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Show A3 The Emery County Review, Tuesday, April 29, 2008 Republicans gather for convention Continued from Page A1. one senator, but with the population growth in Northern Utah, citizens have had “less and less of a voice in rural Utah.” He continued, stating that because Emery County has been represented by someone “from the minority party, I don’t think we’ve had a voice at all.” He also said that if he was voted in as a senator, he would bring other senators down and “show them exactly what it is like to live in Emery County and to meet everybody here.” He concluded by saying, “I think it’s time we’re represented by someone from Emery County.” A number of other candidates spoke, including Lt. Governor Gary Herbert, Charles Smith, an alternative Republican candidate for governor, Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, State Rep- resentative Kay Mciff, four Republican candidates for two second district seats on the U.S. Congress and a representative for Senator Bob Bennett. Delegates also ratified a new county platform, after some discussion on wording. The previous platform had 685 South Main Street P.O. Box 487 Orangeville, UT. 84537 been approved years before, so the party had formed a platform committee to revise the outdated one to better fit current circumstances. The State Republican Convention will be held at Utah Valley Community College’s McKay Events Center on May 10. Phone: 435-748-2541 Fax: 435-748-2543 Established January 2, 2007 Published Every Tuesday Failing road patched back together Continued from Page A1. with winter cold mix, but it again became unstable, so they had to put in a temporary detour. In brainstorming to find a solution, it was decided that they could try covering the area with steel trench plates. They rented the plates on March 6, which they welded together to form a plate measuring 52 feet long and 12 feet wide. They used six inch lag bolts to hold it in place and made temporary ramps, so that cars could go over. The speed limit was also reduced to 45 mph to keep the plate in place and prevent accidents. The second hole blew out on April 11 at mile post 59.1. They were able to acquire three more plates on April 15 to patch that hole. Finally, on April 21 they excavated the second hole and replaced the bad material with a temporary patch of hot asphalt and did the same to the larger hole the next day. On April 23, they applied a leveling course over the entire area that they had to patch, and returned the speed limit back to 65 mph. They hope that with warmer temperatures around the middle of May, to came back and put an overlay over the affected area. Babcock was pleased that the plates worked to keep traffic running in the meantime. “It’s actually a great success story,” he said, but warned, “It’s possible it could happen again. The road is worn out.” Bevan Wilson, a member of the Utah Transporta- tion Commission confirmed Babcock’s warning saying, “There’s just not enough base underneath that road to hold it. When the clay gets wet, it just won’t hold together.” The problem is timely. At the UTC meetings held last week, Wilson gave a presentation to the commission about the structural failure of that section of Highway 10. The commission was considering including that five mile section of Highway 10 as a project in 2012 at their STIP workshop last week, but Wilson petitioned the Publisher / Editor James L. Davis jldavis@theemery countyreview.com Co-Publisher / Office / Advertising Manager Colleen A. Davis cdavis@theemery countyreview.com Assistant Editor Josie Luke Advertising Design / Office Lyndsay Reid Advertising Sales Charlotte Williams Editorial Staff Kathy P. Ockey Judi Bishop Webmaster Casey Wood Postmaster: Send change of address to The Emery County Review, 685 South Main Street, P.O. Box 487, Orangeville, UT. 84537 UTC to address the problem in the 2009 fiscal year. The project will require approximately $15 million, and with much of the transportation funding going to Northern Utah, there just isn’t much discretionary funding available. But Wilson is cautiously optimistic about “getting something coming for that section of road,” and hopes to have a firm commitment from the UTC in the next 30 days. IRS to issue guidance on special depreciation allowance The IRS announced April 11 that it will issue guidance for businesses on how the special 50 percent depreciation allowance that was included in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 can be used to make capital investments this year. Until the guidance is issued, businesses may rely on the regulations previously issued regarding bonus depreciation. The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 provided a significant tax incentive for businesses to make capital investments by adding a special 50 percent depreciation allowance for qualifying purchases. This special “bonus depreciation” allowance is available to all businesses and applies to most types of tangible personal property and computer software acquired and placed in service in 2008. It allows taxpayers to deduct 50 percent of the cost of qualifying property in addition to the regular depreciation allowance that is normally available. The IRS recognizes that questions may arise as taxpayers evaluate the benefits of utilizing the new 50 percent bonus depreciation. Because the special 50 percent depreciation allowance contained in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 is generally patterned after prior bonus depreciation statutes, the Treasury Department and the IRS intend to issue guidance allowing taxpayers generally to rely on Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.168(k)-1 for purposes of the bonus depreciation provision of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. As part of the Department’s continuing efforts to help taxpayers take advantage of the business provisions included in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, the Treasury Department and IRS are also preparing additional guidance to address a number of issues that have been identified. Taxpayers are encouraged to bring issues to the attention of the IRS that may re- quire expedited guidance to ensure taxpayers are able to fully realize the benefits of these incentives. The upcoming guidance will also cover the new increased limits that businesses can expense under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. Generally, the new law set a limit of $250,000 that a business can expend during 2008, up from the limit previously set for 2008 of $128,000. A detailed description of the business provisions contained in the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 is available in IRS Publication 553, Highlights of 2007 Tax Changes. Businesses and tax professionals may e-mail the IRS at Notice.Comments@ irscounsel.treas.gov regarding issues related to the business provisions of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 that they would like addressed in the upcoming guidance. They should include “IR-2008-58” in the subject line of the e-mail. Orangeville City will celebrate Orangeville Days June 6-7 with a variety of events to kick off the fun days of summer. On June 6, the Youth City Council will host Movie Night in the Park and on June 7 events get underway bright and early with the Orangeville Dash 5K Fun Run at 6:30 a.m. Registration for the fun run is $5 and all runners will receive an Orangeville Dash T-shirt and prizes for first through third place winners in the men and women categories. To register for the fun run contact Staci Moss at 748-2675 or James Davis at 748-2901. At 7 a.m. the Boy Scouts will have a flag raising ceremony and from 7-9 a.m. the Orangeville City Council will be cooking Breakfast in the Park for $2 a plate. All runners in the Orangeville Dash will eat for free. Following breakfast, the Orangeville Days Parade will begin at 10 a.m. Anyone interested in having a float in the parade should contact Kevin Reynolds at 748-262. At 11 a.m. there will be games in the park for young and old alike, from horseshoes, to blow up rides and water games for the younger crowd. There will also be an ATV poker ride 155 N Main Huntington Phone for information 435-687-(STAR)7827 Open Each Weekend beginning at 11 a.m. from Main Street to the trails surrounding Orangeville. New this year will be Dodge Ball for teens and adults starting at 1 p.m. and a softball game. In the Old Firehouse Community Center there will be a Guitar Hero Competition for fans of all ages. There will be a $2.50 registration fee for Guitar Hero, with prizes for first place winners in the beginner, intermediate and Showtime’s are: expert levels. The competition will begin at 1 p.m. and continue throughout the day. Refreshments will be available throughout the day and at 5 p.m. the Humphrey Lamb Fry will take place. Fireworks will top off the evening at dusk. Everyone is invited to help Orangeville celebrate Orangeville Days. Friday Night one show time 7 P.M. Saturday two showings *Matinee at 4 P.M. Night show at 7 P.M. Fun Center Grill & Arcade Week-Day Specials $5.89 Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: for Breakfast 8Am - 11AM Gift Baskets for breakfast and lunch Cold Cut Wrap Combo Turkey Avocado Combo Grilled Ham & Cheese Combo BLT Combo Fish Sandwich Combo Includes a 16 oz. Fountain Drink & Fries Sorry NO Substitutes Now opeN Annastasia’s Sat: Daily specials Open at 9:00 A.M. For Pancakes or Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast Until 11 A.M. •Eat •Chat •Enjoy WeekenD Buffets Hours: Mon-Fri 11 AM - 8 PM & Sat 9 AM - 8 PM Star Talent Search The perfect gift for Mother’s Day. Begins Thursday April 17th at 7 P.M. Be Cool Come Play Pool or Games In the Arcade 60 North 100 West Price, UT (435) 637-5196 Monday - Saturday 8aM - 9PM 340 W. Hwy 29 • castle Dale • 381-5411 Jones Hardware SavE now through May 5! 999 $ Copyright 2008 The Emery County Review Star Theatre OUT ‘N’ ABOUT Orangeville Days Subscription Rates 1 Year (52 Issues) In-State $23.00 1 Year (52 Issues) Out-of-State $26.00 Ea. Birdbath 4999 $ Solar wind Chime 1999 381-2421 Free scheduled delivery In-House Financing OAC Wednesday’s Kids can watch a FREE Movie in our Little Theatre, While adults play pool Earl’s EvEry Day Low PricEs Always Quality for less Furniture & Appliance Quality for less Entertainment Centers • Bedroom Sets • Living Room Sets • Flat Screen T. V.’s Great Values on Cedar Chests & Curio Cabinets Enter FREE Mother’s Day drawing for genuine lamb skin leather 5 piece luggage set! Mother’s Day Special $ 185 E. Main Castle Dale 390 n. Main Street Huntington 435-687-9119 |