OCR Text |
Show <3 eons 5 4 a { E X —— - a A a Aga ce SSS 1 ; Delinquent Rotice. SS 2 = foo Notice. : MINING ms jon of Celtter pr ete Sranciney. ria st e of cel of such 8en sole at of ] Parker stock as publie bli may be necess qloeation works,UtahSliver Rect District, | 32, Francised Palsariee tac Washington ofcounty, Territory. the TWENTY- ~ ECC OND (22) day of r « 7 « “w oe: ae i Alden.......,: 3453-100 3. . p. © of { ie han 800 DF 200 UU ieee he - o 1 PD Phone ayley 1B, 9SBete ce Trustee. ay cy #6, Tro ga th “4 G, Trustee. 2 10 a ’ Gy stee D, HILL, Nov. 9, 2 or50 || GUARANTEE Improvements gave? NZ Shs eal = ie os UO WJ. zo 09 ae 23 U0 Se renee $a se Hectro-Hiagnetie Helis) 9 | se WO 5, OU 2 00 W| % WO | 25 3 3 25 00 | 00 | luv 100 hl 105 100 100 Page ata he, OS 00 «285 00 og 25 00 1¢eed 25 00 ¥ SO & Sra BEAST Hill Co, Richardson, iii” green trustees ........ fia eet ourg: Richardson, Hill, & Co, ee nee : Wile 6 trast eee 6 Sevier takees Richardson,niaHill“ re“Go, WOLEOS PENT A m oe post Hill & Co, aces coca 1 Richardsoi, Hill & Co, Hichardson, hai ‘& Co, Richardson, “Hill &” Rl Rk Hill 6p tee, enn Hiskatame trustees... “Hill & , Co, URIS will guarantee 227 ‘ who eur} mayett are many men { Bh ae Sear ‘ ; Notice e LL PARTIES a INDEBTED TO UO oe «12:50 spueiie si : 25 00 : d Guels __Battlo Crock, Michigan, MANUYAQIUSEESOF THE OULT GEVOINS Tr ‘ae SHERS 3s Fe Ae Ea rare Traction and Plain Cogines and Horss-Powers 25.00, ; 25 c0 25 00 6 25 26 09 25 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 C0 25 60 50 60 50 1 95 5 00 “125 12 50, 25 09, 26 00 75 00 route Jong den, does it de oe de aah able on ob wedder, to ay. Deere and | bead : or R Live . be taken to enlist an it is toward ee : SUT . ee Pe ai ITA . BN the most durglars in San fe ve come all the from pity in said | reccived in or sent mailable out of attend the great | next to ahead cof w eek, but might weight of. the composing and assimilating them for their own increase. This circle of changes has been going on ever since man became an oveupier of the earth. ~ | He feeds on the lower animals and on:the sceds of plants, which in due time become a part of himself. The animals fecd upon the “herbs eerie SOPARATORS, and lower ay * i Warn pWhich..in their. turp be-| or PeGehnes eed Piain Tagines 6 American market. come e the | animal: then, by its death, ‘A snultitucle es aL and improvements again pass into the atmosphere, and for 1881, tovethrer with superior qualities in cous/ruce n and materrials not dreamed dre ot b oiher makers, ure ready Once More TO DE assimithited Oar ees of Senerato 8, from G6 to 12 horse by plants, the earth or bone-substance acity, Zor s hor ie poroer. Two styles of eM OanIA ae Horee-Powera. ‘alone remaining Where it is deposited. Feet ef Sclected Unmber = ——_——»> tie Se rom three to six lai ad herd band, from wh erable wood-work 2f ‘our machine Pi Horse The The Power. : Eastern railroad States. ens most durable, and effictent ev » 40,15 0 in- still Kailroad war in continues Great reduction are being made. from New York duced to $8 50. from Boston 0 always been $22 to $5. War. the Eastern unabated.’ im passenger rates “The rates -of fire to Chicago have reThe rate of fare Chicago, which has 50, las been reduced paper. desired, and ¢an be ros up. ordinary papers This’ pier, property applied, gives the walle ‘of a room all the appeur=. ance of being worked in I: mended. 4))j able in ° hard Wood, ec St. George, Washingtor following-named settler has , ee 1. 4 of NWF iW abe ane 4,5 ay Uixation.. uesled AU beker pagmnae Mlis Pie all of Johnson, Kane Ueanty, Utah. lcMA STEM, Register. Baitey & Sere A ys for Appiicant | D stone. its eposi peck ‘ a Notiee s for Bint 2 Publication—No. 602. ‘Laxn Orrice, Sav? Lae Crry, Uta, Nag ot YOTICE N tae 158 the Ma a SREB | ee + following-named settler THE ON LY Published é has filed lerk the the county Stee NEWS in oF Southern ‘0 on M- NEN st ee yunty, See 17, lwp 41,8 R7W, of 8. L.4 ite names the foll aie r Sin eunee to prove his Beattie e Gictce upon and enttivation of said land. namely: Robert Marshall. EngelETL HELE ES le PDAS iA GRIER RCIA rE : H.W ea Sate ail of Mount Chern Kane PAPER ; Court eat, seat, RASMUS vaya a ; Utah, Countys Ulan. H. McMASTER, Register.Barter & Parsons, Att’ys for Applicant. ——— > Bold, A = « we Fearless . 4 7 Ex pone + : Notice to Creditors. N TUE PROBATE COURT IN AND _ for the County of Washington, Territory Ttibece > raster estate of Juee ake ceeaee er ofof thethe estate a We, Marius Ensign and Jacob-Tobler. daly appointed ndministrators The atten nt af OF . THE nexed of Jacob Josa, deceased, give Roteee PEOPLE. Al having of claims ita Clara, against Washington said County, JACUB TOBLER Administrators The Largest ; Circulation -) N ae: ertising yr Ady will Ce ee of ee Notice a Best with, the’ JoesU ee nice ate . for Publieation—No. 624. % : Lanp Orricr, ’ Sart Lake 0 City, oT, TLL Uran, } me aang GIVEN er, Jeet. THAT TOTICE IS HEREBY the following-named sctuler has filed his notice aa ee ion to ars ae PecBe t h im,and that said proo will be made be ae ae Made re—or in ie cs sence before the County Clerk of the Court 23h ot oes c ae ae celethe ok eu oe or Manatee Kane County, Utah; If. E. No. 5213 for. the NW of SE; of Sec 12. Tp a8 S 2 12. of § L M. He Hanes the i ane a avin A Meditum — ae enn ee Ggroeatel ener oar chee Eame iW om anne ISendare, vig Norris Wilson. Jorgen Be terson, all of Virgin for Wed- per own 1 Territory, within four months from the a ; p ptyubhication of Rn this notice, he ow es nired ask now, inv: slu- ne estate are hereby notified to present. the sane to us, with the neceseary vouchers, at he in the iny’ at ine Utahied, 5. calmly. give you , Saturday. August 20, 1881, viz: Joa- yours e Utah, .KaneinadeCounty, Dene neeie ‘ for A a . i 1 Spec imen ( Opy Sainey AILEY * Son If.’ McMASTER, Register & & Parsons, P ree! Atty’s e RCE Tee panya ——— for Applicants : i Netice. Assessment Ouse aeeiioe ros of business, oe Francisco, California. Loca of works, ate . Reef District, serait gion County, tah Territory. ee Matters at of d the compound oe: h and quinine treatment. It is*very simple, econ- sisting in the administration of quinine during the attacks of chills, and the application of oil¢loth to the soles of the feet when the fever comes on, This treatment is the inyention of a and has’ never’ yet ee , Loeal Local oil-, cloth for a few minutes. The shock to the system will be gréat, but not dangerous. He will probably return to his couch shivering, but a reaction is sure to follow, and the individual usually sinks at once into 2 sound and refreshing sleep. In the case of ‘| Advertising sick person, the application of a piece 6f-ellelothto. the soles.of the feet will]. run the temperature down to normal ina very short time. ‘The latest and ‘host successful treatment” for inter= mittent fever is what is described as Stockton doctor, the . San e Ae ribo uh. son, Jr. for ines THE THE... dst San man anything weather U epee ee aaa ste nf OF --OF dis de ii eS Oileloth is simply athe Let : warny ala notice of his intention to make final proo sup vort of his claim, neee said proof will beforeU tah theat¢€ Am ee nate fount, maetvibe UAB on July 30, TS8i, viz: D. S. S087, yu War. : BR, Johne Wi 1 nf MAW RELULUST PLCS Bi etcne enon n Happenings Happening General Interest a ase Francisco, Calif ‘Any stock shall f which tig assessipent unpaid on the asth day of be delingpent, and July, advertised for 22d day of August. 1881, to pay the delinquent assessment, Logethe f with cost of advertising and expenses of sale By order of the sound of Directors. . B. CHISHOLM, Rates on Application fice—Room Secretary 6, }pins ‘327 Pine Street, San FE. aes) Californ jn22 Nottice for ‘Publication—No. 410, »D Orrick, , SaLt LAKE CitY, me of Subscription: On GaN Cater npssnest ide Six Months......... One a upon remain 1881, will Terms Three ueuant aeea Pe le t of June, emery1881, ‘ mati an e an Cassessment day ((No, 5) : of ana | twenty-five (25) asee centseee per share oe was levi Dea cr meneriie payable immediately in United States golc coin, to the Seeretary, at the ofiice of the C J OUND RTLY Room 6, ye fare No. 327 Pine Street, San Months.... Month....... , November 15th, 1880. 7 OTICE 15 nent GIVEN THAT THE N undersigned setifer has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, and that said final proof will be made before the Clerk of the Court of Kane county, at the county seat, on Thursday, December 50th, 1880, viz: James Jepson, Sr., of Virgen City Kano county, Utah, H. WOR, aie n of D.8. No. 6945, failed of success. > An John In this paper is viven a thin of the wood L 8 M Ae : Ese edeffects See aeThe beneficent See of tntofleloth, as "1 : : Ne eeucaleenke ith on active excitement of s the feeling of teplete with coolness, cannot be too highly come “Hill's —~> <-> oWood Paper. The Paper World mentions a. rew article for covering walls, called wood veneer in MENA o aa tia eee doen: okt would make that de, and-in less ‘than Decomposition of Animal Matter. five minutes they had struck a barWithin a very near approach to the | gain and arranged the whole affair. truth, the human family inhabiting $<. —___—__ Sam yy the earth has been estimated at 1,000,; $! ‘loth, No v, the on cae w alk- we Peet Can’t_do 2 SW. Heargmes thre following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cnl- e Lemme see. proof Ree ~ Ee Lanp Orrick, Saur ESSE= t Uran TERR TORE: June 24, 1881. TOLIGOH IS) DERBY (GIVEN “THAT: oO valu- first, and as you can’t realize on your ae said oh notice of his intention to make final proof in support-of his eiatan and at eal proof will letcot an ite pack- | to that Notice i . 620 . Notice f for Publication—No. oF i . , . rye New York postottice, The wages of | nesday or Thursday of ake Week after. | Send these letter-carriers— amount t0_2.| yJow?}l that suit you?’ average Of $37,060 per ae The cashier said he thought he | i joo, Exponent young make | «you're a bank cashier down are eS and eset S SNOW r; of St. George, : business “bxnetly,? elaim, = sore = , iat eat, on on SiSaturday, Augestan: 1881 : his Cone gr bas upon Deere red ene Ataris i ia p.Woolley Jr. Daniel by the fol- | ction tom: ike to yo Jetter-carriers his sttle ye i ec Sas a Sinaia ity. ; w ay eae be o. : ERASTU hebbled-on prominent 5 3 of will eee the connty ive ha ebro Francisco was loo! look {Up support o ts ' > 1 “tay e, ebé oy ; “Ye : s—I—t Cheer ve a.a little f propo- i: ee ede see nn SiP ef which follo wee rue . » 11. 1881.” NOTICE E fs HEREBY GIVEN THAT Adie ark icsurention ve alake unl woot ale If. McMASTER, Register. saicey & Parsons; Att'ys.for Applicant. SAILEY ¢ es I he “You are “Leddy the Ferret,’ ain’t che asked the re ntleman; “the man who was atelt to-day for safeee: Well wot of it?” SORE nav GC "0 EAT Pep Rec 1e house-breaker I UHL? TuREANES ORL Bea |, V5 just this—you'll ex use me or speaking so low—but the fact is, of taining money, or some other able articles; £500,000 are ABeEs, C Nore GS? NOs - Seegmiller, all of Seen TSE 1@ opera - é for County, ing out of Court the other day, just after hay ing secured an eguit: al regarding | aH. test bl ne t garding his latest job Leta en aad business like “divvy”? with the ‘ . powers that be wr, at the . usnal rates, when a Well-to-do but anxivus looking stranger touched his arm and quin to : +] the postilice. ————$__—o a One of x j Ge tee T Th by the July a mt company Lanp Orrice, Sat Lang Cry, Uran, How They Do It in 'Frisco. to ere oe ere Phe Te his matt Notice ALCTORS limselt crutch: the old Ri aid to the law Washing right.” | beckoned him into.a door Ways. ERS Rew EOr nt Osteihce nders ti p po § aa work ohw deere me gures + bottle, ome aad eer a, small Great iy a te Meier eer TT 7 wie : in bound app suhered: Mi This counkee sping the the mh officers but ee > +} ui epresenta ive zs in Ef fede oaed it ¥ ‘hey : fee the 0h last drop,edt like aE oo tt reece left the b e get mail service,suggesting improvements sak , | A etat Mm gueli, as puting foot-logs streams and the propriety of no ; : os being furnished with a new He said: “A old-fashioned erntch wide-wake day won't do. lab Bo FRANCIS, Agents 1 [Silver Reef, July ‘16, -1881. 9ud it Sa ; PULA slee enter Pailication= ee el Pete ah Ge eed eee . ee the ice + sab.” el ing, an advertising, your interest in said claim wil : 3-| tion of | \| | The 3 gotisome I've ground, a yh tion of this notice, together with the cost of an ee : ; .course, require ee OE the When Avo! on | tte . 23 de absentness &Ayitetime. niGn oy minute, hie on t te i of -the earth clear awayefyom the | oo who fancies nineeit warm earth the gases thus generted, de- night get out of bed and stand on conntanty | ete ad: hy time. peerels t slat" de wedder, » sabi. : ; ae reat: 1. All Point f Thresher E animal matter of thisSs immensege body in the World. oy Factor; i)o EstabreaedIshed 2 cast into the , gfrie : is no less thanM384584,-} YERRS 7% continuowsardrurcersfeliued. | OOO tons, and its deer ee proEee NONE: CHa RO: OLIN Ein | 6,000,000,000,000 Cubie«"feet of manezement, OF location, to" back uy the PUtices & fe broad «ised Sire eerie matter. The vegetable productions | va TRACTION ENGINES 25 00 27 26 25 25 25 25 25 6 2 7 11 12 his eae oe ie Fj of000which 6,000,000 areandletters, 1200)" “any,you guessed the regular are postal-cards, 1,200,000 are | thing, know. it. Got[t's three orders 500 25 00 in stuff here iia bottle. ?dred tties eree te et Eee Monte, ) <arnis titty-three, newspapers and other 1250 eS} Cs AEE 3% each, daily. Ina. single month they “How did you know that?” stamdeliver, in round numbers, 10,547,000 | mered the gentleman, much amazed. areels, Of these, 47,000 are regis“ And lyour parecis, ¢ nese, 47, ‘are s your cash cash accounts ‘are to to bebe . | teredae letters—eacth, of -cvotrrse,—congone-over by the directors on the THE : ; 72a 3 e 1250 ©6100 He cliss2 at West2 Bey Bee 50° 100 aS | Of New York City (nearly 500) 50. 250r eg sun Piuke or the re tele : } numbers, lowing 5 35 60 10 a a eard under its arm. enna ee Nw ees |. The = 20 100. ertes : 15 ON patented <i . letters by stocks, you want me to eae you some ail fr A istanee: 8 ese 2 : arf mail from 2 distance ; 800,000 are | {ime next week, shoot your hat full postal-cards by mail; 3,000,000.are lo- of holes, find the combination in your ie eases ; 1,000,000 } Siae x6 +1 : i ’ cal JCUbers Rae ay breast pocket book,nae and go through cards; and 1,500,000-are newspapers | the safe in the regular Wi ay. A WEEK. $12\2 day at home easily and other packages. In the same in“Great heavens, man! how did made. Costly Outfit free. Addreks Titve | terval they collect 8,400,000 parcels, you find all that out’ 4 apigit: , 512750 NE pen reget Star the mail ever your line is quiet : AA “Branch of Goldsmith & Co. notilat | 255 00) og | Going businessHouse in this city, are hereby = fie ae me "ett placed withi Ses 8 ri 50 | collection GOLDSMITH & CO. | jo i50 5 She’s is a A Norwich couple who had a pet |, SMe CHM ARercat minCI Ieee McC Taney Cal which has grown helpless from ame and extremely fitty put it out of its miseryby the agency of chloroform. |p ulna. fee Teer a Lhey buried it in the garde ut ann planted a rose bush over its renimins. ‘The next morning it apppeared at the at Fhe hor in URLLIEL the rose | bush 100 100 x ae Tg Pe it of of et eted four cents, *Phat’s eee & CU. eek oe 35~ 00 960 dear; kind x on é a level with a per- “1 Kearny St., San Vreacicco ey ee a AO 100 een eae “Ifow ve is necessary, ; but“ yFas ean acconrpli sh when ae cae crn job de clouds. invented the telegraph, ) 3500 | from 10 to 11.4 _M. Consultation free. Thor- | Single city are illustrated sats | & Co trustees fe ee is 4 3164 fchardaos » Hill 4& Oh muons. agibae a - ese 3198 PUROOONmaSs on tect eases on ae. my auy equal number of soldiers. try is h: wing a hard tome Men. There Dr. ‘Spinney ass with | »RL} :-++0-+++ L sys atr amp despondtakin’ ter ciderashun eh sets ste ic a ineee s avmy ‘There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too freqnent evacuations of the bladder, often accouipanied by aj slight smarting or burning sensation anda | yee of th e pao ina eatee the | patient cannot account for. examining the arinary deposits a ropy sediment willbe | found, and -sometines small particles of al- | bumen will appear, or the color will be o thin milkish hue, again Chaneite ORO E weakness. | hath tery, on se iecits : smount of Jour atsets ment_ the same Within ninety days from the expira- , met |, ass ae se seerereteettiter tet Heth me Cae along ” ae commuent: iry 10) ranieee oh ores 2 Richardson, Hill & Co, Richard ae sees eae W950 aathceoees a ustees .. aoets Passe Mie Bee Pay Richardsoi Hii & ce Richardsos, ~ suceeed.—[ Chicago Tribune. and torpid epee arance. colored path, ele ¢€ prove his continuo oo Invaluable Business Absalom is Work. Manual,” the for which Mr, agent for authorized this-section of*the Territory, is without an equal asa thorough and complete hook 50,000 copies sold, andit needs only to be'f seen and examined to ce appreciated. The mechanical arrangement t of its contents is poem. “pameves beck “tte--internal=and—externat.. beauty ore JNO. A. BAILEY, attorney for applicant. of reference. ‘In fact, it is @ manual of information for everybody. ee have been over.) Of dessign and finish. “It-ts-sold-on-} Toe pre at the moderate price” wanide nee upon and culti- vation of said tract by two of the followingnamed witnesses, viz: George Isom, James Humphries, John Spendlove, Jefferson Wright, ail of Virgen City, ee county, Utah, cMASTER, Register. / LOUDER ire & teria NL Publishers. FOR SALE. PESIRABLE KEST, a A without furniture, 7% quire at this office, ENCE, WITH Sale “cheep. > ene Richardaon, sad ee Col trates esac. eer aiiies) ees piel Wich anigon: Hill & Richardson: tennieas “Hill "& Co, isa > pointSs of Sash cure eau eae cases, und a ey Tes= oration 1eé genitoorga ce oHouts10 to anes 4.andG tos. Sundays Randolph Mackintosh ae Co, Richardsos, Hit & Go" Ss TisteGac , Wa. ooveiee 883. ‘chaniaok, Hill & Co, ee re | 100 25 00 ie this difficulty, eae Wthe-} 100-25. 00 | cause, Sak isjthe second stage of semina 3581 > this year numbered Men Middle-aged mail : teal limping | . Pi fished mY a i MAY ~ BE SUFFERING FROM A fellow rich old gentle- | he effects we youthful follies or indis: eae Is econ will do*well to avail Dieasciyes Oflu of a will-pond,and refused this, the eceatent: Rosneeeet laid: at the alts a the offer of twenty-live cents from the | of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY\ reseued miser. “Oh! -that’s too 3 . § : , eee ue Tor every eae cot much!” exclaimed he. Tain’t worth.| kind or character which he undertakes and | it.’ And he banded back twenty- | fails to cnrre. one cents, saying, calmly, as he poe k- | 50-120 | 5 25 | 50 2.50 | 100 25 00 | ae 250 > OO | 50-1250 | 50 12, 00 | 50 12: 50 | 200 50 Oy | ee Young ie the the same places look,at itis that there | Newnlted States) wanster shine, let SU} jis ia@L superiuizy iy ofof youny young women.— women. ;her gecin me one ob ob desedes criteher ;grid Lf I ce ene asilyer nob on it. > F. S. crippled § 5 ar at $50 per month to ‘Che other dayaman, | 2 PED espera ls huw With chis arms encircling ius daughter's waist. : The young Indies at the summer resorts are taaking the anne al Comte ly about the Searcy of young inen, but ao Way the yeung men at} ‘hronie & Speci: iseases 00 | Treats Preate ¢ all Chronic & Special Diseases] 6 ees ax5 J 5 He came into the room 0 10 } - K earny re old 5 ON carrier LRLLYL steps Will at onee IL an going over 5 blick To NroS te pinney N o. ave claim, near Kanarra, Kane county, Utah Ter- f: ae Che graduating ie =o =ne ; ; i: and anise red el employed no doubt * ae L. D. e; og limi ? day, Newnited States miail, ull “Sarah is not very saving: she | eneaves wiil dis man. ST ton too mich rese a to pre DOG long as the conteits of the bottle allows to go waist, rerece As | Hhirked the* fond Boston parent when y a | ped out he remained, ’ discussing ate) the 25 00 Pp. apart, lay everything 5 27 x to~ Co. =Ow ners. Bhs w BG, es ve R HEIRS Giged thacd nt Rae zeneLe pceo. iat fe ner ine youe tes 1878, i879, Mae Coat Company's EU § ad t se sermon to such a congregation of {doan hafter to read. . = ssee7? Sin NATe ae ontaUy gotter dois ter snatel up * der mail HSSC eH tlds bs j Series But, good day, sah; that why you ¢ au them ‘dearly be- | 2 in’ shutile. loved brethren? é must be ewine. Dem postotiice diree- ae San Francisco, Cal. 55Re - ose its a ; soe = Notice ae his red eyes, intending the to serve as danger signals. ¢ Porkarette catalogue, tHundredsofcures E, Prop. -& M: anus: HOR 1 ties. yi ns i . carry the mail. the : 2700 t é )Little comment see What aman T 7 i ede Clergyman— ‘No, | impossible to preach ry. ol = | Will p beieedy Core eeannt eras ao het a ess, ne Dy S ~a A a ey 25 ¢, Piles and other diseases... */ & Co; ay : Proprietor. —+ A RAS \¢ 1889, De J ac#ic My mother’s BOING ES get A Mew | Phe man, amused at ‘the carrier pizno,’”? said one little girl to another | stepped eile seit ea: a few days ago. “Oh, that’s, noth-[ «1s thigsa Star route, oldman?” ing,” replied the other, “iy mother’s 27ain’t Course it am, when it ail’teloudy, goits to-geta diverce.” Morse, Patent, mes 85-18 Hand ag fi ” Fire two placescare only four miles ara Aes ee inventor an L. Vell Be » ces wh = Noble & Co H H, trustees..2585 Noble &Co H H, svintase) 2732 brow I no ses Modi sal El trici a 2ce cm HO g ec ricity EEN. 2 50 | (The RY One Gamer hsfacto in ETC, BELT Bee 250 agnetic Htelts, New 2 60 ts, Extra Appliance, & Stztc, “Ey S10; x Eleetro-Magnenio Messer, Bacon ies wa C. r - P. See 8 Se + = Carrier. The.cotton crop has doubled in the | §¥o letters and a postal-care ae Mitel talents a colitstuipwed aetht “Git outen de way, sahyde New-} ft: va he of population ae in the DtSouthern heilifted nited States mails and || ¢: erowth fiver ur coming,” fine tens f3 Siiicatrete ane ieslifted ] 6.23 3 38. the the * ow, business practiced Arkansas. between Point and is Kensett, — “This aoe 25 00 & 12 00 | Patent, Noy, 11, 1879, ae : on a TAILINGS. i 5 0 2 By) .k ania Gone eee eet ee itbim his her ° oute route West a Wr RO UMEA: Mr aeeetintl ai 66 255 6% ¥ Kenney & Dyer, trustees. 1452, Kenney& Dyer, trustees 5 Latham & King, trustees..1833 Latham *& King, trustees..1843 ae Fiat cms end PENIS EE ear ayia tees ees Lowe Geo A.. weweeee BIB Mantei M, trustee. Murphy E P, trustee.. MurphyE P, andy too k Kisstd TT F HIS POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN y EN | ponctedeiviliz: ition,’ tirely refitted, payne saeniuntdieive ie “| i a ? We ae oe 3525-00 . OF 635 eee t ustee....... Grant i, trustee... Grant E Xk, trustee... dea . trustee... ran ‘ pate Grant R, tetas GrautE Ky trustee a = R, trustee... ; 35 ww guests, and willcontinugto be the only | ingly observed “when he discovered 00 | first-class house in the city at moderate rates | that the ham he had taken fromthe = ov Terms ,$2 me bed front of a shop was a wooden one, mt Colin Tan te flash, For I feel better, now. HOUSE : Washington, : y then eg “ou t The most gigantic, or as Thackeray would say Tiko Botan jiece of Star * ee E “ from off the mess, lightning tT by sg ‘ And anid: q ay hear Ted tu Ko home, Secretary, ; TREMON Qi 100-25 00 100-25 U0 10 100°" 100 lock P. u: as a 100-25 ayley G A B, 7p ‘Trustee ayleyGQ B, Trustee... ayley GB, Trustee... yley GB, Trusteq.. . ayley & mae » Am't. $25 OU eeon a HINTS ee B Trastee erent hun‘Ani z Orrrce—Rooims e and 7, No. 327 Pine street: mazeen, R radshaw G H, trustee....1402 arrett & Walker trustees. 3382 “Ser 4 FE MONDEEe AUGUST, M, avi vid tart. C bide! are sitting on ies bonnet. tie es of costs Gt eae the xa é expens pt .€th HISHOL s the comet; “My dear, I do declar He quickly jt ane San Francisco, California. ser aG Bt aries E aes Trustee ayieg@ Es. Traatec ; |: and lig meee LT Ta CANS A STAR ROUTE IN t ARKANSAS. Now. sai a Hfece AndI have said: “My made dear,a [must really mash.” confess, ~ ey ’ ) FE 5), levied on the 7th day cal 4 she FenbeeeinC bare Noth . hi Room o, NOTICE—There are delinquent upon the n a are a Pe ciets following g described stoek, on account of us- | oh fhecon” ae S ae a Names «Talking about Wh = she said: iry will be officer anction, at the Crittenden, ion, auctioncer, 6 > sessment (No. ne, rite the 18 wanes $f & Andin accordance with taw, andan order of the Board of Directors, made. on the 17th day f June, 1881, 50 many shares of each par CA- | busines f busi te No Feel He and she were in the square = Delinquent e ————a ie ar eels te Bet er tter He ery : SSO Aiseelaneous. 2 ip eo “Lf ‘ tS Te : |