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Show The Emery County Review, Tuesday, April 29, 2008 SOURCE B7 CLASSIFIED The Announcements 160 Wanted Looking for a ‘92 S10 Blazer w/pull down tail gate & window, has to have a swing tire rack on it. Call 435-384-3362 or 749-2221. Looking for a llama or an alpaca; looking for some ducks. Please call Jennifer at 637-6346. Looking for an ATV trailer, 5x8 or 5x10. Call Wes at 637-2043. Looking for a house or apartment to rent as soon as possible, for a reasonable price, at least 2 bedrooms. For more information call Cindy at 637-0479 or 801-473-8546. If no answer, please leave a message and I will get back to you. Looking for a 5 hp tiller & a snowblower. Call 613-1927. Looking for two twin beds, in good shape. Call 435-6131612 anytime or 435-8202412 after 3:30. Help Wanted Homes/Apartments Looking to buy welder leads for a miller stick welder & a welding helmet. Call Jim after 5PM. Looking for an electric clothes dryer. Call 630-1275. Looking for a Chihuahua puppy. Call 820-1863. Looking for a chain saw & trailer axles. Call 637-6253. Looking for a good work car, between $500-$1000. Call 384-2736. Looking for yarn donations. Call Mr. Ed at 435-653-2500. Looking for March 08 “In Style” magazine. Call 6374872. Looking for a full or queen size bed for free. Call Michelle at 636-0918. Looking for a late 1970’s Ford 4x4 pickup, 3/4 ton or a 1 ton preferred, does not need to run. Call Jeremy at 435-994-0438. Looking for a used radiator fan. Call 613-1191. 200 Employment Looking for a full size pickup trailer. Call 637-7293 or 650-3031. 220 Help Wanted Looking for a 9” ditch flume for irrigation. Call 435-6099817. Looking for tires & wheels for a ‘98 Honda Civic, 4 lug. Call 650-5068. Looking for honey; looking for a trailer made from a full size truck bed. Call 637-7293. Sales/Office Clerk, mature nature, part-time. Must work Saturdays, competitive wages. Apply at Earl’s Furniture and Appliance, 687-9119 Help Wanted. Part time Kennel/Stall technician. Hours from 3-6 Monday-Friday with some Saturdays. Duties include feeding/watering animals including dogs, cats, horses and cattle. Will also clean kennels and MSHA MINER TRAINING Price May 5th - 8th 32 hr. New Miner Underground May 29th Annual Refresher-Surface May 28th Annual Refresher-Underground Call for times 16 hr. Surface New Miner Customized Courses: MSHA approved instructors available for Part 48 & Part 46 and other training needs For locations & pre-registration call (435)472-4736 or 1-800-230-8580 Business Merchandise stalls, and help with other cleaning duties. Must be able to lift 75 lbs. May also include fencing repair and building if you have the skills. May work out to more hours during the summer. Apply by submitting a resume at Job Service in Castle Dale. Help Wanted: Someone to clean stalls and feed on weekends. Inquire at Job Service or Emery Animal Health. 381-2539. NOW OFFERING “$2,000.00 SIGN ON BONUS” Oak entertainment center for sale, $75. Call 637-2310. For sale: solid wood kid’s dresser, natural in color, $75; matching kid’s Pottery Barn end table, also natural in color, $25. Call 637-9846 or 650-5701. 520 Appliances / Tools For sale: Electric range, $40. Call Linda at 435-820-2950. 230 Business Services Two openings available for baby-sitting, ages 2-5, available 8:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.(full time). Call Jaime at 636-0706. Electrician/handyman looking for side work. Call 820-0461. For sale: Beige Whirlpool electric stove w/self cleaning oven, in good condition, everything works, asking $90 OBO. Call 435-384-3362 or 435-749-2221. For sale: Older Whirlpool refrigerator & dishwasher, almond & black in color, $100. Call 630-0934. 530 Musical Instruments Looking to do web design work. Call 435-327-2229. Free: Upright piano, in pretty good condition, all the keys work except for one that sticks a little bit, you must pick it up, it is located in Huntington. Call 435-6879752. Looking for extra work doing yard work or tree trimming. If interested, please call 613-0470. Time for Spring clean up! Complete yard clean ups. 16 years experience. Call Huntington Lawn Care at 609-0946 Looking for work doing tree trimming and removal, yard cleanup and weekly yard care; sleeper/utility capsule for sale,1/3 shell with floor, seats 2 adults, fits Ford trucks, in great condition, asking $200 or will trade; fiberglass running boards for sale, fit a Chevy extended cab short bed truck, asking $100 or will trade. Call 613-3265. 500 Merchandise 510 Furniture For sale: Twin loft bed, has a ladder to the upper bunk with support, purchased at IKEA, paid $150, asking $75, still in new condition. Call 472-5500 & leave a message. 650-1742. For sale: Asphalt crack fill machine, make offer. Call 435-630-0131. Scalloped edging, rings to go around trees & straight edging for sale, $30 for all; car ramps for sale, $15 per pair; speaker boxes for sale, $10 each; looking for slate tile pieces, landscape timber, extra strawberry or raspberry plants, Polly Pockets, Weebles, Fisher Price little people, McDonald’s Little Madam Alexander dolls, and blue & white dishes that can be broken. Call 637-8408. For sale: 1984 Chevy S10 Blazer 4x4, 5 speed, V6, $500; golf clubs & bag, irons 4,5,6,7,8,9, 5 wood, $25; 2 twin bed frames, one has headboard & footboard, $20; 17” custom rims, 5 lug universal, 5 on 14 bolt pattern; Metal of Honor collection PS2 games, $30 for all three; MX vs. ATV unleashed PS2 game, $10. For sale: Baby changing table w/built in bath tub & storage, $25 OBO. Please call 472-1219. 540 Sporting Goods Crochet items for sale, reasonably priced. Call 6138427. For sale: Nordic Track Sequoia ski machine w/care kit, in good condition, $125; Nordic Track Walkfit 5000 treadmill w/care kit, in excellent condition, $225; Vitamaster triple action stationary bicycle, in good condition, $50. Call 435-6532927. For sale: Small wheelchair, will fit a child or small adult, asking $35 OBO. Call 687-2119. For sale: antique, free standing gas stove; 16 ft. camp trailer; 28 ft. fifth wheel trailer; ladies ring; bed liner for a small pickup. Call 8881188. For sale: Beautiful antique china hutch; smaller china cabinet; beautiful antique hope chest; 4 wooden kitchen chairs; 2 small antique magazine end tables; a round wooden pedestal kitchen table; too much to mention. For more information, please call 650-9782 or 472-1219. Small wheelchair for sale to someone who needs it, $10; set of four 16” six lug aluminum Chevy wheels & tires for sale, $150; two Centerline wheels with Dunlap 50R15 tires for sale, $100; mulcher mower for sale, runs good, cuts great, $65; looking to do tree removal in Huntington ASAP, the job is big & requires someone with heavy equipment. Call 435-687-2119. Dora the Explorer stuff for sale, two twin sheet sets, two comforters, two curtain sets, one valance, TV, DVD player, alarm clock, two extra blankets, rug, & etc. All in great shape. Asking $200 for all. Call 636-0140 or For sale: Large swamp cooler, in very good condition, too big for us, asking $150. Call 820-1744 anytime. For sale: Exercise machine, $10, you put it together; kid’s bikes; 2 big square end tables; 2 small end tables; lots of other items. Call after 5 at 472-0658. For sale: 18 1/2 cabin cruiser boat; 18 1/2 Bayliner boat; portable Hobart welder on trailer w/300 kw power plant; generator; self cleaning stove. Call 888-2268 for more information. For sale: Treadmill, asking $25; baby stroller, like new, $15; high chair, $12. Call 613-7043 or 435-228-8907. Small wheelchair for sale to someone who needs it, $10; set of four 16” six lug aluminum Chevy wheels & tires for sale, $150; two Centerline wheels with Dunlap 50R15 tires for sale, $100; mulcher mower for sale, runs good, cuts great, $75; looking to do tree removal in Huntington ASAP, the job is big & requires someone with heavy equipment. Call 435-687-2119. Black Lab, free to a good home, barely over a year old; rail jack for sale, make offer; 2 man chain saw for sale, 6 years old, $200. Call 820-5349. For sale: Celebrity scooter, 4 years old, for disabled people, 2 new batteries, in excellent condition, asking $600 OBO; Lexmark printer/ copier/scanner, needs ink, We offer: • • • • • • • • Recreational For sale: one white electric dryer, $60; one white washer, $60; set of 6 hole chrome aluminum 17” wheels, $200 OBO. Call 888-0899. 550 Miscellaneous for Sale Furniture for sale: Sofa, $100; oak coffee table, $75; round dining room table w/4 chairs, $50; small computer desk, $40. Call 435-888-5517. Serious callers only. Miscellaneous For sale: Older Whirlpool refrigerator & dishwasher, almond & black in color, asking $100 for both. Please call 630-0934. For sale: new Bowflex w/all accessories, $1700 OBO. Call 650-5828. For sale: New child’s bed, bed sits approximately 3 feet off the ground, the underneath is a tent/play area, comes with a brand new twin mattress, never used, has a built in ladder, slide & shelf, not recommended for the age of my child, paid over $400 new, asking $300. Call 472-1219. We are currently looking for drivers for local hauls in the Carbon-Emery Area. A Class A CDL with a “T” Endorsement is required. If you are interested in working for a company that has been in business over 60 years that has great opportunities and consistent work we encourage you to apply. Lawn/Farm & Ranch Autos asking $30; student desk; computer table; 2 odd chairs. Call 636-0632. Big 12-14’ satellite dish, haul it away; 10 horse power winch w/5000 feet of cable. Call 472-8361. For sale: 1967 Wheely’s Jeep pickup, asking $1500 OBO; Whirlpool gas stove, black, like new, asking $400 OBO. Call 613-1131. For sale: 2003 230F Honda motorcycle, in excellent shape, asking $1900; leather couch & love seat set, cream in color, in excellent shape, $750; 36” JVC TV, comes with surround sound and is in an oak entertainment center, asking $750; queen size bed & box springs, in good shape, asking $100 OBO. Call 637-8714. For sale: Three gas motors, 8hp, 5hp & 2hp, good for tote goats, snow blowers or tillers, asking $100 OBO for all three; set of 4 antique rod iron ice cream parlor chairs, $250 OBO; 1965 Dodge Monaco, 2 door, hard top, $1000 OBO. Call 637-6971. If no answer, leave a message. For sale: Hard plastic bed liner, out of a small pickup; ladies ring; small 16’ camp trailer; antique model 1899 Savage lever action 30/30 rifle; antique free standing 3 burner gas stove. Call 8881188. Chihuahua dogs for sale; formal dresses for sale; looking for a place with 2-3 acres of farm property to rent-toown. Call 820-4512. Chrome hubs for sale for a 4WD; looking for a chain saw & trailer axles. Call 637-6253. For sale: Small enclosed trailer, $300 OBO; winch w/5000 feet of cable, $1500 OBO; large satellite dish, free, just come & pick it up; 1995 Cadillac Seville STS, $4000 OBO. Call 472-8361. For sale: Twin bed w/2 mattresses, $20; Dodge Intrepid, 4 door, $1100 OBO. Call 630-6173. For sale: Dune buggy, new transmission, rebuilt motor, in excellent condition; 3 Chihuahua puppies, $350 each. Call 435-630-0518. For sale: Scooter for the disabled, 4 years old, has 2 new batteries, asking $600; window mount swamp cooler, $250. Call 636-0632. For sale: Two purebred Pit Bull puppies for sale, only asking $40 each; Disney movies; PlayStation 2 games; a few cars. Call 6373680. For sale: 1979 Ford pickup, club cab, automatic, air & power steering, camper shell, sliding back window; Craftsman radial arm saw, in good shape; gas range w/electric ignition, in good shape, almond in color; small 10” band saw. Call 435-748-5555 or 435-7492623 for pricing. If no answer, please leave a message & we will call you back. 560 Electronics Competitive Pay Scale Quarterly Bonus Paid In-Experienced Driver Training Paid Holidays/Vacations Home Every Day Family Insurance (Medical, Dental, Life) Retirement Plan- 401(k) Company Provided Uniforms Must pass drug screen and physical. For more information or to make personal application contact: Savage Services Corp. P.O. Box 1073 1615 East 1000 South Price, Utah 84501 (435) 637-0500 (435) 637-8692 fax JOB ANNOUNCEMENT POSITION TITLE Emery County Road Department Equipment Operator/Driver II STATUS Grade 17 @ $16.23 per hour, full time with benefits Performs skilled tasks in the operation and maintenance of light to heavy duty equipment as needed to construct, maintain or repair county roads and service systems. Must possess a valid Utah Commercial Drivers License with double trailers and tanker endorsement and must be able to pass ICC physical. Send, fax, or email resume to: Mary Huntington, Emery County Personnel, Box 907, Castle Dale, UT 84513. Fax: 435-381-2308 Email: huntington@co.emery.ut.us POSTING April 22, 2008 - May 6, 2008 EMERY COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER For sale: Nice 13” color TV, has a built in DVD player, asking $100. Call 435-8885517. For sale: Verizon palm one treo 700 windows smartphone, comes with a home & car charger and a USB sync cable, asking $125. Call 435-650-9977. 600 Lawn/Farm & Ranch For sale: 1997 Trails West slant load horse trailer w/ walk-in tack room, in great shape, asking $3500; girl’s or women’s English saddle, used for horse shows, asking $250; black felt cowboy hat, show quality, never been used asking $75. Call 435-472-3673. |