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Show B2 The Emery County Review, Tuesday, October 14, 2008 OUT ‘N’ ABOUT Hunter Education A Hunter Education Course will be held Nov. 3 -7 at the Emery County Recreation Center. The class will be from 4 - 7 p.m. each day. You must pre-register by Oct. 31. Sign up early because there is a class-size limit. Participants will be required to obtain a voucher at a licensed vendor for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources prior to registering for the class. For more information contact Emery County Recreation at 381-2108. Benefit Golf Tournament A benefit golf tournament will be held Oct.18 at the Green River Golf Course on Oct. 18 for the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Green River. Registration will be at 9:15 a.m. and there will be a shot gun start at 10 a.m.. There will be awards and drawings for raffle and hold challenges, longest drive, etc. Early registration is suggested and space is limited to 18 teams. Pre-registration must be received by Oct. 18. You can mail it to Green River PACT Board, PO Box 191, Green River, Utah 84525 or fax, 435-564-8360. All proceeds from the tournament will go to the Community Center/Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Green River. For further information call 435-564-3286. Festive Friday Lorraine Frandsen. Wrapped in Support Continued from Page 6B. United States. Orangeville native, Karen Robertson Gordon wanted her son to have a new blanket to use in the barracks he will be staying in when he returns from Iraq in November. She then thought about the other 399 soldiers that will also be returning and wanted each one of them to have a new blanket too. She expressed her wishes to friends and word spread rapidly about the project that it is now generating interest throughout the United States. Earlene Allen, Karen’s sister, has pledged 33 blankets, one for each member of her family. A lady in San Antonio heard about it from a friend in Kansas. A group of children stationed at Randolph Air Force Base called “We Serve Too,” also will be making and donating blankets. Karen received a box with five blankets from a lady in Michigan who stated that she has two sons serving in the military and heard about the project and wanted to help. When Karen and her sister Robin were in a fabric shop buying fabric, a lady overheard them talking and gave them money because she also wanted to help. A Young Women’s group in Perry, Utah has seven blankets ready and a young women’s group in Ogden has 20 blankets. There are reports of blankets being made in Raleigh, N.C.; Huntsville, Ala., in Hawaii, Kansas, Texas, and South Carolina and inmany other areas of the United States.. Ruth Whimpey, Karen’s mother, was instrumental in getting the local Orangeville and Ferron American Legion Auxiliary groups involved in making and donating blankets to the cause. Each blanket will have a note/card attached that reads, “This blanket was made with love, support and belief in you by_______.” There is a web site “wrappedinsupport. blogspot.com” which provides more information. The site also includes interesting stories about this project. The Utah State Extension Service will hold their monthly “Festive Friday” Oct. 17, from noon to 1 p.m., upstairs in the courthouse. They will be sharing ideas for inexpensive Halloween costumes and treats and having lunch. Please bring any ideas you wish to share. There will be a $2 charge for lunch and your packet and $1 if you want to learn to make paper bag stationery or Halloween cards. Hope to see you there. Please RSVP to the Extension Office at 381-2381. Artist Photography Exhibition The College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum presents “Picture This,” an amateur artist photography exhibition that will run through Jan. 3. General admission fees apply. Relay for Life Relay for Life organizers are looking for volunteers to help round out the Relay committee for 2009 to help plan the annual event. With a theme of Back to the Future, the committee hopes to get individuals who have taken part in the event during its15 year history in Emery County to assist in making Relay for Life event a successful benefit the American Cancer Society. For more information on how to get involved call Judi Bishop at 653-2221 or Amy Day at 687-9771. Farm Bureau Banquet The annual banquet and business meeting of the Emery County Farm Bureau will be held on Oct. 28, 7 p.m. at the Huntington Senior Citizen’s Center. Keynote speaker will be Randy Parker, CEO of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation. Ray Petersen, Emery County Public Lands Director will give a brief overview of the BLM Resource Management Plan as it relates to local grazing permits, existing roads, etc. Information will also be presented on updated insurance programs and on Farm Service Agency’s First Timer Farmer loan programs. All Emery County residents are encouraged to attend. There is no charge for the dinner. Please RSVP to Barbra Jones, 6872580 (anytime) or Joel Hatch at 687-91115 (after 6 pm). Food Handler’s Class A Food Handler’s class will be held Oct. 22 and Nov. 19 at 4 and 7 p.m. at the SEUDHU, 25 West Main in Castle Dale. For more information call 381-2252. Flu Clinics A flu clinic will be held at the Southeastern Utah District Health Department, 25 West Main, in Castle Dale on Oct. 15 from 8 - 11:30 a.m. and 1 - 5:30 p.m. The cost is $25. Some insurance companies can be billed. Please call 381-2252 for more information. Flu Clinics will also be held at the following locations: Huntington Senior Citizen Center: Oct. 20, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Ferron Senior Citizen Center: Oct. 21, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cleveland City Hall: Oct. 22, noon – 1 p.m. Emery Senior Citizen Center – To be announced For those people with no insurance, shots will be $25. Budget Class A free class on living within a budget and becoming debt free is being held by the USU Extension on Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Active Re-Entry, 10 South Fairground Road, in Price. Sponsored by Active Re-Entry, Vocational Rehabilitation, SEAOG Food Bank and the USU Extension. Lunch will also be provided. There is also a $25 stipend available for travel reimbursement at the end of three one on one follow-up sessions. Learn the magic of controlling your future. Call Ashley at 637-4950 and RSVP by Oct. 10. Sculptures on display at John Wesley Powell Museum Two sculptures, “Rough String” and “One Caught and Looking For More,” by Western artist Grant Speed, are currently on display at the John Wesley Powell River History Museum’s River Gallery. The museum staff in Green River, is delighted to have the opportunity to show these pieces by a world renowned sculptor. The public is encouraged to come see the sculptures before they are gone. The museum hours are 9 to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Speed is a traditional sculptor of bronzes of the Old West. Born in San Angelo, Texas in 1930, he currently lives in Lindon. A seasoned cowboy and rodeo rider, he is considered western art’s master of the loose equine sculpture technique and has long been known for bronzes that have a strong sense of movement. Also a founding member of the Cowboy Artists of America, he has been involved in many group art shows throughout the United States and in Paris, France and Russia. His work is in numerous permanent and private collections and is exhibited in at least 20 major Gilly’s B.K.’S STOP-N-SHOP Inn & Convenience Store museums. His bronze, “Keepin’ an Eye on the Riders” was chosen to be presented to actor Jimmy Stewart when he was honored at Brigham Young University in 1985. He was commissioned to do monumental-sized sculptures of Charles Goodnight for the Panhandle Plains Museum in Canyon, Texas, and of Buddy Holly for Lubbock, Texas. Speed has received numerous honors and awards among them are: Todd Whatley Memorial Award - Rodeo Cowboy Association - 1966 Gold Medal for Sculpture - Cowboy Artists of America - 1976 Western Artist of the Year - Festival of the American West - 1981 Distinguished Service Award - Brigham Young University - 1981 & 1991 Silver Medal for Sculpture - Cowboy Artists of America - 1984 & 1986 Prix de West Award - National Academy of Western Art Shady acreS RV Park & Campground Hot Food • Fuel • Lodging • Weekend Barbecues 435-687-9393 CAll utAh BusIness lendIng CorporAtIon We are a Direct Micro Lender for the United States Department of Agriculture 801-654-2213 Custom Packaging Available FRee Pork • lamb • beef any Love It Creation™ (of equal or lesser value) Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 1191 East Main Price, Utah• (435) 613-2653 370 East Main, Green River 435-564-8295 www.shadyacresrv.com It’s tIme to Buy A BuIldIng For your BusIness A Building is a Business Owners 401K Meat Shop Wane & Orson Justice/Owners Buy one GeT one Best Fast Food In Huntington! 480 North Main, Huntington The Share the love. Gas & Grocery Fuel • Pizza Daily Lunch Specials 15 North State Ferron, UT 435-384-3333 Sculptures by Grant Speed are on display at the John Wesley Powell River History Museum in Green River. Always Your Best Value 435-637-4923 www.coldstonecreamery.com “Want Breakfast In Bed? Sleep In the Kitchen!” Jones T.C. West Screen Print & Embroidery Authorized Dealer Home & Office Supplies Portable Music Computer Accessories Power & Batteries & Much More We never stop working for you. www.ogdensflooring.com 268 S. Hwy 55 Price, UT 25 East Main St Green River, UT 435-564-3411 185 E Main Castle Dale, UT 381-2421 Retail & Wholesale Custom Designs •Hats • Shirts • Uniforms • Sweats •Jackets Gift Shop 98 E. Main, Castle Dale 381-5054 tcwest@etv.net 687-9000 790 N. 400 E. Huntington, UT Christy’s S alon ensations “Service With A Smile” Walk-Ins Welcome or call for an Appointment Tuesday - Friday Christy Collard Katie Brady 190 So. Main, Huntington 687-9766 |