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Show es ae oe Shelf a “{ Oot ‘ =a spas Etter aan i = at et —__—_— SILVER REEF MINER. SNAKE THE. FIRE RIVER. ow Its Auriferous Banks Pan Out the Precious. Binse the Suak¢e River-excitoment broke WEDNESDAY..--..+-+ serseesMAY 28, 1879 LOCAL out last November, those most interested have INTELLIGENCE. been telling. some fearful and wonderful stories of the richtiess of the gold deposits. which Friday is Decoration Day. beeul A company of Mormon emigrants leave New York for Utah about the ist of June. Poor critters. The Lafayette House will cheiike proprietors on the first of June, Johnson succeeding Spere, the present host. Judge Whedon went to St. George yesterday morning to attend to a water case for E. K. Fuller in the Justice’s court. Numerous excursions are talked of to Lake Panguitch as the hot weather advances. The lake is an admirable summer resort. meeting of the Board of the Leeds Company. will Francisco next Thorsday. Lubbock is sacking taken from the grass and so highly ports and advised miners to let the Snake River country severely alone, and a letter received here from a gentleman who has just returned to Sait Lake from surveying in that quarter fully corroborates all we have said. His labors and investigations were confined mostly.to Salmon Falls and vicinity, where, he says, no poor man ought to go. . Ihe gold is so fine that it éannot be separated with a. cambric needie, and even then it will not average @ mill tothe pan. Some machines are at work bit none are paying anything like a profit, if actual expenses aie being made. The coast of machinery and‘ditches for working a claim is estimated at not less than $5,000; hence it will be seen that men without capital had better steer clear of the Snake River eoustry.. ‘Ihe river has been staked off by a few men under fictitious names whose A small cave occurred in the Buckeye mine on Sunday afternoon by which one of the miners got considerably bruised, but luckily @scaped without receiving any serious injury. Captain stream, was but the efor: required to reach that new) Eldorado. Frowr“actual knowledge of the field, the Miner has always denied these re- monthly The entire bullion preduct of Silver Reef to May lst, 1879, aggregates $2,035,000.52. The annual Directors of “be held in San that were led to believe that all that was necessary in order to make an everlasting fortune Utah will likely be afilicted withSchasfor till next winter. The Masons hold their meeting to-night. border colored ‘have'béipi these reports that many $300 ore roots on the Tecumseh mine. _ This celebrated mine has produced more than $100,000 from the immediate in such close proximity Messrs. Gibson Clark, Joseph Lemon and Bosd street. ‘he boys are doing bravely con- sidering it is their first attempt in architectural design, but we apprehend that shingling will get away with them, ‘the The New York Mining Record places the Christy Mill and Mining Company in its list of incorporated companies with a capital stock of $6,000,000 divided into sixty thousand shares. The Company, owns ten thousand feet en ground located | in Harrisburg mining distiict. Hill, in search of bedroom—Judge, I've got a job and want to rent a room to sleep in. Lighthall—Yes; you can sleep with me, Hill. Hill — That's good, where's your room, dudes z L.—About 60 feet east of the assay office, out of doors. All the heavy grade work on the Utah Southern road extension has now been contracted for, which will take the road clear through the Sevier canyon. A very héivy force of men are now at work and the grading will be completed in about three weeks. fourth of June. laid to Chicken The will see the Utah Southern Croek, its final destination. oe Goobs constantly arriving at WooLr& JoEDAR’s. eT a ee HEOKATHORN & Co, have & large lot of 8x8, _ 6x6, 4x8 and 4x6, all lengths, which they are selltng at $35 per M. re te The choicest lot of Ladies’ evening and dress moves also silk mits,a Friedman’s New Store. oe $32.50 Will buy 1000 feet of selected mining lumber of . MoManvs & Reap. —_——_ ——__ e+e Ha rin is selling the latest improyed library lamp for eight dollars. It is the most handsome lamp in use at the present time. —_—____--* <<» e- Loox Our! For great bargains in Dry Goods,. Groceries, Clething, Ete. Our new stock will be opened next week and sold at prices never before offered in the market. All goods brought parses from New York. Woo.tr & Jorpaxr. ready for use. Mr. Tom Couch left for the Sevier i Sunday morning’s stage. from Col. J. N. H. Patrick, of Omaha, arrived in the Reof Isst evening. J. J. Havrm has just York a \id#ze assortment Painters’ Materials. _ Attention The undersigned bogs leave to announce to the public of-Silver Reef that he has opened , between the Postoffice and the News Depots a F. & A. Notions and Ladies, Misses and Children’s Shoes, all of the latest styles and best make ‘and at prices beyond competition. Buying ‘all goods for cash. will sell for cash only. Will guarantee that my prices will All are invited to calland examine prices. For several years past I have nected with Messrs. "Auerbach & satisfy all. goods and been con> Bro.,; Salt Lake, and having had a long experience in my business, the ladies will do well to defer purchasing till they examine my goods.° 8. J. PRIBDMAN. Shoes also opened Valuable Assay a very handsome soliciting your patronage anew, we.assure oe 1 that one trial ee convince our friends thay:7 We mean what We say, and are sati#fied that we are abie to furnish better goods at cheaper prices than can be found anywhere, without exception. JACOBS & SULTAN. . B,—All Goods purchased from us will be delivered proraptly, free ae charge, to all parts of this place and vicinity, . Carpenter, Builder and CABINET MAKER. One door South of the Lafayette houee, Silver Reef, = ‘ARID 6[° ‘200238 Ulu Nivd [e}uoMe Forwarding —AND— STREET, SILVER : AND “Wagon Work, Of all shapes done on short notice. Horse- -Shoeing “all the clack a X FLAKE Commission MERCHANTS. smith York Main Street, Leeds. mn HORSE SHORING A SPEU.ALTY. zy EEEDS ‘TICKETS, $3—Admitting Gentleman and | Eating conga, BANKING BUSINESS. Furnishes Se on fait Lake, Sana Fram) 0, aud all parte of the Kastern Sta’tes and Europe, JOHNH RICE, ; Cashier. & JAQUES, £ oe Wilf Contract for and put up --Utan Terminus Utah Southern Railroad. WE ARE DOING THE PRINCIPAL Forwarding from that point, and are the only Company that can furnish teamsters back-loadinz. which secures to us the best outfits °n the road, and enables us to guarantee the delivery of all classes of importations on the shortest possible time. ; Our increase of business enabtes us to forward goods at one-half our former rates. A FULL LINE oF General MERCHANDISE Roveut EXPRESSL¥Y FOR . THIS Market and Sold at the- Very Lowest Prices. We have arecy thing that the Market requires and. al! our goods are of the XXXX Brand the same as one Snowflake Flour. HEITZELAAN & POUJADE, Buildings of every desription on | short notice at the lowest possible figure. A general ine of Job and Shop work Tk done, All work oe with dis dispatch [and satisinetion guaranteed ——s Also keep on hand a stoak of lumber and. shingles, which they will bees as low asthe lowest, au Corner of Main and ‘Boya Streets, -..... SILVER BEEF, UTAH. ’ 022-3m. . Hy, A, Lusk. and Sore Selling u te: Ores and Bul- ‘THE lion a Specialty, Will pay wagon Louis Geause Shipping and Raflrosa freight on all goods consigned to our ¢ Will give rates of freight ok East and West. All communications answered all points promptly. gg Ladies.. Tickets can be had at.all of a cipal Stores. =. EEP constantly on hand a good s ERP opus and Wagon Limi er. mes SPENCER Principal place of business, =Wilrbes given at="—-~ | Thursday: Ev'g,, June 5th, & CO., tors & Builders. Handling, Welle’ s Gardens same.’ WAGON- SI OP, THE SNOW X FLAKE SNoW Xx FLARE SNOW X FLAXE BaLge Silver Reef Masonic Assoc’n REEF. BLACKSMITHING,( ) B UsIg ‘osnoy | ‘LSINOWOTS ‘W ‘4 ‘SNOW . AAATIS —For the Benefit of the— Seencatia eae MAIN RETALLICK, McPHEE ‘HVIO ' on _ N. BUBB, BM. M’CORKINDALE R. WARNOCK & CO. STREET, ~ Ore assayed and Bullion melted notice and at reasonable rates. _ Property. BR. WARNOOK,. A. LEMMON, y MAIN Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co’s, ns WE have also received a new stock of MILL 4 and MINING eure and everything in the line of Hardwa ALSO a noms plahe stook of CROOKERY and cen [ Office, L. A.-BULL, Assayer. Silver Reef? Blacksmith Shop, ‘09 popuoyye «[}dwm0I1d baie lv . Forwarding Blerchants. ORES. and BULLION ASSAYED. _ SILVER REEF Carpenters, Contrac- HE MEMBERS OF: THE SILVER Reef Masonic Association are requested te attend the regular monthly meeting at seuss Hall this Wednesday, May 28th, 780 p. m. ‘A fait pitendance is specially deni ee B. VAN HAGEN, Pres’t. Guo. T. Rivgs, Seo’y. A GRAND and of Gehts, ° Sixty acres of land with water—twenty acres ander fence, fourteen acres in lucerne and the balance suitable for gardeninne. one stone building at Leeds, suitable store. and eight building lots opposite it; and a good lumber building, 24x24, in a desirable art of Silver Reef, with. good ha at the: eor. For further particulars callo B. C, BOREN, Sither Reef. ? first-class Dry Goods Store And will keep: constantly: on-hand « full line of Staple-and Fancy; Dry: Goods; Millinery, ' aa The latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Gents’ Furnishing Goods to be found at Woolf& Jordan's. A. line Ever displayed in the Reef. SA. LE! ee Oo a wg- assistant, whose greatest pleasure is to give satisfaction to all. Call on Friedman. ooo —— an FURNISHING GOODS, -| Daan | Main Street, opposite Harrison Howes, Tailor: FOR possessing proprietor or his Chesterfieldian Orders For lumber ef all dimensions promptly filled. MeMamus & Ruap, Prices. Clothing and Gents’) IN ALLITS BRANCHES. Fine suits made to order. An assortment of Fime, Imported ENGIASH CLOTHS, aslwayson hand. A@ Shop, Corner of Centre and First West Streets, A. WINQUIST, A. soccer » —Also the largest stoek of— é&c,’ in the East ong CHANDLER and CRONAN, DRESS GOODS And all kinds of Fancy Articles in this line. all his TAILORING. ! ga The only full and complete stock of Dry Goods and Fancy. Goods at Woolf & Jordan’s. : WE have .btoek of Hamernick by informing him, as only a limited number can be accommodated. Ladies’ entry through the Jewelry Store. ern Market, has facilities for selling all goods in his line cheaper than can be bought anywhere south of Salt Lake. r ASSAY OFFICE Ever seen in Utah. to dine at the Table d’hote would oblige Mr. J. J. Halpin, purchasing H. H. Oma We are offering at— LSO, the most Latics and Children Boots 4 r Beef, Leeds, anike Hi Ld andon Jas, Cronan. ——_ Saturday morning next, May 24th. All lovers of good living are invited tocall and give it a trial. Meals 50 cents. Board $10 « week or $40 a month. oo Ladies, —Which eeess Restaurant. Address: R, WARNOCK & co, york, dea, : All orders ce yately ae filled and promptly de~ free lived Harrisburg, FAMILY F. Hamernick will open. his Restaurant and received from New of Paints, Oils and we ~ New Store, New Firm, New Geods Palace rR, The Choicest: Cuts of Beef, Pork and Mutton Always on Hand. GROCERIES Chop House in the rear of the Palace Saloon, Neb., The reason that Friedman’s Dry Goods. business has improved so rapidly of late is that when anything new in. his line appears on the market heat once orders it by express, and ean therefore supply his customers with articles which they can purchase nowhere olse. It is through the completeness of his stock as well as its excellence that he is enabled to guarantee satisfaction to all who may honor him with their esteemed patronage, and itis on account of his extensive assortment that he relies for public: support, for when a store contains everything’ to be found in the leading establishments of Sait Lake, there is no occasion why the ladies should not make suitable purchases.. Friedman’s is therefore the place to buy goods, where the ladies are waited upon by the pre- * aa The erence assortment of Family and Fancy Groceries at lower prices than anywhere else at Woolf & Jordan’s, Mr. F. Cleary’s family, consisting of his wife and three children, arrived safe from San Francisco by last Monday evening’s stage. oo Mining Lumiber! We will hererfter sell all kinds of mining lumber at $32.50 per M. MoManus & Reap. In this way we could always have on hand several thousand gallons of water besides knowing where we could precure buckets to form a fire brigade. » Thess kegs can be procured’ at the mines. “without cost. HovskHoLpEr. Stoves, Hardware, PERSONAL, Ww: TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMg our patrons and the community at laige that we have entirely. given up our intention of retiring from business here. and that we have started anew with reater facilities; and we. are now prepared to maintain our reputation een the eas aaveeie firm of this place an adévantageous connections in ny repens nt Sar‘sapclien, wa can and will underse!! all our competito’ We havej ust received an immense och of all kindsof fresh sui gest that the house owners of Silver Reef procure all the empty powder kegs, put wire bails on them and keap them full of water sf: MAIN STREET, © © C.-WESTOVER, & CO.,; ).; Prop's. |’ in their incipiency—whether originated by carelessress or incendiary. I would therefore Ties ‘Empire Market, dangers attendant on such fires, it behooves _ Special Dinner (Table d’hote) will be served 835.09 Will buy 1000 feet of the. best house lumber in Sonthern Utah, Call and eximine quality. MoManvus & Rxap. linportaint the. property-holders of Silver Reef to take some précautionary measures to put out fires eee ~ Plisrellancous. ce | ANNOUNCEMENT! and the at 4:30 p. m., where the charge will be 75 cts. or for weekly boarders $12. Parties wishing Shoes! Gents, call and see Stephens. He has received the latest style of Summer Be a8 Next door to Cassidy's. to our town ean sell out. tio0d miners are working for $1.50:a day, and many otlers are idle, not| being able to obtain even small wages. -used by the Engineering and Mining Journal in illustrating the town, mines and mills. Mr. Louis Sultan and family arrived ‘There will be some sixteen views in all. Pioche last Sunday evening. New Householder Presents a Sensible View onthe Matter. | |’4 SiLver Rerr, May 26, 1879. / Eps. Mixer: In view of the recent fires ooo St. Elmo are erecting a private res:dence on Berean. object is to keep up the excitement until they surface. Mr. Booth, the St. George photographer, is engaged in making views of Silver Reet to be ger QUESTION, SNOW X ff PEOPLE'S MARKET FLAKE FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE sNowxX FLAKE SNOWX . Rok & GERMER ae PURGHASED above named market take this method of advising the public that ery keep ea on hand every variety of Fresh Meat and ‘Sausage. Our in the basinem warrants us tcacttnaanisn satisfaction to our customers, Orders an filled. Meat delivered te any of oe ee on us ype P var place of business on Mate Stress, |