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Show aes : SILVER REEF MINER, A Close Call. SATURDAY. .0..20000++ sooesMAY 24, 1879 A Monster Fire in Dangerous Prox- | imity to the Town, ~ LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. _ Now potatoes are pound. selling at seven \ cents per Which Narrowly Escapes the Fate ot Eureka. The Facchalene fever has pretty well died out | hereabouts, Chop House in the rear of the Palace Saloon, Saturday morning next, May 24th. ~All lovers of good living are invited to call and give it a trial. Meals 50 cents. Board ‘$10 & week or $40 a month. Special Dinner (Table @hote) will be served at 4:20 p. m., where the charge will be 75 ets. or for weekly, boarders $12. Parties wishing to dine at the Table d’hote would oblige Mr. Hamernick by, informing him; as only a limited number can be accommodated. ~ Ladies’ entry through the Jewelry Store. About .8 o’clock Wednesday afternoon the dreaded cry of fire was heard on Main street, and in @ few seconds the eontinuous blowing of the Christy mill’s whistle made the alarm New Store, New Firm, New Geods general. Everybody was immediately on the The undersigned begs leave to announce te’ Our Catholic friends talk of establishing a qui vive, and a rush was made to the east day-scheo! in Silver Reef. It is an institution the public of Silver Reef that he has opened part of town from whieh direction smoke was between the Postoffice and the News Depot a badly needed, Seen issuing, when it was discovered that the first-class The bullion shipments ‘fom Silver Reef for wood piled up on the flat for the use of the _. Dry Goods Store. | the week ending May 2ith aggregated thesum Christy Company’s mill was on fire, and that’)And will keep constantly on hand a full line of $28,013.79 the town itself was in imminent danger. In yes of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery: The Ohinese population ie steadily increasing in Silver Reef, It How Dumbers one hundred souls. the population is rapidly deserting that hitherto Prosperous camp. The experts, Messrs. Rothwell and Couch, have made a thorough examination of the camp and appear to be well pleased with the mines, Capt. Lubbock, in order to guard against the recurrence of. fire, gives his wood-piles a daily It is a good idea to keep combustibles a _ bath. “Hittle damp this weather. During the hot weather Dr. Nichols will rusticate in Pioche, for which place he leaves teh minutes from the blowing of the whistle fully two hundred men were on the spot, and then followed a scene which almost bafiles description. Men rushed wildly for buckets, extinguishers, hose and other necessary firequenching apparatus with which to try afd stop the progress of the flames. But it was of no use; 4 HIGH WIND WaS BLOWING, The fire had obtsined good headway and it was apparent to all that about two'hundred cords of wood to the north of the mill would soon be one monster bonfire. Fears were then entertained for the safety of the mill, as the in a day ortwo. Those wishing anything in the dental line should see him at once. and at prices beyond competition. Buying all goods for cash will sell for Will guarantee that my prices will All are invited tocall and examine prices. For several years past I have eash only. satisfy all. goods and minute, and if the fire “6. WESTOVER: & C0.; Prop't. E fan PLEASURE IN INFIQENour patrons and the commu Taige ont we have ontirely given up our intention of retiring from business here that we have started anew with nego “facil: ie, and we are now prepared to maintain eputation as the leading mercantile firm of this plplace and by reason of our advantageous eoupecsions in | purchasiug our asap we eae and will undersel! all our competito e havejpox received an immense stock of all MSnise con- nected with Messrs. Auerbach & Bro., Salt Lake, and having had a long experience in my business, the ladies will do well to defer purchasing till hay examine my goods. 8. J. FRIEDMAN. een east front of the blacksmith shop was under a every been ae ES ge “| the Choloest Onts of Beef, Pork » and Mutton Always on Hand. All orders ¢arefully filled oe lived free of wines se 0 sear Jas.Cnronax. —Which line of Boots and Main Stree, ee ee ee and BULLION “ASSAYED. SILVER REEF Shoes Assay Office, L.A. BULL, Assayer, . have also opened a very DRESS ORES Gents, Ever seen in Utah. handsome GOoDs MAIN STREET, And all kinds of Faricy Articles in this line. fe 1 os ALSO, the ment sosupiete Ladies and Children’ on ——OF Prices. eee OFFICE. CHANDLER amand -CRONAN. we are offering at— . fer H. H, Onanpi ee ASSAY GROCERIES Reduced e arrisburg, and on the tiv — FAMILY aa Firry THovusaxp Feet of mining timber for sale at $35 per M. feet at escnainyiicena & Oo,’s. once ~~ Biseellancous. Pa: Important ANNOUNCEMENT:/ Empire Market, Notions and Ladies, Misses and Children’s Shoes, all of the latest styles and best make blistering heat which. was increasing in inten- sity . Wlerchants. ‘Palace Restaurant. ¥. Hamernick will opet his Restaurant and } —Also the largest stock of— Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's, caught the flames would be rapidly communicated to the mill. A double line was quickly Ore assayed and Buliion melted on sh rt formed from the creek to the’shop ard buckets notice and at reasonable rates. 023 passed from hand to hand to men on the roof, Steves, Hardware, é&c, in the East who thoroughly drenched the building and thus averted all danger in that quarter. ‘The ern Market, has facilities for selling Tho calico ball at Welte’s Garden on Wed* Ever displayed in the Reef. nesday night was not numerously attended, nine ricks, containing some two hundred and all goods in his line cheaper than can fifteen cords, were now all on fire and throwowing to the disagreeable weather, but those ing out ah intense heat. Had it been night be bought anywhere south of Pelt who were there report it as being a first-class WE_have also received a new stock of oe the seene would have been magnificient. For MAIN STREET, miNES REEF, affair. The Masons give their ball at the Lake. and MINING BUrRTtas and everything in the space of probably an acre aS LHRE could same place on the 5th of next month. e of Hardwar be seen but e---ALSO 8 complete stook of OROCKERY and . Directly the fire alarm was given on Wed-} : ONE SEETHING MASS OF FLAME GLASSWAR 8 . : nesday, Billy Ross, a youth in the employ of Vividly reminding one of a fierce and destrucIn soliciting Agen! patronage anew, we assu Woolf & Jordan, took that firm’s job wagon tive prairie firs. Fortunately for the safety of aND ~ you that one trial will convince our friends that and commenced skirmishing for buckets, and we mean what we say, and are satisfied that we the town the wind képt in the southwest, and in a short time had thrae loads deposited are able to furnish better goods at cheaper prices after a brilliant blaze of about two hours and can be found anywhere, without exception, IN ALLITS BRANCHES. Fine suits made where they would do the most good. Billy is a half the fire subsided for want of material to order. An assortment of Fime, Import@ brick. Of all shapes done on short notice. to run on. Hed the wind shifted to the southed. ENGLISH CLOTHS, alwayson hand. “No, sir!’ he said, ss he planted his foot on a east Silver Reef would now have been in pee Song “tall the same." N. B.—All Goods purchased from us’ will be A@ Bhop, Corner of Centre and First Weat beer keg, and blew a cloud of tobacco smoke ashes. delivered promptly, free fof charge, to all parts er Bireets, , THE BUCKET BRIGADE from his mouth, “the East and West don’t unof this place and vicinity, . ‘ ; A. WINQUIST, derstand each other at all, and never will. The Is deserving ef much praise,-as everybody 622... Tailor: Eastern people mistake our free and easy man- worked with a will and to good effect, but ners for gross vulgarity, while we take their without a head and without discipline their $-g[0 staid, sanctimonious ways for d—G byposcrisy. ‘ot pepaoyis éamozd aie Vv efferts would have been fatile had they not FOR SALE! And,”’ he added, [after a moment’s pause aud been working under the most favorable cir- | another whiff from his pipe, “nine times out of cumstances. A Valuable Property. Deputy Sheriff Hoge is also deten we're right, too!"’ serving of much credit for the manner in ‘HVIO c ‘Aa00 BAATIZ Sixty atres‘of land with water—twenty A difficulty, which came very near being a which he exerted himself in getting the boys acres under fence, fourteen acres in lucerne 200.138 UIBAL and the balance ae for gardening. Also fatal affray. occurred between two of the em- into line in order to make their work effective. , The origin of the fire is not known, but the one stone building at Leeds, suitable for a ployes of the Christy Company cn Wednesday mae and eight building lots opposite it; and last, just after the fire. One shot was dis-. general suppositton is that it was caused by a Main Street, Leeds. © lumber building, 24x24, in a bagi righ os art art of Silver Reef, with good water at charged, which fortunately took effect in the side spark from the smoke-stack. The loss amounts er particulars call on eor. Forf EEP constantly 61 hand ood of the Corigty;mill instead of the human cra- to about $1,500, and we understand will fall K Tire Tron and Wagon tical m supply 9 B. C. BOREN, Silver Reef. mostly on Bishop Crosby, of Leeda. nium for whith it was aimed, A number of| [e}WoMenIO pa uaig ‘osnoH MORE ALARMS. eT ORE SHORING A SBPEUAALTY. men who bad been: engaged in extinguishing On Thursday afternoon the whistle of the , the burning wood-piles near by rallied and sepChristy mill again gave the alarm, and a rush arated the belligerente, To-morrow Father Scanlan will celebrate high mass in the ‘Tabernacle at St. George. Part of the choir will 89, from here and will be helped in the singing "by some of the. St. George singers. J. J. Halpin, oawaigaee all his Clothing and Gents’|, FURNISHING GOODS, Silver N. BUBB, ; Reef: Blacksmith Shop. *|BLACKEMITH{NG, () TAILORING. Wagon Work, JACOBS & SULTAN. RETALLICK, McPHER & 00., clack St» mith WAGON- SIIOP, “USLNIVE Forwarding Dr. Ceoper has a most handsome stuffed specimen of the Gila monster, which he has made for Dr. Alexander of Pioche. Theskin is thoroughly preserved and varnished and is as pretty as a beaded mocassin, which in texture it very much resembles.| The Dr. put his worship to sleep with hydrate of chloral, which after about five hours extinguished life. The length of the monster is twenty-two inches and will give an exact idea of the anima! in its live state. The public should bear in mind that Peter Harrison is receiving his immense Spring stock. of goods, including everything in his line and one or two departments not heretofore represented in Silver Reef. The ladies should not fail to examine the large show case of China, Poreelain and Peruvian marbledust goods which he has just displayed in his store. New sets of Walnut furniture wich wood and marble tops, new patterns of wall paper, spring mattrasses and a perfect forest of racks, stands, brackets, etc., ete, was immediately made to that point. Hatrin is selling rary lamp for eight handsome lamp in i the latest improved libdollars. It is the~most tse at the present time. eo PERSONAL. Mr, John H. Rice left for Salt Lake Thursday morning. Mr. ©.O, Branham left for Salt Lake City this morning. , Mr. M. H. Jacobs, brother of Jerome Jacobs, arrived from Ohio by last night’s stage. He has taken Horace Greeley’s advice, and will locate in the Reef, B, WARNOCK. HM. ‘LSINOWO19 “Wd THE R. WARNOCK & CO. SNOW. X FLAKE SNOW X SNOW X FLAKE BNOW X FLAKE s Reasennts BANKING a General BUSINESS. Farnishes Exchange on Salt es Sen Franciseo, aud all parts of the Eastern States and Europe, JOHN H RICE, Cashier, MERCHANTS. SPENCER | Carpenters, & JAQUES, ae | tors & Builders: Principal place of business, ‘Wootr & Joxpax, J. J. Harem has just York a large assortment Painters’ Materials. Bane copay, has reShoes. Call and examine quality. MoManus & Reap. Laeger eis 0-8 — Forwarding a ese ves Dis me) Loox Our! “For great bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ciething, Etc. Qur new stock will be opened next week and sold at prices never before offered in'the market.- All goods brought direct from New York. —— EEEDS FLAKE Will buy 1000 feet of the best house lumber ip |" Southern Utah. , | M’CORKINDALE sen Shoes! Gents, call and see Stephens. He ceived the latest style of Summer Next door to Cassidy's. rt HEoKaTHORN& Co, have a large lot of 8x8, 6x6, 4x8 and 4x6, all lengths, which they are seliing at $35 per M. Blerchauts. It was then found thata log close by the carpenter’s shop was on fire, but luckily the prompt application of water quickly extinguished it, and once more everything seemed secure. In about fifteen minutes, however, the whistle again screamed, fire having been discovered ‘in a rick about 30 feet long and 8 feet high. At first it seemed as if the fire would obtain the mastery, but by tearing down the pile and throwing in plenty of water it was fortunately got under before it had a chance to spread. Mad it once obtained a start, the result must have been most disastrous. York --Utah| Tetininus Utah Southern Railroad. ee received from New of Paints, Oils and E The choicest lot of Ladies’ evening and dress gloves, also silk.mits, at Friedman’s New Store. e+e aa The only full and complete stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods at Woolf & Jordan’s. ARE DOING THE-PRINCIPAL : Forwarding from that point, and are the only Company that can furnish teamsters peck loading, which secures to us the best outn the road, and enables us to guarantee the Golivery of all classes of importations on the shortest possible time. Our increase of business enables us to forward goods at one-half our former rates. A FULL LINE OF Will Contract for and put up Buildings of every desription on short notice at the lowest possible figure. General MERCHANDISE, Rovest EXPRESSLY FOR one Market and Sold at the Very.L BY We have everything that the Market ae and all our goods are of the Brand the same as our Snowflake Flour. MEITZELMAN & POUJADE. A general lino of Job and Shop work dc done, All work gene with dis dispatch Sand satisfac tion guaran : Also keep on hand a stock of lumber ana shingles, which they will sell as low as lowest, Cormer of Main and Boyd Streets, 022-3m ‘SILVER REEF, UTAH. 4 i Pea ination they were found to exhibit, and upon this and aber,circumstantial evidence the court rendered ited na Tho largest assortment . Woolf & Jordan's. rnc i aae- Tho latest styles of Clothing, Hats and Genta’ Furnishing Goods to be found at ~ lion a Specialty. Will ow all goods wagon and pailsche consigned to our c ier 5 Orders Fox lumber of al dimensions promptly filled, MeMawvs & Ruap, ae wf Will ive ee of fielat. nies all points Easta All communications answered promptly. Address: R, WARNOCK & CO,, YORK, Utah, SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE SNOW X FLAKE USK & GERMER HAVIN®S PURCHASED the above’nhamed market take this method of advising thé public that ther keep constantly on hand every variety of— Fresh Meat and Sausage. Our long experience in the ae warrants us in guaranteeing satisfaction to our qustomers - neShaped led, Meat vidiventa te any Call om us of our ploc of bust sess on Mata Breet, aero Lovrs Graze PEOPLE'S MARKET freight on ‘Woolf & Jordan's. ee 7H Shipping of Family and Fancy Groceries at lower prices than anywhere else at Sampling, and Selling Ores and Bul- anaes Handling, Mining Lumber! We will hererfter sell all kinds of mining lum, | ber at $32.50 perM. — MoManxvs & Ruan, neo eta H. A, Lusx. ZEruyas and cardboards found at ¥ FRIEDMAX’S, 2 a nee Justice’s Court, In the case of Thos. Winn vs- Peter Hansen, a suit in replevin to obtein possession ofa set of harness, the property was awarded tethe defendant. The harness was brought to. Silver eof some two months ago by, Mr. Al Winn, son . Thomas Winn, and replevined from him Peter Hansen, who claimed that the h aes had been stolen from him some time previous. Mr. Winn had purchased the harness of George B. Warren and in turn Winn brought suit to obtain possession of it. In the trial three witnesses swore to the harness as being arren’s and three others testified that it was the harness sold to Hansen by M. M, aoe and came originally from Salt Lake City. Hansen’s witnesses, however, swore to genein markson the harness which on exam- |