Show ADVOCATE RICHFIELD RICHFIELD In Publisher i i dreams walk I pleasant in And UTAH i splendors through glow happy quite dream of friends whose faith Is fast dream of love that rnnnot tail Of joyB that never tire nor pale Of hopes that beckon till the last In dreams in ironclad the see the feel the to are Russian the for be 1 floet Baida opinion Howard be worth this to that United country her on Jack still at be can Kippor large ' still are i the concealment of and The I pursuit in sid if seen have lie He Tho is Boston — we now Isn’t door shut of a little chestnut they been of there brown tho nil old little a has a great scheme VilLARd uniting the bond tho Twin citios in for of electricity St Anthony tic will ia the generated no sucooods ho If doubt longor tlm shall skep “Do do?” we in by the quaint a all true live near you us know In Siam you cents washing the there’s two tickets But this of the conts to can you week a ah clung and Belle Maurico B Tardy Early suing New at York Dr to the spangled re promise for a broach of cover damages of marriage This is evidently a tardy opportuni attempt to recover an early Isn’t It ty alio tried her fault bo to that she’s hold Tardy with is necticut periodical mothodlst according to tho he writes his full every time Ho is Crandall address East York Conference New South avenuo Norwalk compass name and North J 9‘J West Amorican the construction of railroad continental tions in and surveys of A such a Emperor William readiness with pecially Franco engineers tlie hud Ho have that says with the tho powers es his labor will be accepted tho conforonce and undone left delegates im to apprecia his thus nnd still aro territories paid admitted and Territory Wyoming and nn that sounded it glittered as in and may mnny this Is generally not to ing to a lion dollars ago bequoathed tho government century to has Bull his who mil J for its bequest government John und cievor only tho an direct the establishment made to ever ut to generous moods The discovery meteoric stone teresting queries gold of suggests in It usual their is as it has for ages tion Mexican of opposed constitution Mexican and deadly palo spoke that he sentiment not attempt to Mexican The duke party the cossion Orleans that and the to a bend to destined shown Whut duke pro have United of the the of States toward United it eastern plan the when Great to new buildings air is than are into ducks pinol eucalyptus treating vapor Fresh by with or fan a the any other aromatic ure Feoplo who of machinery the licato it extract the weak ovor of essence nnd e a for antiseptic saturated that of a cannot Mrs air voiu to necoa in pathy tempt of to hnd hungered hml craved of was tlie all else Monoch house Mrs no where which Walkin had stepdaughter fondly even and lov utter tho oi listened and with loving sym nnd rngo con said are made to work” write I’ll put a stop to to of or nonsense know I’ll why” tenson this And tho wns beginning nnd of the difference domestic which culminated in such a sorrowful tragedy Walkinslmw “It’ll toddy lesson to into each ho ’em” Walkinshaw Mrs and other’s pale fares “Mother don’t down go shop nt look Rhoda snid tlie to and deadly so courageously old kindle black a fire there own” hlncksmithshopdown least is (The old the witli the thistle-grown patch of road had been willed land in its rear to Rhode’s own mother nml thence had descended to her a sorry inheritance by with its roof eaten mosses nml its settling with decay foundation winter every it for yen insufficient No one Khodn’s lor vs make to hnd the occupied menns wero necessary re pnirs Drenry it nt ns least ma damp tho wns kindled large a ot heartily Rhoda had spot afforded nnd ill the a blaze unused however wns shelter tho glad 'ofdry hearth from night the nnd alien else sticks on tlmt so talked like that denr great a but big a thing loading by lifter would within genteel make him a han to Gramllutlier your Jlewas Did a peculiar a he tell ever you brick?” him saw said Rhoda said true” very the lit time And the about it was brick him between her veins chilled with cer a could food to and in the tain awe moment same looked tar the Man in Brown at a which hung nished little silver watch at his side “It’s late” said he “later than I idea of had Good evening any 1 hope I intruded! Indies haven’t Good evening!” from averted be stock is sixty-eight oleine parts of ingredients has of using or but owing to which the if globules product the only shape lor and axle rancidity means rancid buttor fitted globules talion in the common compose and the grain of butter “grain” It Is till should not bo broken sprend knife of by tho tablo tho consumer The writer hore presents tho most salient points of the and now method of doaling gent oleaginous commodity: C'roatu "ipening several not 2 Churning ture intelli with evenly in one different in prior at uniform a plished as by a the till dash gentle revolution water the of clear off runs into 5 salt the butter with Working gentleness exorcising extreme caution As not to overwork soon as the salt should bo of which the frnost and grade pAed Vttr It wng i7Ab itilLlltU YVHtJIA purest butter structure should you to Walkinshaw and Rhoda cease Mrs knock manipulate it with tho ladle told Gidding’s door and ed at Mr 6 1’acUing in product immaculate The old their tale man the nearest A correct of manufact cases process forgo neighbor to the deserted turned ure will come to naught if tho butter pale loosely be packed or in unclean ves - “Old dead yard Ben Haverstraw!” who Haverstraw and buried Ben back of the forge lie used years! many night a shut body to father your Grand play he been church forty cards with forge supposed wns every and asleep abed My wns father has described him tome many in brown a time— nn old little mnn with black silk stockings clothes and breeches knee his hack braid a said seals of at was a “Did you Mr mnnded “Dii And tired him see in came in?” da Rhoda to He and crowbnr or so there old henrthstone? a pry that up I"rhnps Ceriainlyit brick gold welded skilled workman All of gold— together ns metals in it won’t do no harm!” They pried up the sunken old the nnd therp under corner tarnished handsome stands where of only could a A now forgeliglit gleamed sullenly out upon the night nnd Rhoda Walkinshaw— married to Alvan Gidding— lives there with her step-mother Farmer Walkinshaw would have patched up when penco a (laughter became fain li if unexpectedly nn de absolutely of clined a treaty any sort whatever “Mother and I suitench other” she said “We have suited never you Tiling are better are” ns they But to this day the wiseacres ofthe neighborhood can never agree about The ideal the Liltlo Man in Brown ists thing set tho whole down ns a ghoststory The practical members of society call it a fancy a mere figment oi a dream oddly pierced on to the imagination nnd her Rhoda a forgotten story mother themselves do not know wlmt nnd tourists often leave the to think Forge station train at Grupp’s and the so fields to come across shrunken tombstone which last Cant resting The horso place of look Harvestraw who died June nnd his friend llelier Grupp at the marks the Benjamin 8 Varn Door leaves pipe the all tho knows is be for tion close at his side they “It’s strange” very say Really "Very strange indeed! there is no for accounting some things”New York Ledger But are for a good feod good a breed to be may by using usod aro extent just clothing then toil for now the on the surface gar only freezing family For use plant six or eight solu which year that will Judgment it vine done to to To of is to moderate a make The the is wished when trifle a of work ulsters for It in both adds traveling of are and layers Seeds slow ure made or a beets of large and swell and sprout frill may be quickly if bag placed In a flannel nnd moistened daily with warm wator Some gar mix the seeds deners with fine earth placing the before seeds in the bag Dark again newest indigo bluo used be for white green inches apart lines stripes in with clusters a — right use of horse first-class blanket people They and mako to Paris other liny farm a box tin or re is animal good —no sadly mistaken having only light labor and not of that much during the winter should have less grain and more roughness than during the sum mer ho that men iron puts bits in horses’ in mouths cold weather very without first warming the bits has al too together much of Ihobavnge in li is composition of placed two nar stripe be They vested cortain that fertilizers In fertilizing or is frequently materials thrown through ignoraneo of tho wants which to applied A t fertilizer lie soil which in in money away of Is tho bo to tho of liny plant-forming elements is abundant available and in an form requires no olemont in fertilizer It is such only a elements those whieh are deficient in soil that the supplied and must tie until have farmers learned some easy and practical method of determining of thoir the character soils tho profit fertilizers home-mixed from other or will wise qunntity prove an uncertain To At tho C liehornnra little session of tho court at Monticollo enmo up on moment the to owners originated case entered by the local for tho there and tho to high of hornod of in cattle comulaint a tho socie Cruelty to agent Prevention trial now a novel state The ty for entirely is that of county York New application Ihnt a caso courts Sullivan of of beforo Jiislioo Animals Peter Tous slant ugainst John Austin farmer of u the town of Ilighlund of cruel and un natural treatment of some of his dairy cuttle In sawing off their horns Tho proof of tho alleged offense was com plete nnd tho justico tho pronounced defendant guilty and liuud him $50 and costs mouth James L has vania clovers from clovers aro as apply blow hard will stauce to One leaved Ponny a is packer curious a of Pennsyl of soda of tartar the und upon a Tho card four-leaved made up u( clovers another so clover eleven of nine four five- from If Beaten flour nose of milk ono egg teaspoonfu I of cream milk omit Two pints of teaspoonful of salt one table lard mix into a stiff dough one spoonful of parts with equal thirty minutes beat is that bake spoon in Sponge quick a sugar cupful One egg piece of small a of water ono butter sweet milk baking powdor or tho fill take out and npplos coro up with sugar and a small bit of butter on in a put them with top of each pan half pint of bnko till tender a water Servo cold with basting occasionally flour level Milk Biscuits— One of quart of two cupfuls sour milk two of soda teaspooufuls and two fills of lard Mix with large tablespoon only not the hand as bread-dough so Roll out stiff inch thick about nil nnd bake in moderate oven cut a cupfuls Rye Gems Three of rye — of “meal two cupfuls flour and two cupfuls one-quarter half gem and teaspoonful pans bake tho brutal entire control erties that fresh teuapoonfuls to eggs sugar of corn grated mid pound of starch one-half Heat well and drop by cocoanut spoonfuls on buttoroi papers placed on few flat tins Bake a but moments too much do not lot thorn brown Cabbage Salad —Yolk of four eggs a teaspoonful beat a strain nnd vinegar ingredients other chop half set pour of part a a llio dressing This long will keep tlma in cold half a If ton teaspoonful a add fine up h popper haif a dish in mustard of black teaspoonful spoonful sugar pint while Idled hot to away fresh to cool cabbage It over weather railroad lie t freight-cars open vagrants hundreds are lodg aud con Tbe sobet stations troubiesomocuoughbut are intoxicated of with tramps and tho aro even not only they worse to to defy tbe orders "move on” but also folks whoso turealcn violence to country invade they furms Bucks oliltimo suggested machine that that bnve might tbo hordes in did trumps Comity us nml from they nnd terror machine and tbo unique is town to would lleo Not water generation soap present familiar in witli Hie sober there in remem and probably apparatus than one Doyles in mnn who would besitato to tell more day well bow on them make but men who lived early ’CDs readily ’50s there ago wholesome a Bucks iu work forty years influence or of of tbo many Doylcstowu nro ing tbo ber effective thirty Doylealown shun fnrmor has County revival of tbo sobering a recalls be tbo old sobering Tbo more famous wheels of wooden nothing was slinfls ami front mechanism tbnn light the less nor s box making machine in kept wns a of big the upon kmd rough n with gear fliuily wagon fastened cart a convenient a Doyles of olio filled home go is Every man neighbor if away he it turn to his doesn’t lie cuts in him COUNTY A BUCKS SOBERING MACHINE ardent spirits that be could not with himself the machine handle wns run out from biding its seized and bo ami tlie shafts place tho tipsy dumped mnn was back in tho liis upon at three or lour burghers the was given a rido over enough streets Hint was to sbnlto drop of liquor of him aud out rough with lie ' every make him soberer nnd wiser mnn a heroic treatment was oftencst to intoxicated but strangers This plied ap tbe influence of moral tlie machine wns preseivlng Iho sobriely powerful in townspeople The circmnsinnccs the all of said to fear of nnd women like do the nnd their return they celebrate on battlefields A New Jersey from part of a Summer of Dog residing gentleman the scalp Story tho on uppet the is Avenue intelligent very who oral n setter NEW Among tbe to OF CENIUS tbo A duty About after looking bouse of master’s 10:30 o’clock preparing to alive to enre of the Record Edison interest laboratory West in In SotUp of tho groat of Orange N tho first to nltrnct is J attention tbe omnrkublo statue Hint baa recently boon in placed position in tho library The statue at tbo attracted Mr Edisou's intention Paris Exposition it where occu tbo place of honor in tlie Italian pied Department Ho was so much pleased it with it that bo purchased nnd it was shipped to this country nnd now occu pies tbe piece the magnificent tho New work of honor in libriirv of Geuius of Romo electricity tion center of entitled is Italian nn nnd the It Light” of artist B finished into was Tbe subject is is keenly it LICHT objects many the to answers name of fall of 1883 She a sprightly hnndsotne-ly-mnrked cal one nml pup Juno Philaiklvhia — visitornt Thomas nnd old-timo Description of tlm New Htntue Edison's Lsliorulory A “Tbe owner Gordon Bucks many County believe men revive this to institution THE hns who that Montgomery would be well subjection monarch such aro now strong be typihes other over tbo and was Bordiga the in allegori nn triumph of illumina of menus grounds and her as mnster retire for thenight by the his attention was attracted of the barking dog Hurrying on a he the few garments descended to first floor the faithful when watch nnd seizing his hand dog met him the staircase lend pulled him toward ing to tlie laundry in the basement Seeing that something wns evidently gentleman wrong tlie scended following tlie her pile a stairs of on fire ceiling to closet a flames in share large a and ing ter and corner toward minute to up a place reach the tlie danger of faithful dog came ofpetting feeding extra ono and tlie de nnd Juno discovered in papers nnd blazing It took but beat out tlie house beyond nnd then Juno for hastily behind caress her from mas Advertis mistress— Newark er American Workman tho “There signs” nre many Bays “that tho New York Times wago ofthe States workers United are de of sense nnd indo veloping a degree that well for potulanee nugurs and for that their own of progress of they the community whieh form large and important part so a so is Much of this advance duo to tlie labor organizations which notwith standing theabusesthnt have sprung the whole from them have been on beneficial a step in the of tlie nnd each to they as were evolution employed to other necessnry a tho of the relations employers Intest mani Tho festation in this direct iou 1ms been the unions active part tlie labor in one form nnd another have token in se curing ballot reform This measure than more cussion is interest of other recently especially interest mon with roform a in that hns it the of is tlie the in youth hood life-size full tended wings lamp connecting tend ed tbo tifty-camllo circuits downward by posi by tbo ruins of right arm is bend and holds of man r-ciinilient uu Tbo graceful early supported gas high above the incandescent lamp tlie of vigor half posed in n and partially tion OF LIQ11T figure of a linlf ex broken a extended nlort an power which ex from nnd partially support hand continue to the base where they nro Joined to left of the atatuo About tho huso of tlie a voltaic pilo telephone statue a transmit nre grouped telegraph key and a ter a wnecl gear Tlie is whole pedestal mounted a on throe high feet central firm ond H The modeling of tbe singularly nnd strong finish is almost perfect— figure y is the Herald Tlie Symptom) lflm Alarmed dis tho in workingmen tho their under GENIUS NEW It though been whole in com people” one add pulverizod of heaping two throe when bell a thoir lives and lib over they are good for nothing being privileged charac your -For of and their in are state their A greusod those Cakes— whites ono tea sugar ono of t rtar and soda Have of pound one-haif milk of hot and well very twenty minutes Cocoanut beaten sweet of large tuDlespoonful spoonful of cream the The of two toaspoonfuls und flour enough to make a good batter Bake in a long tin pan in a quick oven Baked Apples — Pure a aozon lurt cream 8our iu in and 1 than the male soldiers probably The reason kept in such a men are by milk wooden a oven Pudding— of und them bo women braver constant of water with of hears Dahomey the sour Biscuit— er of nnd that were butler you use tartar of cream sub the Kncipes cupfuls one teaspooDfuls two it over offending of ono great spoonful three cupfuls of flour of states be feaiotmble — Three salt collection different mounted represent leaf Collection tho of mouth your The expelled Waffles half Ourloiu A in the upon the influenza It is a common occurrence for child grains of and corn ren to get beans other foreign substances their up This is simple remedy worth noses remembering: Get the child to open its These wns having rid also com Bucks ' the her in dissolved practice creature dis a water microscopists to discover and microbe mean to get disorder as best they may flrtillxerft equally with and with matters waiting tired are Vienna in streets mixture — one-lmlf is the antiseptic powerful is until both wator to and p are horse farm foed saves used is think postage-slam a 'I proposed is for gaze king of luvendar Comities Montgomery the in tbe training tion A The red or in dances flowers or yellow two row but Tho will gowns white are clusters grape or silks merging designs thistles India clime warmer a tramps in Louis archers under XI in France They are by are braver nnd in cnmlmt no means beautiful terribly cruel They take scnlps are the Irom thoir enemies Indians ns parsnips They germinate to to single carrots tbe year review of thisfeminine composition One-third of curious very Amazonsmay have been married thirds be two maidens muat unchaste are punished by execu ters double-breasted with straight fronts backs large redingote sleeves and the shoulder latter in plain capes triple oi winter about are Hovering bnystacks barns aud veniently is The made are tbe a warriors expected lit a collars cloth checked or in soda common tho ordinary starch to gloss and stiffness to the New gum it months bits army sugar some keep arabio the to oil it bal girls constnnt femnlo then is nnd break fire when up little salt or gum and striped the pour stir collars and in to unsanctified to says usually cold and ing mild seek who of account Ou appears once then appear of happens hood administering of children clean it it pusses ior his out front in rung table he extremely tbe dispose may vagrauts dark alley and whenever town’s good citizens came long the of marriageable has lie guard start who bite starch oi 1ms they troublesome Tbe Dahomey Dahomey some these jelly bottle tle for best how axle writing blood African land strange almost a sealed book ot the world body a says rattle dozen a sufUciout flavor with water a an Half method to currant or antidote pan over a into it and a physician l’a is gener with tbe again is they French egg female be oil dusky battle in abund so machine pris his ot in that poison snake spoonsful are cure uny snake an slain of has given is others harem for his favorite ministers and serv and tho ugly nnd ants scrawny ones he graciously allows to return to their He has about 4000 parents and in wives in good years addition troes every the place of those bear from ago ARidgewaler into 1000 king he nndlms tnkingsome fight heathen in his out lor army 800 or 2000 in number These drill in private to oil trotted Civilization selecting planning and arranging will done accomplish of work itself more than the amount and regularity save work 8ystom and time work the is predecessors the at French both sexes been The peach to at Bucks in tramps Counties for measures ant this year tbut ordinary liavo proved futile out driving them authorities and tbe county are studying An to his of compels all the his kingdom to before him He take ceasing are const sovereign begin trading includingone hns ance forms advisable Is the and of crop Montgomery deal nnd English on been Over this under tho of water begin Dahomey's of good a been which the century years female ot French history removed freezing ice it and al can considerable by tho since alarmed hns He all- amazons trimming vinegar at and '” remove not cabbage a 200 any wurriors linen Mildewed by may be restored and while wet soaping tho spots cov chalk ering them with powdored edgings Colored embroideries and inserlings than them very hot soft flannel a tiul oners tible its of success Europeans male is dairying in the factories for invasion feeder good a tbe panes soda of it winter a animal heat Keeping in matches then ceptacle iron an l’roviuence tempting 18 BO buried with with or more good good easily window It bettor the through substance less Rhoda Jliut lower n It have ago residence once to Too many horses eat up during tho all they winter have earned during the summer stone a was solid well feed splashes Paint from cupful years the be way that man blanket horse mu will his The a soil happened modern tho here I it! this horse The all was and is A Motes superior as infectant working neg they knew about it “I “Ah!” said neighbor Gidding thought so 8”poso wo just call my hired with son Abram and the man cling flavor fairly breed grown of to enters “Who licked mother the pertinac will hind” like answer That gono was lliew Some in what there either is wiqler Tbe and fortable Its fall then to upon and massacre them It is the destruc of two tion French “factories” or trading establishments tho Da on hns which brought homey const the struggle about The present king who is more ferocious nnd bes ttains there have with tween Rhoda go out?” nnd her him see surface Null flesh Gidding you again ative nnd como acknowledged compelled WPre traveler old-fashioned nnd wns cold little rest” who for little a with bacteria its structure debase its marketable worth The his Folks he in league fob was Ho wasn’t with tho Evil One a good associate for your Grnndfat her Grupp Yes yes! He’s been dead anyhow full forty years and maybe longer” “But that is nonsense?” cried Rho “it was da ghost that we saw no It realize and Jir-ttao tub3 and jars heat will kill Only prolonged the mi if which croscopic not elimi spores nated from the Bides of tho firkin will thoir by spreading into the butter hangingdown queue a nnd Few spores tlie smooth these the folks sels ity GruppMissRhody niter and up little the in Baid has 4°d— breed and than respect evory castor tempera nn average of (iOu can standard 13 A firm granulation of the butter in which tho proper the temperature creiun will assure 4 Tho tho butter with washing of cold water when it Is in a granulated should state Washing bo accom regarded Is Feed the feed poor The which of bo the foedor a in this together mixed In Benin of seventeenth been French The tactics have always tur i nnd Ashnntee gulf Europeans the Portuguese when two twenty pounds and much olive mosses of maturity singes churning to Ct the with to of intervals pounds yearlings Strengthen of Is These grease Stonington ning there and Rhode in putting good feed into the acme ot perfection nnd slight change circu becoming more Wo know that a rupturo hoiting these but in pro globules These but form in that tho contain is in und tho because not are pasty consist large of amouut they white by despotic in nnd its sovereign war is population estimated at 000000 The country has been to 800000 which Narra the bronze of forty-five und the be butter a oleine size by lar north of Cauliflowers drops” have the portion ly “oil fluid buff by bounded south known the principally is or on the area varies domestic of bronze largest it west be Practical cast remembered piilinitiue vary and a weight years old of but color re can Statos United feeder will do breed and poor of name anything inferior an must bo globules in Tho raided and tho commercial to slate bulk principal the caution I against be the In keys land in two the tho six aro the as are known the black gnnsett much insignificant recoivcd of been lai-vai Turkey breeds PompHtto There turkeys There remains debases of the odoriferous peculiar of Africa a kingdom be Upper Guinea const on tween lntituddG degeees and 8 degress north High mountain ranges hem it on in the north nnd northeast on the lime air-slaked Dreed and there had forming is the west directly mitine pal parts destruction cannon Dahomey P Hum a Sohflmo for Ro the Jolly Good Fellows County Baekt MAChl: SOBERING A campaign of the French troops Dahomey is attracting much at kiss by spraying tho destroyed with in hellebore water nn of the powder of to two gallons the foliage with dusting or by milk-flavored very bnso Ingredients in eliminat are used from tho seeds ing the dye nunutto lino given to the dairy tho product He me milk to etc such flavor Grasses and turned to milk herbage when pro duce that aromatic and delicate butter flavor always sought after by the con of but While the composition sumer batch dead a proved milking 1 “Youcnn’talwnyskeep man of sir” increase vegetable Imparted ensilage roots of thenngloof that of tlmt solids experiments odor tho and likewise to again quite the about bulk clover Slug: pest as for the him to fresh rela a casolne Tree such of this by the make without Chorrjr Dahomey of The and the royalist tention at present of France journals comment scorn fully on the shooting down of women warriors by crack troops with Hotch en can the pecullHritios ter out well-authenticated my Thou Heat will was henrthstone? in leap true old heiress agood gazed white” That into bed to be “We’ll smith's came hisglassof mixed And Rhoda back poor spread little the welded farmer himself one my won’tdonogood tenderly him a Rhoda came longed ior “But a had made a great deal money than folks had any idea of and that his wus way of taking I it Of depend inny care of course it?” upon you not to mention sir ’’said “1 don’t understand you mis hnd word tlie sort (-li wator tasks of work quite She AYulkinsltttw “not thoir solutions antiseptic been stepmother admiration nntt-'-ptio go hnd is you brick Not caused be ounce water water of way “butyrino" creature it “No” her frightened political Britain devised been with forced material her J out only that stepmother ventured to rend theeilusions active and imaginative brain enger union states up her to Rhoda lie wido went or solitary other wns and door women look nnd snid tho this could which llhoda’s but never tle more that each of A rather exchange has in went severed An merest tice and how two she kitchen in at rushed Walkinshaw the shaw the held the no the independ States existence joining ties dark noar possibilities of doors lesser a foliage Cultiva you cup leaves a neod no was treos feed another Amazons The in Prof Llntner paper spoke of the ravages of the cherry tree cerasi and said there Eriocampa slug material by six eight of four recent a readily milk of we In ported that nnd Ilia Many — are American multiply expunsiou in flavoring Brown in put Eh? “It’s the through blowoutthefeehlelight And so in tlie sullen candle Can of father!” doing of uir nnd sympathy hnd creation a grew repeated out he draft return tlie is QO valiantly say her until erable homestead to tlie she for kindness told Australia started at least ence has been The former country chances in point Canada toward ever separate tbe end of she harm no us spoke he a kneo the looking the As A open tho room this when tiasficl btfl Step!” Air while future is ada one movement Go! “Women royal nothing grimly though!” re the knotty-featured old torted mnn I “You’ll would or not see whether mo is would States he to I stay my time the United said: prlsonor a a was throne the to tho There pretender his jailer The am hands" But loft and romembor condescension! gressive I attention shake Come turnod institution life my ho when you Eh?” Rhoda I wouldn't turn time of night?” “Wouldn’t I It although all with of de You’re swallowed honor in find have uttered shrilly money-making States bound conciorgeric “Monseur here in Of Now ed of of governor shall to territory Taris the ruling United obtain tho the in the The to any result of of effort go wny Whnt doing hnrm?” “But Rhoda Mexican lmte was you ore wasting candles my orders and fool disobeying my time for ing awny my your time is ain't it? mine And it ain't tlie first done it yet tho sec time you’ve nor I And ain’t ond! going to stand it not another minute! Clear out! Get two out of my house women! you before! I’ve warned you often enough I whnt it you mean to tench means to disobey my commands” cried “Father!” Rhoda “you of directly the that therefore is is of do I me up harm and acquisi the country says the says own But nre about snid she to and people no planot your bffptnel Audi been paralyzed had it windy territory bring it about would evitable overthrow in this on spirit the to cause expect yourself? ior un You Ki if this the contention Blaine Secretary the of whether was aud boon out that is strifo much of thrown originated it bo fragments into question The earth gold where of orbit in some very commonly lieved that meteors nre accidentally other worlds side rerent a all I tive it very wns fourth and is thirteen having on crude 2-100ths him!” and kingdoms found qnulily globules the any “the whim the leaved Tho stem repre sented by a series of clovers contain funnel leaves and at the cup or ing end is clover having nine ono very the breeding ns tho oily been well ns the the in hus It in brick It and clovers Aphorism Boor if which affected parts value of the wliolo This of proportion to let for writer a consists either man and more I have Ah! didn't Wulkinshnw “We the “How thing of things sny eyes know to hypocrites Mrs plainly says A knew hands this heart scare mnlice ns I animul dependent best to brick they “All her in quiet voice liis You created “No that of from it sort miser’s dle o Walkinshaw midnight have to spise come institution Smithsonian famous Washington owes its existence James Englishman Smithson half drift a Barn and In Mutter Milking: blitter from crenm from milk nnd get creiun and vogotable (he warm tell gold! of “I Butter of Wholesome the on wake ency clay a track his sort until homo soon’ known a at Lesson A maker and his ever said lie of was luy said in derstand miser It on feet that I’d like forbid Idaho ready from intensity times the to Alaska are about be admitted her pages with all him tilling uiiim prujnn Vniuti w Don forgiving them statehood respectfully Idaho Wyo privileges They are Utah In New Moxlco ming Arizona dian to lignin!” it outstanding seven be to nloml manuscript lap “At her oi and pulled Man the brick?” buried under old Eading Interest of Wo ter fire Grupp’s darning sitting at stool Walk table Rhoda nnd wooden Mrs ho t only yes! harm no on such as house on candle visible by silt rending burned It— Tacked Grupp was horse-shoe he brick winged little dip said used “I he stay still over “Did Not pockets two or a darkness low his the log n hearth got There into home night Not soul!” And come he Ah half-famished steadily inoon that in money wheie mndo hnd ninrket walked room the do can leaves to estimated dolighted is compliments the Inter nn roport which tho upon of of correspondent invitation to that nothing na It gibbons the the They road Berlin press tion tho congress appointment of commission make south and connect to the suggest national costs north a represented favors Congrosa He night October Walkinshaw from stockings Pan The above said a him let stay hung inshaw Conn to that frngrnnceofdoad ond Jingling religious a boxes who Con in face stars nodded sleeve surreptitiously “I think the poor old little crazy” said she tho Mr good frosty inthenir Early a stood her of firmament tlio frozen a lilted sir?” man Walkinslmw Mrs with Rhoda millions still a wns lnte There and still hand at country round trembled stepdaughter convulsivoengerness quite Is her to best Walkin Make to rich and and here man know!” shnw wards Mary don’t Mrs rub tho I threo shows cigars 45 for includes sorvants to the all board good and uso errands run and shaves smoke got can week a Night Properties the cn be ing old-fashioned Grandfather your hard-working 45 to thirty The little old “Very near” sKy is Rhoda ago- above as How tor fire knee-breeches back in she “As heaven’s the of what OTHER of electricity that miracle-workor FallB the by clovers leaved leaves Lessen A we time man sitting dressed was style with had I Henry for Home certainly I ADVENTURE STRANGE A Courier Things is down wns a queue his hands over the blaze with u ing for the of sort engernss ravenous little and He so warmth so was and his teeth chattered so in pale Ilhoda’s shriveled that his head died momentary indignation away at once don’t said tho “I hope intrude” little old with the deprecating man it’s cold falsetto of age “but very here and firo cold haven’t seen a before in n quarter of a century” Rhoda looked hard at him fain would see amid my Htri'e peaceful visions luncy brings I OTHERS have the his The happy chimes that 'nncy rings A eross the dreary moors of life tho at pursuit be to good fain London police bewilderment the it the figure butternut for often times mo dream path is drear tho day is blank soul so snd my heart so weak would hour the happy chimes My industrial as pass I place old lew A Mrs that very strange that it before yet was not must s let c-ttill per Silcott ns never come It wish ne’er had dreamed About the tilings longed for so I or then my heart might never know Iiow dear their sneet fulfillment seemed statistics art to fondly from “the idea was own of is can the I the sometimes I 1200000000 account last year bureau according to the to and nine vanished lilies truth of this AND I forced spread 1 Statos sonal feel dreame That the and Arizona to the of Awake same people docllo back sent hen The the They are but dreams Asnko to weep mv the of Crook good ara should is Goneral as Apaches catch I the THE FARMERS seven-loaved the thres growing right ncross wicked It to seemed almost the branches as wns away by and by I’ll to do And my shawl over the dead leaves anil— Oh! what’sthnt?’' corner break in General 1 frigates England in hear the songs of birds shores of happy lands clasp of loving hands wards drift of tender I cried dew hair to get funny tree hold? I Two it she comfortable managed her warm clovers frozen Walkiimhaw’a days I The Canadian parliament voted to indefinitely liberal alien postpone the labor bill the crushing I built hands motherl” “Look wnrs Hr limpid streams In sunny delis Where penes ubides and benuty dwells could Walkinshaw mnrble-cold HALES) CEO Mrs DREAMS serve tor u The Daley some who killed suicide nt since 1ms ter Brain ofthe years lound Big brain to w weigh homicide Kennedy f ho committed Elizabeth’s been ounces G and ago St maniac J low a examined fifty-nine and thirteen ounces more than of a man’s brain It a average wns order vs was quar fourteen or the dn It to weight all np in good nml exhi pen ranees bited no syniptonisofdisenseor mal formation fur could bo told so as though microscopical a examina If tion limy show some on expert should be shown Daley’s brain nnd not know anything the about mnn would he it probably regard as tlie of brain intelligent a very mnn— Washington Post Party on outsldo— All Hector why forth do you not come and share the with cheese your own Andromache? inside— Party on Speak not of cheese I've got tlie grip totuel nnd know I III Falls Beaver A by rat string pinning tiod ho Then man an it to waited says caught ho near ami the a with npplu-core rodent’ a hole until watched the tho rat canto out und swalloweil core and all Tho string t'en pulled man ou the Josopli string hi nml Juffersou autobiography killed the received rat $12000 lor |