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Show i a i - Miner —— SATU r IGUSTAUGUST SATURDAY... aeeneess With this, is f ue upon velopment the future, and morn- armory. We will coal, have lead, scarcely an iron equal and known, as Well as her fertile valleys, teaming with golden grain vineyards, watered and orchards tain streams, Which invite with generous promise of a pure reward the honest tiller of thessoil, and over all of which bend the fairest skies, rivaling these of sunny. Italy, and an invigorating atmpsphere blows soft as balmy May o’er mountain and valley. While we recognize the miner and | mining as the leading productive | class. and interest, we see with a| united effort a bright future for southern Utah, and’ purpose to help to the extent of our ability in making | known her agricultural and other re- | ; a hope to School meet them on of the mineral about is the only question. neey Sa Z in Silver Reef. Hew to the candid It must be evident to all that a7] and social in- | spirit of4 rowdyism and disregard a I : teat of of laws now upon | this t@ Connect: and Pacific with at the evil calls FOR itself e ‘That loudly Colville, near such and ocean to ocean. is also for and camps, neighboring is a telescope powers wonderful that the and unless but .if repressive how Party of prison just long enough of the seem to be the more equitabie disturbing The lie, he A. out WESTERN has — dian Thar story about anes) é ; Sysw ere TPT TPO Postotfice Followitg ver Reef 10,1841. ee Di \ ate 7 y Persons for And Adeling FP Of writing so many in Cana- cae’ AND -<aeiee 3 j Agency for Singer Sewing Machines. CLOTHING I have jest reevived my first Spring sigument of Ready os Made Clothing se s I wish sv ‘are marked in examination Lower. Famous “High ...--A full line of assorted.... PAPER August Dave Paper Hanging & Kalsomining News Kok 1.8: RIO County, Tear aise ae been fitted up for the of VIRG IN of Building, Dealer REEF |' in.... | | and Cigars, Candies, Nuts and Fruits White Kane will and be Cod Sold at Pith, Lowest Prices. J. A. Turrill guests properties Brands HOT Toqnerville. riealen) the-... Whiskies GROCERIES Tobacco For Invalids ERS asre ae AMED te The House FAMILY Which reception ‘i ° RIO VIRGEN HOT SPRINGS Good of ae etinrs oe SILVER -- General ces BLOMOUIST, and before ie _BRIECER, Harrison SPECIALTY. ever Tobaccos, Pipes, Ete MOSS ‘WOOLF. DEA DNS Wi tl PM. Line Amazon and P. and, Ornamental Full were Utah. Life,’ and other Choice Cigars, PAINTING A of my Stock than Southern ....A RECEIVED Sign ONG owe Prices by those desiring to purchase, as my Wines and Liquors House, Con Gents’ Furnishings Prites WALL “- NOTION HOUSE. in TOBACCOS, CIGARS, JUST Shoes gay Goods promptly delivered free of charge PROVISIONS letters will bu. and aeANU Dee Dealers of these Springs have been known and acknowledged for years, and their advantages to -persons suffering from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lead- Poisoning, Paralysis, Chronic and Skin Diseases can be attested by hundreds who have received permanent cures from their healing . . General Dealer in... waters The hotel accommodations are ample, and every convenience will be placed at the disposal or Visitors and t27~ Charges invalids. moderate. Pane IG ROCERIES see ees Proprietor. Saati Fong SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SAN Te SAN under FRANCISCO the new Bee management as vt a CEN ICA). sa Paka Hay and Grain, ae a paper, has -ontsiri ped. all, is oe pet: as the lead- je and is now regar ae ing newspaper of the Say ME PROVISIONS FRANCISCO EXAMINER IT IS THE BEST! brimful of Lower Main Street, Silver Reef the latest: news- telegraphic, local and mar- ket eon and it editorials are honest, independent and vigorous. Its columns are clean. and contain hd scandalous, personal or offensive matter. It is the best family newspaper Deir pablishe d. Terms: Daily, one ear, $6; six months, sekly, one-year, $2; six months, $1 25, Eases paid, ier Pee sn COI} cogel g “ San Francisco. Rooms, 5588 Wecremanin St. 506 ronigonass Raitorial i 7 gw CROCERIES to your frie aka for $1 Boots of Yourself General in the-Sit ending Montgomery, onthe Pietures Furnishings, SILVER REEF:: they-will uot more local news inono Mixer |. ne a fet Lo fsIs coptain.. ee At ig Pere Ter sate OL MON 0 cents, or thece Gents’ LOWER MAIN STREET, uM Ilolmes, Michaci letters PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, Huston & Wes List. for said aad Retail Dealer in.... CROCERIES 7 $50,000 remaining week calling ee . Wholesale County, RICE, THE MINES, MILLS, Hughes, Mrs Annie Sysvester, Joseph HERMAN WRAUSE, Postmaster. <_ _ What's the Use fo f are letters PostoMce say Jame Gilliland, Letter H. HUSTON, PIERSON DRY GOODS 7,941, men- the ax. W Ree noi VIEWS OF SILVER REEF been stealing Utah Supplies, there in 1880, while Government Reef. Mining Department of Cincinnati, and ¢xpresses grave suspicions of the morality of that city. The faet which seems to trouble him most is how there could possibly have been but 1,781 marriages Sultan) Silver PHOTOGRAPHER puzzled over the report of the Health the number of births -reached of which but three cases were tioned as being triplets. ma Street, HARDWARE explained, EDITOR to Jacobs & ~ Malin CROCKERY, coinage competition 4 F si ‘ On Ei Bae oe — THe Rev. W. W. -Colley, recently a-missionary in Africa, has distinguished himself at Norwich, Conn., by declaring mm a lecture that there Was no barren Sahara, and that the whole country known ou the maps as sterile and uninhabitable was fertile and densely populated: ‘The wily Arabs started the Reis: SULTAN (Successor 7 of LAKE measures el Mint. at e Ree ——— aa the Dis- G0 = the peace of their orderly of the 1881, purpose the property i J. S. T. —— Tne allotment> for coinage of standard silver dollars for he month cf August has been made by the Director 20, A NDERSON, Silver JULIUS meeting of the the JOHN 1eizhbors. the doctors express the opinion that even with the defaulter by advertisbeen discharged, and she now threut- | he will get well rapidly. “He will be ing the wedding, adding to the aneng to sue the manager, not for the removed to the Soldiers’ Home, neat| nouncement: ‘No cards, no cake, $30 a week which was to be her actual | Washington, and if no evil results no cash, no certificate.’ pay; but for the $10,000 prize which| from the remoyal.he will. probably. be in his advertiscnicnt NC awarded her, aken to the sea side, I'he members ne iN HE Prohiition ticket _ was de| of the Cabinet are Ieaving Washing- feated in North Caroline by*an es— -——— A MAN is reported to have. dic v ton for summer- resorts. «The Presitimated majority * at least 50,000. from being pricked bya Bannscheidtdent admits ‘that he feels better than The. whites were divided upon the | ismus. ‘This inAratient is n0t-howwatt phy previous time sinee he was ‘ question, but the ored citizens fols bakers necessarily fatal, and it ts susms wounded, and tie doctors are ®an- | lowed the aavice: of the Government pected: that the man tried to pro. Se a ee A= FER EPPEE TTS ADR TOFS ee et SOTO MOIETY lok jaws 4 ~~ frealth, e “1 aeninet prohibition. f upon Dated Silver. Reef, Utah, August 9, 1881. worth of our mail pouches and converting them to its own use’ can fortress. How long this peculiar kind searcely be. true. There must be his paper with the Territorial Enterfunds for this purpose. We think of life can be Kept up remains to be some mistake about it. Tie silfy seaprise, of the same place <r, 'Phe latterthe proposed action of the School seen; but so far the Czar has onky son this year began unusually early named journil is ae to have been Board in the premises to he well ad- been tempted out of his casemated relosing money at the rate of $1,000 a and has.been up’to this time uneomvised, and further ‘that the co-opera- “treat by the necessity of securing the. But this yarn is rather “month lately, and the backers of it monly severe. tion of all our citizens may confidently succession in the event of his sudden too utterly utter. ———_————-~> be expected in this important matter. a sath, and ceremonies of this kind are are getting tired of their, burden antl have offered Mr. McCarthy the Enterrth ELT ERT RE AS A Preper Point of View. not calculated to raise the spirits. prise office asa gift.” A Great Enterprise. Tt-oecured on Lawrence <treet yesUnteéss the Nihilists rejent, which terday during the hottest part of the A gigantic drainage scheme has re- seems highly improbable, the Czar’s — THE increasing poptiarity” of cently been organized at the East. future must be a gloomy one, even if beer asa drink is remarkable. A re- | day. Irom the lower window ofa | building which was throwing a erent Its purpose is the draining of a tract his people do not indulge ina revolucSpey | publication shows that while the block of «delicious shade over the ns of swamp land in the .central and tion, sale in the United States in 1877 was sidewalk, Nhung the sign, ‘Loafers southern part of Florida, known as stund here? A cstr@fiver came by, only 9,752,030 barrels, the total sale — Mr. Brapiaven has again wiping his heated brow with a handthe “Everglades.” It includes the for the! year ending May 1, ISS], been ejected from the House of Comkerchiof, and from beneath the folds lowering of Lake Okeechobee, and nuiounted to 14,125 466 barrels, or aa mons, aml this time with so much is glazed eyes saw the bit of shade the ultimate design is the reclamation erease of nearly ¥,average annual in and the defamatory sign intended to violence that. when he arrived in the of eight millions of acres of the richest 000,000 barrels. warn away those who might take adThe New York Star Palave Yurd he is said to have been and most productive land in Florada. vantage of the chance to cool off. Ie says that when we consider the regu“ohastly pile, and almost fainting.”’ stopped “and read it deliberately: The work is to be done by means of Mr. Bradlaugh says that-he is obeying lar Americah tipple in times past was “Loafers stand Here, do they,’ he canals. - A contract has been made whisky, these figures ought to enejeculated slowly. “Shows — their the mandate of his constituents in with the State whereby the company sense, anyhow. But I domt see why temperance advocate. seeking admission to the House, and’ courge every sere ree arene er enema loafers ought to have all the good undertaking the enterprise is to have there can be no question as to the things around, and ll stand here nyone-half of the reclaimed land—that — Ar Rocklin, California, the truth of this statement.” The House, self.’ And stand he did.—{ Denver other day, in the Case of a saloon is to say, four million acres. The Tribune. ov its side, has refused to allow Mr. -———+ > oe _ _—__ whole of the tract to be reclaimed Bradlaugh to take the oath which he keeper cliarged with violating the Has the Call. Sunday lew, the jury brought-in the _lies below the frost line, and it is said en-second thought declared. himself 3odie ree Presst A> man cwith following verdict: “We, the jury, to be a richer soil than that of Cuba. willing to take, because ke had prelarge feet, a bulging nose and $20 in find the defendant not guilty, becuse It will produce sugar , tobacco, fibrous viously deelared that he should not the law is a dead letter.’ They set | his pocket to spend, can get more _plants, and all t }considertt binding. upon hin tletl the case and disnosed of ihe law, Pgirts to gow supper With hin, after aw abundantly as the West "Indies, ss se gE en easeaeeena pall than a handsome youth with a FTL SPIE A AR MT all at one lick. AP AILADELPHIA DIVINE owas blonde mustache, curly hair and only Getting Well. ~ four dollars ip his Glothes. Such is lately cheated out of his fee by at Stan actress Who wus engaged The /President is now considered mean fellow who ‘promised to—cal] to ride ira circus procession as the life; price, ten cents. ‘Twas ever thus from childhoods hour.’ out of danger from his wounds, and next day, but the reverend man got most beautifal woman in America has would Se Postetee Se in the District at for determining the rate per cent. of s long we may. be ab fe to chronivle in order to keep the ivory traffic. Officeseekers. ent of the Sacramento Reeond-Union Says: “Deb eteGarthy, proprictor ot the Virginia City’ Chronicle, is in this city, arranging a consoldation ‘of and by far the.surest way to provide aor zit for the support of the Public Benes for the school year ending June oo 1882, a: once all drunk and disorderly persons THE San F rancisco correspond- to reecivesthe - , efor ae, AN “Coote forge, belowe HIS aulding resident Territhry, iada tax fornds.on the streets, and we are con‘fident that if sucha eourse is rigidly followed by them it will redound to pointed, and as Garfield received only a little over four million votes; the mitural Conclusion is that more than fepublican ‘half the voters in the Hlow is this party are oflicesee ‘kers 5. for “‘the truly loyal? information of a fresh conspiracy against his life, thediscovery of which instantly set him packing again to his taxpayers ca a Hike condition of affairs, And we yould suggest te our peace officers. the necessity of arresting: at | feel, in hié people, and was out of his property G ouniy, w the School-house, in Silver Reef, Washington are not taken at once we do Hot know- ED A Fee ratte August the | on Saturday ev ning, o’clock P. M., ree will.be a drunken Brawls and firing of pistols— much too.often fer the comfort and security of our citizens. Wehaye eause to be thankful that so-far-nodives-have-been test, ner has inany serious bodily injury been flicted; ~ : rn Blacksmiths’ Tools for Sale. i OFFERS Ss me bay future. Of late the silence of night has been broken by ‘the noise of the American newspapers from where they are published, and thus obviate the necessity of crossing the Atlantic. The Epoca, published at Madrid, says that a periodical can be read at aise: tance of three or four thousand miles We've been thinkquite distinetly. ing all thé tim \ that the contents of| over THE MiNER Were telegraphed there; but this accounts for itall. ex- ‘=SALE. UNDERSIGNED apne m: ajesty of the law be efYeetuadly vindicated this element bids fair to inaucurate a reign of terror in the near owner, Sir Henry Bessemer, can read ‘The Sevier being, Madrid, * Hliscellaucous. = : : ’ J. R. RICKARDS. | ata bargai in, is: the unanimous prompt repression, i of : all peaceable ‘and Jaw- | —— verdict bee is ms : i NOTICE -elcdisorderly he citizens. abiding d ‘ . ment of the town has lately been re7 . et seen a eer HE- -TRUSTEES--OF- SILVER - REEF Schoo! District hereby give notice that the by importations from enferced ful inventions alinicst daily come before the public. both in the Old aud New World. The latest wonderful ali ition to science coines from Spain, Atlan- speech in which he expressed a confidence, which of course he did not the Territorial School Laws. This will Aecessitate the levying of a direct tax by the School Trustees; and while it has never been resorted. to here, it growing _— Co-Day. __ of $1,000,000 ts ordered at San Fr raniesco, $900,600 at Philad@lphia and $400,000 at New Orleans, agrigating $2,800,000, which, at the average for Jaly, amounts toa trifle over $2,000000 in bullion—the minimum amount by law to be coined monthly. . ee most prosperous to be found in the Vest. Sa Saar Tne Czar mailea recent trip to Moscow, uttered a “nervous little It would provisions the incorporate: ae Dae d Lawlessness ‘The Chicago Tribune says there are att prevent—otites milijen anpplieations the advent of the railroads be one of for Government offfees. As there are our staple exports, will make’ this| at least a million and ahalf more who Southern region of Utah one ofthe expect positions under those to be ap- seem that the only sure, safe and legitimate way is to take advantage x = aie wealth of | eration and immediate action, So that in a very short time Grande. we-tmay expect to see this country enter an-era of solid prosperity. These facilities for transporting the output of our mines, and the mannufaetured iron which willsoon—after Question. providing proper revenue in advance to maintain the school for six months at east et It is evidently the wish of all our citizens'that a good school should be had, and how this can best be brought statutory ae aes #@ sy distance of this, “The ConS¢Hdated Utah Central is to be extended to Tron City and the South, Messrs. Sharpe, Godbe and Professor Newberry being at the Eseit H#me on’ the ground. This line Valley” Railroad tall term, we desire to impress upon the public mind the importance of the eae : : the statute books, and which ‘have | ; | 5 : And in} been a dead letter so long? Q e : view of this suggestion we shall note | ao & few of the many adyant: ies that | : ie would seem to justify caretul consid- | i ended as quickly as possible, to make connection Withsthe.dDenver and Rio Now that the time isnear at hand for our publie school to open for the ef ee the moral and material welfare of our hitherto quiet city, and inspire the inruly with it Wholesome dread of tic through another volume, The Se Incorporate? and the || ness is nobody’s~business.”” Let our property-owners meet and re- || manafaet ure of iron will afford : | munerative employment to thousands} tHseuss this-jnatte rnd ack at pace, of workmen, and cause the greater | ‘ar be prepared to petition the next Levislafure for such necessnry sunendpart of Southern Utah to be setued ments as the cireumistanees may reund its resourees developed. i PULECE ee “The Denver Ui Ris Grinde Rail 8 ee road, with its network of intersecting this is an are of progress — TH lines, will shortly reach a point withno one ean deny. New-and wonder- extends the hand of friendly greet- | fom with a We apparent that Wouklkit-not.appear length, about to | mindRea that our material 'Lo our fellow laborers of the pen connection will place us at ence in ‘and sciseors whom we ncet daily and | COMMunication with that great southweekly upon our table, THE Mixer | ¢Tn system of railroads extending ing, : no distant day to be utilized, and bt silvery moun- sources. : stree ts kept.in order and suds send the East, has forced a tardy recogni| || tion, of ‘our claims on ile world of| repair with taxes that are applied | : : Our fire reguhitiong: can New mining enterprises are } tsewhere. capital. be systimatized to give greater prodaily being entered upon in this and 1 Sanitary ordjuianees mijoining counties; and nti-who- are| tection to all. and ‘inany ‘ean be strictly enforced, eapable of judging are of the epinien that the ining deyclopmengs of this j; other avantgges woukt resultsthat Will be an improvement over the conare “Only in their region infaucy. The vastebeds ef exctilent -coak and + dition-of- things as we find-them toiron‘lying side by side in the neigh- || day~a condition soniewhat analo+4 vous to “what is everybody's bustte borhood of Iron City are destined world the vast and the wealth of Southwhich nature has laywith prodigal hand; silver, of 7 Shall our mountains ¥ ison] eat question gal. ‘ - We will speak first of our large We are véry much gratified to | and growing business interests, whieh time. protection and observe that the time is now fast ap- | will receive great prowhing when the sanguine| Opes security at a tar less ouday than is ; those ine presents system of imposed 80 long entertained by intercontributions for pe ice regulations, ested tn the welfare of this section of Qtr citizens enn be letter protected in eountry aré at lastabout to be realized, peace and property. ‘The great activity which now pre- | their rights, { Our schools can be more easily mainvails in railroad matters, in conse quenée of the cheapness of mouey in | tained, with less direct Durden... Our her cloud-eapped mountains, dressed, in their alpine sublimity and beauty, and honey-combed with subterranean galleries whose burnished walls of gold k — is.perhaps no equal | There merits, States in which} ee |area in the U such: a variety of minerals are found | |. . in so great abundance, and it hi is long | Sanh | been foreseen that the complete de- | nce we golden’as the journalistic publish to the varied extent of ern Utah, upon ished her gifts plainly is, s, ntat a U tah. i ing stn inaclear sky, and fragrant With hope and joy as the rose-scented gardens of our semi-tropical cline. Our-aim shall be te build up, and io resist those who attempt to pull down; and to this end we will make available every legitimaté weapon in the now aoe Southern entecs | meme mineral resources, she so richly | der which is fruitful with signs, and pora- promise is for receive at the hands of capitalists that | terests Would be gre:ttly advanced by | the law is gradually developing es organizing our city government un- | in the lower stratum of society: recognition which, in view of her im- pes Fateen ; ne 13,13. 18811881 | |S Sohthern Utah suc : MINER enters } : , volum yon its its eurth folume. ‘To wha *, efforts ae lees net sxtent t ourour € ave been appreciPP : : “ie ated is conclusively shown by our ae darge and grewing patronage. And flow on this our anniversary, we will place the horescope nena Railroads Tt» Volume. Z New A | a a 1S Beet t : aa: ant rr r ‘ 7 = ue Silv a e = oe Ghe 4 a= gainer” 2 nate ’ oe ? {pcan | 4 oe , po) f trays = ( \ ; . wee : » | © ¥ —_— otect > ) We're “going to. Spark Rem. fea ar Nectar Lemonade. G0 wishes eri fro aoe |