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Show ‘A WOMAN OF NERVE. q SHE FOILED A GANG ROBBERS. OF Mrs. Mattie Reichard Atkin, Tells How Who She of “Chilled” to Intended TRAIN the Rob Outlaws an Express eaption “Foiled by oman.” A woman in courage truly, but hardly pera aee everheard than Reichard, would-be train the a girl fer Mrs. who wreckers plotting their destructive scheme and telegraphed the warning which saved the train, is only 21 years old. At the request of a Chicago paper Mrs. Reich-” ard tells how the incident happened in the following words: It isn’t much of a story, but this is how it all took place. Friday evening, March 18, I sat up later than usual writing, having cut the telegraph instrument out of the office, as the noise disturbed me. I had been in the habit of leaving the instrument ‘‘cut into” the effice for company I staid in the depot 2 years old. the during the alone with night, as my babe, I think that my having cut instrument out was what caused the men to talk as they did, for had they heard the instrument they would have gone away. About 10 o’clock retire, and while I began to prepare to I was disrobing I heard footsteps coming from the direction of the water-tank. I thought it was the section men returning from the store, as about they one-half stopped just mile Gets His “OLD ZEUS” OF BELOIT. i ““‘TRILBY.” Idea Riviere from MATT New Mme. Bishop. Speculation as to the original from which Du Maurier drew his Trilby O’Ferrall and Svengali have been rife since the publication of the most popular book that has appeared for many All sorts of exemplars have bore a PROF. JOSEPH EMERSON, FAMOUS GREEK SCHOLAR. He Has Been Founder loved in the of by West Since Wisconsin away, outside but my bed- of that extraordinary girl through the upper regions of the musical world. Trilby was indeed a shooting star, coming, no one knew whence, shining with rare effulgence for a short time and suddenly losing her brilliance and fading into nothing. She came from nothing and to nothing she _ returned. The lives of the other great prima donne of the period offer no parallel to this extraordinary story, says the Chicago Weekly. The greatest singer of that day, Giuila Grisi, began life as a chorus girl, showed remarkable talent and an exceptionally beautiful voice, studied hard under good masters, was gradually promoted on her merits, was or many years the reigning prima donna of Europe, declined in popularity with the advance of age and died in retirement peacefully and quietly. Trilby, on the contrary, leaped to celebrity at a bound, blazed forth as a star of the first magnitude and was suddenly extinguished when the magnetic force that controlled her orbit failed to act. So it was with the other great vocalists. Their lives have been written, even to the minutest detail. Their history is the common property of the. world; there is no mystery about it. One singer, however, whose fame was world wide, but who now is well nigh forgotten, offers in her career a striking resemblance to t £ Triby: ilby. MONG THE BEST. known and most picturesque of col-+ lege professors in the west is Prof. Joseph Emerson, the senior professor of Greek at Beloit col-/ lege. Prof. of Emer-. G “college in closely came to The Beliot in 1848 in style Office, involved in- 40 in from Rev. Peter Bulkposition to escape Greek Will give lessons on For further the rounds of the chair in front of him, and many are the traditions of a class back in the ’70s who determined to mi- Giles; S. 7 to ‘and Entry ; titles on RANSOM. printing, on private Violin, prices and - address t : t answer A PATENT? and Fora an honest opinion, write te @.. who have had nearly fifty years?’ ence mthe patent business. Commu niche formation concern pen auagwor d how to Ob-- Agen ‘ CLERK of iande Organ, lowest WHITENEAD, = CAN I OBTAIN : VY at particulars, FRANK from f aten th Munn & C Precis notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public without cost to the inventor, This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the argest circulation of any scientific work in the. d. $3 ayear. Sample copies sen t free. Worl Building Edition, monthly, $2.50a year. copies, 2 cents. if ry number contains beaue plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the Jatest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., NEw YorxkK, 361 BroaDWA¥e. . furnished on shere | a specialty. Harness MINISTER and Saddlery . GEO. W. WILLIAMS, PAYSON, .=. 3 2) UFaAEr. land | elninas, on tiausportation routes, and on | sereral others. During his long servI ice he gave up his law practice almost etstirely; and his friends in the senate, that he had no fortune, but | kriowing | lived on his salary alone, were appre| hensive thatafter that ceased the future | was not bright. When Gov. Gray died, | the democratic members united in a in the classroom is pigeon-toe style in J. UN UTAH, Piano, bic., and teach Bands reasonable terzis, Office fn Court House, Fillwer , Utah. MANUFACTURER 6 feet and 2 inches in height. | His favorite position with his feet placed Proprietor, . | CITY, Prolessor of Music. Bee F, DAVIS, Abstracts notice. scholarsiip® te-estry, and wide Greek culture of the master while under the direct power of the man. He is now 74 years of age, and measures ; CO the persecutions of Charles 1. Prof. Emerson was the cousin of the distinguished Ralph Waldo Emerson, and carries with him the personalities of the family. He is immensely popular with his students, all of whom revere him as a father. His eccentricities of expression and voice are peculiarly Emersonian. It is by deep-sinking laconic utterances and object lessons that the beloved teacher,| exercises much of his unique influence,*> 5 o that a freshman half forgets. t LAKE FRANK WHITEHEAD, Bidg., ee Fare for transportation out and return om and one-half fares. Address, Donald G. Mitchell. The protest springs from the most stalwart of New exact 4 and 5 Eagle Block, The Oasis and Fish Springs stage leayed | HINCKLEY, Oasis and Ibapah at 8 a.m., each Monday and Thursday, and arrives at terminal points within 52 hours. Oasis to Detroit, . $3.00 6.00 Fis Spr'ngs, ‘¢ Gold Hill and Ipabah, 7.66 England’s eupatridae, and his ancestry may be traced to the times of William the Conqueror; yet the more inspiringly democratic part of the long genealogy lies at the heroic age of the Puritan wonderfully SALT Ho for Detroit, Fish Springs, Gold Hill and |bapahl of oratory— language, First National bank PROVO, Yale; where he was a tutor in Greek. He was graduated from Yale with the class of 1841, and among his classmates were such men as Judge Larned, Rev. W. 7. Eustis, Judge Birdseye, and immigrations, when ley left wealth and and MINING Rooms Collections Promptly Att nied to, inimanner. Mr. Ransom, when the democrats gained ascendency in the Senate, was made chairman of the committee on commerce, and he also served on the committees on agriculture and is this wita venerable LAND Attorney - at - Law. Isaac Pusey Gray, Mexico, the Presi- th atoric, but most suave and courteous beea has he progress identified. structor He the father of prairie grass,” and the phenomenal its Zeus.” G. W. PARKS, SAMUEL A. KING, to Re Mexico. the old-fashioned picturesque son is best known to Beloit men as}. “Old of the firmed, Senator Matt W. Ransom, of Nerth Carolina, whose term in the sen‘ate expired March 3. Mr. Ransom has been a member of the senate sinc 1872. and during all these years he has been one of the most faithful attendants upon the sittings of the chamber. His absence will be noted in the senate, for he WwW .S a popular man with the members, and was among the best known of the Seinters to the frequenters of the gallerfes. He did not speak often, but when he did so was a conspicious exponent Eccen~- tricities. extraordinary history which Trilby’s the is dated has been ransacked for RANSOM. Minister dent has named, and the senate has con- 1848— Many W. States public College—Be- Students—Has United ‘To succeed the late who recently died in MOR- ning, March 9 last, the story of a j)brave woman was more ORIGINAL Maurier Ann Minz., ATURDAY \ THE De AND It(MPORTER OF Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips, Nose Bags, Collar’ Pads, Hardware, Fine Buggy Harness a Leather, etc. Specialty. Wholesale and Retail. Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. haveTN HOTEL ROBERTS, HEATED BY ELECTRIC CALL BELL&, STEAM. L, HOLBROOK, 3 PROVO, Be. c Su RIVIERE room door I knew it was not they. I was in bed by this time, but when they. stopped I thought I had better see what they meant by stopping there, so I crept quietly to the door and just as I reached 4t I heard Voice No. 1 say: Leads In fact, as far as her professional life is concerned, Ann Riviere, afterward Lady Henry Bishop, then Mme. Anna Bishop and at last Mrs. Meyer Schultz, stands out in bold relief as the only artist from whose life it w a pile on the purely imaginary and the product to dress, a 32 cali- and began to call the dispatcher at Duluth and started to tell him there were ' a ‘Maid Marion” and ‘‘My Pretty and Italian air the to adaptation from an old “Home, Sweet, Home,” musical dish that English’s ballad, “Oh, Don’t You Remember, Sweet Alice, Ben Bolt?’ held in the vocal repertory of Trilby O’Ferrall. The married life of Sir Henry and Lady Bishop was troubled always by the ambition of her ladyship, who insisted upon being a musician of vast experience, always deelared that, although she had a voice, she had neither talent nor aptitude for that position. LZ MRS. * Decorative REICHARD. pome men going to wreck No. 18. But as soon as the plotters heard the instrument they rushed to the office door, and asped the doorknob, trying to get in. I instantly picked up my revolver and fired four shots through the door, had hearing the satisfaction of and them run away. I was so badly frightened it was some ‘time before I could tell the dispatcher. As soon as I made him understand he told YX did. me to go for the section men, Art in outlay matters has been of of a made, general American illustrates PROF ‘ad passed. Atkinson, MATTIE Minn. the revival in these civic art and architecture. Not only is the building itself most worthily and intelligently designed to meet the objects in view, but its architecture wins approval from art critics, while it is also setting a good example for our civic administrators by employing the best American which REICHARD. noble form of art by engaging great French artists to paint decorative designs for the interior walls and ceilings of a number of public buildings, even including the public schools, Boston has now entereup upon a policy in this regard which it may well continue te pursue Industries. and own Olym of soul,” ‘“We make Beliot what she is.” her majesty, punctual to the mnute, glided in, escorted by her dame-in waiting (a duchess dowager of Athe and by the Princess Louise, decidelly: a pretty young lady, and clever, 100, as I. found out in talking to her afterwards. The queen came softly forvard, a kindly smile on her face, gently shook hands with all the three women, gently acknowledged with a nod the silent She is a comely little of clear, kind gray looks almost young (in lacy, eyes; spite of with still one, broad wrinkle, which shows on each cheek occasionally); is still plump; has a fine, low voice—indeed, her whole manner is melodiously perfect. It is impossible to imagine a politer little woman; nothing the least imperious; all gentle, all sincere, looking unembarrassing—rather attractive . even. Makes you feel, too, Gif you iiave any sense in you) that she is queen.’ Ingenuity Obtains a Seat. : ingenious person once obtained An seat in a crowded a pit in a Berlin thea- ter by shouting ‘‘There is a fire at Schultze’s house.” Instantly all the Schultzes sprang to their feet and made for the door, leaving the theater half empty. gia is petition to the President asking that the Mexican mission be given to the ‘senior senator from North Carolina. This request was promptly granted, and the senate promptly confirmed the nomination. Mr. Ransom was born in Warren county, North Carolina, in 1826, and was graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1847. He studied law, and in Victoria and Carlyle. I Thomas Carlyle, in a letter, tells how Victoria at Dean :tanhe m et Queen ley’s residence. again. a pair ee Gold edals "MERSON. mic the attitude of “Old Zeus” during recitation by keeping their feet in a like position, but after a few attempts the collegians decided it was a danserous policy to pattern after Greek og els. : { Among his oft-quoted expressions oe the campus are: ‘Zeus will one day We have not seen nor heard any- “thing more of them. My nerves are badly shaken from the fright, but nothing more serious resulted from the plot. The division superintendent sent out the section-men to patrol the track until after No. 18 Gold Three Cream aking bows of us male monsters, and directly fm her presence every one was ai ease Boston. The new public library building of Boston, upon which a very generous possibility 1894, Medal. of noble French family De Crecy, who had emigrated to England during the reign of terror in the first French revolution. She was well brought up an well taught, and at an early age was married to a man very much her senjor, the celebrated Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, the well known composer, whose name is made familiar by his famous giee, ‘““‘The Chough and Crow,” the popular songs, “Should He Up- braid?” Suppor Home ermen °.Somes ° ful heroine of Du Maurier’s wonderful romance. Of course, the story previous the brain of Du Maurier. Ann Rivierd never was an artist’s model, never wore ‘want the express car to go into the a soldier’s coat, never knocked about aYiver. the streets of Paris as a waif and stray, No. i—Well, we will go into the depot fat was born and bred a lady and and stay until the freights are gone, 7 paintained through life the respect and ‘then fix the ties: ' Just a8 soon as I heard the last re« ‘love of all who knew her. Her father, “mark I knew if I did not tell the train /a musician of talent, was of good descent, being a scion of the ancient and dispatcher at once I would have no ehance. So, without waiting I hurriedly took my revolver, Rest. State Fair ‘ “Sure. No train can get over ties we put on the track.” Voice No. 2—Shall we put ’em bridge or east of the bridge? No. 2—East of the bridge, for we don’t All the AWARDS. “Do you think it will work?” of \ BISHOP. Mr ANN he TPa te UtaH THREE CROWM BAKING POW DER ge Beay aye gy s reae . Headquarters for Sheep, Cattie & Mining Men Way aN go Prop, The commonest Schultze. aame in #rustee 1852 became attorney general of the state. He served in this office three years and resigned. Ss a member of the North Carolina legislature in 1858, 59, and ’60. He went as a delegate from his state to the peace congress which met in Montgomery, Ala., in 1861. When the civil war began he entered the Confederate army as a lieutenantcolonel. He served during the war, and surrendered at Appomattox. At that time, he had become through various promotions, a major-general. When the war was over he resumed the practice of the law, and was also a planter in Northampton county. K ee mee oad Extracts Medal Gold Your Money Best Quality and Display of Soda Water. a at Home, z MANUFACTURED | SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ° ° An Absolutism important Russia has been of piece the Nicholas. of news assertion JOSEPH from of au- tocracy in its most extreme form by the young czar. He had entered upon his reign so amiably, and in what seemed to be so reasonable and so tolerant a spirit, that it came to be hoped in some quarters that he might look with favor upon a slight further development of General representative self-government in the provincial and local councils. t he has sternly rebuked all such aspirants, and has informed the nobles tocratic elements that firmly where his father tain the absolutism and he would stood and of the czar - a BOX 538&.. Daily. LYMAN a full line of ——- Merchandise, And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Hither for arisstand main- Cash or Produce at cost. Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with with- out impairment at any point. It is just possible that he may live to regret this pronunciamento. The grand difference between this young gentleman and his lamented father lies in the fact that Alexander had demonstrated his capacity and his faithfulness as an absolute ruler, while Nicholas has yet to give some evidence of possessing even average ability and character. 4 - Ground A. ———Has BROS, ° Spices Pure and The BY HEWLETT HAY, - GRAIN - AND - ‘Highest cash price paid for Hides and Pelts. JOSEPH OAK CITY, MILLARD A. COUNTY, STABLING. Don’t forget LYMAN, ies : : : |