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Show eee coset memento ance age ate anaes > AS WEEKLY DAILY TRIBUNE: TRIBUNE. Ponies PUBRISHED BY ONE the Tribune Publishing Co: Tribune Siraa Mowsnss ness ne sipormont’ parce aivence, ARE WE BaD pide aos "| VOL LX. OF ISRAEL ? How Thit they are one in Polyganiy.’ Elder Reynolds’ well knows, ind soon éan tell, Phe fruits of beliig of Israel: Wheli Penitentiary wall doth lose him in, To appease tlie wrath of a priestly horde; And Mountain Meadows will still record No tore Jourpal in Memphis. disnial Plague- newspaper éver baine froiii otf a pre&s than the Mem- phis Avalanche of Tuesday last—a pitiful half-sheet, mude up largely of “standing advers”’; devoid of telegraph- ic news save afew market and river reports, the signal service indications and telegraphic promises of relief; with all the local and editorial matter —of less than a quarter ofa column— bearing solely upon th@ fever; with a record a column long of new cases and ‘vith a list. half is a column something pee That be removed < i ; GOVERNORSHIP, THE you have got G. Wash fastened upon you until Hayes finds it for his interest sons témaining in the city, we will keep Open eur siore during the yellow fever,a kind Providence permitting”— it is not often grocers refer the opening or closing of their stores to a kind Providence, but these grocers of Memphis realize that they are living on the very threshold of eternity and are standing almost face to face with Al- mighty God. It is the same feeling that shows out in the first of one of the one-line locals: “God help us!’—the exclamation so often made lightly, but here rung out the departure of the Chief Justice. But suppose in the meantime—well; we friend where is Christiancy’s influence Sen- much account any how, effort ing does the work ;” “Many are getting a stiff upper lip,” writes the city editor reassuringly in his local column;and in the little scrap of brevier the editor writes: “When number of deaths resulting from proper or careless the imprudence of eliminated from the yesterday, the ratio to the new cases is make sickness with and good hopeless. good by treatment any means . How pluckily the poor fellow tries to make out a case—and yet how ly weak isthe sophistry on which builds! There is not much need sad- he of comment upon the text found in the extracts which we have made from this copy of the Memphis Avalanche. The text is a sermon itself, and we trust that no one can read laying the precept to it without heart: Provi- dence has indeed “been kind” to us in the North. God has helped us by holding back the plague from among us; by leaving us as a community in possession of that great blessing so _little appreciated until it is lost—health. Andas a community, thankful for the great blessing which we have received and anxious to show our thankfulness in tangible form, it is our duty to give to these our suffering brothers the help which they as keenly require; and give it reverently, even as they ask for it, in God’s name. Ot Tis Howard association, which is so nobly doing its best to alleviate the misery of the yellow fever scourge, is an organization which was formed at New Orleans during the prevalence of the same plague in 1853. It took its name from the famous English philanthropist, John Howard, and_ it is a society permanently established to provide nurses, medical treatment and provisions for sufferers by yellow fever. Tt has spread to all places liable to its terrible visitations. Like the Sisters of Mercy, its members sink individuality in the name of the association, and they are whole-souled men, pledged to stand shoulder to shouider in devoting their own time and means and the contributions of the charitable to relieving those whom a panic-stricken communi- ty hastens to desert. : OH Tur English Navy proposes intro. ducing the use of hand torpedoes, which like the hand grenades of the last eentury, will be thrown by hand into the enemy’s boats or over parapets. Instead of being shell, exploded by the fuse as were the grenades, they are of gun cotton, compressed weighing from into a cake three to four pounds. A long chord is attached to each torpedo the other end of which is connected with a little instrument held by the op- erator, and resembling a pistol. After the torpedo has been pitched into position, the trigger of the pistol is touched and an explosion follows. “One cake shatters a five-ton block of granite: . —___?>-0<______—— Ben Butler, in an address at the New York Advocate office on Monday last said that he did not own a dollar of United States bonds. The Washington Republican of the same day says itcan prove by the records of the Treasury Department, that he (Gen. B.) is now, and has been for some time, the owner in his own right of United States Government bonds aggregating more than $1,000,000.—Prztadeiphia Press. —_____—_ 3 ____“Suppose you were out in a jungle somewhere,” said Strobe: to Billikins, while walkimeg through the Zoo, “and should see a tiger come charging down on you, with far up and mouth opén, what would) sour rst thought?” “Well, I rather think ’ ” replied Mr. GB. “that for about two. seconds Dé conclude Alartiy Ann’s motherhrad jist come home from her trip to his report to parties directly in the matter. As Ihave no interest in the controversy, I subject by saying you will That very well, if practicable, and made mutually beneficial; or re! It would would be could be prolong be no is done by reports The localities. .On the contrary the Republican committee is giving the speech a very, wide-spread circulation, on hand of up Mr. Hayes’ Southern policy. True to the instincts of his race, he feels grateful and looking through honors conferred, Haytien cess. and between four and five When they until he got glasses It has taught the negro, quoth Langston, that he is an independent man and can vote for whom he pleases got down then out of ows mystéry. but From the here head all is of the De- partment down to the negro who has charge of the cuspadores, each one walks about enveloped in an air of profound mystery and if asked for in- formation looks as wise as an owl and regnant with great secrets which would set the world on fire if they should relax and unbosom them- selves. This sublime reticence renders it impossible for the public to obtain authoritative information upon topics of interest, until theGreat Mogul of the establishment is ready to give his irrevocable decision, Since 1870 the ramnifications of this bureau have been extended through every Depart ment. The séekers for early news have therefore necessarily to bare all. their statements upon circumstantial evidence in the main as I have shown in the recent investigation. ‘This kind’ ‘of evidence when © the chain is complete, is better, of course, than positive evidence, for to err in repeating facts is a human attribute. The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the Government, he repre: sents the. United States in matters in- yolving legal questiens, gives his advice and opinion on questions of law when required by the President or the heads of the other Executive Departments, exercises a general superintend- ence over United States Attorneys and Marshals and provides special counsel when required. He has a law clerk, to examine titles, assist in thu investi- gation of legal questions and in the preparation of opinions; a Solicitor Generai to assist in all duties pertain- ing to the office, and by {a special provision of law to discharge all the du- duties of the Attorney General in case of absence or a vacancy; these officials leok after court of the United States legal interest of the in the Supreme Court, claims, and in any court of cainp-im cling.” Tn €75 Hurcpe undtrwent « visitation of grasshopmers fur worse thai that experienced here. They are referred toin Spanish and German monastic archives; and are described as having hidden the sun and devoured crops of 100 acres in one hour. After devastating France they were ‘supposed to Attorney Generals—one each on duty in the Interior and Postoffice Depart- elsewhere. ments; There are a Solicitor and four Assistant Assistant Solic- itor of the Treasury, Solicitor of Inter nal Revenue, Naval Solicitor, and in the’ State Department an Examiner of Claims, each with a corps of assistants, all under the direct control of the At- torney General. Such is the stupen- after result which often arrows haye need. The archery clubs on the is an skill and Eastern active effects twenty-five to fifty members capital. Even slope to-day movement of there axe to bo foumd in others ows and and arrows, and methods by which the hits are to fails to discover any As with smell, so with Vi two gentlemen who were conversing unmasked in an alley of the beautiful Vennice. The examiner, a cleverman, but not always a correct speaker, sternly inquired, “Do you know, sir, that there is but one hen in Venice?” “Then eggs must be scarce there.” The candidate passed. “ both Ex QuEEN IsABELLA has a rare _collection of laces valued at over .$1,000-000. This collection is a_ perfect museum of lace of all kinds, epochs and nationalities. One dress alone, composed entirely of point d’Alencon, is valued at $20,000, and there is a set of flounces in antique guipnre which is even more costly. Of the Spanish mantilla veils her Majesty owns a large number, some of which are worth from $5,000 to $6,000 each. —______->6<-_____—_ A young man may not bea Christian —he may be one of the worldliest of worldly youths—and yet when he invites two young ladies into an icecream saloon, and finds, after ordering the cream, that he has left his money at home in his other trousers’ pockets, exalted rank in the assembly (the Princess of Wales) that she herself was the escaped boarding school miss, and ser- colored church ing to have him change into better paths but, the friend said he was too often tempted to permit him to become a Christian. ‘“Whar’s yer backbone, dat ye can’t rose up and stand temptation!” exclaimed the good man. “I. was dat way myself once. Right in dis yere to steal a pa’r boots—mighty fine ones, too. and —___—___ >- 84 asked a lawyer of his coach- an. “The horses are running away, “Can you not pull “J am afraid not.” “Then,” said the dicious delay, “run cheap.” 3 ; sir.” them up?” lawyer, after juinto something pile 23 haat Den a good There isa trial going on at Yuba city, California, which involves an inportant question of precedence between the two settlement of Cyprus. After the feast, the Lord Mayor beat the monarch hollow at dice and hazard, the civic magnate magnanimously returning the Cyprian ruler his money. The Lord Mayor’s name was Henry Picard. He is described as a vintner. Sia ass ta eg champion patient boy. me 0 cheap shoes off de shelf,an I left dem boots alone!” ————___ > 9 <4 Mining Law and Common Law. ruling of for out ’em. to let dem boots alone.” “An? you didn’t take ’em ?”’ “No sah—not much. I took a pwr FROIssarT relates that in 1357, the Lord Mayor of London entertained the King spirit whispered of Nobody I reached my hand and de debbil said take Maxine the best of it is a good rule for everybody. “What is the THE re- his was the other evening conversing earnestly with an aquaintence, and seek- was dar to see me, matter?” had at He Was Tempted. of the He went to a neighbor’s house for a cup of sour milk. “I haven’t anything but sweet milk,” said the woman pettishly. “T]l wait fill it sours,” said the oblig’ing youth, sinking into a chair. great mining and interests agriculture. of the State, In the ber across Lake Tahoe for shipment to this city. luniber. they grawl. through an in ‘. the park, ne They view se ~ borderline on . of Sunday, +t wood and-lumber is derived, ¢ ‘ = first California, the mining interest did as it pleased, and one thing it pleased to do was throwing the ‘“ailing” of hydraulic mining into the streams. As agriculture grew up, and the valleys along the streams began to be taken up with farms, this debris was found to be a nuisance. What is called hydraulic mining is the turning of a stream of water five or eight inches in diameter, through a nozzle, under a pressure of 500 vertical feet against a bank of clay and gravel and washing it away. This process ac- less 1» ot -worty friend. Wel ; were as it could pression of the velocipede nuisance. They are running over pedestrians daily. : _ Ivis reported from Idaho that there is little choice there between the Indians and agents, so far as honesty is concerned. Ar Seattle, W. T., they appear to have quit marrying and giving in marriage. Nota license has been issued since the 20th of July. Mavsam Moorg, the female long dis- tance pedestrian, accomplished a walk of fifty miles in ten hours and fortyfive minutes, at Denver, on Sunday. Tue California State fair is soon to open in Sacramento, and the jealous towns outside are circulating a rumor that the hotels are full of bed bugs. A Buacxk walutit, imbedded in a rock taken from the Black Star coal mine, fifty-two feet below i eae at the surface, is on the Bank of Anaheim, al. _VinGInta Enterprise: “Work is be- ginning to pick up at the foundries, and there is now no necessity for either iiachinists or pattern makers going on a tramp. Tu in the Horse Fly country, Cariboo. Chinese miners are making from $40 to $80 to the hand daily. Rather rich for Chinese diggings. SENATOR Burnerr,- county, Oregon, is similar fo the law of Benton preparing a_ bill lately passed in British Colembia, levying on the Chinamien of $30. TuE Los Angeles Herald 38d says: conviction a poll-tax of August There seems to be a general amongst the well informed that the Southern Pacific Railway will this fali 4d winter push into Arizona S. D. Fresn, liviig in the Central Colony, Fresno county, Cal., has two orange trees that were set out three years ago, and now bearing oranges the size of large apples. One tree has over fifty, the other, half a dozen. EeREkA Sentinel: A stranger would swear that Eureka was infested with “wheelbarrow @ianiacs” by the hundred. A great many ate trundling the. little carts in and out of several cellars, removing the float of high waters. Tur regular monthly examination of the California State Treasury shows that there were 6m hand on the 2d instant moneys as follows: Gold, $1,049,- 807.30; silver, $219,552.10; legal tenders, $9,438.79; total, $1,278,298.19. Tue Soquel (Cal.) Sugar Company’s works started up last week with a full tomplement of men. They have 10,000 tons of first quality beets on hand, and the prospetts are favorable for running the factory until next March Mrs. E. E. Cook sent a valuable set of jewelry, consisting rings and brooch of necklace, eat- of diamonds. and pearls, to the mayor of San Francisco, to be disposed of at auction for the benefit of the yellow fever relief fund. TuE Los Atigeles Hupress publishes a list of buildings now in course of construction there, the total value being $283,500, showing that the capitalists consider the depression of business temporary, and have faith in the future of the city. LARAMIE Sentinel: “Those two fastidious young white gentiemen who at tended the colored other night, learned which they are now people’s ‘bali the several new steps, teaching to their ree eis ee Vy man largely attended. was immediatel coursing through poor victim’s which has the blood of veins. followed The is well known. 8 : A pEDDLER accustomed to making periodical rounds through Clarion county, Pennsylvania, stopped the other night with John Logue, of Perry township. Next morning he related a dream of treasure found in a tree on his host’s farm. A second and third night the dream was repeated, and then Mr. Logue went with the dreamer to hunt up the tree. In a hollow trunk they found 5,000 silver dollars, and as the peddler did not want to_take his half of the silver with him, Mr. Logue the died exchanged ot everybody’s a fort- eaten nor it between the since also that time the neither burying and mis: instance of brute Y., where one of Martin Hayner’s of fine colts fell upon its back ditch, upon which its mate ran a dozen times from the ditch to its pair ina half mas- a ter’s house, whinnying till Mr. Hayner > ary ee, entered the lot, when it seized his coat and: pulled him towards the ditch, where the other colt was found and rescued with difficulty. ever ae Saket? + A Freak of Lightning. During the little rain storm here on the 16th, the lightning played a strange struck. Cherry Creek canyon. into the where it tore up the wi it broke o some dishes on a table, three legs off a sewing machine, killed The and asked if Mr. ——, the the He was. Well, was lift. He pedestrian wanted a dead broke, without a nickel, and was troubled with an aching void in his light expressed came yard stove, broke was. in. he the the hearth and the feet of the cooking A RAGGED. greasy, unkempt tramp went shuffling into a lawyer’s office why the ground, but in its pathway affected he be made. Striking house, it came down the stovepipe, passing across the floor out of the door not, probably. have So much for medi- some surprise as to from his stable on Sunday night. intelligence occurred at Brunswick, N. But $10,- other rapidly going. rs McNulty gays even without the hemorrhage Mr. legal was desolation about,” graves of its beloved master In forty-eight hours he died, and an autopsy revealed the presence of a mass of tubercles, and the further fact that one and the one lung was entirely The and tress. As remarkable an that he would get well im a day or two. stomach. The woman ago, bors propose verdict was that the lungs were not in the least affected, and this it was that buoyed up Mr. Montague with the idea one day, refused the keep it, Jim, with it.’ “Alt Indian, “me keep drunk, and when it dies of grief and starvation, as it soon must, the neigh- practitioners in attendance. The instrument used was the stethescope and the examination was prolonged and as jurist, the freak at the residence of Mrs. Kern, up seriously Montague would lived six months. cal science.” ee Indians a youn; similiar disease and died. many a they Lcndon is becoming faithful animal has had them examined two days before his death by one of the four skilled thorough spectacle.’ night rt were was though before it had heen tific instruments used in the medical profession, had an illustration in the case of Mr. Montague. Believing that lungs and treat the right,” replied take food from his widow’s hand, allowing no one else to give it any attention, A San Francisco paper says: “The fallibility of medical advice and the worthlessness of many approved scien- his Cheyenne, after its master’s death and would only every cent he possesses, and then write East for funds, at the same time informing his relatives that this is the ever held at t? very A Dog Stery and a Horse Story. A pet Pittsburg (Pa.) dog pined away make a stake I’m going East, where aman’s got some show.” na few weeks that man will gamble away country he of ———_—_———_ oo small capital in this country. He'll _be robbed and plundered all the year toughest the BrEsNaHEN, becoming every whit as bad as Waris under Second Empire. ‘ I might have raked IfI Mayor Ay undead) what the physician of the brain. She fever and conggys and public funeral died in two die Presbyterian church, was looking on what Shecalled “the shame- 000 on ihe whole thing. I tell you therc’s nochance for a man with a around by the stock sharps. COAST i oy Mrs. Field h ae, zbortly after it had New Orleans. SaoDken down with arrived she was taronounced bilious should overtake Loidon while she was and I only made and contemplation ot Grene erasa er boheme ene Seq grdered dress from da is fled the place lest he fate of Nineveh to the dogs after the next break. it is just my luck. vs NEWS. decency. is the meeting of finc folks the world it for three and sold it for forty. whith is in gin of Yellow Fever at Grenada. s of them are “in s(ciety,” with a big “S$.” An old Scoth lady passed by some of them, anda after asking “what “Havn’t you made anything on the rise.??: “Very little. I sold some Sierra Nevada-at twenty dollars.” “What did it cost you?’ “I had to pay five dollars for it. two from Lake View to Virginia City, will bring wood and lumber direct from the Sierra Nevada to this city and Gold Hill—Vérginda (Nev.) Chronicle, Aug. bodies. Some of tiem have historic titles, and most of tie least particular everything looks small and distant. “What do you think of the rise?” “Wait till you see them break and everybody busted. The town’ll go plum with every is carried to the mines here: This is but one of the sources from. which new flume, descend to this kin] of thing mere no- telescope, Glenbrook hours dufittg the day. At the summit it is transferred to a fititte and floated to a branch line at Carson of the Vitginia and Truckee Railroad, upon which it customs of aeerae o ts achers, while nit he No couitry i n inverted A train of cars loaded leaves BINDING taken with ajag not aroused and his Suspicion yy largely attended, the sofuneral waging out in force. Others cieties .icken and the doctors said hardly anything better than an exhibi-.'s <tllow fever.’ But the warning came too late, for the germs of disease tion of ladies’ limbs. The heave tl The the world has ever produced sich a race of chronic growlers as at tht Comstock. Nothing: ever seems ta suit some people here, and the more proserous they are the more —_—— town I had a chance two she blushes.—London want his minutes. postponed describ- ingly informed by the lady of the most he is’ prepared to die—and he doesn’t dissolution as he was laugh- member Newings 7 passing 1 > Vireinta Chronicle: than A ce “Well, you see, I’ve got no voice like the rest of them. It isr istt my If Id had fault—I wasn’t ce Snsulted. a voice in the | matter—er—(ettin &a mixed)—I d have had one.” ed, when, an hour later, his tow barges of wood and butts of tim- Then p-e@—<4-——--__-- be more easily imagined hide and fact that three steamers are required to which ‘“Well—ah, no-)-I don’t.” “But all your p¥eople do.” to her identity. Their guesses were more ingenious than correct; but the sentiments of the elder 5 ee may vice—to World. Timber for Comstock Mines. Some idéa of the immense amount of wood and timber used at fhe mines on the Comstock may be gained from tie Ladies Dresses in London. Of (Course. “Don’t you sing ;, Mr. Stubbs conversation, which lasted about a quarter of an hour, the lady glided gracefully away, leaving her com- which ——_____>-8-+-_______ must =mnaa« locomotion, “express” dto Chizdnerz claim for $10,6.¢5s¢ rs havses oster’ s | the figure to such.an extent that nothThe claim (placer) for ‘9 | wd. are ing is left to the imagination. question apparenily is who shall go also prospecting agit taking upslaims furthest. Nor are the ladies who conthemselves. I and was permitted to raise her black glove to his lips. After a diversified that the domino . = ok ang. neue gings for $150" respectful salutation, moved from her face was Thee ys, & promptly extended, remarked, after satisfying himself as to the correctness of her claim, that so fair a gage was mystery beach 0 male companion, being scarcely inferior in badinage, asked permission to touch her marriage ring; and, accepting the gloved hand which she puzzled manners above the that fordreaded the most Filth can diseases, but the plague of the tropics is not one of them.— Atlanta Constitution. A London writer says he is no prude, but ladies’ dresses just now are surely as this vicinity, a @ Cry; mints to carry nm mining ¢€} istoe in Ory have aC pur chased Wilkes r gradh dig- Strawberry Hill gayeties. His younger in splonn thinks * not two of oe capitalists ptirchy, ceeded jestingly to impugn her assertion that she was a married woman, and accused her of having escaped from a boarding school to take part in the panions See correspondent: Samurnn MrutEer, an old miner who died in Virginia some time since, left knew even a tithe of the mischief he ad done in life she would compel him $850,000 in State bonds as an endowto borrow her domino. Carrying the ment for amanual labor school in Albe- war into the enemy’s country, he pro- more our has pally merchants, tradesmen and mechanics, but desire to enter into agricultural pursuits for the present. They are anxious to breathe the free air of heaven and escape the persecutions which they have so patiently submitted to from their cruel masters for thd past 800 years —Joplin (Mo.) Herald. Fe retaken Gold“fining in Orgon. THe Roseveg (Or) Plaindealer gives the followin’\ayp . Ellensburg mons, in which he is now a much missed absentee, replied that if she ently spelled Venice with two n’s thus At one time of of the boys viciity until midnight. he mt have killed one them, once the delight of the House of Com- of has given us a site 1,050 feet level of the sea, an elevation bids the propagation of the fever, even if weicoiiied by shocking sanitary abuses. bring to our doors dreadful These peof terre thrifty, in- | 6z7. and intéy of tramihaxi REO 0 yu genes eceramt tant reece een tenes c capture “the Antiquary” would have called “his fair enemy,” that she knew all worthy itations it religiously clung to the water their eyes turned towards the shores of free Ainerica, and the result was they operiell Gortespondence with a number of Jewish Ameri¢avs; among whom was Mr. Landsberg: .Ten fhousand of these people; comprising about three thousand | families, requested Mr. Landsberg to select for them a location where they could establish a colony and remain together until they had learned the apand side. Fort Smith, in Arkansas, 460 fest. above the level of the sea, is the highest point at which the fever has ever prevailed as an epidemi¢ in this country. We state these fatis to show what nature has done for Atlanta. She of obser- statements regarding r. andsburg It has Quebec dalifax, but in all of the northern vis- the despotic government knew too well the good of such enterprising citizens to allow them to leave. Of course, . Indians. bantering tone. The elder of her male interlocutors was assured, by what Ot and correct Yesources. tle cabin, they’ carrid off their weinded, but remained bwling in the about him, and could, and she would, tell him many queer stories about who proclaimed that it had been found | bimself. Well able to defend in a. man trap last night in Mr. Ross’s himself in tongue encounters, the genground, who desired to return it to the tleman whose wit and persijflage were —_—— >) before he could use it, bythe gardens at Strawberry hill. She approached them with easy grace, and opened the conversation in a light and marle county, where 100 poor children are to be educated free of all expense, and taught the sciences, languages and feet above the sea level. peated as far north as another object in view. It is a well known fact that the Jews of Roumania have for years been a persecuted élass, and though they have often wished to emigrate to & totintry where their rights and religion would be respected; The At last, finding they coul not A Mysterious Mask. At the masked ball lately given by whereas women, who do not as a rule indulge in that pernicious habit, are ikely to be better qualified to form a like correct opinion on the merits of condiments. 7 captured the pistol, but iwas distinguished appearance, dressed in black and wearing a domino, observed No more poaching. ity were not combined. It has aarely prevailed to a dangerous extent away from large bodies of water. It has never become epidemic it this country at an elevation greater than vation: Having heard much of the Southwest, they determined to visit our country so that they could lay before their thousands of reagers triié at- In@ns, ease assumed an epidemic form in flie United States, where heat and humid- which he fird three shots | scholars aniong of themEurope: some £1 Theythe arebrightest princidoor, but ups hitting + Wi Tie Frances, Countess Waldegrave,a lady of owner. i any one. be owing to asuggestion that the palates of the men are vitiated by smoking; and shoe, and sent it through the neighboring village by the town crier, iV through the the article. poachers procured a human leg from the hospital, dressed it in a stockin gentlemen are hereon a tour Another one he cut severty abotit the | #S Joplin. hea 1. ne of Ind¢ins hada reoe of reckoned when the arrow strikes the straw-stuffed' target, the positions which archers. should assume while engaged in the sport, how the bow is to be handled, and many other interesting facts which could not be embraced within the short space of a newspaper by Celilo that of A. 8, this country. The result is that Mr. Lahdsberg searched the country over, and thinks that in Southwest Missouri his people will find homes that will He is especially pleased Indians got his head an@houlders in suit them. the door, when Splonn droe his knife | With the country in'\\the neighborhood | up to the hardie in, fis throat, | of Pierce City and atsended as far west | puvilisu- indicate us- Indians attempted to enter the cabin, but the boys, Splonmarmed with a large butcher’s knife union with an ax, kept them off. One of the each importers were and humidity are ale essential. It is never contagious, but it is tertibly infectious under the circumstances named, and its progress from the point of infection steady and gefierally sure. Ina city its progress is about forty feet aday, and it is, therefore; often called the creeping plague. It is well established that the infetiéd atriospliete lies close to the ground, a high Wall often arresting its progress. In no instancé lias the dis- in America. Two gentlemen who are among the most distifiguished of American literary notables, are at preseni sojourning at Joplin: Werefer to D: Isaacs; editor of the New York Jewish Messen: ger; and M: G: Landsberg; editor of the New York Jewish Oceident. These | about five miles from this city, thy were upon 2 low elevation; high teniperaturd and & Heatet atniosphere. Heat Ot Roumanian Jews Looking for Homes tacked by six drunken Indins, one of whom was “White SalmonBill.”” The rules, which handbooks ed by the makers not 514 inches, using 14-pound dumb-bells- capital two miles from Mr Curtis’*and which numbers, however, do not always show the limit of those who join inthe sport. These clubs are organized under Gertain did ing 114¢-pound dumb-belis, Cleared 13 can record having been of attack by six Indians upoltwo young are Hamilton American the wen, last Monday evening As John Jons, a sheep herder of Harts and John Splonn, a cattle jerder, both aged about 18 yedrs, wereengdged in cooking their supper at Jqnson cabin, situated on the Klikitat ‘ills, about spare for archery grounds. The clubs, therefore, visit each other’s residences and form very pleasant parties in-which the ladies “take a. very active part. In this vicinity are archery clubs. Each number from little fellow. by Emerick, feet '7 inches—the best previous Ameri- by A Portland dispatch ofAugust 26th trom A. Schuster, Sherif, of Klikitat country, Washington ‘rritory, the following particulars are larned of an to mostly located in country places, where the owners of real estate have room to much The Scourage of the South. It fiié‘ters comparatively little where the yellow fever came ffor#: Is does not lessen its terrors to know whetiier it first came from the West Indies or West Africa. It concerns us more to know that after the germ of the disease is brotight, fo our shores, its developnient fo, the epidemic point depends an England, Sépieniber . 18; 1875; who. Brave Oregon loys, are oversold a long in the party, well armed and mounted, and about 10 o’clock Saturday morn- Seared Them Effectually. Scotch gentleman plagued 13 feet 1034 inches. happens many of the would-be archers for Thompson, San Francisco, Cal., who, on November 25, 1875, cleared 13 feet increased arrows if left on the grass and out look worried or frightened a bit, and picking up his 18-pound weights he merely raised them above his head, gave a tremendous spring into the air, and éledied 14 feet and 8% inch. This beats the records all hollow, the be&t_ previotts being that of Joseph Greaves: Woodpark Grounds, Bardsley; the wait for a supply of the articles they so persons to some of the government offices. One of the candidates inadvert- affairs; pieces, way ahead, and the American makers are not yet ready to fill the demand, In one of the English colonies a competitive examination was lately held for the purpose of appointing fit their two mand madeupon it from all parts of the country. Orders, often peremptory, come in daily; and asthe English had nothing to do with it. Inall other branches of the Government there is a pretence kepf up that the people have manage in The ore development; and thatthe product, not only of silver, but of gold, will be largely m any way been able to supply the de- tion and its existence is a libel upon our institutions. It is a law unto itself and is managed as though the people a right to know just how their servants united during the night. It is estimated that one of the firms in this city has manufactured ten thousand arrows since the sport began to be popular, and has not in the Southern States. It is but} another illustration of what a large work of the hands. Buildings costing slice of bread can be covered by a very $100,000 have been erected and the little butter, or that Langston, notwith- institution will be dedicated by the standing the stain of white blood in Governor on 17th ofgAugust. Miller’s fortume was twice the amount of the him, is a negro still. endowment, but all his household WISH AS AN OWL. effects at the time of his death were The Department of Justice needs not worth. $300. overhauling very much. As at present conducted it is a kind of secret inquisi- made agreeable them, Oe discovers what no one else—not even Charles Foster—has done, that the Southern policy is a Republican suc- make visions, and then gave the Chinamen a turn. There were about eight or nine A or other, bolstering clock the >< ONE MORE HAYES MAN. Prof. Langston has abandoned for the nonce his mission to Hayti and returned to the States, evidently with the to the President for at entlemen and an equal number of la-ies. The arrangement, it is stated, is speech of Thurman has not been printed yet, and I doubt if it ever will be circulated by the Democratic committee outside of a few well known task. looked the mustards of various nations. The mustard congress is to consist of twelve “great” which fact, for some reason the Democrats do not like. but then pleasing manner by the composition of the jury who are to decide in Paris on of Blackburn’s circulation. They and all flavoring ingredients. This faculty has been recognized in a most committee talks. It is true, as has been stated, they occupy five rooms at the Capitol, but they have no seventy-five, or seven and five men at work there. Thus far only five documents have ‘been printed for general him, He fired one taste. Women are marvelously acute and fastidious in the matter of sauces POLITICAL WORK. most of the work done by the Democratic He smoker, often symptom of it. enforce it. The harm door. wroimaxn of smelling and tasting. will detect the faintest odor of tobacco when a man, even though a non lasting peace without the strong arm to Congressional not the Women’s Taste and Smell. The marked stiperiority of women over men is on few points more re: markable than in their superior power cost both lives and There can ac- 8 ed the patience of all equitable minded too much treasure. an was ing they left for parts unknown. They were all masked with the exception of one man. As it was gold dust they got, it would be.a good plan to inform the banks. a e Rocky Mount style of the Knglish; from snakewood to the store and helped themselves to about $800 worth of clothing and pro- controversy which has already exhaustpeople on both sides and countries too many valuable being stakeholder. | who cleared 18 feet. Hamilton’ with a ease; jumped 13 feet 244 inches. merick now strained Himself. for a final effort, and with a bound; He left tain region will prove more productive ofsilverand gold than all the rest of the world—not betause there niay Hot be meher mines elsewhere}, Dtit. that nowhere else is there eiiiployed .oriefourti so much money, enterprise, mechanical. and technical skill in minilg as in the mines on our Pacific sope. We believe we are on the eve of an immense States Government has placed a heavy duty on imported bows and arrows, bed, and they put thrée revolvers to his head. . They persecuted him. considerably, as they hung him up by the neck twice. Heis very sore. They then went to Dock’s, placed hini on his bed and got what he had. They next went if there only made he his money. waited for Feeney for our Mexican border difficulties is to over haul the tariff laws and enact a when Colbath 125 potinds and is awiry The first jump was made unt of bapit i before the ‘ PACIFIC Russian to derive success from our victories and sacrifices. May this be a lesson to us!” —Pall Mall Gacette. ———_—___ > @~—__-— Buffalo bese ball grounds were selected ith American makers have been stimulated by the great demand to attempt the manufacture of bows and arrows out of American wood. Handsome bows are bad what he had they marched him to Joe Burcher’s cabin. They ceeded against for barratry. THE LATEST SPECIFIC treaty. They that would found there was interested personal drop the learn ere whieh, George Bellanton referee, and George B classes. of the other hand, people have arrived by hard experience at the conviction that intelligence, capacity, culture and energy bring men to the front, and give them: peace at home and power abroad. iis knowledge of how to make the best pussibls dse of their energy and abilities that has eitébled the English athlete. George Hamilton is about-5 feet 5 inches in height, weighs about with a tough, springy wood, make a very handsome looking bow, aswell as being serviceable. As the United He answered and clusion that it was best to admit long that every fact and every surmise written by me can be substantiated or erhaps the forty contrary lawyers in Salt Lake City all ought to be pro- reciprocity they out. Chase where no cutsider can see it. To people here-this indicates that the powers havé not the confidence in Mr: Chase that THz TripunEe has, élse they would not be ashamed to show judges. and one of the last to pick and Send on the, goods.. The English commenced making a fire to burn him K. é All not estimate culture and knowledge at Most of us say that their true value. mental work does not bring money, and that culture is a means of corruption. * Jn Western Europe, on for the contest. ‘Tné Buffalo Star says: J. Emerick is a medium sized iidu; The amo : dotibtless reckoned on the field, who of Russians. and the match came off in Buffalo on Thursday, August 8th. Moses McAllister. and D,. A. Slaight were the Californi so he opened the door: im shot through the United States, in any State court or have perished in the Atlantic, OFFICE. ie boldness of Lord Beacons: society are responsible for this; we do Record. uiip for $200 a side. J. Emerick, of Ypsilanti, Mi¢kigen; dccepted the defy; person has a right 1 running streams, others who live al miners claim that mini ows are usually aidtle.of yew and lance woods ; the ornamental bows being pieced with fancy woods which would not be elastio enough in themselves for on ton; of Fredonia, N. Y., isstied a challenge for a standing; broad and high to English “friends;’? they wanted votes—at least none inthe Senate and that is the point @apput just now. the im- nursing and from the patients are twenty-six deaths of of the remainder not so large as to nursing, JOB NO. 36.) i ge meee mar rents : ing of {He Sonic {inie sitice George W: Hamil- game ability of the English makers to one. iFurt, Field and Farm.] claim that; under over $5,000 worth that it is impossible to supply, in consequence of the in- quainted with the whole crowd. He refused them admittance, but they told then? popular # rs counter superior culture ot Higlishmen to that umps as they Have been thirty years. . Compania: to virtuall onan: Wonderful Leaping—The Best Standing to throw their tailin It is said that to, BOOK HOPPERS. pe hours to daylight, and came to the con: answer, having no THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is still holding that report of B the | it would take a 14, 1878: S toward the Virginia, North Carolina and eons gold mines. For the first tithe in their history, effarts are makand hickory; the elasticity of the latter ing to asceitain whether deep mining overcoming the brittleness of the form- for gold .may hot prove . a ueuve 0 er. The service bow is made from as good restilis, as if .Californta; lahcewood imported from Cuba, and Nevada and Utah. So’far only the one firm in this city hes set apart a surface of the Atlantic. old diggings portion of their large factory at Valley has been scratclied; and flere is every Falls for the purpose of making reason to believe from analogy, that these bows. The arrows are made ‘the surface gold found thee is indi¢aof Georgia pine on account of the wood tive of valuable mines 1000 or 2,000 being light and straight, and prize ar- feet below the surface. We have lon rows are being constructed of Georgia held the. opinion that thc next great pine (old deal) with snakewood points, speculative excitement of the country an improvement being added by bind- would be in the directionof gold and ing the ends of the feathers in the head sitver mining, and that tlis will occur with silk, so that the damp will not re- within the coming five fars—W. Y. move them from their places—a dis- Graphic. ! asked who was there. You residents of the Territories are not idents to be brave in the face of the danger that menacesthem all. “Careful nurswell, so keep TRIBUNE ee gee SEPTEMBER neni alters the face of the: the streams, forcing “th the farming lands, ai tiling debris ov case on trial in Yuba, right of niining com individuals.. One importing firm in this vicinity has orders on hand for to be so used, but Boys to you Sweeney out of bed. ate, steps forward and taking the Pres- former = manufacture the weapons fast enough to meet the wants of clubs and private ROBBED. Agents Tock in the All They Had. Ihave to chronicle was acivilized people or an established government, capable of enforcing its from the depths of suffering hearts Yaws to deal with. But what is the use of making a new and formal treaty oppressed by a great fear, and yet not utterly cast down _be- with Mexico when there is no power in the country capable of enforcing it on cause God may indeed send the help for which in their sore extremity they + the border if not popular with the res- ray. ‘ Wary pitiful is it to mark the BAR the r thousands of men to Muitipiy- ing ii New York, of ¢roquet.. Archery Clubs are springing up in all parts of the United States with such rapidly that the importers of English bows and arrows. find it impossible to supply the demand, as the English makers cannot luck. that, befell, lowa Bar: n the evening of Alig. 80th; about 6 o’cldck; a band of robbers entered the Cabin of Joe. Brevere and took what money he had and tied Barcher, Savage and Joe. They. next went.to Sweeney’s about 12 o'clock at night. They called diate.;BOske” oi¢ jae: : ‘ Next December is the given time for of the late Hitchcock, now in the Road AND ARROWS. San pees the Archery Clubs are out outgrowths business to- Mr. M. Nelson, writing toa friend in this city from Iowa Bar, Idaho, under date of the 3d, says: ident by his hand expresses a pretty firm wish that Schaeffer and the Governor one or both shall remain, per- IOWA City com- have 13 SWe : ite, lerk Of seathe Peadody has it; “Will: Fifer’s:. caseis:; ayrver serious one:” “Father Mather’s condition is critical ;”? “Joe Russel, while at- acconiodation of the few the its bined. e° same individual last spring, when it required only one more pull to. start the Governor, took the Gentiles in Salt Lake ever; that only shows he is human; and eares inoré for himself than his imme: ehas a bad case.” And then we come upon a five-line tragedy like this: “B. A. Hollenberg’s imprudence in giving away to his anxiety about his wife and arising from his bed to go into her room probably will prove his death. Fever in childbirth will kill his wife.” In the advertising columns, too, the pervlonge stands out sharply. Pat ersoh 4& Ross, Srocers, announce: the The very good care to “hedge,” through Rogers, to retain his position. How- Fred R. Brennan, the the Appeal, is down. has to dismiss him. G. W. has an active friend near his own person who, if rumor is to be believed, has more influence at the White House than all of tending the Odd Fellows’ sick, was stricken; ‘The night toilers have injustice: .but he ion of the Secretary of the Interior, on tlie One hand to pay the two dollars royalty as great ag the other is.equally ready to receive it. PaBLo. actions gliastly long very dobes dn question seems at last likely to be settled satisfactorally and forever in favor of the tunnel makers. Both sides seem to be pleased at the recent decis- depending entirely tipon circunistances. AS Pierpont, nt day might be greatly simplified and better men might be found to act as its agents. THE SUTRO TUNNEL morrow—which in fact means when freely interpreted: I make you this promise now just to get rid of your importunities, and I shall do as I hymn book please in the future; my of constituted, is one of of the civil war, and some time or cther will say, Conover or some other ‘For the estas ae ec ake 2.00 Reh net eee: 1.00 unique styles of Type, Borders; Cuts, ete. a ee pe nace Tg -a as « _ Withina shot time; comparatively, the Americans liave taken up the old English sport of archery; which at cite time was so peculiar a feature of Eng: lish sport and practice as to make the names of Robin Hood and Little John, the noted foresters of a by-gone age,and Maid Marian famous in history. Since the sport was introduced here, it has so grown in faZor, especially among the ladies who have a timid horror of touching any explosive weapon, that it has almost driven old machinery and tools to work with. These need overhauling and remodeling. The Department.as at present is, he promises in the frequeiit allusions to. the fever thfotighout the column or two of local 1otes. simply as “it;” or by there infer: 6nce to be deducted from the context. “Hans} Lemion’s | three children been struck. city editor of any one in the dim future, or according to the Spanish, by-and-by some time after to- HELP. [Philadelphia Times.] tleaths: _ There officials. regime ———s CITY: SATURDAY, [New York Commércinl Advertiser. | some- the Department of War at its lowest ebb for that | official, through some mismanagement secured many very questionable agents in tesponsible positions. The present head of the Departmentis believed to be a coliscientioltis, pains taking. official; one who would not knowingly do wrong or permit a stibordinate to do The Several Departments and Their Management. anes shall Appearance of a Stricken aristocratic Advisers on the Wash Question. Judge Sutherland and Senator Christiancy that Chief Justice Schaeffer Sept. 6, 1878. “ The President and His Influential Utah done for their savage Lord; But Americans yet will ring the knell Of the demon Mormon Israel. JUNIUS. How tithes it spreads the mantle of Charity over gréat delinquents. Under tlie WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 1878. _ Poco tempo mas manana is all. that can be got otit of the President about Desiroying life without retilorse ot sbiliztie. that res- public at large that its come under its jurisdiction, but Gorrespondence Tribiine:] All were butchered for théir Lord: Bo Latter-day Istacl has done the same— from the name wotild naturally give it, but it is a fearful reality to minér officials who eg Then we (who are of Israel) Will be very thin; Israel of old, as the records show, ™ Killed men and women of Jericho. A CRY FOR pect at BOWS The in- “the Department of Justice.” stitution does not command Qo Utah Affairs ate Looking the Capital. —_@———_ in one crime at least all must agreé, The murders ; a A ¢ulprit, George Reynolds is his name, Is very aiixious for some one to tell Areé the Latter-day fellows of Israel. dous structure known to the public as : ast : : SALT LAKE ess WASHINGTON. WEBS iat . 7 oe A Granny Writer of ignoble fame= Now, PERE Me e Is the most complete in the Territory. It has been recently fitted with ai the latest and moat crc et Ae MONTHS. 'HREE THE Building, STREET. TERMS: Soma SOUTH g a9 The SECOND TERMS: prepaid). ........5.. $4.90 SS 5 Office; (postage Six Monrss, ‘ Tupkz Montus, (INCORPORATED) py ees YEAR, to acat that and made floor... happened to be in its way a complete wreck of the Mrs. Kern was at the time standing at the table, about four feet from the course taken by the lightning, and her baby was sitting on the floor; strange to say neither was injured, save their being very much frightened. —Cherry Creek Independent. es ee Effect of the Treaty of Russia. The Golos says that the Treaty of Berlin has prodused an almost crushing impression on the Russian public: “Tt is felt that Russia has not attained her object, that she has been deceived Ot by her friends, and that she has foolishly helped her enemies by her victories. * * * What is the reason of our failure? One-half per cent of our population have perished in the war, hun- dreds of millions have been expended, and yet the Eastern solved, and the question Treaty is of Berlin not is —_—_—_——_—_> a mere truce. The last war hasclearly shown all our natural peculiarities as well as ourmoral and material strength OT The rewith your divorced wife.” quest was based upon such unique grounds that the jurist bestowed upon his charity client a solid silver hal mums we CEM ES eee ewe ama |