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Show Devoisd | to SILVER BEEF, WASHINGTON Interests COUNTY, of Southern Utah. UTAH, cgasaimax: t SILVER REEF MINER —J8SUED Wednesday apothecaries. and Saturday. PIKE & DUNHAM, PUBLISERAS BATES AND OF SUBSCRIPTION; sy 88 25-<io pee Ws ‘/APOTHEGARY, . Corner Main and Centre Sts, AGENTS. nN. Ba Our agents are’ authorized to pellet moneys due this office, take orders for advertising and attend to all other business devolying Seer = as the representatives of the publishe POST SILVER REEF, UTAH, KEEPS constantly on hand a woll-assorted DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, OFFICE: ‘@ffice Hours from 9 a.m to2 30 p.m. and from 3:30 to 7 p.m. Sundays, from 1 to 2p.m, 2 PERFUMERY, The Mail arrives: from 8t George daily at 12 m. and departs at 2:3) 30 p. m. Tho mail arrjves from Salt Lake and Piocheat 5 p. mm’, and departs for the same plates at 9 a.m, Mail closes for the North at 8:30 a. m, B. H. Pappoox, Postmaster. TOILET ARTICLES ETC,, ETO. ) Lawyers. D, P Physicians’ Carefully WHEDON, (Late assistant U.S. Att'y for Utah.) Prescriptions compounded at all hours Attorney-at-Law | Bestaurants, SILVER REEF, UTAH, J..8. Sxusna, M. E. Gate of Virginia City.) Jos. Mining a. 8. Shubra and Gor. of Main and Engineers, RAWINGS, ESTIMAIES AND SPECIFICations msde in all branches of mechanical ‘eaginsering and especially in the construction ef steam envines for hoisting, pumping a: mill worke, The application of compressed air im pumping our specialty, “Depositions made ef the stength c’ material in structures of iron /and wood, Contractors for the erection of quarts mills. Steam eagines tested by Indicator and reports made of their economic capacity performances. YVsives and and adjusted to give their results Agents for H. W. Jobn's and tral location renders it convenient Proprietress. SILVER REEF Restaurant, MAIN RECEIVED | HE —BY— GREENBAUM ..eeA FINE LOT OF cee 8 CIGARS +e+sAND BEST Be be had THE,...«. LIQUORS in Town at Also a good a Bit a STREET, FRESH BUTTER & EGGS AT ALL TIMES, aa Remember this Place fells pps] 2 amy other house. N. Boot CHRISTENSEN, and Main Street, Elegance, Shoe Maker. Guaranteed.” conveniently Comfort nS. Me LYNCH S59 Feed and Livery Stable, Lower Main @t,, Byer Rect, Uriah, lo- $8 Per ad SITUATED TO Week. J. 8, ¢. L. MELLGREN. PERRIN,- Stormont Boarding House. Patronage Generally Solici All My Olé Friends from Bidgjam Invited to Call, ———— Washoe bucks don’t like the fish laws. California complains of too much rain, Leadville slings ont 700 tone ef ore per day. Eureky had. a heavy snow storm on te 19th, J. HIBBERD, Prop’. THANK THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS and solicit a contihnance of the same, as I am now prepared te,sell the cheapest and the beat quality of bread in the Reef. Remember - r bread is not adulterated and woare selling 163¢ Ibs for one dollar. Be sure “yl A buy @ loaf that it weighs a pound and a h Pies - An and Cakes, the Best in the aic os are invited to cell at the Silver Reef Bak- ry to try, on hover bey aaywhere else, First door South of: Post-office. , \=——The best of— Wines, Liquors, and out a “First Class Lunch Staind. BILLIARD TABLES. + Private Club Rooms, ETO., ETO. Open Day and Night. I. FORDONSKI. CAPITOL, aoe & Harry Mighels is rapidly sinking, and his friends beiieve he will not live through the presSalt Lake Dispatches. ent week, ALT LAKE, May 24. The boarding-house keepers at Sutro pay two Jay Gould and party came down thia morning from Ogden, and went on sonth to the end of dollars a Gay, each, for a sappiy of water from the Utah Southern, on an inspection tour, and- the Carson river. _ return this evening. They go east to-morrow. Several negroes, working in the Sutro tunnel, have been aamitted to full membership is the Silver City Miners’ Union, London Dispatchhes, The Esmeralda Herald, with j b-Office attachLonpon, e@ late rn Sephie Von Herzfield and a male accomplice ed—belonging to the estate of were coudemned at Kieff on the 19th to be shot, Kenyou—is advertised for sale, Several of the Bodie mines are about to erect for belongifg to an iilegab society, forging passnew machinery, with powerful pupa, for the ports, and attempting to kill members o1 the purpose of prospecting to a depth of 1000 or polic 50. The London Times, in a seating editorial, 500. says: According to the treaty with Yak Kb The farmers of California complain that all Great Britain will treat Kuram Sibia Gs Pishen0} agricultural enterprises in thatState are unprofvall.y as assigned, not annexed, territory, and itable, because labor is higher now than fifteen will hand the surplus revenues over to Yakoob years ago, Khan, who wil! algo be guaranteed a subsidy of A party of Chinamen attempted toro into the 1 20,600 yearly, The Marqtis of ‘Lorne and Princess, Louise launary bualiidss at Ashland, Oregon, Jast week, have gone to Montreal to fake part in the cele- but were agsauited with stones wa sticks and compelled to go aawy. bration of the qusen’s birth-day. Notwithstanding a ae _butiaing, fae. tad he Lowbon, May 26. been done at'Sutroa 4 . ‘Lhe six days’ awimming match was won by inen akyee Capt. Webb, ‘by'a score et 74 mites; G. Fearne the nccommodatiom ia oS still was second, making G5 miles, tents, corrais and sta ait Homi The Timés has reason to believe that France The Sacramento a consoles itself for the is framing propossi3, in waich the adbesion of adoption of the new Constitution by the recolEnglacd will be inyited, for the establishment lection that, according to Mother Shipton’s of strict European control over Egypt. - if'the prophecy, the world is coming to an endin 1881. Khedive accepis them lrrance will cousent to his Mrs. Belle Lynch, formerly of the Ukiah Discontinuing his reign. If he rejects them France, unlike England, would not shrink trom accept- patch, Mendoeinu county, Catifornia, is to start @ paper at Maricopa, Arizona. Belle is a whole ing the profieved intervention of the Sublime Porté, Times ed.torialiy opposes the team in herseif, and will make it lively for MarOne of the finest Billiard Tables French pian, aud says that a reasbnable com- icopa, The statement “ made that the Peck mine of promise on the Greek question will probably be im the Territory, Arizona bes produced $300,000 within a short made s009 A dispatch from Madrid reports that the royal time; that th-re nar been no unusual outlays _ First Class for dead work or improvements, and yet no diymessxge will declare that tone cabinet will leave the question of reforms in Cuba to the Cortes, idends bave been paid, Liquors and Cigars but will insist on the emancipation of slaves. The Silver City Miners’ Union is receiving A correspond.nt writing from Capetown on large accessions to its ranks just now. At a Always-on hand. the 10th-inst.. says that Cetewayo threatens mesting held last Monday evening twenty-three Natal, Colonel Wood's advayce has been order- nhew members were installed, and action was deed to throw 4 bridge over the Tugeia river to be ferfed ow fifty other applicants, Fine Club Room in the rear. ready tor Col. Creslock’s advance, Aremarkably rich-strike was made recently in the Carbonate mine, in the Cerillos district, near Santas Fe, Old minérs from Nevada, LesdSan Francisco Dispatches. ville and other places in Colorada, declare that San Francisco, May 24. the whole district Srna anything they ever The Workingmen will haye a grand torch- saw. light @emonsiration this evening in honor of the Avery rich mineral district has been discovadoption of the new constitution. This parade in Apache mountains, Arizona, It is Opposite Harrison House, Silver Reef, ee twice postponed on account of the bad ered ris located in the Richmond Basin, eighty miles wea northeast of Maricopa, Several very rich ledges a Cound in the coming campaign seems of silver ore run through the basin, the upper EEVERYIBING IN IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE now fairly miade up so far as it Is possible until portion of the ore having beGeme decomposed and the attor the several conventions mect. The Workleaving large and small masses of silver in a ingmen’s convention will assemble on June 3d, and state of purity, while the main veins of. ore beLIQUORS AND CIGARS and great-preeautions have been taken to ensure neath—earry-an—exceptionally high percentage WINES, the nomination of a ticket free from any comof the precious metal, Only passed over the Bar. plications with other parent It ig expected that Aceording to the Paradise Reporter, Paraan effort will be made vy the New Conatitution WM. RAFFERTY. party to capture the sonvention, but the present dise Valley.is the garden of Nevada, and is a outlook is not favorable ior thé Bueccess of the Paradise in reality. lts agricultural area exproject. In this city the ward clubs have pro- ceeds that of any other valloy in Nevada, and nouuced in the’strongest manner against an af- the Paradise mines give promise of being, in filiation with the new party, which they vigor- extent and richness, second to none in the ~The ous!y condemn'as a movementon the part of State, save, perhaps, the Comstock. scheming politicians to rob the Workingmen of town of Paradise, situated in this beautiful the fruits of their victory. The new party has valley, in the center of fields of waving grain, cajted aconvention for June. 23d,,.At present and surrounded by mountains ribbed with veins of goid and silver ores, is destin at no a movement appears to haye’ but a meagre folday i. become One of re ee wing. ‘ihe Republican convention is called distant g igriie June 17th. A proposition was made to post- mining towns, as it isnow the pene it in view of the possible combination, but cultural town, of the State. it is the. conte of an extensive mining region, whose richness the overwhelming sentiment of the party and State Central Committee is in favor of no delay in the precious metals, as far as developed, is and. straight Hepnbitcan nominations. The not,excelled on the coast.’ Democrats, Who are.in a hopeless Sie have postponed their conv biggie to July 1s ZEPHYRY and cardboards found at The progress ofthe shb-drain in ts Sutro FrigpMax’s, ae for the week aati May 22d was rn Seer eae, mebpticicerecteaat t, making the total excavation 12,102 fee HeckaTHORN & Co, have a large lot of 8x8, 6x6, 4x8 and 4x6, all lengths, which ae are sellThe Tilden MfMovement. Main Street, ing at $35 per M. N York, May 26. oe A dispatch from Atlanta says. the. Tilden Next door to the Drug Store, movement is gaining strength in Georgia. SevMining Lumber! era! county papers which have been opposed to We will hererfter sell ali kinds of mining lum—_ always, the beat Wines, Liquors and Tilden have recently gone to his support. EvCigars McManus & Rrap. ery few days sheets of extracts from papera in ber at $32.50 per-M. ni PE ORGE MILLER. all parte ef the country are reesived by Georgia et paners, and it is rumored that their insertion is J.J. Harr received on Monday from the paid for. “All these are said: to come from Al- Fast'a large assortment of Crockery, Glass, |. J. H. CASSIDY. -HICKOX & CO. ‘We &re gure you will | CLARK & MOREHOUS, 4 One deer north of Wells, Fargo & Co's, PREMISES REFITTED Everything First-Class. Wines Liquors. & Cigars. ELE-HORN SALOON. Svar Rest Bakery| J Saloons. EXCHANGE SAL "MAIN STREET, 7 CABINET see HOUSE, There are good sleeping apartments con-. nected with the Restaurant, where those de- | siring it can obtain Loodging f you want nice, HOT DINNERS S, call at the Buckeye Restaurant, which is second to no houseinthecamp. The proprietor is doing Bis best to please his customers, Give us a Two doors below Postofice. Dufubility and & Co’s Express Office. most CONVENIENTLY Supply of is Going butsof the Clothing Business and is selling his stock helow cost. : is he various mines being worked on the Buckeye Keef and furnishes good board at Drink. FAMILY GROCERIES. He Reef cated for the laborer, business man and hee public, and is conducted on strictly first-class principles. Atits weli-<upplied tables can alwys be found the best that the market aifords, prepared by the best of cooks. M. DONCVAN. j22 Wall Paper HAVANA Silver There are twenty saloons in Sutro, Billiard Etali < BUCKEYE ‘BOARDING Borders. miners, Mra. K. HANREHAN, Opposite Wells, Fargo JUST to business men and the traveling public. steam ' Carson has the messles, Elko has very dry weather. ~ HIS Restaurant, hitherto known as the Sie ver Reef Restaurant, is not second to an estab'ishmerit of the kind in Utah. Ita eae valve motions set highest attainable : petlor and pipe coverings. Address P. O. Boz 19, Silver Reef. -{ Centre streets. — genera! Asbestos ie Restaurant, & Co., Mechanical 1879, ‘CLIPPINGS. UNITED STATES. aE PIONEER Moorx, 0. E. Francisco.) (9 ‘28, e CIGARS, “Obtainablein th 022 Will attend to any legal business entrusted te his care. . Wines, Liquors & of the day or night, — . Rogers & Rickards. E£. 0; Crouch. i E. ‘Lindsay. York Regligionists Express Themselves on eeys MAY COAST Dem ad Union will be organized in Tusearora, a Pulmorary complaints are prevalent in Tuscarora, : Committee on Bills and Overtures, approving The Southern Pacific will reach Tucson by : some.of the papers referred tothem. The most July ist. important was this: \ TheEureka Con. paid s dividend of $1 on the 20th inst, WHEREAS, By’a recent decision of the Su— Court of the United ra ergy the sin~of poMaricopa, Arizona, is composed ‘almost enmy has been declared tobe a criminal of- tirely of tents. rhea against thi afin, aan laws of our couptry, and it prosecution and coaviction have follo wed: Two Ohinamen were Pertinced to be bung at. Resolved, That this Assembly hereby records its grateful acknowledgement to God that the Austin last week. Promisings Siasings have been discovered om legai status of this affront to our Christian ciyilization and menace to our social order has Dutch creek,N nee finally determined, and so determined as Sacramento pean have resolved to nom o declare the laws and policy of our country iu inate a straight ticket: heat to this.crime to be in accord with the The great Oakland ferry: ec Meheg med over conscientious convictions of all patriotic and the largest trains at a single tri Christian men; and further Res ¢ this Assembly earnestly fnThe price charged forthe rection of ore on n. vokes the continued and persistent efforts of ail the Comstuck is nine dollarsp: executive officials forthe maintelance and exeJames W. Orndorff, of Storey ean, is chief cution of this lew, and hereby sppeals to ths engineer on Governor Kinkead’s staff. patriotic Christian meu and women of the counM: D: Halpin has disposed of his interest in tryto use their united influence in, support of the public sentiment now formulate into legal the Virginia “Stage” to N. M. Benham. Work will be doue on quitea number of claims enactment which has exposed the pretense of this mocstrous practice to bs areligidus observ- in Flowery District, Nev., this summer. ance, and which justly holds it to be in companIt is reported that there are not lessAe 100 ionship with other vices which are eontemplated miners out of employnient on Ru with abhorence by man The seasons in Nevada are gradually ly chang. These resolutions were ordered to be sent to ing, if the oldest inhabitants are to be r the General Assemblies at Louisyilie and Memon, phis, requesting action by them,-and also to the Patrick Manning, alias Tae," noted char-. President, as an official expression from this acter in Eureka for years, died at Eureka last bedy. Adopted upanimonsly. ~AND— Y = Saratoga (N. Y.,) May 24. The first business in yesterday .afternoon’s session of the Assembly waa the report of the aes » GRE FONE acdc ccacac rn ecies se srceycstecscs $8 00 @ix Months,. 05.0. Bisase. esense sie oe Three0 Momtis.-.aciapand aarense*: oases Monthly.. ge Delivessd im Bilver |iheat and ‘immediate viatne \ - Anti-Polygamic Resolutions. Drugsist PROPRIETORS. Filver Reef, Utah, Beaver, Frisco, © sf New 5. WAGNER EVERY— = TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. bq 7 S the Moog ‘Dany. Lamps, SHORT 1TELEGRAMS. A portion of the crew crew of of the the Jeannette, of the Arctic expedition, passed through Chitago on the 24th, on their wry to San Francisco, At Atlanta, Ga,, on the 24th, Town Marshal Burrugbs bad a quarrel with Thompson’ and Joseph Morris, brothers, and shot them both, oe Trompson and mogptally wounding JeCr) etc, ro ' Firry THOvsanp Feet of mining timber for. ‘sale at $35 per M. feet at Hecxatsorn & Co,'s. Shoes! Gents, call, and see Stephens, He has recaivee the ‘Intest style of Summer Shoes. Next door to Cassidy’s. Kremlin Saloon. _AUILLAN & MAHONY.- ee |