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Show A4 VOICES The Emery County Review, Tuesday, October 7, 2008 Celebrating the People and Lifestyle of the San Rafael Swell Area WEDDINGS Carly Simone Davis Tyler James Simpson Wesley Davis is happy to announce the marriage of his Mommy, Carly Simone Davis, to his Big Buddy, Tyler James Simpson. They will be married on Oct. 10 in Murray. A reception will follow that evening from 8-10 at Cactus and Tropicals in Salt Lake City. Please join us if we neglected to send you an invitation! Carly is a 1998 graduate of Emery High School, and attended CEU and USU. She taught elementary school in Arizona from 2002-2006, and has been working at Lakeview Academy in Saratoga Springs teaching 4th grade since 2006. She is the daughter of Larry and Shanna Davis of Castle Dale. Tyler is attending the University of Utah, an English major, and attended high school in South Jordan. Parents of the groom are Becky and the late Lee Simpson, and Trudy and Karl McCraken. Madisyn Mann and Thomas Johansen enjoy their art field day from Cleveland Elementary. Field Day Lewis Jewelry Company, Inc. Forever Est. 1921 435-637-2176 46 East Main Price S Christy’s alon ensations Walk-Ins Welcome or call for an Appointment Tuesday - Friday “Service With A Smile” Christy Collard Katie Brady 190 So. Main, Huntington 435-687-9766 The Big Hunt g in s s e c o r P e m Ga •Jerky •Kabalsa •Pepperoni •Salami •Salami with Pepper Jack Cheese •Chili Cheese Dogs •6 Varieties of Sausage Free Home Wild Game Lunch Meat Fully Cooke and processedd Pick Ups *Cut & Packaged To Order Custom Cutting, processing & Wrapping •We Accept Food Stamps• The Meat Shop 790 N. 400 E. Huntington, UT Wane & Orson Justice/Owners 687-9000 Photo by Kathy Ockey Cleveland Elementary students take a ‘creative’ trip to the forest Kathy Ockey Cleveland Elementary held their second annual school outing on Oct. 3 to discover the beauty of art. The entire student body traveled to Little Bear campground in Huntington Canyon where the students, faculty and volunteer parents held an art festival throughout the entire day. There were 12 stations, each with different activities for the children to complete. They included drawing pictures and finding interesting things in the woods, sketching, folk songs, square dancing, making arrow heads, painting animals on rocks, air brushing, using textures to make drawings, beading key chains and making cards to send to the troops. One interesting station included the students dipping water out of a small pond, looking at it through a microscope and then drawing what they saw. The children walked their Gold Medal Mile through the campground and also ate their lunches there. Foundation helps Ryan Thompson get his ‘wish’ Ryan Thompson was granted his wish by the Make-A-Wish Foundation on Oct. 1 as he received his four-wheeler of choice, a 2008 Outlander decorated with congratulatory balloons, in front of family and well-wishers at Alpine Power sports. An ATV was his wish because he grew up riding them and his family had to sell their three ATVs to help pay his medical expenses. Thompson’s unusual combination of maladies have only been reported in one other person in the United States. Thompson said he is the second person in the nation under the age of 18 to develop cholangiocarcinoma, a cancer of the bile duct, and the first to go through protocol -- a two-monthlong set of treatments -- to contain the cancer long enough to get a transplant, his father said. Doctors believe there is a less than 1 percent chance of the cancer returning and a 20 to 25 percent chance that the liver disease will reoccur. His mother, Yolanda Thompson said she appreciated the work performed by doctors at the University of Utah and at Primary T.C. West Screen Print & Embroidery Retail & Wholesale Custom Designs •Hats • Shirts • Uniforms • Sweats •Jackets Gift Shop 98 E. Main, Castle Dale 381-5054 tcwest@etv.net Ryan Thompson sits on his new Can-Am ATV as his father Timothy Thompson stands beside him at Alpine Power sports in Lindon, where Ryan was given the new ATV through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Children’s Medical Center. “Ryan has beaten a lot of odds,” she said. For now, Thompson said he is not 100 percent healthy, but will be able to ride his four-wheeler. In about one month he will be cleared to do more strenu- Gordon’s Nursery & Floral Fresh Flowers, Plants And Gifts ous exercise, he said. Thompson’s specificity in his choice of ATV was unusual, said Frank Nilson, director of program services for the Utah chapter of Make-A-Wish. Most boys requesting a similar item wouldn’t have a clue to the Jones Authorized Dealer Home & Office Supplies Portable Music Computer Accessories Power & Batteries & Much More 686 N 400 E Huntington 687-2264 Mon-Fri 9-6 •Saturdays 10-3 We never stop working for you. 185 E Main Castle Dale, UT 381-2421 name of the specific model, he said. The Outlander model Thompson received is considered the top of the line, said Alpine Powersports employee Dan Call, whose company provided a discount to Make-A-Wish. |