Hospitable Home. Mrs. Everard’s home ‘was. located in one of the fashionable quarters in London, and- for some fifteen years was a haven of hospitality © to the elders from Utah. She paid two visits to Salt Lake, the first in 1897. She remained two years, and then returned to England, here she stayed for a year or two... Then she returned to Utah, remaining two years, and on this’ occasion she joined the dominant: church, again returning to London, where she died. Utah Persons Beneficiaries. Mrs. Everard made h investments in Utah in industrial and paamention stocks,’ hich are supposed to approximate $25,000. . It; is understood that she has other valuable holdings in this State. It in peers that over @ dozen Utah persons are beneficiaries of Mrs. Everard, but who ey are a € amounts; In all likelihood! the coffers of the church will also benefit by ;her demise. BEAUT. 1FUL- WOMEN aes The Tolstoi circle ee cheerful home of Mrs. K lightful afternoon was. April spent. 3 the a “Utah Mrs. Shaw favored the circle by reading her “Irrigation Ode,’ which was highly j rs: Condon followed with “Profit and Loss,” by Don MaCondon’s “pie of the Plains’ d by Mrs. Pierce.. Mrs. King in her own inimitable way gave several reci-. tations, which were all thoroughly enjoyed. The hostess, assisted by, her two street. The ae R. Pierce, pane lt m i 759 Twenty-third 8given by Pealico Wat foxoriant hatp ef + eich, vient oe always adds to their charts, = Mrs Fe or Bahy’s To beautify t! Hittlebabies’, there’s Bath. a Gulag fond. tlk Leeep bad chad8 i Pa re and the delte delicate nothia 8 like. aa ae ect, especially, dies May's ‘HAIRHEALTH ens You Looking Yournge Kee, HARE INA SOAP PE Ler ity being represented. was awarded ee prize for the ‘character and Mrs E erson the prize in the guessing contest. midnight lu was served, covers best won At be- ins, Ane, Gilbournce, ox, HXklund, Bage Anderson, Jackman, McGaw, thas Jobb, ‘Wiant, aa beauty an of outh . Aided b; “A Breath ef Pine Baisam in Ev als the gcalp stops itching end ieaesootnes and Cake.” enetex. deodorizin 4 fragrant, ial ~ Large a fine hair gto tud of ee Pee ech and auisery, uated eve: urpase 25e., des roye as by "be nhe!ait Ointm ecalp, rosy pitt nD an erms, makes health: oe ay. to any of following dtuggiste A penat Aful hair. Lar arge 25c. cake dru; and get 50c, bottle oth fort uy a Harfina Med: ere ee T ese eemarvelous ida = prep x0 saan is medi. prepa! eeons. p given vi f pated like Harfina. Made by PHILO HAY co., a. ae. address, ane Tee: for Hairbealth, lew: Free. Soap Offer Sxieseee Take this scvjttie on money order department closed. EOS SS ey AV TS. OP. NL, I had sa York. Charl les W. Lawrence of Salt Lake was in Ogden today and went: west on the Overland Limited to San Francisco. The Nichols Concert band is to meet OGDEN’S Peruna. which was making existence miserable for me, until i was induced to try a bottle of Perun “An iiimedtare improvement gave me hope, if not relief. I kept up taking Peruna and it has so strengthened and relieved me that I.am now confident of a cure. JI heartily endorse Peruna for ca- is | Mark, over his divis 4 recent purchasing St., follows: from aa L spring 1st Day. The Tribune. April 14-—Postoffice _ Wil- on Hours m.; “At druggists, 25 cents, ey mailed. Doctor’s book mailed fre Humphrey’s Homeo. Medic ine Co; cor. liam and John streets, New York. — 8S. Artillery, of a trip EH. Dr. Humphreys’ Seventy= Fillmore, 909 Licenses. e sema of Fort Worth, Tex., and Florence M. Reid, AS ere ve Utah. This couple was married in courthouse Be Elder couse Ritchie. H. Butler, 22, Ogden, and Miss Lr zie ‘Hall, 20, of West Weber Non-Suit Utah, April 14—When F. H. akeman on a Souttiert. Pa~ cific freig ht train, arrived in Ogden at 12:15 eleais this (Sunday) en he was arrested by Sheriff” Sebring, Under Sheriff Wilson and others; and his grip, which he had in his ha: This failure was during the winter months. But now is your opportunity. Nature comes to your assistance at this A ee to try “T have enjoyed better health since taking than I had for several yearns previous. z Special to The Tribune. DEN, April 14—Marriage licenses were issued today to the following coues: Oury Robbins and Edna Tribune. OC OEM, of Advice. Now is Your Opportunity. is | back jail. He is have been s To those who have been afflicted with chronic catarrh we wish to say that the spring season affords you a splendid opportunity to get ri of your disease. It may be you have ee afflicted for several years; you may have tried different remedies. Perhaps you have become discouraged. ca- every he had robbed as-evidence. Marriage but “stage money” a gden people will stand for nothing but “square sport.” Ma He Grant will give the “good peop. e of the oes boule Tefor any athletic pORieEE that is the leve ROBBED A Word I decided short time my strength returned. 2) spring weather. This renders medicinés more effective. A Short course oF ‘Peruna, assisted by the balmy air of spring; will often relieve old, stubborn cases of catarrh that ave resisted treatment r yéars. have Action for Divorce. arrived a an FOR , EASTER, Huge Bank Arranged in Front Pulpit First Presbyterian Church. tirely ically su LILIES in a new lease on life.” Nature’s Assistance. in “Stage Money” Does Not Go With the Ogden Public. Special who, “Last spring I began using Peruna and followed the instructions as set forth in one of Dr. Hartman’s booklets which I picked up ina drug store and to my great joy I noticed that within a week I was nearly cured. ; “At the end of two months I was en- robbing Will Participate in Ogden. ig ool will lead th every © scho wo hav i buglers. A great day is being ed for civic temaiaeiate. MATCH Y., “These symptoms manifested themselves mostly in the spring and fall. “I suffered this way for about seven at the | now ladies. | one’ meeting nominations for every one in€ movement for a cleaner more beautiful city is invited: It is Hieeahie that a mass meeting will be held The Junior Btone ay, N. “TI suffered from a general lassitude, with occasional chills, followed sometimes by biliousness y churches, | which given the OGDEN, April 14—After the the Givi _Umprovement Junior asset matter is taken with a great Gee of complaisance by the pees es Ogden There is a strong sentimen Ba ia s favor, for the reason that he ocof seemi the who A caret CHILDREN IN PARADE. Five Brooklyn, writes: years. The Correct Remedy. ; Spring with its lassitude is also fruit- quality of Sadler Mercantile Co., istributers, Salt Lake, Utah. a Almost everybody needs a tonic in the spring. Something to brace the nerves, invigorate the brain and cleanse the blood.. That Peruna will do this is The wine of the banquet and ultrabrilliant functions. Equals Peruna such whg 00 h and are the’ Post bunch of, beef ates sent out this seas The demand for good beef cattle As apPave tly growing stronge ts estern Dp since March 21, and is in the market for 500 head of beef eek month, 380,000 fat sheep and 30,000 h URBANA why at warm weather immediately after the invigorating cold of winter, ae disappears when Peruna is ta Taken Tribune. April 14—C. beef, cattle explains remedy tinue this months of OF STEERS. Western Meat Company of San Fran_.. eisco Makes Big Purchase. this There are general lassitude, dull, heavy sensations, continual tired feelings, with irregular appetite, and sometimes loss of sleep. INTO THE AMPRALT tr: ile and correct chee Tribune. April 14.—As ecial men of the Tae fact, the feelings Work to ful of.catarrhal diseases, on account of its sudden changes so apt to cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, involving either the head, throat or lungs. Peruna’s beneficial action upon the mucous membranes is a thoroughly tenes in j PHILIPPINES, RUCKER. | Ss parent ast year on the tFe Aclag ‘and if Bet aay good matches I will take up.’ Lawson, as he left on the t sta ee that expected to be ba aoe Utah shortly. TO “So languid That Tired Cedar fidence in it before I took it and found it was just the medicine I needed, for in a RS. ALS. my aa! Pe- Get 1824 “T had.a bad cough for some time and I tried several vena a but grew worse all the time. f£ I did not get relief, I would soon go eee consumption. i Depression of the nervous system at the approach of spring is a fertile source of blood impurities. nga Special Depression. oe writ “T wish to tell you what Peruna has done for me. In the spring of 1902 I was very sick and so weak I could scarcely be up. I was alarmed at my condition. ark Bnvoinan Tribune, Uncle Sam’s Boys Are on Their Way to Far-Off Islands. Mrs. A. S. ville, ‘Tenn., 1 nev Catarrh. 0G EN, April 14.—Iver L erack bicycle rider, was, in Bea nae for a few hours, bound train, and is o ca if his visit was intend professional, he stated that it Sees Gorna Lynn, since of “T have recommended it to. several 1 friends, who also find it very beneficial. vise any one troubled with catarrh to use a.?? mi Nervous eae street, catarrh my eould Will Be Examined. Hot Air, Pay REL “T began taking Peruna this spring and find myself greatly benefited by it. I have not had an attack since I took my first bottle. I think in time it will cure me. It has already improved my appetite and my general health and I have gained twenty pounds in three months. “lauthority can examine them as to whether or not they have been exposed. ; .Dr. Hickox, Federal inspector for Utah, “with headquarters at Salt Lake, has been ‘called upon to examine these sheep and determine whether they have been exposed. In the meantime, the sheep organization -will send agents to ascertain the ‘condition of these sheep. If they are diseased or have been exposed to disease, the Syeones will pee u ree from disease eel will be Eiewad to enter into Idaho, ‘in’ accordance with the order of Judge Pete of the Federal court. 'e ockmasters who desire to reach the 86 Mulberry ore ae _ }be Mills, os they £ 3 that Flocks. ct established SS ® —O < ® eh 9 3 a the claim exposed. Examining 4, ‘back, and had been Hatrheaith and 26c. cake GODBE-PITTS DRUG CO., First South and Main; WILLES-HORNE DRUG Co., Deseret News Bldg.; VAN DYKE, 280 Main; ANSTEE-BRICE DRUG CO., 44 Main; HILL DRUG CO., Second South and West Temple; DRUEHL: & FRANKEN, Main and Third South; SMITH DRUG CO., Main and Seo- ’ ond South; SCHRAMM’S, Main and First South; DAYTON DRUG CO., ; . Second South and State; Z. 0. M. I. DRUG DEPT., 112 Main, |