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Show B1 Monday, November 26,2007 Phone: 801.581.7041 Fax: 801.581.3299 dassifjeds@chronicle.utah.edu CLASSIFIEDS Miscellaneous Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Chief Building Official ^ADMINISTRATIVE CALL CENTER ACCOUNTING AUTO/SALES Bozeman, Montana Is an lde< $10-15k Comm.Easy At Utah's WFM - HELP DESK Financial Specialist needed to "clrtran Corporation place to reside and recreat #1 Nissan dealer. Auto Sales Build a future with one perform forecasting duties uti- AOMIN ASSISTANT Utah's fastest growing comp. Clean air, national forest a lizing our computer simulation Strong communication skills Personnel Needed! Experience cess, hunting and fishing, ant nlesl O'Currance Teleservlces model. 2 yr Accounting / Finan- with excellent writ-ten and ver- Preferred but not required. bal skills. Demonstrates leaderseeking a WFM-Help Desk An. skiing are all less than 20 mln cial degree or comparable utes away. Additionally, thost ship with team building abilities Tim Dahle Nissan Murray is ex- lyst and Scheduler to join o work experience; financial Institution / Profltstar model ex- while working well with other panding their Sales Dept due to team. Qualified candidates wl who prefer to stay closer t home can enjoy shoppln perience a plus. Duties Include team members. Friendly, Pro- a new store. If you are looking have: fessional, Self-Confidence. for a new lifestyle and are a self Six months call center managi parks, world-class museum; assisting with forecasting perand arts and cultural opportunl Computer skills with attention starter you must apply. Tim ment experience formance, budgeting and profto detail. A background in etther technl ties second to none. Bozemai Oahle Nissan Murray has •WORDS itability. Apply online Is the place to be for that sma A/PS A/R CLERK ca| support or Workforce Ma best benefit package www.ucredltu.com PROFESSIONALLY* Experience In a high volume at- state. agement Is preferred Mus town feel with big city amenl or In person at 3450 S Highland Composed, Edited, Word mosphere. Knowledge of SBT posses a strong working know ties. DrSte109SLCUT. EEO Processed, Typed, Proofread, accounting software a plus. edge of Microsoft Windows Sy; Best Pay Plan In The State Transcribed, Scanned, Laser RECEPTIONIST terns and Internet troubleshool The City of Bozeman Bulldlm 401K Printed, faxed, E-mailed. ACCOUNTING Ing Prior experience with M Division Is a progressive, wel Experience with multl phone Full Insurance Pkg Theses, Dissertations, Family SENIOR ACCOUNTANT/ crosoft Outlook, Excel an equipped and trained team lines. Excellent customer ser- Paid Vacation Histories. Carolyn:277-6725 ASSISTANT CONTROLLER Word Is required Prior work ex Growth In the jurlsdlctlor vice and phone skills with atten- Dental perlence with Avaya CMS Super makes this a progressive an. tion to detail. Punctual & pro- 5-Day Work Week CORA Rehabilitation Clinics, a fessional Friendly, team player Apply in person at:4S28 S visor (or other ACD monitor!™ exciting place to live and wor provider of comprehensive out- with a positive attitude. State, Murray Ask for Clayton/- tool), Witness Systems (or othei We are recruiting for an ene COMPUTER patient rehabilitation services, Hours M-F 8:00-5:00. Travls or Brian. You may also Workforce Management soft getlc Chief Building Official can COMPUTER Glendalt Lrg Hlitorlc, A brdm, has a senior accounting/ assis- Fax Resumes to 801-963-7889 call 801-262-5521 WEBDEVELOPER ware) Is strongly preferred dldate whose skill set and pe 2 ba , cool treehouse, b-ball tant controller position avail- or email WEB DEVELOPER Premier Resorts located In Park Must have a flexible schedule sonallty match our values and AUTOMOTIVE OUS PAULOS court, like new, wont last We offer a great benefits pack mission. The diversity of ogi Premier Resorts located In Pan City, Utah, Is searching for a able In our corporate office lo- madelynigclrtran.com Chevrolet Has Immediate $1197.00 298-5532 qualified full-time Web Develage Including medical, dental team and their unique contribu- City, Utah, Is searching for cated In Lima, Ohio. Qualified ADMINISTRATIVE opening for the following: 40lk with company match, ho candidates will possess 3-5 tions set us apart. Our team qualified full-time Web Deve oper with experience in managLuxury 2 bad/2bath condo years of public accounting ex- STEIN ERIKSEN LODGE day and vacation pay. If you ar members Include people like oper with experience In manag ing domain names, development with fireplace for rent. Walklnq perience, a CPA certificate and Utah's First Five Diamond Ing domain names, development Parts/Deliver Driver a highly motivated, self-starter, you • enthusiastic, Innovative, in complex, dynamic web apdistance to the U, Tax, Trolley a high amount of computer ex- Luxury. Mountain Resort WE WANT TO TALK TO YOUI Shipping Position passionate and energetic. Wi in complex, dynamic web appl plications. HTML, PHP,Sq. and 9th & 9th. Panoramic posure with emphasis on ac*CATERING & CONFERENCE believe that you'll find our high cations. HTML, PHP, JavaScript, JavaScrlpt, MySQL, SSH, FTP, Must be 18 years or older and Send your resume and salary r view from the patio of SIX. counting software and spread- SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE performance culture personal!' MySQL, SSH, FTP, Linux, IIS, Linux, IIS, Search engine subhave a good driving record, We qulrements to View from every room. Pool, sheet applications. CORA offers ASSISTANT careers^ocurrance.com fulfilling and professional! Search engine submissions/op- missions/optimization, Photoare a Drug Free workplace. sauna, workout facilities all a competitive salary and bene- Hourly DOE + Incentive timization, Photoshop, Flash and shop, Flash and Acrobat reEOE challenging. with the same view. Washer, fits package. Send resume to: Experience as an administrative Acrobat required. Understand quired. Understanding of DNS, Apply In person at drayer & microwave Incl. 2 car assistant required. Working CARGO $4,443.50 to $4,914 PCI Ing of DNS, MX and A records MX and A records required. 4050 W 3500 So. Parts Dept. garage within the underground CORA Health Servlces,lnc. knowledge of troubleshooting AIRLINE/ CARGO Up to $10.5 month, DOO. Excellent bene- required. Ability to forecast, prioritize, parking. Keeps other people Attn: Personnel per hour starting IMMED. Pa complete projects and meet Dlrectorilio computers and other office AUTOMOTIVE/INTERNET fits. Priority Deadline: from,dinging your cars and Is Shawnee Rd, P.O. Box 150 equipment. Excellent typist, SALES PROFESSIONAL time cargo loaders 1/4/2008. City app required. Ability to forecast, prioritize, deadlines required. A selfvery secure. MUST SEEI $1450. Lima, OH 45802 writer with high attention to de- If you're currently employed as SHIFT Available: Contact Bozeman Job Service at complete projects and meet starter that takes Initiative and per mo. deadlines required. A self provides outstanding customer tail skills, ability to multitask a sales professional with a Mon.-Fri 330am-730am. fax: 419-221-3070 (406) 582-9200. EOE/ADA 580-2789 or 232-3551. starter that takes Initiative an service to Internal and external email: bobbalnScorahcalth.com and professional phone de- proven track record then you Sat 530am-9am provides outstanding customei customers. Great benefits availmeanor. Two years college is owe it to yourself to explore Sat.10pm-4am. Walking distance to the UNICLERICAL recommended. Stein Erlksen this opportunity. Premium Brand Required: lift SOIbs. Repetl Mrs. Fields, the nation's leadim service to Internal and externa able. VERSITY restored bungalow 4 EOE / Drug-Free Lodge offers excellent wages, Automotive Retailer has one tively, background check, vail snack food retailer, Is currently customers. Great benefits avail' Qualified applicants please apbdrm. 2 ba. new wood firs. etc.Workplace able. ply online at www.lunresortjobs.Nlcel 298-5532 $1,297.00 gratuities, and benefits Includ- opening for a successful sales Drivers Lie. seeking TEMPORARY Seasonal com. Click Utah ing FREE.meals In our staff cafe- consultant. You must have a Must be 18 yrs. of age. Clerical and Data Entry help foi Qualified applicants please ap and select Premier Resorts Corteria, ski passes, uniforms, proven track record and pos- Apply Mon-Fr| 8:30am - 3 our busy holiday selling porate, select Web Developer health and dental Insurance, sesses high quality customer 00pm at Salt Lake City Alrpo season. We are seeking cand ply online at Cllc and submit 401K, profit sharing, vacation service skills. Internet knowl- Cargo Facility Suite 126. Fo dates who have experience I www.funresort)obs.com. ACCOUNTING/AUDITING Utah and select Premier Resort application. For questions, and holiday pay. Apply online at edge and experience Is a must. more information call Jenn Issuing & accounting for CONTRACT AUDITOR DIAMONDS Bob at 801-539-8316. EOE We offer a prospect and credits & In preparing customei Corporate, select Web Devel' please call Kell at 435-655Utah Transit Authority has anwww.stelnlodge.com oper and submit application 4819. previous customer data base CARPENTRY DON'T PAY RETAIL orders tor our production team. immediate opening for a Con- fax resume to 435-645-6483 For questions, please call Ke and will support marketing efEqual Opportunity EmMlllwork Technician & Moldei Excellent computer & typim at 435-655-4819. tract Auditor. Minimum Qualifi- or email to: forts with your own data base. ployer 100's Of Diamonds And Operator. AF Mill needs expert skills a must. Must be capabli Equal Opportunity Employer cations Include: Bachelor's de- stein)ob$>stelnlodge.com. You'll have access to our Sales Settings. Wholesale Prices. gree In Accounting or BusinessCOMPUTER enced machinist tor straight of working a flexible scheduli Secretary and CRM Manager to to Include weekends.We offei Summit County Is currently reline ripsaw and molder Rocky Mountain Diamonds. related discipline. CPA license. Equal Opportunity Employer build and develop a deep, profcompetitive pay/ great work enCOMPUTER cruiting for a fult time operation. Must have genen If CPA license was Issued in ANIMAL CONTROL 801-272-6948 itable and loyal portfolio of cusviron. Please fax resumes to; DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR Information Systems knowledge and experience I 1994 or alter, must also have Controls city animal problems, tomers. In addition to an excel801.736.5940 The City of St George Is cur-Specialist I Master's degree in Business-re- maintains shelter. HS or GED or lent pay scale and full benefits mlllwork and woodworking. rently recruiting for a Database Performs a variety of working Mitch atBOI-330 Email to: lated field. Knowledge of equlv exp, valid DL. Must com- package including Health, Den- Contact Administrator, salary $50,776 level technical duties related to resumes@mrsflelds.com 5999. applicable Federal, State, and plete city application avail tal, 401K and more you will re$57,111 DOE- This position evaluating, analyzing, and Inor mall to: local laws. At least five years on website: southsaltlakeclty.- ceive a car allowance, weekly CASHIER 2855 E. Cottonwood Pkwy, MOO performs a variety of stalling personal computer auditing experience, with three com and tax to 801-412-3276 and monthly cash bonuses, administrative and technical du hardware and provides "on-deSLC, UT 84121 years contract auditing pre- or In person 220 E. Morris Ave travel/vacation awards and Cashier/Customer Service ties related to the development mand" consulting and mainteferred. MS Office and audit Future (2430 So). Closes 12/5/07 9 S much, much more. True Sales CLERICAL and Implementation nance services. Will troureport writing. Pay range pm. Drug screen/EOE Professionals only apply. Shipping/Inventory Clerk RC Willey is looking for cashier Entrepreneurs database systems Including bleshoot computer system $50,159 to $70,222 annualEmail resume to s/customer service associate; ARC SDE geodatabase on SQL problems. Performs general PC ized. Excellent benefits. Great APARTMENT MANAGER . That want to needasalespro9gmall.com to work at our West Jordan Lo The Martln-Brower, L.L.C., an Server. Requires a Bachelors De maintenance; runs hardware diprofessional opportunity. For Join our team today. Large actually do cation (9O10 S. Redwood Road) International multi-location property management company qree In Computer Science agnostic tests to determine and more Information about this job AUTOMOTIVE something, we're or to apply, visit one of our lo- Is seeking a professional with a Title Clerk/Dealer Registration Applicants must be professional, company located In Salt Lake equivalent and 2 plus years ot isolate problems, monitors warSQL Server administration. Ad ranty and coordinates vendor cations, or visit us online. Refer can-do attitude for 288-apart- Clerk Brasher's Auto Auction Is have excellent customer servlc City, Is In need of a Shipping/ doing it! skills and a positive attitude. Ai Inventory Clerk In a fast pace dltlonal experience may be assistance for complex repair to Job 82672. Closing date for ment community. Must be a seeking an experienced title least six months cashiering ex' Join the environment. substituted for education. needs, serves as liaison with this Job Is November 29, 2007. : self starter, energetic, positive, clerk. Applicant must be experi: perlence preferred. Schedule: and well organized. Exerience enced In wholesale & retail asMCDBA (Microsoft Certified vendors. Knowledge of authorYIELD network. Utah Transit Authority preferred. Competitive salary pects of vehicle titles & corre- are arranged between 9am and Database Administrator) Ing web pages. Minimum QualiMinimum requirements are Contact www.rldeuta.com 10pm Monday through Satursponding processes, computer day with day off during th year current office/ operation preferred. The City provides full fications: Graduation from high 3600 South 700 West, Salt Lake and bonus. Fax resume to Kyler McCarty experience, computer literate, time employees with an excel- school, plus two (2) years of adliterate with good communica- week. RC Willey offers an City 135 West 17th Street, Oq- 801-281-5773 lent cafeteria benefits vanced training In personal ® 801-427-4145. tion & phone skills. Great den 1110 South Geneva Road, ARCHITECT excellent benefits package. 10-key, detail- oriented, con package Including health, den- computer technology and Orem AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Project Architect) This Is an ex- benefits package that Includes Starting wage Is $B.54/hr and sclentlous, dependable, and tal, vision, and flex spending applications provided through able to handle multiple tasks EMPLOYER - F/M/D/V cellent opportunity for the right medical, dental, 401K & profit up DOE. Looking for a new job? Join accounts. In addition we pro-college, trade school or professharing plan. Email resume to projects. Must possess profes Individual. Must have 5+ years the Trio Rtataurant Group vide paid life insurance, AD&D, sionally sponsored programs ACCOUNTING exp. in retail /commercial anglep^brashers.com or fax to Apply In person at 9010 S. Red- slonal, positive, team playe LTD, and an Impressive famllyl CAFE TRIO Downtown, and two (2) years of progres-3693. and customer tocused de Growing CPA firm Is seeking projects as a project architect. CAFE TRIO Cottonwood and wood Road or online at etlrement plan. Employees sively responsible experience meanor. Candidate must have Responsibilities include client motivated Individuals to Join FRESCO Italian Cafe are ail HIRwww.rcwilley.com. have the option ot payroll de performing related duties; speBANKING high school diploma or GED.ductions lor 401 & 457K plans cific experience In program ING for HOST/HOSTESS posi- our audit & tax teams. CPA or and city contact, consultant coCASHIER /RECEPTIONIST ordination, specifications, conJDE experience is preferred. CPA candidate and experience tions. We offer $10-15 per and direct deposit. All benefits evaluation and personal comFULL TIME TELLERS Great hour for daytime/night time po- in public accounting desired. struction administration and Hours, No Sundays Build a Pro- Volkswagen Southtowne Has are effective on the first day of puter systems Is preferred. team leadership. Experience in fessional Career with Usl Fortwo opening for a P/T cashier & We offer a competitive salary employment. The city also pro Salary Range; $18.73 - $26.29sitions, flexible schedules, a Email resume to AutoCAD a must. Competitive More Info and to Apply Online fun work environment & emreceptionist. Must be self moti- and benefits after 60 days. In vldes 12 paid holidays plus 12 /hr. Summit County Is a drug Icabraies® leverlch.com salary and beneflts.Emall re- Visit www.dfcu.com EOE. ployee discounts. vated and have good people terested candidates should ap paid sick days per year. or fax (801) 364:1099. free workplace conducting prsume to: Please contact Mlkel Trapp at skills, must be able to work ply in person Monday - Friday To apply: submit a complete employment and random Jobs^ga arch.com 801.944.8746 for more InforCity of Sti George application in drug testing. Applicant must some Saturdays, drug free work 8am - 4pm or fax resume to: of fax to 801-908- 5818. mation. Also, please Jump on ADMINISTRATIVE one of the following ways: ap- submit a Summit County Appliplace. Please apply at 11000 he Martin-Brower Company STEIN ERIKSEN LODGE Utah's ply on-line on the City's web cation. For an application and our website, C B t U l I UNION South Frontage Rd. ( 2 8 0 ARCHITECT First Five Diamond Luxury page: www.sgclty.org or In copy of a Job description please www.trlodlnlng.com, and fill W.) South Jordan or email 1790 S. 5200 W. Mountain Resort CATERING Architectural Proj. Mngr BANKING BRANCH MANAGER person, or by mall: Dept contact Personnel at out an application. 3 -5 yrs exp commercial archi- Excellent opportunity for a Cus- youwlnS5vwsouthtowne.com fax Salt Lake City, UT 84104 &CONFERENCE SERVICES Workforce Services 162 N 4 0 0 435-336-3265. tectural projects, work with de- tomer Service or Operations 6 7 6 - 6 4 2 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Fax: 801-415-6100 E, St. George, UT 84770. Applisign team and owner, organize, Manager from a financial InstiHourly DOE + Incentive cations will also be accepted via Please send application to: manage drafting tution to make a great career CASHIER Experience as an administrative coordinate Summit County Personnel, P.O. www.MBHIres.com fax: 435-627-4679 or email: Cashier/Customer Service staff, consultants and assistant required. Working movel We are growing and need jobs&sgclty.org. Refer ques- Box 128, Coalvllle, Utah 84017. RC Willey Is looking for cashier governmental bodies. Exp In knowledge of troubleshooting a dynamic, enthusiastic person No Phone Calls Please tions to Vickie at 435-627- Summit County Is an E.O.E. Emcomputers and other office auto cad a must. Graduate in with 3+ years experience In fi- s/customer service associates Equal Opportunity & ployer. Closing Date: December 4673. Pre-employment to work at our West Jordan Lo architecture with a BA or March equipment. Excellent typist, nancial Institution management 7, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. drug screening. EOE. Affirmative Action writer with high attention to de- degree pref. and consumer lending to fill a cation (9010 S. Redwood Road), Employer CONSTRUCTION tail skills, ability to multitask Branch Manager position. Excel- Applicants must be professional, have excellent customer ser M/F/H/V/D COMPUTER $3O-$6OK First year, depends and professional phone de- Architectural Drafter lent benefit package. For more "HOUSEKEEPING" 2 - 5 years exp commercial ar- Information, call Beckie at 463- vice skills and a positive attl Drug Free Employer TECHNICAL SUPPORT ENGINEER on you. Cultured marble/ granNeeded Housekeeper to assist meanor. Two years college is tude. At least six months COMPUTER chitectural drafting, work inde- 3523. Apply on line at CUSA Technologies, a leader In ite Installers needed for hotels clients unable to handle day-to- recommended, stein Erlhsen experience prependently or part of team. Exp www.ucredltu.com or In person cashiering the development of software all over the Southwest. Exp. & day housekeeping duties In Lodge offers excellent wages, ferred. Schedules are arranged in Auto Cad or Revlt req. at 3450 S Highland Dr Ste 109, ECHNICAL SUPPORT ENGINEER and hardware solutions for thenon experienced help needed. their homes. Flexible hours, gratuities, and benefits Includbetween 9am and 10pm MonBenefits and salary negotiable. Salt Lake City. EOE credit union Industry Is cur-Call 801-266-0976 mileage reimbursed. Applicants ing FREE meals In our staff cafeday through Saturday with day CUSA Technologies, a leader In rently seeking a Technical Visit our website must be physically able to do terla, ski passes, uniforms, CONSTRUCTION oft during the week. RC Willey edaarch.comEmail resume to BANKING the development of software Support Engineer for the Hardgeneral housekeeping, have health and dental insurance, Asbestos Abatement WorkDo you have free time In the offers an excellent benefits ind hardware solutions for the ware/ Helpdesk Support Group. 1 40IK, profit sharing, vacation resurne0edaarch.com current foodhandler permit mornings and need some extra package. Starting wage Is $8.54- :redlt union Industry Is cur- This Individual will provide ers'Sii&up/hr-DOE and holiday pay. Apply online ASSITANT and dependable transportation. technical support to our na Asbestos Abatement money? We have part-time /hr and up DOE. ently seeking a Technical at www.stelnlodge.com Account Manager Assistant morning teller positions avail- Apply in person at 9010 S. Red- upport Engineer for the Hard- ;lonal client base. Will respond Supervisors Apply at our office, send, fax or fax resume to Fusion Imaging, a world-wide able that will fit your schedule.- wood Road or online at www.Information requests via $15 6up/hr-D0E» ware/ Helpdesk Support Group. 435-645-6483 email a resume to: leader In the wide format print- Apply on line at rcwilley.com. Generous Profit Sharing & calls and emails from clients to or email to: Ing Industry is seeking an Bonuses. Will Train & www.ucredltu.com <br><A HREF="mallto:www.resolve Issues in a timely man This individual will provide COMMUNITY NURSING SER- stelnjob Account Manager Assistant. or apply In person at rc willey.com">www.re wllley.- :echnlcal support to our na ner. Troubleshoot within a wide ertlfy. Apply at: 891 W. VICES1255 East 3900 South, @stelniodge.com. This position assists in coordi- 3450 S Highland Drive Suite Robinson Dr. Suite 4, com</A> :ional client base. Will respond range of current Microsoft oper North SL, Call: 936-1155 nating jobs with Sales, Account Suite 108 Salt Lake City, Utah 109. EOE atlng systems. Diagnose and :o information requests via Equal Opportunity Management and Production. 84124 CASHIER differentiate between hardware CONSTRUCTION. :alls and emails from clients to Employer The successful candidate will be Fax: 601-747-2554 CASHIER/RECEPTIONIST esolve Issues In a timely man and software errors. Will be re Framers. Secure company seeks assigned to assist with our curEmail: bphelps9cnsvna.org Volkswagen Southtowne Has ler. Troubleshoot within a wide sponslblc for rotating on-call skilled framers and leads, ADMINISTRATIVE / rent sales team. Applicants Equal Opportunity Employer two opening for a P/T cashier & ange of current Microsoft oper pager support. Requirements weekly pay, custom Jobs. Call CRtlXI UNION RECEPTIONIST should be highly motivated, dereceptionist. Must ACCOUNTANT/OFFICE itlng systems. Diagnose and Include a basic understanding nowl 971-9046 Radiology Assistant /Reception- tail oriented and great with peo- BANKING be self motivated and have MANAGER ist - F/T clerical position, work- ple. Fantastic benefit packaged Excellent opportunity 'or a CUS- good people skills, must be llfferentlate between hardware of UNIX operating systems In ind software errors. Will be re eluding AIX, Lennox and SCOCONSTRUCTION ing In busy SLC hospital. Must Including health and dental In- TOMER SERVICE or OPERATIONS able to work some Intermouniponslble for rotating on-call with a solid understanding of SUPERINTENDENT Accountant needed for custom be dependable, organized, and surance and paid time off. MANAGER from a financial InstiSaturdays, drug free work >ager support. routers, switches and network taln Construction, Inc. a leading home builder. Responsibilities have a pleasant "can do" atti- Email resumes to: tution to make a great career place. Please apply at 11000 Ing. Extensive knowledge of eneral Contractor In the InterInclude A/P, A/R, payroll, job tude. Some exp. helpful jobs@fuslon-lmaglng.com movel We are growing and need South Frontage Rd. (280 Windows operating systems in- mountain Northwest, Is looking costing & financial statement but not req. Must have basic Requirements Include a basic a dynamic, enthusiastic person W.) South Jordan or email fax to: 801-444-0167 EOE, cluding 2003 server, active di- 'or a qualified Project Superinpreparation. Successful candid- computer skills and be a good understanding of UNIX operatwith 3+ years experience In fiyouwlniSvwsouthtowne.com Drug Free Workplace. to work in the date will possess strong analyti- communicator. Fax resume to: ing systems Including AIX, rectory and login scripting tendent nancial Institution management fax 676-6422 Ketchum/Sun Valley, Idaho cal, organizational & communi- Utah imaging Associates 801- AUTO Lennox and SCO with a solid Associates Degree preferred or and consumer lending to fill a work experience area. Mln. of five yrs. exp. as a cation skills. Experience in con- 296-6199. Larry H. Miller Honda inderstandlng of routers, equivalent Branch Manager position. Excel- CASHIER struction Industry required. Fax VALET/PORTER iwltches and networking. Exten- ilong with excellent analytical 'reject Superintendent Is relent benefit package. For more Larry H. MlllcrHonda resume to 801-467-9456 or ;lve knowledge of Windows op ind troubleshooting skills. Ex- quired. Salary Is negotiable. ADMINISTRATIVE A5SI5TANT Busy auto dealership looking Information, call Beckie at 463- CASHIER ier!ence with Hardware malnte- Company offers complete ememail: •rating systems Including 2003 for enthuastlc self starter to fill Busy fast pace business need3523. Apply on line at lance a plus. CUSA Technolo- ployee benefit package, Includtzvonek#brownzvonek.com ing person with good phone a full time position as a Valet/- www.ucredltu.com or In person Busy dealership seeking highly ierver, active directory and lo- lles provides a competitive ing medical & 40Kk) plan. |ln scripting. Associates DePorter for the service departmotivated, full time cashier. and cus-tomer service skills. at 3450 S Highland Dr Ste 109, ACCOUNTANT Please send resume to P.O. Box iree preferred or equivalent ;alary and benefits package. ment. Benefits Include: 401K, Must have great customer serBasic computer skills helpful. Salt Lake City. EOE Seeking multiple positions In 2319, Idaho Falls, ID 83403, York experience along with exvice skills. Great benefits InPermanent full time position In medical, dental, and a fun Interested candidates, please tax and auditing In a regional :ellent analytical and trou- ipply at www.cusa.com. Sorry, Fax to 208-529-4797, or clude medical, dental, and 401K. Draper.Please call Robert working environment with adBANKING CPA firm send resume to email to 801-523-5470. vancement opportunities. Apply In person at 4646 S. ileshootlng skills. Experience IO phone calls or faxes. CUSA UNIVERSITY FEDERAL CREDIT tlna®wlgginscpa.com Apply in person at Larry H. UNION is looking tor dynamic State St. and ask for Pat or Ash- vith Hardware maintenance a Technologies Is an Equal Op- holly_peterson«>lnterconst.com ACCOUNTING / OFFICE MANilus. CUSA Technologies pro- portunity Employer. Miller Honda, 4646 So. State St. professional with 3+ yrs man-ley. Or email resume to <br><A We are an equal opportunity ADMINISTRATIVE AGER Mftg. co., phones, Oulck'Ides a competitive salary and HREF H "http://www, cusa.com" employer atodd»lhm.com agement and sales and service ASSISTANT AUTO SERVICE AGENT-DEBooks, Excel. Word, A/P, A/R, leneflts package. Interested target a. "popup") www.cusa.experience in a credit union or Administrative Assistant CONSTRUCTION TAILER-DRIVER CHILD CARE: AT ALTA Quarterly & FET, bank rcconslll:andldates, please apply at :om</A> bank. We offer an excellent For full Job Information TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLER If you enjoy being around cars, Hiring 2-5 days a wk. Open 7 atlon, PNL, balance sheet, purmw.cusa.com. Sorry, no phone and benefits Installers wanted to build roadvisit www.nlche-assoclates. like to keep moving, and are ca- compensation days/wk. exp. helpful. Benefits, chasing, marketing. Send realls or faxes. CUSA Technolo10MPUTER/IT way projects Including Traffic com/admlnasslst-html reer oriented, this may be thepackage Including the best pen- bus & ski pass & fun! 4 5 0 -lies Is an Equal Opportunity sume to: 801-973-0224 or irashcr's Auto Auction Signals, Street Lighting, and Unoppor-tunlty for you. Fuel, sion plan In the Industry! 0026 twamcoQburgoyne.com imploycr. I0MPUTER For Information, contact Beckie derground Utilities. Previous clean, and shuttle rental cars In iUPPORT at 463-3523. Apply 9> ucredltu.ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CHILD CARE ACCOUNTING Traffic Signal, UDOT or Undera friendly, active work environ'omputar I.T Manager ISP SPECIALISTS com or In person $11.75/hour. Full time, beneACCOUNTANTS & CPAS ment. Must be 18 years of age xperlenced' f.T person wanted. We are looking for a fulltlme ground Utility experience refits, type 6 0 wpm, know Miquired. Hardworking individuals AUDIT&TAX or older, available to work 3450 S Highland Dr Ste 109Quality WVC center seeks dedi- SP and VOIP experience a System support specialist who needed to work with light, crosoft Suite. Downtown cated, loving preschool teacher nust. $50,000-$60,O0O POSITIONS AVAILABLE. weekends, and have a valid SLC UT. EOE ias general system support and Salt Lake City. Call 801-321FT & PT afternoons, comp lend full resume with relermedium and heavy tools, unCPA firm seeking highly motidriver's license. Benefit package CADD Technician lood troubleshooting abilities. vated Individuals to join its au- 8718. for full time hours. Part time West Valley City's Public Works wage/ benefits 801-916-4929 nces first correspondence to: I.- Excellent Inter-personal and derground conduit, boxes and vaults, build cabinets and foundit and tax teams In Its Ogden www.2sc.com/empl0yment schedules also available. E-mail Department Is seeking qualified ', P.0 Box 1768; Roosevelt, UT lommunlcatlon skills. Strong CITY JOBS EOE dations, pull wire. Install light office. CPAs preferred wrth resume to 14066 candidates for the position of SANDY CITY Management inowledge of fixing and conflq- poles and fixtures, mount sigminimum three years wllbournep2<3>natlonalcar.com, CADD Technician. Detailed In- Analyst-Finance irlng computer hardware, PC's, nal heads, Install traffic camerexperience. Salary DOE, usually ADMINISTRATIVE ASST OMPUTER or apply In person at the Salt formation at: irlnters and wireless. Good un- a's, set rcbar foundations and Part Time/changing to from $50K to $65K. Submit re- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT :omputer Networking Expert Lake Inter-natlonal Airport. Fol- http://www.wvc-ut.gov/, lerstandlng of windows net- pour concrete. Call 975-BB44 Full Time In May. Busy fast pace business needsume to: or complete Job description & low signs marked CAR RENTAL working along with word and to fill out an application or fax P.O. Box 9699, Ogden, UT Ing person with good phone RETURN to the NATIONAL CAR CARGO HANDLERS ifo on applying, visit: ixcel. Great benefits package esume to97 5-0509 For details go to and cus-tomer service skills. Material 84409, or to: Handiers.Matheson ww.nlche-assoclates RENTAL counter to apply. Advhlch Includes medical, dental, www.sandy.utah.gov Basic computer skills helpful. angelgjamescpas.com Flight Extenders Is hiring Mate vancement opportunities are :om/networh.html Ife & 401K Profit Sharing Plans, Permanent full time position In CONSTRUCTION rial Handlers SLC Location. or call 801-561-7009 filled from within. •mall resume to ACCOUNTING Now Hiring: EXPERIENCED Draper.Please call Robert $11.67 + $3.04 H&W, Holiday CLERICAL OMPUTER ingtep9brashers.com, Christian Non-profit seeks Ac- 801-523-5470. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AUTOMOTIVE SALES P/T- temp, Duties Incl. loading & Filar: Wed. pm.. all day echnlcal and ir fax to 801-322-1234 counting Supervisor/Accounts We offer a competitive wage & Christopher Kla Guaranteed unloading mail. Must have Thurs&Frl. Flexibility to co-ver Pay. FT, AA plus 2 years exp. ADMINISTRATIVE benefits package with 401K. ExSalary a valid DL, pass Drug/Phys, other wkdys. occasionally. Re- larHetlnq Writers I0NCRETE Intry-level & :ellent attendance Is a must Salary DOE $11-13. Send re- PT ASSISTANT Customer ser- Full Benefits criminal check. Apply In person sume: - Alta View Internal xperlenced. For Info visit: inlshers & Formsotters, Will Interested persons may apply 8;sume to Jullanne.hopklns® vice, computer skills (Excel). Personalized Training at 1900 Industrial Rd, Salt Lake Medicine 10965 S. State, ttlOO, rain. Own tools & transports- 30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. M-F at usw.salvatlonarmy.org $8.50 - $10/hr. DOE. Call Tony or Bryan City, UT 84104, starting 11/22, Sandy, UT 84070 or Fax: 571- /ww.nic he-associates, Ion. Call Rick 706-0860 or 8201 W. 5400 S. Kearns, Utah. Call Taml 565-7948 om/empopen.html . 801-9S6-3222 Call 801-973-9300 1369 S3-9339 EOE M/F/D/V Wireless City In Foothill Village Is giving 10% off all phones and accessories with student IDI1414 S. Foohllf Dr. Typing Help Wanted For Rent Jewelry Business Opps Help Wanted UTA Help Wanted |