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Readable WHOIESALE Temple AXI) RETAIL Street DEALERS IN : Sun k Waller County National: Bank HnBkell Bank State Bank of Nebraska Francinco- Jiw york- Selected Well Plisc'rlln FOR THE persons ALLshowing want' MINING of Etc Etc a MAP RELIABLE the of IN SUBSCRIPTION One UTAH Sectional Map — of Should FROISETH’S the —whole inquire Jut FOR Campbell tioners SALE & Salt MAP Territory Or “ three Delivered in the FINE AND HOOTS RATES: HATS $1000 AND CAPS 500 mouths 250 month Dry Goods Millinery Goods Wall Papers joo city per week Notions 03- Cutlery Pipes etd UTAH A of- PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE MERCHANTS FROM DISTRICT SUBSCRIBE publlbhed James Dwyer Raybruld Brow Patterson and Phillips frIiord Stiw City- months ono BY Ike year six copy HEAVY for- And Froiseth’s map COTTONWOOD MINING cn one “ grades Etc GENTS’ MINES! DISTRICTS A CLOTHING BOYS’ Of Omaha boundaries OH AflO MEN Hems Louis St UTAH in the neons Chicago a-blO-tf by Pictures given current California of LITTLE t exhibition au':C-3ax Bank Lees Cook prize given Mosto in DAILY Except distance mittee Cost work till we establishment PUBLISHED CITY- AND CORRESPONDENTS of will be conducted a com present on chosen from tlie shareholders will be day due notice of appointed which The Above subscribers drawing q CITY at ottered notified F-? LAKE mm-tf The United attention proceeds remitted day of payment Two SMALL SALT STREET KAHN and in the share thus giving the benefit of wholesale prices each holders from person is thereby insured a prize ranging $300 to $5000 Th drawing iB conducted on the plan of the London Art Union and lias thus far proved en all previous tirely satisfactory distributions on list of the the a weeks before drawing to each will le forwardeb prizes to bo distributed their Persons sending must subscrilier names they enclose the amount of the share or shares by for wlih h will be forwarded wish a receipt 00 $050 for San to as shortest Official BULLION ALL ON OKA) the the P chang printed work first-class furnish PROVO Mlnthg EXCnANOE CITIES EACH DOLLARS FIVE OF of ore ? LAWRENCE k MAIN ware Cutlery RULING sending connection in engraving IX COIN DUST Farticular are Pocket ENGRAVING Carefully hi eli the owners of TIIE PHOTOGRAPHS Etc By Watkinsand others The whole collection is Wooden and Tools Steel prices MCCORNICK 8 frumes SIZ£P Books character reasonable Wa McCORMCK & Successors GOLD LARGE to AND Blank WOOD BANKERS LINE fine proposed interest F WM WHiTB pub Books Art all grades of Iron Medicines 7 : WHITNEY WHITE Coods HANDSOMEST of of and and to Deposits on Attorneys EAST 17 Blacksmiths’ Table Europe Promptly Attended at Current Rules ions lished THE Hardware EN3RAVING the of condition : amount of Implements Builders’ UTAH condition worked ore Farming Gro Drugs Remitted A A the districts of Glassware Funey KIMBALL OF Paper Saddlery Hardware GAZETTE THE of Wall ceries public BOOK the in at artists STEEL Kinds all embrace FARM STATUETTES SPLENDID TO developments yield week be A of Stationery Cordage MINING account an late es Francisco San York sub pro next op IK Principal States the Lake in works ments Groceries Etc or rainbow au30-tf Etc and Staple of DEVELOPMENT Furnishing SMITH F & Salt New on BENNETT Miners’ colors and au30-tf MINERAL F FINE Canned the black Clothing Shoes Crockery plain in SAVINGS DEPOSITS Street United PAINTINGS OIL ORIGINAL C any UTAH Persons received 11 and and Grocers’ THE ANKERS E3 n20-3t Knsf ART by S shades DEVOTED TRACY F COMPLETE Tobaccoes Made Boots Remitted SALE C‘ THEO Cal Francisco 1873 21 FOR TRACY F AND Brushes Goods ? THKO Secretary’ 1859 BROTHERS X sizes in au30-tf Collect K Of all Etc said delinquent Assesment theron costs of advertising and expenses P INTEREST FULL IS Tools Mining Warrants Land and ON CASH! ETC San Decem of said sale FINE 31 STOCK OF STOCK coystsTiy'fi IS EXCHANGE PAID TOR COST ritHEIR Ready DDALERS 91 PRIME Cashier Scrip Made John GRAND 1 as Pres at Street day o’clock 12 of parcel said Otliee: 2'X) Kearney Francisco Nov N for Patent San just offering PLAY-RILLS the ber WALKER LAWRENCE & work sell ONLY IN business THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OP ASSORT ED MERCHANDISE Type Styles of CERTIFICATES : Exchange Coin Dust FOREIGN Suit ESTABLISHED in change a Are now RECEIPTS BOOKS CIRCULARS NOTES TAGS CHECKS $200000 1000000 - - HILLS S College will 1 Gold ii: of A Latest kind any HOOPER PresidentiHS ELDREDGE W YOUNG JOHN SHARP BRIGHAM F LITTLE Wm JENNINGS BARR ATT R have and UTAH H au30-lm IVe PRESSES Ornamental and Finest CITY DIRECTORS orders of Street Main JOB OF BANK - machine City CASH making of KIMBALL Deposits Time on Paid up Capital Capital Authorized GOODS FOIl MERCHANDISE GENERAL such Depot' Address 1873 kimls C 1( -OF- TO ATTENDED NATIONAL CROCKERY IS LOW X MONTANA DESERET BLINDS first-class lltli FURNITURE And EXECUTION au30-tf MONEY! after THE transacted AND COLORADO DEAL and IN or- General A L From MACHINERY PROPER Utah! in CO Lake TO BARGAINS! SECURE TH& EMPLOYED Banking Oldest BRICK Salt Bros TIME 175000 Miscellaneous rr ALL MODERN 150000 4 MOREHOUS Kahn Cashier a U quantity auy THE IS President EARNINGS o -r Bouth & FAMILIES! 31 and block AND Stationery FORMAN to Care Assofted Borders OF to in Type YARD MORE1IOUS supply brick JOBBERS K — n BUILDING AREmadeprepared of n r3 a P Shingles & assortment States AUTHORIZED 5s WINDOWS JONES United the establishment Financial large a O to KINDS DOORS of -H H ALL Jloiildinjs — O o a LUMBER LUMBER S M 4 c C 2 to o T T a r§ 3IIIVE1IS Is 05 h3 0 -5 I with supplied newest styles of Is AND °a 3 CL S3 0 O' S3 3 o UI a H rtJ a CD it 3 CO v ap C2 Agent MERCHANTS 03 So m z h 1-2 4-1 CO co cj r3 r3 4i and 1873 WAIT CITY Depository 29 Provisions Him TO OF MflfflTfl ’ and Groceries ' OFFICE This Designated PAID CO S3 (J £ O 2 2J X rf a ao s to UTAH OR SALT WAIIREX HUSSEY ANTHONY GODUE c j a Cm UO p BANK NATIONAL a J - 0 tc Printing Lake Salt Company H L r3 c3 I FIRST MINING of NOW u 03 j Bankers' November GAZETTE MINING el H J 5 - 2 h In 0 3 J -n o O m v H P H g The AND TUNXHL 12 Sales Assessment 2 0 2 t 2S ui S 0 0 I J -2 — H " v W a ui O I to M ai w o U § n o - H T T ! -3 C3 j a O 0 - fc p a na a 0 to a SS MW —I a z C3 IIIl 91 UTAH of Principal place business of Cal Location works Big San Fruncisco Salt Lake Cottonwood County Utah — Notice: There are delinquent upon the following describ account of lejied assessment ed Stock on on of 1873 the 21st day October the several of the respect amounts set opposite the names ive Shareholders as follows: No of No of Names Shares Certificate Amt "55 3 o z Mining Delinquent Materials Building THE Ml-tf ADVE11TIHE o4-tf MINING -TOWNS I FOR IT I IV ! Will IX! Goods find elegant an at tho 8tt30-JllY assortment Closest of Prices |