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Show rh ‘We offer until sold, few 1894 Styles, at $3.00 Hach. Order W, A. Woods? Mowers Sar Sere Binders Tige) Piymouth, Sheat* Gt Wheat ae nd all Machine Hxtras Don't Wait for LEAMINGTON, UTAH. TO CLOSE BUYERS, we offer the very lowest prices on anew and camplete line of General Merchandise. Mail orders fe see parties at sis and vicinity, will Detroit Camp, receive Twine, eee City, Ogde and Montpelier, Idaha. CO-OPERATIVE - - WAGON & MACHINE Co. ats geese ODELL, ee o : { ae bs ‘‘former and latter rains,’’ 80 4s to da good Copper, Lead, . soaking before | hers. for a mice of the carcass. ‘ _|predicts that the Ibex Company willl employes of much to be thankful} | | get out of its: speice ly and resume Op pany. ye ; - Please give name PAUE J OHNSON, erations. La’ \THR--Since the above was in type, & ee samples. A nine-pound girl ta Mrs, Molaber Buperintende feo: eee wife of Henry Black, on last. a¥s ig| "Blade: gerihs visited the flame, While ate. Thicves Hold Sway.. Sneak of the ‘eet in the Magthe latest news from the prers) a ; feeb. in length in the middie Kanosh, April. 30th, 1895:was 6nformation Utah’s best crop. ‘ : nae : : cent 6 » curious me isa total wreck, but little, or none: pie= shaft The rain that began so ) at early is.aa black shale, resem- | Hprror BLADE:— floated away. It lies in the river audof counter A short time since, a woman here? composed| ensed mud, and last week, continued falling serva. rly all can be recovered, | But little to. In| whose husband is from home: working,, of various kinds. t fossils ‘is broken, yet, much of At will! have until early Sundgy morning, * her pig-meat. Daring: » the shale is covered with | undertook to sinoke The immediate cause of the sountry around here at was be replaced. sneak thieves carrieGtcollapse Was & detective gipder, ‘of small shrubs as big as | the opperation some The best and aun line i Yesand two hams. i penc , the impress of leaves’ of var- | off five side pieces The Directors oft the Intigation Comthe officers were out witn, a search y visited the wrecked flume yesterday iou 8 Anon “and shapes beautifully traced | terday meas: | _in and went through a number off warrant re-| energetic and adopt ground, will back ck. 1 and black the morning without di g the miss~ Wito ce it, as the Hast and 4 bling ferns and other acquatic plants : fore the flume | mains of what may be fish and | jng property. Phere has been considerable of this kindt also. be found. The us. these & SANDERS, ae ae UTAH. tting Pro locality has Seale ee ACES« sWiveb Ing x smelter. “awd Os XC Sarn—A ranch me of 0 j land}. 200 rods of fence and awit \ will be sold dirt cheap for cash further particulars, apply to ti ees b. is. ‘Those that are aivacs expectl ore Dr. looks Mics faith in and hope for fe was however, up-train, The the range which was well andis full his section of the field not es and plat of the ficial : survey on file in this’ oa Ww ith magnetic va aon at sixteen degrees f fe Ne ane es eas S follo me ene at -lla cor Ser of be cla: and running eee south 14 deg. 35 min. cose 210 feet to Post No. 2, th ence north deg. 15 min. east 55 KZ feet to PostNo. 3, thence eg. 21 min. west 12 way discovery pein is shown ‘on the plat posted ee ue ela: From t No. 2TUnited States Mineral Monument hee ° bears south 11 deg. 55 min. west CARD. md igs 4 OD ix hs B90 eo 43, Cisse schsin aah did potion. TIME ., Fairfield . $8.42 am. Lehi Junet.. 4, Amer’n Fi ork 4 Pleas’t Gh ove 5 ma. +» Provo, 37 pm Spi anish Fork a 18 pm ays Tee SO) ae Nephi. Rogen - nae souh ef Juab ees through run trains daily daily ee Sun from Salt “ake to all points Hast. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers from Sait fake to Chicage without change . Improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining Chair cars. Elegant day coaches. The only line operating dining ear service. Phe shortest azd. fastest line to all points . ast. S: G. Dyz, a Oasis. D. E. Burley, Gen’] Aet. Passer. D ept., City Ticket Office, 20{ Main st., Salt Lake. fi. L. Lomax, Gen’! Passgr. and Tiek et Agt. ,. Dickinson, Gen’l Mngr., Omaha} et ie H. Ciark, Oliver W. Mi nk, E. Ellery Anderson, John oane, Fr ederick R. Coudert, Receivers. THEW EBBHOTEL Gast ¥IRST Main DESERET, Street, CLASS Commercial UTAH. aceomodations and Mining men. RATES REASONABLE. 31-48, M. H. WEBB, Propr. for For and it where he 4 be det nied ©The is has an been now estimable woman ai] her on- The Deseret Ecclesiastical BoarlFreld an informal meeting on Sunday al-Jecided unanimously amusement erist. tion to build Itisamovein and a hall to be finished one i ard by Naim- the right that will place tkec- the cont, of dances in the hands of parents. . site on North Main has been donated i, the building. rE U.S. Deputy Marshal J. B. Tim? jny came down from Leamington, over: id, on Sunday for the purpose of attac ng some Ibex ore at the Oasis Station, ut discoverad that a Deseret constable | ad preceeded him. Marshal Timmony, ISwexer put an additional plaster on thest, of as the country. wishes go sphere of ‘rancher. with Mr. connection has settled The with on Blade’s Warren in his good his new probably caution, end the of the the side ated springs About the springs, they on one made granite and wide runs and $4 gold per about section that prospectors. wet time, north The 10 ton. vein per being is 18 cent. There is a rich been out in the eabin in leaked Granite like a pass. seive, loug screw. means of a — The news Tribune LL. P. Ry. owners Fora number of years **Tom?’ of As rived and gradually months Some got ago worse, be nearly frlend water. asked until gave suggested ‘‘Tom’’ if kidney came he would about to bring two up in despair. Deseret flowing up Ali. the and for pay-roll made ‘‘asking short time for J. W. Guthrie, by Lake field train. it wasa to that,in its sweet In Ida Weaver, who has been atind- Station Engineer for him? As Worthington*s tives at Oasis an from either empty His eyes regularly day‘forthis locomotive direction demijohn are bright, for ar- he exa full a and. burg, be his skin has that are holding time checks and rived in Deseret last week on her way to her home in Ibapah. The mud bdng good, he has increased in flesh and when other Ibex accounts. The Blade dispatched a representative to the [bex smel- his other ter, too Lake, the Agriculteral deep for stage College, travel, Logan, Mr. Davis ar- took for her The Deep beaming Creek face home of dake until Israel of to- the Consolidated Implement Co., is again seen on our streets. The news of the Ibex collapse Saliza, caused and him look to hustle after some over ore from wagons that are ‘tin soak” for the purchase price. Mr. in Israel Utah, says not Salina even is the biggest excepting Salt town Leke, [and that editor Howard of the Press is lthe brightesb and jolliest quill-driver west of the Atlantic. Frank Morehouse, Supt. of the Midas mine, and another passenger from Deep Creek, had. an unenviable experience coming week. in on The between here the Ibapah stretches mail of wagon mineral and Fish Springs last land rn taken on wife its natural met said he him color, the hadn’t his appetite looked day in. g80 well is Salt for years. ‘*Tom’’ is delighted with the improvementin his health, and talks in glowing terms of the Deseret aqua pura. to learn, as far as possible, what truth there was in the report that the smelter had been attached. It was an accomodation train. section by men Et accomodated distributing ties two smoke in many that foot-high and places, look and: vis-theyr now,, but with: intruders: house places. ‘the officers a fine San-- The: are not, Lucerns show as well Se ER gee Interest to the for fruit.. the from as could. be ARA. PHIM... Public.. The Blade has received: the. followings. which we take pleasure. in. plishingfor the reason that— successful ands economical the north-bound somnambulism,could found ma tanve importance to Uta ar- others o7*on the a Of proprietor house, arrived went to Salt point desired night instruction,’’ up, ‘We are having a splendid rain. informa- of the Ibex boarding on fine up drive and arrived bafore the north-bound train. Mr. Mikesell telegraphed the company, it our dark that eaough: disgrace appears to be in getting caught,,, and these have got that part of it to such: is.of, the utmost. Office of ienieete a To frrigatio the Eaepiese: of’ the» Congress,. and off the: tah. at Lake City:,. Sones 16th, 1895. anxious. a give We near has siace them: day night, There is no thorougafare thats way. and they hurriedly objected to am many to not to results. the he long Iam told that the wneat crop does not, ia: former had getting Mikesell sent the them in told him “tbe? intense were of asking were of caused one April as the writer and the water Ibex, the the men Foreman last, of was The will find. Herald good says and with isan honest man cabin collapse in the he: interview. It is very unpleasent to. write about these things, but it is ae coming an intolerable nuisance, but natural result of alax administration of the law, a successiul thief is just as good had a instead Telegrams Provo, ofthe tion. from here. Holbrook, disorders, suffering the appeared Fliday, excitement and told the writer that he has spent over $2,000 in doctors’ fees and hospital expenses. Last November, Tom. went back to his engine and began work, running between Juab and Frisco. He again been regarding Co, that Sagineer Tom Worthington is one of the happiest men in the employ of the U. hes for heaviest The and no wagon He crowd suspiciously part of the storm. The first night from Deseret they camped in the Alexander Ibex by in- doubt| field the \and@ asked copper no his stuff went. Aprtil-fooled locations The Messrs. Kenner having of from that lies between | porphry. and west several on a copper-gold ledge ches the mile The handled got on board gentlemen Cottonwood therange. sauinse is-that just as he entered! town. After a bit a few drunken hoodlums: visited the conntry in the vicinity nice pure rain water, like that which falling on the out side, it was mud. prospectors went on to Manti, but return in a short time to their mew ee aay The Ibex. Dialema. will be saw everything allright given out Aniron frame wotk for head gates for the Snake valley reservoir passed Oasis en route for Milford where it will be shipped overland to Burbank. Jt is a strong, yet simple affairand was designed by Engineer Burbank, and will be placed at the upper end of the discharge tunnel. gates of water. lots of morrow morning. i his and Milford, south one. He takes no other medicine than the several I leave 2 rand Ree eiver, alas s. Land Office at Salt Tae ‘City, Utah. on the i8th day of May, 1895. names the following witnesses to prove the Co irrigation and reclamation of saic land: s W. Aldrach, H. S. Ensign, Mabel Robinson, all of Clear Lake, Fae and Clara Ruffner of Salt Lake Cit; 44-49 ze enon Register. frank D. Hobbs, Atty., Salt Lake City sevred né@ar of the changes attached the lbapah mail out on horsebeck, and Mises Weaver was therefore practically mud-bound in Deseret, and will not U.S. Land Office at Salt Lake City,U ‘ebroe bun, A805. otice is hereby given that arles rach of Clear. Lake, Mi And county, has filed notice of intention to, mak a desert- land ¢ laim SSR: aedeteer Wiese La AT, Utah, on the oe day of Ma, e names the following eo . to prove the complete irr igation and reclamation of said land: a za, Aldrach, H. S.Ensign and Mabel Robinn, all of Clear Lake, Utah and Clara Ruffner orsSalt Lake City, Utak as notice is eeeoe “given that Eliza, Aldeb of Clear Lake, Millard county, Utah, has filed notice of intention to make proof o has company, matter to day. then Miss FINAL PROOF, that ranch going the wagons of the teamsters. Mr. ‘thmony returned to Leamington on Mjn- ing Publication, ductor, a of awakened by nothing short of an earthquake or a mine explosion. (The reported collapse of the Ibex was equivalent to an explosion.) There. was considerable apprehension on the part of merchants and and No, 2,525. Notice valley, many friends hope for the best. Hi dition however is not reassuring. | Lanb OFFICE AT Saut Lake City, Uran, | March 29th, 1095. { Notice is hereby given that the ee named settler has filed cue o ‘hisi oOo make tinal proof in suppo f that said proof will be made aes Cl ts a Millard Co., Utah Ty., at ree Uta , on May ith, 1895, viz: x Doutre pee ae Henne aor NB and NW 14 of ee eet 3 Tp. 16S. R.19V apa. LINES the lia. ing ee his conmnenie residence BOE che of, said land, Abn. od outre, Thommas s Carter Baa Geceen Carter, all of. Smithville, Utah Ty. BYRON GROO, Register. ae KES and KEARFUL 48, Attor ney s for Claimant. DESERT LAND, Snake that it isan abcess in her stomach lady ntains’ a total area of 15. ore all of Thien is claimed and applied Pe e being no conflicts. ne aid Apollo lode location mining claim being f record in e office of the Recorder oF said minin @ district at Detroit Springs, Drum in Millard Count , Utah, The nearest baa wo locations being tuo Alto, lot 40. I direct that this notice be published in the Millard County Blade, at Deseret, Utah, the newspaper published neat est the ‘said mining claim, for the period of sixty days, BYRON GROO, FRANK D. Hor Register. 40— Claimants’ Attorney. No. 2624. ATYlve te ill, Notice for Publication. oO sis. Clear Pa uke 0 tw Ar{M he dave te: 15 p Lv} oo { Ar 6.00 pi :..Mvisco.... 4 ae to engaged during three or four m 48 in surveying lands under the Snakjvelley reservoir. Kalen Ss It is reported that Mrs. GeorgdOrane of Kanosh, has suffered another Henge. Hor sixteen months Mrs. Crane h “een range the Hse gone to tet ‘ned Jaden with the regulation: ‘auni-) ake a prise to mitt semis ber and variety of samples. Instead, i of stuff short. His explanation: of fewer, Monday’s hat, ok], tomorrow,?’’ they will leave th pent Judge Bartch, Country Attorney WhitLi ty. Barlow Ferguson, all of ae for ‘‘God’s ee shou! . Kam: y, Utah, and Hm Salt Lake City, were passengers on Sattake a sniff of the aroma of apy Mass., have ie application for a United States Patent for thee Apollo soms that pervades the premises/aWm.. urday’s south-bound train en route to Lode mining claim s:situated a Detroit Minin VY. Biack. h Beaver fora short term of court. District, Millard Counts , Utah Territory,¢@ on: sisting of pe fect. of theApollo Lode and R. H. L.. Collier, C, BE. of BO ore,’ Ov. Warren who has so long been an irface grounda own on plat ane on the ground, ‘being st ee vy No. 3022 and di ribed in yesterday passed through townl pt, his employee of the Union Pacific as con- oe Theser domot eontine their taste to meats and bottled! alone, but they fiich Sot We hi: = a tagn ne arnt by =e dozen. to prospect, | ae Tere = fa: to ‘red : UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, SaLt Lake Cirry, Uran, Mar. 12, 1895, ee is hereby given that Isaac B, Hill n effect,Dec. 16, 1894. rer aastye and depart at various stations daily as follows South ubomna. Stations. Northbound. Lea: od Ee Te Bi xa 2.00 a Ogden .... ao pm e 10 a “Ar Salt | 7.45 am Ly es 8.10am |be at sea as to who the and have abont given up hope. igation for soien- | thieves Notice No, 2295. Application -for Patent. =. appear to» , would make an in-| of work here, and the officers culprits are., reds No theif oR The a, CROPPER, i Deseret, Utah. ; ‘Legal on canal accross TERMS:—$1 for the Season. _ Good Pasture forCows, 0 © iavertis dg mattonz plici ation. INKLINGS, blanks for gale BLADE claims of goods A full- ulerdye Jersey bul will see during the Season of 1895 on the es of L. R. Cropper, Deseret. : eee La and funeral alee from ty indirectly have received a severe General Mining Notes, ; \blow. There is no use iv calling the the river to Oasis,” 8t There is a general and well-founded eompany bad names, nor in charging: at Tuesday eyening weight of water crushed belief that the Ibex smelter will not shut|+hem with extravagance and misma.-~ of the Sait Laker bout ten days? agement as some a has smelter Phe down, | ting middle portion of the That is solely the | papers are doing. ore on hand, and an effort wil! be made One thing is sure, on a forty feet in lepery went some ‘one |company’s business. -\to keep it running. and every money, the got ae the the river, ramor ‘wn ue will just start a ¢*yvell-founded’’ man will get his dollar as ae as the - Watermaster M. M. “Bishop caren will be started up company finds out where itis a mine Ibex the for|that it used has ashe 1) ets! the well defind 1895, 19th, So far as Detroit and Millard. County’ June |gbout nearly was Bishop oe when she heard | bing tint, that has spread even to the are concerned, they owe to the Ibex Co,a ; a debt of gratitude for their energyy. this loca tips of everybodys’ ! nos es in nd the unusual roar of water | arseverance and enterprise, They lor, eal rose to a hopetul itee poured into. the river, and started in } will be changed any assistianc Aifted Detroit district from death inte usband whom w she found/and it will not require They took a fairly good) at| prominence. ¢ a ta degenorated fluids on looking aspest hole and have made the waste gate situated from tke a mine t that will yet be famous. of ie Thex ayioleee is Their -nery e has demonstrated that. the; laboratory The willih require at least two weeks of ey to repalr complete in every particular, andis pre- “small end” of the veines is up, ti e and considerable material Krauss | only trouble with the lbex people ide. age. in the mean time, the Oasis sided over by Professor Theo. In| thas their steam did not hold out an» that with an efficient corps of assistaxts. yple may thank their lucky stars, care order to encourage prospectors, a he Good Father, in His beneficent sending wi ll be made at the following rates,* er this favored land, has been main 7 he with “Sir William,” Full stocks AL attention shipped by next train, GREATHOUSE EQUATOING EON 39 =e) now, the Rush. caer Utah, Idaho Falls ee good- -sized eT MERCHANDISE Pump IMPERIAL, At a Feasonable price, a collapsed, — be flume that conducts the A whim has arrived tan mine. Remember, a team ae House meets every train. tft Mrs. Hlizabeth Rutherford w pre pared to do earpet weagins, Wynn Orson Holbrook poeaaatd over: CENERAL Tools. had I Manufacturers Haying LOCAL oe Detroit Doings. a short distance tte merican of Pumps and GRSoN SANDERS GREATHOUSE & SANDERS. Bro. are the largest bes tm JOHN GREATHOUSE, Remomber the , 15 hours late. here spit i LS. men's and Boy’s Clothing Usual prices. A, Y. ‘Stephensen, The greatest variety + from which to select, Brices to suit all. a. E. Myers & needed. We call attention to our Spegial Sel Which we are offering far belov Paid, lixely shu a I i Gommissions } We invite our aeends from a Distance to gontings siete Cali usurp them the same Genegrigus Treatment as in the past. wanted very expressed [lief shat the difficulty will be adjusted All bands got out only It wag and walked. Pa then Johnson Yesterday's Silver Quotation... i Se and: a le of aFeducing eres will ge i ic: reas 92.9054 a aie Redes The peeou of. ktpincton ina as if puekboard the jg, Mr. Foreman Alf, Mikesell returned to” a hands, and well they may, The sine!r Ibex on Supday and laid the men off, an er plant has been of great financiai aig = | “‘sealed up” the golden coifers of the mine es {te them, as aiso to Qak City, whose resi» before the horses failed to respond to dents have founda good market ior ay ges ups’? of Mr. Davis. The passenge | of which se much hes been hoped. Mikesell hag also chained and lockedta jsurplus products. ed the hind wheels out of the TF However, the Leam»~ a short distance ot the rails the once busy wheels of t a! ington people take a very hopeful view eae entirely. The mail. | tram sane he life and bustle thai 5 th jot tbe poaavion, ma’ de the place attractive Inas ftin the mud and the ago weary ‘trio walked into Deseret, srzivl: aoe ex Company's Fallure. went down to the bed, And carry a full wel thing when old Smelter, and it§will |down. a et Bahn nn RRR RETR, AR RTE DENG taeeat i Pie cabs als, 9) Ae easing Rotor. uy Myers’ Spraying Pumbs. Uihoral jot the =e ‘ SETTLED IN OUR Pos Numerous pray Fruit Frees, Shrubs ang Vines, We say Boa le agents everywhere. IN-—- MERCHANDI| WE ARE NOW aN Ge not arrive in Detroit until late ae in eevening. At®@p, m, the mail byckboar started from Detroit to Deseret. AN went “| well until they engored the flat this side duced AND MILLS. oa all interested in N —Under Nattonal Irrigation Irrigation Commission for Utah inaugurated, there State Association for will Utah, be thereby- created the a, officers; for which will be a President,. a, Secretary; and Treasurer. The governor of Utah. to: be-ex-officia; President of the Association. There will be a County Commitee of: five from each county who shall have: general .supervision of local, or town: Associations. The officers .~ for each loeal er town: Association will be a President, a Vice-. President anda Corresponding Secretary.. The Association immediately upon be-- ing formed Will issue a call,. by advertise-- ment in Utah papers and otherwise, for: all persons interested in irrigation, foresiry and other cognate matters to become members. The membership annum, payable fee will in advance be $1.00 per: for which, members will be entitled to receive a, | copy of all pee and other literature: issued by the Association. It shall be the duty of each se DEALERS GENERAL MINES the. passengers | and sticky mea xy NIN 2 HOLDEN 00: OP MC L,. re Mf you don't want the Up-to-Date ace cheated cot ee a, oe MEN Nn cpt. _DESERET. UTATE Riverside to Leamington hill, Be epee a seg aoe oe of: this. Asgociation to foster and promcte: On the Y and track leading over to the Passed Away. smelter were fourteen loaded cars wait- the interests of irrigation mattersin Utah,, the especial duty the County: For many days the life of Miss Julia ing to be moved over to the works, but and Committees, and the local presidents, Cahoon hag hung by a very smal no more material will be moved until the vice-presidents, and the corresponding: r thread, and since Sunday the tension difficulty is adjusted. The first person secretaries thereof to promote the growth the Association by inviting a)l inter~. became rapidly greater until 11:30 last our reporter met was Chas.Crismon of the of ested parties in their respective counties;, UtahCo.,who introduced theBlade man to and towns to become members. night when it parted and the mortal The corresponding secretaries will flame became extinguished in the dark J.B.Tmmony,U.S. deputy Marshall, who make monthly reports to the secretary off river over which humanity is ever cros- stated there were six attachments aggre- the Association regarding crops, raineating between $6,000 and $7,000. At the sing, The Blade last week referred to fall, canals, ditches, ete. “ete., accordingthe patience, faith and fortitude witb smelter, things were moving as smoothly to instructions furnished them from thes, ‘central office which the deceased has borne her as though no impending calamity were : L. W. SHURTLIFF, afflictions. Death has been a relief to likely to put out its lurid fires. Chris. | Chairman... her, and whatever may await the best Overson was in charge as the agent of and purest of the human race on the the minion of the law. Supt. Paul John- | “other side” will be shared by one who . H. Houtoway,,. son was absent in Salt Lake but arrived never murmured over her hard lot and a any ae 6. EH. WANTLAND. In answer to enwho ever looked into the mysterious fon the down train. Office, 38. West Som South St.,, Sakis beyond with calm assurance and serene ;quirics, the Supt. said the smelisr will . jrun until the ore now in the bins is re- i| Lake City infaith inan indoite existance. : |