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Show SILVER REEF MINER. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. oe Macc ath ssasbiqas MAY . THRE vTAn DIVISION, The studied silence of the Mormon press on the question of segregating incontestable evidence thi ‘Territory is that the church auto- crats recognize in the success of ‘the movement the overthrow of their tyrannical dynasty. The Deseret Nows, the authorized mouthpiece of the chureh authorities, and the Her; ald, a sort of bagpipe accompaniment, are so fearful of agitating the subject that they have not dared to mention it in their. columns. Their silence is not so much the regult of in- differenee to the subject as of absolute fear that its general discussion Weuld be followed by Congressional action. the ecclesiasts whose well ‘know These journals and sentiments that a division they voice, of Utah among Nevada, Colorado dnd Idaho would forever put an end to abuse, they that the power they so shamefully could no longer defy the e* pment and. that their beastly jastincts would be curbed by the strong and potent influence of law. They know also that the mining interests would eouragement receive an which never extend. impulse they and en- themselves will They know that schools would be:established with the funds which now find a resting place in their own pockets, and that the poverty, ignorance so general and superstition now among their misguided adherents in this Territory would give way to comfort, education and spiritual enlightenment. They apprehend also that polygamists at present living In immunity: from law would be made to pay the penalty of their debasing crime. It would be an easy mutter in the trials of Salt Lake polygamists to secure ajchange of venue _ to the Denver Court and there a jury could be empaneled whose verdicts would speedily in- duee John Taylor to have another revelation on the divine ordinance. ness inthe The.inereasing busi- St. George temple could be effect- ually checked by similar measures, for Nevada courts find a way and Nevada to freshen justice would soon“ the memory of endow- ment heuse officials and compel them to haul down their black flag of hostility. Is it any wonder that the Mormon papers do not agitate the question? But they haye adopted for very a suicidal poliey, their silence is all the necessary evidence that the mooted division would cook their polygamous {good authority for by statingrom,that President will veto the legislative appropriation billon Monday if it reaches him on Saturday. bunk, $30,000. several other bequests are kept private for the present. Tho .Attorney beral has already ne end him objections to the supervisors’ and m - oo TO shale’ section, The messege will probably he brief, and will ho.d that sn in the char-| acter of. anperviagors Samet marshals is Ohief Joseph has been Jecturing at La Salle, necessary to eneure free elec! T)., in the interest of his#people, byt has not met With much encouragement, : ‘ : S That Constitution, SHORT TELEGRAMS. - New Yorr , 22, A TOUCHING TRIBUTE. D. Gq. Croly, the well known tee York «editor, now in California, writes = long letter on the A Brave Bohemian’ $ Final Effort bew conatitation, &® hopeful view of the —“‘Sagebrusn Leaves” the Last futuré, ahd expressing the beliei that the mincom panies would even have to come. Work of Poor Harry Migheis. to New York anyhow. 4 We regret, more than words can convey, to The Times closes a caustic review of the learn that poor Harry Mighals, the talented litical situation in California, shoe Clearly there is an irreparabie breach en thé chief supand lion-hearted editor of the Carson Appeal, rotters of the new cosbsetieition unless something happeus to drive them together, which is cannot last till June. When his sun shall sét. one of the brightest lights on the Pacific Coast highiy improbable, The next election will be carried by the Republicans or Democrats, with will have gone out. His new book is now in the chances in favor of the,Republicans. the hands. of San Francisco publishers. ‘The title chosen for it is ‘Sagebrush Leaves.” Business Erospects. Commenting on the forthcoming book and Mr. w Yo RK, 23... | Mighel's condition, the Virginia Chronicle The World has an editorial in aay suioming has the following, every word of which will up the business spects, wherein the writer be heartily endorsed by every newspaper on says the surest fat eveane of reviving Eeepactiy is the activity tthe in Envestimens by small capithe coast: | talists, which has been furnished at various We coon? ‘some pleasant reeeing when toffices by the ie Geniand for small the boo Mr. Mighels, besides government certificates. having om literary ability, is a man of remarkable fertility of-thought and forco™of character, and we have no doubdt-that he has New York Dispatches. put his own sturdy and witty and kindly self NEw York, 23. ito the volume, which, sad to say, is his leg6 Tribune editorially says: Oaifornia could acy to his wife and children. For Haarry snypert fifty million peosple without crowding; Mighels isi dying. He knows that he cannot indeed, if as densely populated as Ho.laud, she combat. many months the disease which has would hold:two hundred million, It requires attacked him, and like the true and brave not )<ss than ten miiuon mer ly to develope her ertleman that he is, he has devoted his last foes Itis notsthen, the question what ays to the production of this volame, instead Chinese will do ¢s.much 8s it 18 what Cali- of yielding to despair and sinking into inacesi will-do, and aieciaity how some of ber tion. Already J.is failing health has comwealthiest enterprises Will escape irom em barpelled him to relinquish his editorial work on rassment, Thosé who talk ti:ppantly of ‘‘overtee Appeal, and from that source we have had crowding,” should reflect upou the fact that a!i the last of thuse bright thoughts, quaint conthe inhabitauts of the globe could stand o. ceits and masterly English. Much of his poet Long Island and in New Yerk State and esch writing lias been put intu permanent form have ten feet of land. Itis a curious comment the tortheeming book, and it will therefore te on our institntions, this talk of expelling men especially yaluable to his friends. And |: arry merely because they work tcq hard and too Mighels’ triends are thos» everywhere who adcheap, from a country where not oe aore in ten mire brains and respect courage which nothing has ever been fenced in or one in twenty touch—not even ‘death itself—can quenc ed bya plow it might be in bad taste ta write thus of any It is reported that the Vice-President is tronother anthor’s approaching doath, but Harry bled with “ex.reme rervousness and s}eepl:ssMighels is too brave a man to close his eyes, } ness, the disease that kilied Greeley. to the inevitable. He better than any on ‘Lwo thousand underground conductors will knows how short a time he has to live, an be laid by the Western Union in this city before his cheerfulness increases the grief ot his Septembcr, doing away with the use of about friends. For it is too sad that so rarea heart fifteen thousand poles. ‘he wires will be insuand stout a spirit should have no weapons to sated in hollow pipes, according to Brooks’ fight the destroyer, mithod, to test how joug the line will work with We know that‘ Sagebrush Leaves’ will have thig system. Jersey City and Eiizsbeth City a large sale on its intrinsic merits. We hope, will\be next ee With @ pipe full of wire, too, that thousands of copies will be taken.as a tribute to a true-hearted and brave mian, a had the pluck to write a book for love of ¥ London Dispatches. s dear ones, while death’s hand hes been seeking to snatch the pen from his own. Correspondence at Berlin reports that Gerooo many and France are co-operating heartily on 8 Greek question, $32.50 Russia is about to add a number of sewitt cruise:s to her fleet. Wil! buy.1000 feet of eclected mining lumber of A match between Plaisted and Nicholson has McManvcs & Reap. not yet been effected, because the latter’s backer —_—_—_—_—_—_ 1s temporarily absent. Both Hanlon and Elliott J.J. HaLpin received on Monday from the are out twice daily. Plaisted accompanies Hanlon. East @ large assortment ef Crockery, Glass, The weights has been published for the Ascot Lamps, etc. ey stakes. Parole nas been handicapped at eight — piskuan MINING Location of fan principal Francisco, company. place of Fiusham Pink 0 W am 0 W. xinkham 100 30 100 29 100 20 OC W.. Pinkham U W.. 100 28 Piukhbam 160 30 Pin- ham 0 W Pinkham © W.. Pinkham U W.........-. 31 Pinkham GC W........... 88 Pivkham U 2 : Piakharu 0 W.. Pigkbam C W.. Pinshim 0 W.. 50 50 59 50 50 50 50 60 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Pinknam'o 25 5 25 25 25 25 25 25 5 5 5 5 6 5 50 10 C W., W Pinkhaa 0 W 24 Pinkham U W inkbam O W. ‘ Pinkham C W.. Pinkham C Wsessssscose. 70 Pinkham0 W....a.cc0. 7 vipkham © W........csse. 72 Pitkham 0 P nkhamt C Pinkham 0 Finkham 0 Pi.kham 0 Pinkham C Pivkhim 0 Pinkham C Finkham VU Pinkham'C Pinknam J Pinkham Pinkham Pinkham scheme when the Congress sees in this new W...... cess W......sve00e. W..+... svewee W W W......0... W W W.. W.. F, ‘Tru -«. J F, Trustes... J F, Trustee... J F, Trus:ee... ee 17, eer S 80 85 86 / 18 19 20 21... Pinzham J F, Trustee... 22 Pinkham J F, Trustee... 23 Pinkham J F, Trustee... 24 Pinkham J F, trustee... 25 Pinkham J F, Trustee... 26 +ickbam J F, Trustee... 27 Pinkbom J F, Trustee... 28 Pinkham J F, ‘irustee... 29 Pinkham J P, Trustee... 30 tinkbam J F, Trustee... 31 Pinkham J F, Trustee..: 32 Pinkham J F, Trustee... 33 Pinkham J F, Trustee... 34 Pinkham J F, Trustee... 36 Pinkham J F, Trustee... 36 Hyatea Jonn....gy+.+2+- 37 Hyates Jobm.....:...... 338 Jacobs & Sultai......... 39 Doige A k . 88 Dodge A E . 89 Dodge A E . 90 Dodge :ALK< .ai\cscosseveecsy 91 odge AUN A. acess 92 Dodge A E .. 93 DodgeA E 204 OUROAT Eis sactcses sie ca.t 95 POdgO AS Bee cs oopsesenssctersse 96. Dodge A Ezz. .cccccs.--eeeeteen 97 DodgeA Ezsss.....002:+: 98 DodgaA E.....-.ceeeees 98 TodgeA, Wiseeecssss coe 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 50 25 ‘2000 15 16 92 150 1600 1600 «6 500 5x 4 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 20 2¢ 20 10 5 400. 18 15 «1840 36 200 200 100 100 100 110 100 100 Welte’s Gardens _.need and. officered to wait at once. till the engine There is no arrives, as we have no reasonable assurance that a fire may not break out and sweep time. Bome people, the town before that however, never realize that fire is destructive till they of house and home; then they howl with an anguish which might had proper are burnt out have been prevented and sensible. precautions a mere gpen been _. taken, Spring, Gentle ners Spring! Now that the summer is spprosching, the lafies will naturally desire to replenish their wardrobes. with light, cool and airy apparel suitable for warm weather) ‘Tasteful patterns and textures, not too heavy; will ndW be in great demand, and as Friedman is the only merchant in the Reef dealing exclusively in dry g ods, pad as bis long experience has fitted him to make selections best adapted to the wants of the trade, the ledies wou!d do well to give him a call, for not only are his goods choice, elegant and dorable, but cheap beyond competition. His Linen Suits, his vast assortment of Hate, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Calico, Jawn and other Dress Patterns, Trimmings and Millinery of all kinds he’ sells at sacrificing prices, and is bound to satisfy all who honor bim with their patronage. Let the. ladies remoember that everything necessary to a perfect wardrobe, of the best quality and at the lowest prices, car he purchased for caah at Friedman's, a) ‘gveds dolivered free of charge, fin ial ti Secsebiide & Co. bave the me) end bost po of duspber ip tows, Married by Telegraph. MILWAUEEF, 23, Miss M, E. Buddington and M. L. W. Walker were married by telegraph |.st evening, the }, bride and her friends being present in the telegraph odice and the groom at VraenEy, 3 Minn, "Congressional WasHINGTON, 23. The Senate will not bo in se-sion tu-morrow, an@ asthe rules require that an eurolled bill shall be signed by the presiding officers in the presence of their respective Houses, the legisiative, executive and judicial appropriation bill cannot be completed for transmission to ey dent Hayes before Monday. The veto me will therefore hardly be received before Wed. nesday, although if the President does not care to avoid the appearanceof undue haste and want of deliberation there will be nothing. to prevent his returnibg the bill to Cons ang by ‘Tuesday, as his message i@ aiready written. The fenate’s acjournment over to-morrow was largely influenced by the desire of a number of Senators to enjoy another day’s smusement at tbe Baltimore races. Pure White, or in Delicate Tints HERMAN Wholesale KERAUSE, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Meerschaum and Other Pipes, Stationery,— Confectionery, Variety and Fancy Coods. Full supply of school Books, Ktc., Eto, Little Pink House, with IN BEPAIRING omers, our ITS and west, Heckathon & Co, Fs SASH and MOLDING, —ALL KINDS OF— | Car penter DONE the most malignant form.’ The case of the People vs. W. G. Williams f6F the robbery of Welle. Fargo & Co.’s Express came up to-day in the District Court. It will be remembered that ms was sentenved to ten years at hia former trial, but bas since been granted a new trial, and held in bonds of $20,008. Being A 6 to procuré sureties for that ambunt,phie bo gediions, 5 $5,000 or Quite 4 ortiwd. assémD bled Jast ev ness the third game of the cbsaipideanip sories between the Deserets and ‘rom the perenne’ the game was entire y in the ands of the Degere's,who won eusily, the ae being 10 to 6, The manager of the gs has determined to Make sweeping ies changes in Lis nine, and thd +f on Decoon day will, it is believed, ost closely conjened and interesting. Work AND SAT is faa GUARANTEED. | A One block west of the Harrison House, P. HARRISON. Main St., Silver Beef, Utah. Mas the largest and best selected line ef goods South of Salt Lake City, consisting of FURNITURE, Of every ges aioe Carpets, Matiresegs & Bedding, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Windows and _ Window Shades, Paints, Oils, Putty and Glass Mirrors. Pictures and Picture Frames, Of every size and pattera. WALL PAPER, Borders and Decorations And everything pertaining to that Mae, J. J. HALPIN Main street. - Silver Reef- _ IMpoRTER AND DEALER IX Fiaraweare, CARPENTERS. Sign of the Bug Sash, Balt Lake Dis ane: It is ramored thata ee eatag has been effected in the celebrated Englebrecht case for the sum oO 000. It is stat-d om the authority, of prominent physicians that the scourge, dipththeria, is not only becoming more prevalent, but is assuming 2 te ae st. BRANCHES at Moderate HARROUN & COMPANY, East of Jacobs & Sul'an, specialty. DONE. B. STEPHENS. Kept t constantly on hand and made to order on short notice, and everything pertaining te a first-class line of Undertaker’s goods, Finest brands of Havana Cigars for our retail cus J. A cemplote assortment ef —-JoB— LIBRARY. WEATLY > COFFINS First ALL Dispatch REEF by HUTCHISON, ee Done Prices. SIL VER AL8o, Paper, eonsulting TT. Alsoa CIRCULATING to the Wall - guaranteed. Dress. Boots and Shoes a Spe- of Blue or Pink ‘Without? {njury . cialty. and Retail Dealer in TRON & STEEL. —ALS80— Shr Rea! Beker J. HIBBERD, Prop'r. Sawh Screen JOB WORK Furniture Made Repaired. GRNERALLY R DONE Lower Main Street, Silver Reef, GENERAL DEALER IM. Groceries, Provisions, LUMBER Goods delivered the disiciet, tm ' and Cooking and Heating Stoves. Doors. J. A. TURRILE, Pios and Cakes, the Bost in By Reef. All are invited to.call at the Silver Reof Bakery to try our bread and ‘we aro gure you will nover buy anywhere else, and Doors. —_——_ THANK THE PUBLIC FOR PAST FAVORS and solicit a continuance of the same, as I ain now prepared to sell the cheapest and the best quality of bread inthe Reef. Remember our bread is not adulterated and.we ere selling 16% ibs for one dollar. Be sure When you buy a loaf that it weighs a pouhd and a half, x8 formed STREET stone be ‘held and such a brigade |. MAKER, wai’AKES TO Qnpas ALL KINDS of Boots and Shoes from the best F rench Material. Being practical in the busi‘ean make whatever style of boot or wes is des ined. Give me a call. Good Fit «100 peaceful solution of the question a@ meeting SHOE SHINGLES, 4 4 4 60 508 500 100 MAIN 10 10 10 10 10 10 200 a0 82 20 4 20 30 20 AND Next Door to Cassidy's Saloon, Lumber 5 50 60 0 60 60 60 1000 1000 411 20 BOOT B. STEPHENS, —PRACTIGAL— 4 Silver Reef Masonie Assoc’n a J. business, fornia. Location of works, pilver Reef, Washington county, ae —There is delinquent upon the following described stuck, on account of assessmen (No, ene) levied on the twenty-sixth day of March, 1579, the Several amounts set opposite the names of the respective respective shareholders, as follows: ‘ No. > No, Certif. Shares. Am’t. James. J Bo.vccc ss ciceescziee 10 2600 = $600.00 Pinkham0 W.0.. 42... 18 100 * «20 Pinkham U W.........., 14 100 20 PinkLam O W........+.. 15 10020 Pinkham C W........... 16 100 20 Pinkham C W...,.. Saereeesee nt: 100 20 Pinkham C W......00. 500 100 Pinkham, C W.........5. 43 100 20 Pinkham O W.......... fH 100 20 inkham C W - 45 100 40 Pinkham UO W......... 10u ‘ae Finkham 9 W 100 20 thirteen pounds, which is tour pouncs Dodge A E 10 500 100 heavier than the weight to be carried by any 6000 1200 S23 Now that tp Spring house eleanings White & Alien, Trastes. 1 other horse. Pinkham John F........111 100 ,. ...20 Pierre Jules Nue, the French sculptor, is are ocenpying,the attention of the ladies, Mr. Pinkham John F........ 112 100... 20 it has so long attempted vainly to solve, there dead. 100 29 S. J. Friedman begs to notify them that he. Pinkham John F........113 Toe Times says: The recent speculation in 100 20 A lately received a large assortnvent of, cur-) Pinkham Joho F........ 114 fs-little doubt that the necessary legislation silver Pinkham John F........ 116 100 20 has partially if not wholly ceased, and the tain net, 50 necessary to the tasteful ornamarket has become somparatively quiet. Pinkham John F..:.. --- 116 100 20 will be enacted and that Utah will come under The latest novelty in athletic contests is a six 100 20 mentation of windows. Also a full line of Pinkham John F........ 117 the jurisdiction of the United States governdays’ swimming match at the Lambeth Baths ‘Ladies’ linen dresses and dusters to which he Pinkham John F... 118 100 20 ymtasium, which an last Monday at 11 nkham John F...../.. 119 100 20 ment. Pinkham John F........ 20 o’c.ock. Lust night the scores stood as tollows: ‘invites their attention. 100 SS and in accordance with law, and an order of Captain Webb, who swarm across.the British Channel,.57..miles; G. Teame, 49 miles; Willie the Board of Directors, made on thé twentyOUR PRESENI NEED. Beckwith, 32 miles; J. M. Taylor, 21 miles. sixth day of March, 18 9, so many8 hatticg AGRAND BALL each parcel of such stock as may be n ry, e Times, on the Califoruia corstitution, says: If all the notions of the reformers who wil} be sold at public auction, at the eataion, Wednesday's fire still farther emphasizes put For the Benefit of the— 7 forth their ee for the regeneration of ron of John M ddieton & Son, No. 419 Pine the human réce ring the Paris Commune street, San Francisco, California,on MONDAY, the necessity of perfecting our fire departwere embodied in : “agattaceait they would not the ninth day a June, 1879, = the hour, of two ment. As it Seems impossible to get the appear wilder, more absurd, or more menacing o’clock, p. m., Of said day, t o pay said delinhes wany of the provisions of the constitution uent shaves pti thereon, eee with costs water piped through the town, the best thing —Will be given at — which now regulates tae existenee of dwellers ertisiv Te expenses of in California, LEver).body is to bs punished and yh . EO. B SPINNEY, Secretary. to do would seem to be the organization ofa aestricted in the same way. Tnose persons only Office—Room No. 44, "No. 310 Pine street, San hoek and ladder and backet brigade. We rre excepted who have nothing to lose. The Francisco, California . 60td constitution as a whole is such an extraordinary have experienced firemen in our midst who instrument that the people of Caliornia might are fully capable of organizing and and taking all be stupefied when they learned that Ke riey SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING Thursday Ev'g, June 5th. had carried his point. We do not fancy thgt his charge of such a company, ard who might be exultation wil last long. This mischief which eer fit ae ; depended upon to use the most effective means has been wrought may produce a reaction, and TICKETS, $3—Admitting Gentleman and an effortimay be made to revise ths constituof preventing a general conflagration should OAM HAVE YOUR CEILINGS MADE tion. Ladies. Tickets can be had at all of the prin- wor cipal Stores. a fire ever get started on . Main’ street. goose, and s wil Veto, 2a, 1879 s ogy SATURDAY Bliscellancous, Delinquent Sale Botice. Benevolent Packer, ALLENTOWS (Pa.,) 23. The will of the late one. Packer was read aS Tt bequeaths, permabaee ento the Lehigh Univeraley: of Bethleeee S800 000; tor a ieee for the University; $500 000; to St. Luke’s Hospital, of Bethlehem ; to 8t. Marke Episcopal Church, Mauch URAIN. free a barge to a and TO| MANUFACTURER OF Tin, Steel, Iron & Copper WaveBoots and Shoes, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. eeeat Pema hae HAS A LARGE STOOK Made Boots and Shoes, among which areoe, celohirared United Workingmen’s ») Boots manufactured in San Fraticiaco, anda large stock of other Custom Made Work, to which he especially invites the attention of the pnblio generally, Custom. Work made to er from the choicest calf skins, Shop next door to Cap. itul Chop House, JANES BYRNE. : |