Show SCTS’ E’SBSSKr rra - 19 The year old met with Williams last 23 APRIL WEDNESDAY Wednesday had ’90 boon and reigns Peace Is there this year? Fine day Monday opened school bo to Day and Mouday rains wlmt Mr and Jensen Dp Elsinore Sorenson last town in were week Mcjarlnn F terday was Provo at sentenced yes- imprisonment to him for and lot for at this Cash stock or A special Court day cid a Jones’ last good Homy is F Political Peoples’s in Friday sent his assisting here the iu Baker Mas brothor by Hall needed steps Bros repairs Johnson Martin for leave hoping Salina with go home at in the for ing iu are duties F S to two of be the to & one the at Elders Jensen and McCarty M in was Tuesday Beaver Ha latter the T’hos says less in the than pany weeks U N they C this people three or Bhowod last gold mine placer Mount his side north-east Boldy Ho had W L Buttler bo to ltichfield home seen about and streets having glad was companions lie “the foul Five brood hives burned foul and out Bee for now charge of Office is of M C the The for and fine year We trees in bloom April but of may not which costs Lich w brought to Deputy of of early At 10 appeared Smith in a and we is the danger of was the was of U S Com the Je in 31st March $3000 find s freed He was This cost of $u5 city onli appeal an is amount tho under Notice was April Monday arraigned was liquor Win Mr of on entered was at tho A o’clock 1) of plea Wed and in a lie was ed in it raigned through 10 of Tlea same trial set ar up Peter Jensen of flow water and and of on a charge belonging to ditch obstructing was filling not guilty Thursday for last even In tho April the of but the UBLamd Offlei Lake Salt at a Notice Myers City March mh Joseph Salina Elsinore dealing HOSIERY prices reasonable them bill f f 1890 sj of that that that argued tion Salt if f 44-100 Kingstruff Jakeman Fremont Beal EK i Rata irrevocably f e carry NOTICE OF FINAL ceedings i Land Office at Ball Lake April City 8 $ went eh and from ovill Caine that appear opposition in loft sure when mittee again it the Dele Mex who House if the House on bills gone to bill it white CERIES ‘OfNt jjoodw Tor anl prefits Smith opposed Momlay Dench 21 Manti of Commissioner fore with Salina at witnesses lady was Leonard tho were The her against await ov?r to grand jury She vras also $500 ?1000 ns witness the the in under but be charg There bound of up was fornication two Miss sura bonds says mons in on heifer N® crop length brand off sucer crop hip o o red ear -rite of all and of whom are whom are citizens law-abiding terizes aud the JamisC Just make re Office tories committee ce Jensen ol tlu Peace Utah the in S Dark a At an adjourned ami Tuesday Commissioner had been referred session 21 for sion ed on ed an mation by account of U Leonard which to Prosecuting 22 8 Attorney Monday Bean at a information Bean j were had He and irevious received attorney that wherever the ses report consult infor Prose- mo to that the of purpose the i the Mormons (W) WCMWDRK"t" some omzing some like Wyoming lahoma after or Arizona the latter admitted Lev Iris dnnfrirv IXMirctry xonis tention ntion of lcarmff several days agO "ow new and shall f flTvnminf4xl announccu for iNeW S7LOUI5MO ATtAe EESHSSEa NEWSPAPER Infills at Baskin in li is still FRIi 1 'Swfl Worth ’ llkkl 1 Iwmteh in timelipr 1 th 0000 irtt world Prfecl WrnuitdhMr uoLD bunting nui ladi‘ndgnt ’"sol ID I Both with work and caae rquMl One personin rerh loraltty can aeeor oo togvthr with our lara raluablr Imeof llouaohoktl well he® umploa aantple All the work the watch are free you ehow what we tend you to thnee who call— your nHfrhbonand thoeeahout you— thatalwayereiulie t 1 ' 1 a - need do la to friend® and in valuable trade for u® which hold® for year® when onceataiied and thua wa are repaid We pay all axpreee freight etc Aftet yon know all if you would like to go to work for ua to 920 to ItBO p®r weok and npwarda Addroaa earn from Salt Homw I) A kUaaoE 1’atllttiSlS DO YOU Portland ROOK OUwrx A WANT Any book Maine® O VRITE f TO US the world furnished at publish er’s pi ice Name books wanted (Scud stamp) Metropolitan Press Agency 45 Warren St N Y in Over PHOTO-ENGRAVING TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR BUSINESS and cuts of colleges hotels factories made to order from photo machmeiy Kc Send stamp for specimen sheets graphs MetropolitanFrew Agency good work Register LOW PRICC9 Warren 45 Rubber Stamps all of A IT'illLLI ilS ELT-IKtr: k Ifo r ‘aln We York® It gives the Pcan'lfwip” carefully Land on selected XmrU IT a TITS Ten TOWN large stock UI igcnti Bias T4Tt 0:917 fast ijonoy 4 mail tatrofrilitin Pn of 13 ECBLHS IH 9 AITLICATION last itao? Warren io Q g hi FOR St U PATENT a ppcr " of °f by locl circulation in Si5r u P-tent every elty KOTICS er Utah Richfield UUlCSiEAD new FIAU and with sopmwion m?‘h?nMoo the Inch for one mouth Special i -e 4 Ml-hu - PRjUF 1 2 0 thVi&t prloes lists of daily country village and oUu pa Bargain offers of value to small ad pers Ju vertisers or those wishing to experiment diciously with a small of money amount Shows conclusively “how to get the most service for the money etc eto Sent post paid to any address for 30 ots Address GKOf IUwvvll A Co Publishers and General St met AdTertlIng AgeuU 10 Sprue ®rkClt Tabernacle OAUASTEX tbe 331 No Land Office al hereby tretlier has Notice! named lion his I Suit Lake City April fiili given that the Utah JN‘0 1 f following filed notice of his mien in of final proof support and that said proof will be his ab the Probate Judge rw in County Clerk of Hevlcr County make to claim made before sence® the Kichfield Utnh nt on Wedufdny Utah 34 28h 1890 vis: John El bin U K May 21 W Nb x± sectlou k4 Tp south for the raigwi west to Prove He names the following wltncssp amt cultiva his centlnuous residence upon tion of said land vis: Thouias Hum John Aiideraon phreys® John Hoiomoa King all of gulimt® Sevier county Utah D HORKS Rcgliter Dakj att’jr lorClatuittut® $ W fc R-rgstrom FRANK 2 2-10 1 2 8 I o 4 I r f ll 1 to-ing t f FRANK & CO Tml PATENT FOR 1493 Land Office Salt Lnke '“tty I War h llHvo hereby- given that the Dicker' A ton mir Corn nan aco pnratlon Myeis H C of Unit La bv W Onderdonk Utah Utfthins't in fact has mido ncy MV Hlaies Parent lor nl cktiou for a United ’ode mln claim situ the West Marlin sa n: Dtt-ler (Lr-lou Mining Mill’ird aie io U'n Utah Territory ennstsring of county lode and surfa-e gmund ro linear feet ol lot decrlh'rt b'dtg No 'cet wide m the notes end ulit oi theoffi-Ut sur til with magnetic this oflme va vcy on 15 ut degrees 30 inn es riation ha Commenclngjat No poht l’hcue follows: feet to pout No running north 7a west GO No north M)eet ost thenen Nu 4? east wm feet to post thence south 67 st feet No hcnt’O south 2t to post w Itu The plnee ot begin uu dis hu 2(° east lueo foul distant covery bears north between froina point cqubtitant posis No end line tbe sotr anu 2 on and point said claim fom the outheast the corner of tD no th eus' qua Tp25 south teroi section 2D range west base and Meridian) foa (Hail Lake south fee distant the area bilng o4'wesl 379 e tH AM 10 ueres espre- ty e ng and ex of the ciadingtb refrom how ever no much uludd In Mari M being A hpi amensiti belaresof ert-s 100 nercs avmg aim'd and apptU d for he ail ol wkicii sain njinlin laiiii being or record tn the office said min ug dls’rlai at ofihe recoiderof T Gove 0 eek in MiUapu eounij Utah kno n local tone being Mariposa’ na”est io 89 Placer d Nebrteka lot 4t a hed In thw I direct that this notice he puim ihe newspaper A dvotatb pub-s RiruKiKLD mining oluiio for Uu Mre lobed uearMi )eo Pi rlod ol ten wepsa K D Regia et U0BB8 Is I? CltVjTT'nh Lm® M'i' rh lM) hereby given Notice that fhe Dickert A p mv oi Myers Su'phur Co orporv Ion by WT Territory u C derUonk t'tU Utah lii of lull Lake City attorney ion! fact ba ma le upll-at for a unites fir the tueeu Vioto lM HUtes mining claim lode situa in Gordon I Dstikt H’urd in Coun'y tt Te oi linear feet of ritory co io lode till iQ feet wldU hut fa gro iud ina lot iNO 50 and d sc bed iu tire field note file Lilol th In loir and nrv- y on fo oiMo vaiiuti n a io degree wGhmtgnc si gO minutes ft1 follows: C'oniirencug a from whicn ih pot No qn irter sect oo reoiiou and 21 Tp cornr botwa hears north Ih° 24' wen sooth range 6 wt M) ft’ut duoan1: tireuce from said po south 75 east No 44o fe tto post No ikm’Ui 4'i° east 1300 font to pont no tlrence 40 ih nee aorta west foot to post No lf00 feet to pot tireuce south lo° west Nt the lace beginning conutii Ing a tmnl ot 16 15100 acres oi wnlrh claimed is and applied for Fioma point on the we toily line which bearsouth iv end eat 14001 tant said post No the discovery fmm point hears nor'h 750 feet dbtaat ohs The said mlsing claim being nf record tuih office of the recorder of snid mining dts rlo at Cove Tne Crekln MllarathmuiylJ sh nenrest kn wa locations the Prince and the A blon Piuccr lot 4'J Albert lot 42 I direct that this notice be put‘thed In It the the tievtsp per chfikld advocatk d said mining claim publlsln inaresi tlie te e period ior week D Register HuUBH l of one TLATEr SHAKE AITL1UATION No X Notice 1 Etc its j timi Sau 0iiu to NICKEL EXTRA 0 s south glasses live finest Ttfadison 1 1 FRAMES CARRIAGES corner sell tho CTitrtP 1491 No Tand IT tlie a CHAPMAN ALL-PAPER BABY I7)th Edition Now K a ly A book of over in page giving more formation of value to advertisers than any other publication Isausame of every newspaper U&JmiTn&Tii1 ® and all use World Can be ojt Or extras eliild Ite't itnre Sodn nn stand by any $10()0 us Koun bv Ilf sell rractical In the MILK kinds PUPIL Years over penerntore 'rated btreet Nev 25 7 IT PAYS Portraits claimant att'y for constantly Hi 2- col- York PORTABLE Uh r M Mistfswosm On is be M h t tsl-ting bit- Ok seed gr BEAN T ff 350 Etc of Ktofna States W 1 l I the tne el pounds Timothy Will exchanpe fr 1 PREEMTION PICTURE tells from of ol hnndred e eau 8 s ( prevent ml 7fi-b i Window-shades a bill few A re'-ha I SALE nwh FURNITURE! W Terri is agreeable personality and unscrupulous ter partisan 7 Richfield FOR s QUICKTIME He spite j - f 4 frank W h peaceable and He charac his Court e Bank Street NOTICE PROPANE Lake Cl‘v Utah Apri 12 M90 given that the following filed notice of his Inten mimed tion to make final proof In support of h and that said proof will he made be cluim Clerk f'Tetbe County of Hevlcr Cou fy Utah Rlchfllell Utah at Friday June on viz: Krano Fraicn S 6 1890 D 1111 fur H N W K the HK'i SEl4 ‘oo 11 N W 14 13 N IS 13 Sec Tp 21 South Range W lj He names the following witnesses to prove hifl conilnuonsresldenje and cultDa upou Christens-n tion of said land v: Kdwvrd ’hrlstlau Peler Ieterson James Jemm Huns-’ual ot Ridtnond Savior County JT polygamists who nf cur the 4 Mor scarcely of raosicy j"5 hereby settler lms and as Baker down pay the its sole Chairman therefrom is si Is Keeps outrage an is to purpose Arizona republican when it be admitted ns a State measure that says lcat tlio 16'Jtl tho bill 1000 Territory k's' J 1 the in tho to Shoos a m toftLa yoarllDg Land Notlco right ear$?V le't left silts left hour Arizona is disfranchise this fraction will was will it of & under room PROOF No two morning of CO & EARD WARE & Main PKOOF hip® steer silt in jcklefaced yearling heifer and uuderblt In right ear crop utiuerbitiu left ear right ou was Iowa through have asked the during yourselves vi consider it when the com called Territories was to mittee had today it committee M com April that bdieved now of intention of Strublo is introduced lino Boots GRO Store f v and white two year old steer crop and slit crop otT rtgut ear Ko Luand vlslole And you are hereby notified that If you fan to so appear and answer as above requit ed the pUuitill will apply to tho court lor the relief demanded lu ihe complaint and fore istsofsui' To the Sheriff or any con stable of Sevier County (iieetliig: legal service nnd due return hereon uuder toy hand Given this h!U day oi mea the old la and ear otl'auU bldu Delegato before comes Cull a Goods Small HOMESTEAD FINAL of brlndiei One ant tho two year hip black sw-llowlok New to for I c oh Wednesday and with year old light ear oue swallow-fork Ou off tvvo red one left Arizona see Territory ef Utah In the Probate Conf 1r aud tor said County C 'un y of Hevir tt To whom may concern: and guar Will W Coos Administrator dli of the estate of KrslUN B Andeis ni at insane person n w la ihe Asylum n h Utah nted a petition f'ran pres Provo the following ties rilx d rl order of sale porson estate properly of the suit inane chains south aud If Commen ing 20 oi hulns the noith-wea corner of see L M 4 1i Tp 2d 'OiiMi west ol S range 0 chain thence eaet south 13 thence th north thenct ooiliis 75 ldttcimlns nee con wet 8 ch Inx to place of bealnnl U 75 100 acres h dng in section Tp iiiuing belug in tho Coun y $1 ou’ h west rang Sevi Territory of TheCourt bo i90- a p ra hear set April 23rd A D to a:d the same to he pe iLl in ad ordered foi published In the Richfield Advocate 314 ecutlve wee-S f ur con Land Offici at Salt Lak e City Utah hard limes my andthesealo fTi'Ts April 11th IW) said Probate court® Ibis 81st divy o Notice hereby given that the following Mark h A D MW) Ailed notice of bis inten B KINNEY named settler has L tion io Probate Judge maze final proot In support of and tha' said prorvf liKolalm will bs made the Register ntA Receiver At before Salt TJUti Va 81t Lake on IM90 viz: Robert L Scott H E 7935 for the S E VA OPR rntw SMft Holld 18 of Sec 18 Tp south ranze 7 West 8 L 'li4l wtchl RtfDOLPII me Peace P 'eft on rod right pro 12 consideration understood is and 4 NOTICE car oil’ 1 for a Oue next gates A I wise iu visible he When it over FELF-FNDER' TO Utah 1890 t 1890 One revela official till gooGs siccM PJSTERSOIV M Dry named NOTICE bo Democrats tho further to bill call Carry PROOF merabran and Lara It doubt you J 342 FRANK Church disputed verify to arrived o’clock tartY ttte corniileia a NEEDLE A If HOMESTEAD No of of FROM 1 polygamy was the Church upon being statement the to have claimed 43 of Stare FKANK J al’ would further fixed 11 A louth-easterly Hanks tbe Justice Court of Elsinore Pre clnct County of Sevleri Territory of Utah before C Jensen Justioe of the Pe Muds Nielsen PI al nil IT s ce John Defendant Doe You To J Dim Doj Greeting:— are hereby summoned to be and appear be oie me the in Elsinore undersigned al my office Precinct In itae County of Sevier M and Ter the following witnesses to prove ri' ory ef Ut ih He names on the 26 day of April lavO his continuous residence upon ud oultlvu at 10 o’clock a m to n a wer complaint of eaid land viz: A Warren fitd by the above Ephram eg you uacned bon lntiif wueretn said plaintiff claims J"df Peter Cropper ilyoo Calhoou McCrolvy for the all of Oasis P O Millard Co Utah mein against you sum of one doll D damages allowed to have HO JB lor been Router done to plaintiff by your aulmuis described as follows: OF One red three year old steer unierbit in received was AJJ7 i 4 Loa In tho Lake there no Bup’t No the at Mormon the of declared had ASHWORTH brforo 1' a -lust conference terms H 3 Thurber Sammons discussion stated in MOV hereby ia W 4 Justice on the that the CURLS 01 will do well to get growers our Orders ly mail promptly lionoretL elsowliero SulphurC Company by nilDLEL -ScO - Teasdat® URAL been possession During Dubois iD h WM 4 Aurora Hatch April op that had before in IMmar Wool Utah) II given that The Dickert a corporation of Onderdouk of Salt Lake Utah its atlofuey iu fact has made City for a United States Patent for application situate in Iake lode mining cluim the Utah District Millard County Mining Gordon consisting ot 1500 linear feet Utah Territory wide surfsee ground 600 feet of the lode an nd de cribed lt 63 tbe field being lot i5‘ of official plat tbe survey ou file notes aud with rargnetie vi lation at 16 In this office minutes fallows: Com end as degrees 00 from which ihoquur meuefng at post no 17 between sections and section corner ter rnngeO west bears norih45° 18 Tp 25 south 8 10 1450 feet dlatrvnr thence from 24' east said post No 4 couth 85° 30' e ist rJJO feet to 1 thence south 54° west 800 feet postN’ thence north 85 30' west 1600 no 2: to post to thence north 84o 30'eavt feet post no post No the place of beginning 600 feel to 20 however ex the area being acres and excluding pressly excepting from the of the same described area so much above is Included In the Boston lot 48 22100 as balance of 16 leaving a acres ah acres for The of whioii la claimed and applied discovery point bears north 35 Siy west 460 of be feet dis taut from a point at the middle end line of the claim The said mining claim being of record in the of fice of aklmlnlng district at Cove Creek in Millard Utah Tbe nearest known County lot 48 locations being ilxe Brdon this notice be published in ihe 1 direct that the nearest Advocate Rk hvifld newspa said per! published nearest the rainiug claim® for the period of ten weeks D UOBUg Heglster Glenwood to the proposition was Blankets Beaiy-Mde v On the the Merclumts FRANK r tak Vermillion East without claiming argued Yarns aM BflTnr and 1490 1 Trumlow Ke determined at admission as PATENT FOR No r An amend disfranchise bill oath violently County one APPLICATION 8 discuss was once hearing to further Delegate a to VC0j BXjSW disfranchise tho vote a President in a Sings At ’ late the Jones 4 Southern I 5 — seemed to the Delegate It Jack Flannels 8 Territories to such goods of of demand I spec! 16 through facts Mas case 18th line FRANK designat 1890 SCMNOXto BILL on time all test license a m Gents’ is Notice hereby given that the following settler has filed notice of his In intention to muke final proof in support of his claim and hat said proof will be made before he Judge or lu his absence the Clerk of thecourt or Millard county Annabella In (he Justices jeourt of Pro Utah Utah at Fillmore City May noth on Territory of Utah eMCtf Couotr of Sevlor Fisher P Mill 1890 viz: MeacL O Jamo4 w before Israel IP Rudolph Justice of the ard Co for the 8 H K No 67 W N W GarJn Jr plauintiff VS 28 pesce EllasDefendant N E T22 N W WS W 27naS Jhu Doe To Jonu Doe Greeting:— Yeu are hereby the following wlttte to see prove names summoned to be and a pear before me the hisU continuous rcldnce aud cuiltlva upou a1 oflfoe In Annabella undersigned my lion of said Imd viz: Alison A Stott la the County Ter preclncSevier and G Lxbrinn John B Hushneil Wil Henry 29 day of Aprtl 1890 liam ritory of Utah on the JP H fttott all of Meadow Millard U o’clock p m a complaint to answer atl Territory County Utah against hy the above oemed filed you kauosh Millard Also P O petr Bobigm wherein said plaintiff claims plaintiff' H E Nos iU52lor the Iot4 oi Sec Co ULh jwdgm Mkfor damage yuu fur tfiemmoi ‘ten iuTp® 22 S H W aui Lot dollars a lejed to bava bean 23 range & W plaimlfl by your animals dosorLb done to He names the following witnesses to prove d as follows to wit: his continuous residence upon and cultiva branded oue boo tliree year old 81alIlon tion of said land vlz:8a'mou BArkdull M Ezra Kamsev Johu IDrkdull Carlos Young n left thigh white star In all of Kunosh County Utah Ter po MUUrd ritory left hind foot white 'also left front head Also Jane R P Bennett 0 MIN Holden white foot lard Co® d H E® NoHtfi) for the Lots A a one aorreitwo year eld Stallion too white 18 T20c'f H 3 V sec hind feet® white in forehead: no brand vis the following witnesses to He names prove ble his continuous residence upon and culti Aud you are hereby notified that If you vation oi said land viz Charles Wool Jr mi above as II answer re Joseph R Glleg(Tbin8 Rlbley John D ulred the plalutitt will apply ro the ecurt County nuuter all of Holden P 0M 11 Urd in the complaint for the releif demanded Utah Territory and for 3otts of suit n Register HOBBS of Verier To the Sheriff or any constable farke A Thompson ait'y for claarnmt Conn y Greeting Make legal service and due return hereon hand th's theJJ Given under my day of OF Terri all the applicable to adopted by a strict party was the The Democrats opposed the Idaho committee 1 charge a without 23rd for set leased jury any short recently so Andor- McCarty counsel guilty not court Mrs 21 their the supply 9 J sent Ctpli iu making giving ponents the Cliristensou’s to r Herald a bill new a jectod Justice signs no a His of furnish to grand the to to these of examin girl of of the in May nil by received no further revelation the Church from which Dubois of answer sum await over jury graud the a to a after required riion by the for the on to bound in missionaries Richfield April 19th 1890 Seme daughter) eons croup Karen TUorsen aged 8 year $500 In Justice Orrock’s court at 1 p l' S Mount appeared for trial m of the charge disturbing a on Goo T Bean prosecuting peace for and L B Ivinney appearing the defense The evidence tended guilty to the det’embmt of show the the night disturbing pence on action in After witness was Monday and 17 intent is April Mormons tho measure of Susie late Lake on tak no there tho vote Christen with find to depth places In nose 0AI9lllil AHV THElfll GAME r Washington to-day torics de ’examination assault prepared Brea® 66-100 dis Falsehood Committee ment ment Mount E A following from ed at be TILL to publieans H" Mr Justice waived action sura Perhaps as WLSi House mali will Arc Utah 64-100 MABK1BD : the the f B Dubois mgWashington asked for 1 18‘JO 8 not Elsinore Monday ‘April If 1800 by J Jensen Mr Johu M Johnson of add Mtos Tany Larsen of Aurora EMnore On Tuesday night ttieie was a grand reeep Targe tion given whenthe was a assem partlc’pate blage gauiere-to In the dance dreadful the dusky is much a Utah 11 March 6 At Ensign — issue biship tem and in of LATEST and court m before of He part there fruit adultery one District the sou and morning appeal their home the Hatch FH Wm been left is with acquainted of push a Suit Salina Marshal of An the on perser part of Missionaries Marrell Andr he There head and face whole body was very There had been of blood from his al by jury next had city Lake Salt 3 The occurrence at was certain the The allega and was rendnored to 2t appeared before noon missioner Leonard to charg® the cut Another the the tho to death wool BOUGHT 1488 at i 8 below of state Gilbert Butler Pleasant ' prepos body the out Bohman H John sup strangulation and Plaintiff’s went defendant ed Smith the to Office FATENT FOR -f certain sustained by nnd m p vordict $3085 to the much so sum deniod that BASKIN’S S mare $6000 $2500 complaint caso Friday backward very fruit have seen for Jos of of case and jim mm meeting Sunday J W ' of which showed it of one a im ' are he if Bunday 8R5 prosecution nesday has frosts D the all John and value iu earth him the town ghastly the fate gentleman blossoms better bo in yet as any bo the $10000 defendant on ton battery given amounted is of buy a under in hos Butler A Winget Erastus Peterson N Sorensen m Solomon King John Anderson tobt Foresyth Chas Snow from is also found ’ the it jaw tooth N O O con of of human he Lundhold Andreasen ?eter i 6ent how “cave” tons When to and of ap Millard Co defense complaint alleged for of dis the property ten fair a preach August people case conversion entire It Sprague enmo McCarty m a the as to Saints and er-day 1880 GH( Is and yesterday a cleaning following Andrew John W sup There as in ed on Sunday Morten Jensen Joseph Ogden and eyes ears one affairs ia is sad Which no one to His blamo parents who reside at the sympathy Gunnison have over the bank crept bruised charge dismissed plaintiff damage has attend and that this ease 10 selling was by full ho weeks Warnier spring signs caved mines by the Neplii Co in Salt situated they are The take it Folk Pastor Hahun Dicker! A Notice hereby given that The a corporation of Company Myer Suphur C oudordouk of Halt b ike Ci Utah by H W In tact lms made appll ty Utah Its attorney gttion for United States Potent for the emit a Lekelodemming claim situate In Gordon Millard County Utah Terri Mining District 1600 linear feet of tie lode tory consisting lot No surface grounds feet wldebelng and In and plat the field notes 54 aud described file In office ollioiai tnls of the sorvoy on variation at 15 degrees 30 miu wtthmagnetio No follows: Commencing at utes east as W which tho N W corner ot the from 25 17 Tp south ranges W of section quarter thence bears N 85° 47' W 1043 feet dlHtant said No N 1000 feet to post No post from 8 thence S thence K 600 feet to post No 4 post No hence 8 45" E 600 IU00 feet to Nolj thence west 600 feet to feetto post No thence N 45" W 500 feet to poet post No 2 being a total the place of beginning No is ell claimed of which area of M acres the middle of the applied for From and point bears Southerly endline the dlsoovery 45" The aald mining N W 500 feet distant claim being of rocord In the office of the Re corder of said mining districtat Cove Creek Utah The nearest In Millard County lot 87 known locations being Mammothpublished In this notice be 1 direct that Advooatk tbe tin KiChfifld newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of ten weeksy Register D HOBBS salt uncommon will into intermission conjectures a fact Elsi to teeth appeal informed ation at trial anco home given whore few assault settled paying C for Spring tour people’s of lecn from returning last caso notice Slio home the Monroe against will Sol including tho highest the the The ure vs In for to Tele place professional and nore been Deseret Blanchard a dn3 few a absent Dentist from to time M villo iu that bo some A expects the at likely ing Spencer Gunnison for graph for Gardner kill all night look Maud take it re Ogden’s affected Monday should leave will tho charge brood Mis3 of James not ple a Lichfield lato Gilbert at were on owners to Inspector was McCarty of Koldun Sprague for en bye” good ap evidence was 17 up appearing sen County ports when the Home until Sunday night tho body found was evidences by caused minutes the and looks his give to of returned Wednesday Bean April The the from the on again last well late case behalf cious $10 worth John Ton is ten moved for Motion in tions some from Friday the on a on went and lad meetlDg a No vation and are evidently a the frame work of some warrior of other times It disappear company without brought The of verdict out finding damaged in the The answer us Sprague defense a court persoul asking Com y in and Tho wrongful right II two were Pollard puro & Sol the The of On ago Mr of Elsinore favor of granting to way tho" lost pose terous and prosecuting sufficient the Sol the for up Bean not peared to of part court boys were charged afterwards changed to mis County Prosecuting demeanor Gilcaxtf Report of of the attheLat m on m p Laatl S U superinten pieces of timber at this these mines which show of decay Ensign — have iB7a 8 8 APPLICATION were forty distance of feot of surface the ground an search of large he Elliott vs trial People came 16 These missal ruled week are Mauti A Preach In? house at 2 School at 10 at 8 the other arrived he reached camp had not been there seemed to be on top would not have been had jumped upon it pence with was return the Jones’ after being Sun Monday on will guilty 17th m and John attomey-at-law town the J attorney last by p McCarty WmStewart by W and to got there eight or felony Latter-day house Martin or improve to of case Beutler guilty Butler Mr a a to o’clock Class atS hlghtat o’clock cordinllyliUiviled to attend r MmajeHsa-ssmBi Established morn evening U Jou Find Jenkins mines bones the sheep boy to hurried after Wednesday 16 not Commissioner for pearing brought jury able week a continue addressed was Butler L will in again meeting Saints’ day he and fast assembly The of improv are plead disturbing for set In I fingers they if Gribble under Monroe selectmen as them use found word Courts Mount charge a Case In attending town Hales’ very to of Jensen S James and verury Bro Stark of the order when When and Neill Surgeon & Two Sauday every in also Huniar school Thursday every All are the disfranchisement Curious Mining the Manti on Ulric boys near Gribble in short ready r ance search tinued Lichfield morn Greenwood Barney their not was which falsehood the cut night wood yesterday Mauti at to occurred casualty follow to and camp It I Henry ing Salina maining ac consent time Theda Glen of both of salt Accident range last Wednesday wont my sad West urging Creek canyon’ called showod us a part of containing bone one phalange bone which bedded in the earth Gribble Stark and John were herding sheep for the Cox brothers tho boy Stark they separated re a John St or Salina that Sevier Miss dent Salt paid eosts to present John V Coons Distressing very sheep the for John without Physician George you A Salina business his Oldroyd and Buchanan Mr Dr at days few Leon St Dr mo Jenson a the and county various Archie started Mr increase to Luck and for in of hill a in believ is o'clock ing at 11 o’clock V” Peterson instructed is and the os Richard B Thomag Baskin Commissioner in the Loynd the E Clerk the A responsibil course was a despicable Plight wrongs nobody' Photographer Our will substituting said of matter It both today Preaching time some ac St Mon of the himself proxy was Jos and that A S IT administrator Prose l)r Richfield knowledgement made being are of Madsen to of as the on ed above £2270 out the by Advocate Commisionpr ease Dr upon ity assessment Horne L 14th for myself much The an capitol MService Thomas for bill iufit a took business City the make in messenger and attrney 13ean Prosecuting to go there and investigate myself The at Prosecuting the matter the eeing messinger after torney went P ost Manti’s the in that ard and Club night in day shape Baker A Mon 21st mooting ter beginning held John item Loan and attorney of the Salina ease cuting County the of Bill insane Adoocate: Allow me to correct Inst week’s issue of the summoning anent the Emtor Terms of the passage throe or together mKaMMraQMuuLzaxs-j Church E amount the in leaving amount Accounts up These down cut were milage of Com amounting to allowed counts realize two at Governor and seen l Mourcra at Offico session was April The oil sale the S LT ns Leonard were In House Impure were of S2350 allowed by were accounts 11899 life for of He assisting missioner mash not warn here case disallowed Itepoit of Commissioner Leo days Dr Geo Ogilvio sent was nard on an inquest h olden at Sa for who staypd with the young man lina documents placed on filo by five days when he returned home Bill Cut down to $1 390 the Clerk liis patient leaving feeling comfor and allowed for ablo Bill of Dr SUolre $2500 attending inquest nnd viewing dead body was allowed A Corn'l ion‘ Tues 0 S did accounts Other struck picked was and hurt Inch w is court him received lie unconsicious evenings of thigh with shoulder and same the on loft said a Era’’ county The amount them He returnin' away zuixtiA consulted was not to of take no notice the for riding on tree a the on the ing May any ran against boy the Free and horso ran Mouroo it- euting-Attorney accident town horse hometho scarce sad a down fmelious Hay son in James of -f ) b 5-ismi ft-dd i “ i a-t it 2-Hoeasti f t I l-VH) i f h-wentern f di-oovery 8 2 4 t 7 s 1 i 62-no o I g f i ’ -aid FRAN i I f r |