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Show » Salt Lake DAILY TRIBUNE. PUBLISHED BY Publishing Co. " Tribune ‘The. : alia mm INCORPORA ‘ —— Office:; Khe : , Bullding, Tribune |” WEEKLY YuAR, (postage ‘ ‘Six Montus, THREE Montus, ONE THE SECOND SOUTH STREET. orn Zn 4 f prepaid)............. WAS ap coe xt Penne 10 00 ; 5 si $15,000; at : the Capital, ant in eee oT ROS hie es i edtient oh men. : writer : is incorrectpublic i several ect in WasuHineTon,¢ Sept. 9, 1878.. f | letter ‘ de" OF Thal Ost contitutionality. (the involves aee —e—_ ; e OP Sgn misladiataiaesion and bea The platform reproduces part of the faction is meeting with) The Butler opposition and shows signs of | declaration of principles made by the strong party in 1875. Deprecates If Butler's ranks * are | Democratic which weakening. yearly tends to oblegislation Coal that the trial: original as made.in'the Thie LEW Appointment others should be admitted. A resolution thanking wh way. | that Meade got Grant to write a letter saying that he had never seen such an WALLACE. of General Lew | order, when the simple fact was that for his decided» ground was then | De passed, amid great ap-| to Maj.upCox’s was delivered ‘2¢ order Wallace Pe sdsas Governor peat of nyNew Mexico, || chief commissary, who packed and | Hints PlaUuse. avid Powers, of Springfield, | giveauetiigloenis sections tls ane er | was starting off when. the order was isn took the floor and requested the | a ft cents he is pareonttly very popular aH had an excellent military record. Heisa scat he son-in-law of Henry'S. Lane, and went| tacties: cavalry. to sass oa } Rapidan ‘ Volunloer : TatInfantry, j onan nees nor — serving inthe West and Southwest antl Hoventh:: Taian i that | 45 sce that only delegates holding cre to the hell oar! appointed and dentials be admitted rie The committee was , aol ee ome feitens fo in proving his right to vote-before any | tribunal. On the contrary, whosoever | denies that right should” be held to | make good that denial. We call upon | ‘tad a Foitihes: ve de ole SHS of his ees associate outside. ; The thief had City, outfit | death they were not sepaing for a prospecting’ tour. We disignleaves behind him a wid- | €d prospecting Central and: Southern Pueblo, Col., was fired up for the first are arriving in Prescott pea nbiids Ph Copan Parte ret Bane pees ing Sy aaa order. eeeteat ‘working a excellent eee a ‘bans bat with the Pima Indians ; a lion weresel cast, and the proprietors seem : A : one Tum Arizona Miner says that a war | visit a number is probable. 3 : VCLOG. | he : Q y-iwo sharks’ were Cr : : als and after ray to. an eneacement at Braintree- | thirty y miles, , camped mak- | caught near Anaheim, Cal.,; and were i? oa6 way sez, Kean found himself onADU’ the | 128, 2 Supper of slapjacks, bacon and | utilized for their oil. and_blankets our robes spread earth coffee, mother : ri ish side e of of the the river, in for | , [“M@ensE numbers of cattle are now and turned @ | yon without 104} in er 4 || to pay ole wardrobe the H ferry. With tied up ina his | the ni geht. pocket-| felt About something i midnight. Lit Mitchell disturbing him, and daily ippe aily beibeing shipped : east from. : ae ®t¢ allowed to enter, the employe a reception. face. Next morning we concluded | will be tendered prey #r¢ dumb,and the superintendent cou\} B ee 20t be pumped with a forty hot i oi he e |pursued d hi his journey. pay theus dogto return would to not thatit miles as he]| thirty pping wetWithout deliver to his THE assessed wealth of Colorado, ac-| yas, Steam power. Ah faving eaten or drank, he arrived at| purchaser, so we continued on our cording tothe report of the assessor fever and ague for sometime afterward. prove Sill not | that the Vallejo aue his. cou ae sie J trunk out of the burning build ‘It is th ght tha nh that : the had heart dicoweate probably * xciteme » ; : up had all waked , ‘ as that, frequent om soe both ways,e ns “put Pp on Intense excitement followed, amid} retired from the hall. a stand | which, Avery Pecan ie ago” crown :of a chum who in the fact | ing log” some time ago and wore indicated isBee and) ur there sna necessity | Boule. LliBastin. and) urgent calls are made | Par ccdsbrepenhat off the poor victim’s head and call | to say. ae equent for money to use in paying | committee this tax for white people who cannot | afford to do so. The Democrats have | ened De RE Bade the ¢ » Ne than blacks are _ whites the || polls on accountpay ol this away fromor the unwillingness.to {mability nied general the to had leftt the ee as “Congress” Me ni | ramets Sf] hated” tats L s | they | g ‘The follo aie Tieidientaltus, |sdelt ya ert head. A delegate moved that a committee | | trates the pure cussedness of our boys: a well known mining man, | of two be appoimtod to go outside and | Major G., the || at the doors crowd inform the on In the vicinity prospecting examwhile wouldthat credentials of alkaliof || commuttee got an overdose Star district, ‘ This was | j ine the credentials in hishis hathat and lost his hair. and delagates, that.some dis-S- || in of . proper tax and it is represented authorit p as he | admit those who. had to the Major, tricts will be lost to them unless aid iS|a heavy blow o Tones eR SUN out BRET | They ) waited 4upon Mayor : pat : Pratt: wh fecth, the ! a, Camp. HARNEY, advices of the 9th state that Chief Hatch, with three lodges of twenty-four Piute Indians, to tee 1853 storey In 40r two of musty co cornmeal | and on no day of that mo , puzed the j ( ABU cx | less than 110 deaths, eine and Ree gmt roy | He sent youll e a i S the Indians. , from molestation further i . at oe Paewoille Beubont a received the information in storm fierce snow Ae aaa aes who was lost: in a of his brother Bart, north of this place, a a ea in n ATT aratl one | Water longer thau an. E * 2 Crores i ir 16,000 dry tons. rete nt Oe [ee , "nee ai ae Oe He found that the os ey SoCs adapted: ue to to selain air : inventi invention. ee dae an mountai the early last ieee fr and ile rhalf himself which ginia City, at This i ae to the TO, feed Soa ba truant 4 y De an, 5 caused eee. Cal., » by VYsnr fire agree eee - | county, y owner of six gold and silver this prcceniion.j5 neccessary B Thee am VAL inia _ Aeekee he Zoi Loticneheen dispute about a horse in Paradise Valwords they From ley, last Saturday. : nied “In “tn Vir Wuchange Hechange:: present, it is justifiable honiicide to shoot any whan broaching any other subject than the crosscut in Sierra Nevada. In Bodie the right of franchise willin futnre be limited a ee i 1s ae i ; Erancisc o San tA fare boys tows pHation.of $906,589} and the Virginia | s Deliaw ave Dunter ‘stud Vesseis Ohi hair. He observed 0 ted for swim | Durrna August, fiffecit ge bemeelves in | coal from Seattle to San Francisco, were not especial] to waxadruped. | their cargocs ranging from 383 tons Yiadije and aggreeach, 1,050 ming they could sustain ysicianeleer in | 4,340, averaging te nea Ob ote it is Sided ae ie i ae attainable, dieied that suet I | 12,000 sea: Tea ore conta 2S ventured once—ah, Me ; hiding There in the surren-. to their fear-of b&d surrendered. They were at hg {0b. oF ee Mountain. are still four lodges of Piutes Mountains who are willing to der, People have goné back ranches in the valleys without Now, corkhaslost | Mountain Division of the Union Pasustaining power, cific road, in behalf of the lightning. ; r haiz,which has been found serkers.in the-Sonth.. r, has taken its place in Tue Central Pactfic Railroad Com- | AsAMastern | P22Y 1s assessed in’ Washoe on a val-| seaor rere one nail acres was much worse. In New Or. | the maximum of | when seeeny SERVE ou ae and oe ar‘attained has been | be—vermiculous. . At 103. Au _of that year there content ourselves | were 25 Sue our thnaticncootce ofoon, | jausted ‘thr about : of alate ter te [Ades buoyancy in water. its supremacy in hada Southwest, no a0 west, it is NOt been in that quarter: nl : rely vee ee x9 honee a> moat And out ‘for rent’? in the front window. f more houses.” ti there‘ei isademand for still ce : the telegraph Light as a cork isan old simile for | among sthe Dé} which stfendec fortune,pictures and with erful fame oe to derfuly contrast aad these. with is lumber of load at mae ? ine aoe passionate Deol 2 ee fully realized that the Butler faction had control of Mechanic’s Hall, they a committee to see what | yy appointed, be done toward procuring a hall. could wi 1 i on drayman, a along-side ists seated 2 ae and ‘before eG J of “Iumber, dark that load of converted 1 looking |’ Tm roads leading to Bodie from all | Green Williams were staying at thesr Upon dog. valuable ibictpmaee time.”. “ : : © aed with a.people, Ce our trip, dairytheof dog the sold 'ad ions are!: crowded overhad amt that Bey I found L to enlist, but + we the desperate that he offered | tik wes Pee ime aa ie BOE was persuaded against it by a good na-| seventeen times, and I realized from fe oon of a aaa Muscle’ Slough, of the Meaewaiepeae Sig OFike Urea region SRL? famous AR AEG ta : Rip "The line. oh APR dollars. Dares stage fortiy-five the.galed a apparent thanks to the!) | moral this tale of just nau Sore, dancing-master, ees a benevolent jaid ofOre al LC anEIves Raga conclugiolea i. Aidihns ranchmen — haveto One: but | LONGMONT, Col, not recommended for its moral, truthoneabout just. is . who gave him a £5 note, and interested | simply wheat the time this propose they that wheat so plenty ae related because of its ‘1 himself : in procuring patronage for the | half threshed. Most of the threshers hi by doi use it for chop feed, : ntertainment, they obtained sufficient | Pa¢ for about sixty DAYS nope been at Ro & bas = Ae sip peice eke Sac Democrat. ee Bu to London. money to carry aa days, and some predict that the grain rng as Seana s Gee om rh ere were some years of strolli certal ie f Christ tested ised 4 $165> | mas.”en a ; ae 2. eeOC. EL. iN ANNETT A has raised Hunters.Retr A Hint toaaa: him, ere es atiadaed ta!. the ; especi efore Jing & : velo: ven weeks Vir- Then», , and this Sena ap . ch who asked, come inOe again?”ane ee eo one could gone and stage : and coated policemen in the corridors ant anesSS?ae e° MM: Mayor s eae any said, no,ne to view miles before breakfast to pass his | convention adjourned until Wednes-| pre. pre- | ten peas nee die Knee pt hand tea cei over the glisten- | day, September . 25th . : which's erase _ ~ Ce : ‘ the regulars at 8:30 at o’clock the Mayor k se : : Worcest situation and of the was | to who ej josh of a ca mp and ai listen pa. ane rruptedica the speaker, aa with a to posse Be BENSuae reester arrived : fty officers. them toof | p; He appealed aces Acer toicacease speaking. and Opequan Hill minded, Fisher’sHigh Donelson, vet) to the sober advice of so Be obliged honest| | tiently or Winchester. ; disperse, and told them if they would to.a fault as well as brave, it is thought Bas pinedraienan as to the best hair | t jook in the glass and. see if a go all in out, heThewould the | threean of (Laughter.) thattheir himself. again intimated mayorprotect but toown.| rights, bad enough; Ricd “Yox sea to manage"of restoratives, the manTerkitory McAfferty he is just here three-| knew of those [9 hunting iscoat—one distracted’ Giiaiisthatine police of the city’ should not be used to Dp . a e ; ; i story, all-pocket duck things—is comNew Mexico. to listen to c lear the hall when the Convention was convention the sa: urging to had Avery what | ieee i i m itself. d misery pound Dire ee : regularly assembled. : Nee at, Strange that the loss of one’s hair : ‘ nit ; 7 a McDavit (Butler’s jHivutenant) bats aBceip ioe th a eles See aaa while we ries ochatintia epalosinne een. ipton which Deg uires ee she ; the scene, and asked th - | appeared on 2 a ‘ i mirth. reas- | thing else, should be food for 5 Ay i or oe or if it was : true hat° hehad poss asy “fie ee oe ca ne te 4 : ej | E S ) oy icles Siollae betore. ba oo pe and hay the average miner will walk; aa a Fort | standing Creek, Corinth, Cedar : still | atmosphere ne Arizona, e ceaaicenir iadedee oe Che j . | are building amped up Tus is the way they eee these days, for the is not unfrequent, early riser to see some of an copie 2° x ‘Tam authorized) said ) a f 3 ttery, of patiles Prescott, at ee ao oulp aioatien ee ei ihe log “house in ane ene eee Ee ee aeaonb Beene eee having in possession our “faithful aad cinders. arrived Juabl as eee A.M. Chafen was destroyed by fire | Mr. Chafen.succeeded in bringing his ad eta |r ta ater be hd than to om | eyeneen Communist sega of ign among thetuallyidparticipated others inthe | another hunting coat.. To be the | commencing to speak. i ilinses, ke | then fell dead. Pano. | Male MgO‘ Jomzed to bis tet | wre gen fori ‘hen ecole | wniehwas eke 1 the Wane enya |fag'a'vopo ar inst i dtago,_Gonra was Lasr Sunday morning about3 o'clock a house in Silver City occupied by Tuz Carson Appeal notes the arrival of : $150,000 in Bodie bullion and. the with his Gi to Swansea 2 Grn stock eRicdea ee kerchief, slung about his neck, he | UP0n becoming thoroughly awakened, | Posrmasrur-GunpRAL Kuy is expect. | on Seas nged in and swam across the found our faithful dog licking his | ed at Sacramento next Thursday, and Bote tal eee om Birmingham ees ith the aces ty. Bie operation litivation doe eee i the: ( ee young eye aevoriera 2 it, save as they recognize in all things mother. with Dressed is growing ATE Hays hi liv} foot, the justice and wisdom of their prin- fiful f every ownersmore arebeauti} day andthe ciples. ok stole sahicle an whiskey pony 78 high—oysters, di The resolutions were adopted unani- | two-bit ouldér.s db AhOuMEEh A hoc cigars. retired, and before they returned, a | rush was made for the hall. One out- | follo A eat y a theamob.= The e vehidoors } At} the police. 0% then closed entered | McAfferty Major by Nevada ¢ . i points along the Union Pacific. jerra 16 tah aunt toe he eee ee ‘getti i ie ve aa es n no aa a ee eC. ) 000 C TE a i aR i i Stepan leather oak Me ecane a had finished packing our animals, the | shipment from the mint of $100,000 in on ae we be 5 i ce in blue from head to eee seemed ad te to ie be Carers. l g very so tobe Tauren car loads of laborers left 8t.') with us,;we had not the heart to travel ga ae ae Fe his | hack fifteen miles to restore him. to | Louis, September 5th, for Colorado, to | Fan S over Adjourned. mously. this juncture Ost ee he a . peethe | Bait Panta Fe fe extension. ie and day, ann? eS miles~jthat the thirty-two L : fen Bes mien of clothes ? he Tooke Th Mh some timd smontho the will be made e durine® ‘ forty tons cae upon 7 CAUSE OF THE ROW : aa very. stepped Hath eheors: li They started on foot, with as. a atMajor-G con- Meon. aS warRee goers lieutenant. this time for e best mine : put AN fore the Senate § ea | firmation ee d ofof this 1864, J he was ae The facts are as follows relative to 7 Miaias, Fomneny 5 || TOh UGMon = S , half aefor twoOa dollarsCage eneralin the J few shillings” in their pockets, ) and fhe of thethat.gulelja side ae one allon | not 2. | and | State Senator from White Pine, has the , f l a h by a Hall and Mechanics’ of g seizure with headqu the | request “By Department said: and platform the made th was attempt proves. An Hays and the Kate. ionioae made a quarter of a million by the quarters in Bal. | reoular army. 1 re, and inue them.to ae Bristol Pant eck arriving at They upon penniless. jH selves ea jour obliged were found timore, and | did much ich Dpby his firmness | to defeat hi Wand iti was sucecsst j of the e D Democratici State : Convention i I ites: eo ere sate a vicinity of udtip cb Hill shoul calls and ens ee 7 ee ae eae his Ha me Hl Grant came up and me vests merbane: (8 ee sine prospected. might not follow us. | necenbrigesin more thoroughlyBe so that the dog rope for a| But manager Swansea to the when oa: isses followed each other inas rapid]: Dr. r.d M McSheehy, of Boston,ae ; and other Bhod ucts. ‘petal fa quiet. ; THE amount of California fruit that vigilance : his nor a man’s the } almost was came, it 5 ao he : his maintained Avery 5 succession). aft p a cypher vor. : ee S aee to. the Monoca- Met adeoe,was. practically July, 5 1864, heb wasas sent ardent Butler men, entered Mechanics’ % ae ee swallowed up by the expenses | were sufficient to retain the dog; for has been handled by. Western mer- | after yP ye a for cy with an inferior force to-i Half a and Dollars Nine | J. P. elect to tpocadtiad ans ye ideleewts a is larger than that | summer this Chants | panning were we while after days two | it. for Se waiting while incurred had ey een ane ther ph ruen ie Toppercaches 8 soe uote Barly sy Bena pi ie oe ; She ary ASE, remai aah se; gppstan, chatolerean intention OF Ugh es, their f which h he refused | clarine o ee a|some-dirt in a creck that indicated | Of any previous year, leave the Pp platform, , which ge tee : aM to ; Baltimore, 1 | on hi is,raid: from Winchester, .when efeated ,and: retreated ee e . : y the dog joined prospects thenth as far|| fair and tar, i thee Spier to bese ee alte ghe hevile _of Five Forks fuapt The ohiseeenh a aesideat aid imo the @siveution was fully. gers fvhad beetje Two inches of snow fell at Camp | aay wegold, ‘old he aeeee neet for us, Wis resumed Thencemp again s Newport. ae ae At 5:05 a. m., Dr. McSheehy sprang to oncat trocy atl they | one dollar and seventy-five cents. ” By pea paueh, aa ae morning. This | i i journey. Sometimes tion not in ord ir weary good y Wie ea Gi: GO. psiiee censured, but it subsequentl ally Samaritans, who would | this time he seemed to have entered Eroceiny es mi re We South Pass, in | eupon Sigal it | a vite one and nominated General | Petersburg, especially 0 on. evddonittold repeeee turned out that he was obeying dtters of ay she carole, aoe sonueh inlay Wyoming. ater county, . into the spirit of the matter, and inee — gee) oe Ee onise a HERE is now stored in the vestibule exhibiting or they | stead of whining times other at © the rdered; to ] t key the pmeal was which ‘ | Vonler : ¢ | for ambitious was very * | and sai Governor with brutes who refused a draught | signs of datectiod ae depariuve?® te of the Carson Mint, awaiting shipping ee ti : zealye . the honors of a martyr. He wanted to ihowed ae are oly and many | capital. 1 ¢ pce and Senator Morton and aided him Department | Treasury the from orders the with satisfied perfecitly if as acted |} who woman, ee @ poor, a own . my of were) i ieee dove. aubjeut go out to the-blue bloods and inform | very Gotene. CN HUNTING COATS. maternally, in quieting the turbulent ‘knew an hour she might not| change of quarters; but that night | * Washington, $695,000 in silver coin. | ely td to which ‘we> haved ie aHiae Wapaiens them that he hod, : served them, and ; unti elements during the war in Kentucky, : wi yi be seized no exaggeratii TERRIBLE fires haye been raging for | : iddi After h ave done their — bidding. again all the same. us pick joined he | premature of pangs the with and Ohio and in preventing | conver ne thackinman lore ed Be: Indiana eae diar Se S O h e rapes Nostra o¢ Another shouted | out. ines oy the | stots out pen go to vane | wanted into a Packing eens At the battle raids into these States. S| Maternity. Again we hear of them | many days, filled with many strange | some days in the timber along eat the men who called the members of the bf th wee vote on Butler in spite A of Port, Gibson, General Wallace at | to do with. the1 enemy's cavalry. iat 1864; he was promoted to beat Brigadier <8 field “onthe General Eee palah| about that time. Oropsey caine. to eure Fog ne MGA end SRehe iagionamong Gen | Hae asada. da ManoE -Gen‘was sateequently correspondents the ae8 standing oy : not be shouldname that Meade’s be- | was menMeade’s cateler Aiaae again. name cmienands McClelland, | tioned Grant, Mooletland: os cer start of pas, peed bane oxcdiiors ofthe, aumy suffered. Sona " death ’ refusing Sear rest. or | We, anticipated, so that ‘when we siRiO' Gn Grable ee enh, ourselves raising S coffee : Beaver weand found ativedof atprovisions ep.— New Orleans Democrat, Aug. 28. | short priated, and the bill was approved June money, and as to be | 0th. Hereitis September “th, and said are graders Own thousand our dog ate as much as both of us, we ‘ Arizona, é . Yet mean and ‘Arkansas | 7 OnGy ae Bo,andrea | v Valley ona the Puello j work railroad. SPOS ‘ enhimto for dispore concluded | bartered Flayer. eae ee a sackct of” flour y a He gine agravia. miersee ae ue ise Sunday fifty. two shark Next day we traveled , after walking many miles-on | side of bacon. I quiet. “No visito} very The burglar gave a dropped his plunder the window through es orted to be STO aaa ON Monday morning the furnace of Axour 2,000,000 grain bagshave been |__Messrs. smelter. & Geist’s Mather all citizens of whatever political views | | ‘Tum Alta Consolidated is: being p lee Ee just in time to dress for | journey. About noon we sold the dog | eh we the Democracy in the | in order for the winter campaied “OM the theatre 4 re Drenrmwnra has broken out in the wal} Rolla, which he had to play that night, | for three dollars. We camped that among the ce caearntan legislative and executive | is being extracted, the air li formalana malignant || most that the confident feeling 9 Hight ili ith Meaomanelh Ge . ‘ foediied oor Ww of te eae , f up. 1s golng ¢ ef fue Ce f si ale saci «a cergaemieem nara, ae d ead MeDavitt Gee by. <iGivamé i shimeelt. eee __of . Meade | motion that a Dect hi but itis kept for followCRANBERRINS are being successfully | into Arizona, via black er husband and her only child. | Continue on pay“No “Smoney y: here yi yet for the pay. ing: and profitable Pp produced near Greele eeley We canyon of s the mighty of mind and coura ge streneth ghty Colorado. Last year § aneab of military expenses. m7 prospecting the Provo | Colorado. wee oe ed by few, she nursed these, her appropriation an small ere was too gat iis 2 than longer rivers, evier t ones, to the very moments of | 22! considerabl should have the mayor | bread by his daily toil to spend his time ane pouitehe i self were in Salt Lake oltcelinel E made e well pleased with the OveER 600 ‘tons of hops will be ex‘ : OES yho has shown her heroismee igeethis | Utah for find gold a placers, and in We | ported from Tacoma, W.T this:i year., | their enterprise : Ore : (suit us, to case “prospect” e catastrophe, which tore from failed to . Tum Yuma Sentinel has the ’ He of the camp. the in father sien and | Sold at Stockton, Cal., this season. of the Arizona |” CumvamEn Gntengrisesmdmyecl re i by the child’s death, soon ; fol- | anid a iy shavaing: i.e Bie ae ee Fe we the laws require registered wherever then noin|| registratioa. that persons pa- | pa: stated theThematter and punished tried made pers stich a stiras about Be all and mightsaid remain, but that No law ought to be passed |,is THE Equitable Company ©a -bonanz, struck has Tunnel understood requiring a citizen earning his daily garantees to eeevery person Constitution a GOVERNOR owners the cost _The Democracy hold the ballot as the inalienable right of free citizens, | for_a full development, but ilii ; i i legislati and all them ee pee eee tend to give | make millionaires of them is -w aes oO} Tr ie 3 oe : ee iet digo . J are ; R. y b : 5 Grizzley, isis tal by the Constitution. | men on the OTOOLE be repeaied should The fact th i é siderable ore and expectssoon ‘a oa ar oe one right to ecto;anditie hima pitiia:a facie ee will do it i He right to have fe name | country. long wrangle, arrested, Cropsey had Harbor: man. re. laboring | Paying mines by the struct free suffrage The State Central Com- | °~ nominated. of | mittee is deciding cases where there | re. | 22° contesting delegations against But- | ler men, and these proceedings are de- | ‘0 | nounced by the General's friends. At | | men, Butler placed the hall, about 8 : o’clock ee placed having of usis ined of the D. D. E.| possession ; Be a he ranal ae to be proved pie tae easily aes on so cial the letter and e in to Hundreds person and look after his interests. The | to-day: but Meade took it i ~-, | Powers, of Springfield, in the chair, | to business. Afterthea| | defence, it is assumed, will be the same |, cmcaeed: denounced it asa ie, amid and proceeded Mayor Platt took presence for the that butMeade fact Grant, the would have General crossed the Rapidan river on’ the P treat after tha ge oe rae that effect w: : ee polygamy. As | A As pas in- | personally g terested in the result. of this suit, I give | of it f i . this timely reminder of 1862; againstis the lawBelbaislCamnoH vent TuE Toledo is now one Theodore Russell will Cas preee of | i2 substance, ee Soe owned) oe Mitchell, Jr., now oe & number of articles including Wasnineron, Lane, Sacramentoyag | Secured Oe ‘ ‘The-said dog? ee ood proprietor Loe tone ae ie his group, eed Tee ahead as usual. The character 0 rock in the face is changing, and all appearances, an ore body will be. discovered. eee et Writing off dogs, reminds me ofa dog | Colorado ae i proved 1 ‘qui‘quite that once upon a time arily developed for his age, |upavia Cr ate He had | . ean enced father. to lie by a hisdesire to die at the Jointly by Chauncey pressed back of the head. are at a fever | jump and a howl, in Colorado a Hd, handsome, precocious, ex:| valuable. ft aia Diver 5 Ponrrics a | neat Diane: Wook decline by Selling their their PursesDog. -the in together they lay sick and has sent it after : the burglar peDeron: ; foe fiance iaeconae Maat aie NEWS. COAST PACIFIC Hina® od Douplen of) Paespcctony HBEF ng. Norvell was a (devoted fa1] wrapped d up in hisi bo : wholly ; : ur areall being’ worked fn orth Bis: are, producing high lease i and nd are, high 8or i producing iti ore in in this common- .| oalth As uae ption, ion affordi g tocorrupti ' Ith, ? as tending and te opportunityi ing te me te en Winsor THe tinuance of one party in power of the | of salaried officers ) Demo- | the multiplicationConstitution. the delegates to 824? ring of |.® [ the circumstanges will state them | cratic State Convention to-day is large. | unknown to the Mr. Cropsey, of the. Philadel. briefly. Bet town. Bower’s air compressor to secure speedier~; and ther, Lode gente better the people, then indeed we fear for the instituRepublican of ourapninst perpetuity dba oigenean Protas bona WOHbEAP Maal). ble Among the Delegates. describing in a letter after £nquirer, phia battle eee a eae Non for landat Spottsylvania, United | the hearing ina the, mane proceeded to say - States Supreme Court October 5th. This | ing, General Meade that history would record case ehatles aunt Atl par- I was present, and nae a culate case of the United States against ieee being an appeal from the eynolds, District _ 8Y, My Boy. The . Correspondence Tribune.] Third | ey aftice! ; whords Sinton — Iri tunnel superintendent The Iris ‘The : fF de canbe done alter eon ane | still full of hope and will soom put in : nitiae ta PCO cratic Convention, by Strate- ot Bs Phin ae none ot Meet other: Feary occupiee2~ \ pee a M R. JOHN STICKLEY will have th that no man ought | rected clare . the Capture. Clan. utler’s L Ros ioeand ae ive | A VALUABLE DOG 0G. Last. Friday, he was death. eof ais and death we Sa As Ron es comets at ; of’ dpatentto evidence refuse to electoral vote’ in order votes ec e cl Secret mieten oP auri PMO" lito He permitted to: hold P THAT INCIDENT OF THE WAR. an as a 81st.ult.,ore oP the Woron Ah.the ett You published Other | ikdsauin letter published in ‘the Philadelphia { 3 niet Matters Ae NS It has In allits branches neatly and aoe bily executed at reasonable rates : wre NO, 1878. ot BER ALTA NOTES, ue i done by poner majorityin frauds and have a High Old Time. item, isespe-on no smallcircuit whichone is whose Wallace, | expenses, the cially for) the Pacific Slope, Bishop Axtell’s Successor A Tl tN donbgar 3 : ‘ De Gather at Worcester | which found it necessary by a party The batFactions Associate : the and and $10,000 $8,000. receives Justices Fact ; con ee Nae oman, aR -was ee” ee last par shee, J udges were in court on Pay . ribute i OFFICE. BINDIN BOOK eo SATURDAY, CITY: LAKE SALT - ah GaQ00N “beige G06 anGaaneg ey ‘ s0 General g fee JOB Je oa : : do VOL. = Case Comes Up. , ae osc | 2h j ¢ HOUTS. Ma an average epee race te Pea When the eeDirty Polyamist Reynolds | The ‘ 2.00 1.00 unique styles of Type, Borders; Cuts, etc. teed ee ee esoe he arate oe ts 8 & wee 00 re HaNabe in wate nk TRIBUNE | $4.00 oa Uae saa Oe et Is the most complete in the Territory. y 08 'HREE MONTHS, i $i pet rout rep SES Pe Ao. achior Ree e prepaid).......e.ss2. been recently fitted with all the latest and most on Rie * TERMS: NE YEAR (postage TRIBUNE ea.reman’s of the old ee tte entertained TS reNdckey ente were regi by the covery when Mr. Wayte left the valley campers. yesterday “Wash a ees of. Wouestidmiot tmokedof some ills took outit to: ae Peck and’sold with | ery, pee aterof | carelessness ee distress. the piicne whichthough Ys sub- || ing it is mortality, 1) Once—to ashthe latterof ducation: }Y,% Carefully. stitute for decoction Board o HE Deer M.iblished a possession ofaethis morning | prepared ol. ? the hall beetopened to the | was taken EEC 2 meeeof eee vile galleries ) is small. 4 Togo back | with-| : et h ees Tun Chico (Cal.) Review is respon 5 his youth. es ; In 1822 Gone of f nie meets at Olympia on mh ped 1s “pound to Pole and scenes is not Bt bulldozed, JS Pee : é St. Louis, who associatedompany, in New | ington Territory was prevailed here. it fever discussion, g ig ae, the 4th yellow some the After when ; public. | whole peanuts the sible for He rem set | to of boilinyed of enough purpose process money the out October, forthe the Republicans are proportionately | between 4 and 6 o’clock by :ome dis- | put ran cisco 9 : immediately 29 and est dings they make | the f8tof L. 8. galleries nigh the and instant, | s Fema Deed xt. was hard, city was series the iform jamboree panic; a ; oT e es caighioray oe aus dey r Manufacturing © elated. : ae Ce Ci n below the ee : as he to st‘. + a E Teun peculiarities atent LOW Seat pibie SehOBIeto Be Lad Or tiee enITSHIOE WHO caeneomelly wisi the ee ee the excited crowd. £ ork. Sonei CHa eat hen cay digieot infected his home i bald was not | filled wit the | to degree nds 2 fi return to made but beverage Ra that | I Beas hall. Parrott ranch, killed a rattlesnake that ¢aid of een possession : H. Strauss read. the regular | 76 now in that said persons leave said Chas. Maes theur wasil lower wacds he swabbed Be Southern public; men now in the | to be thought of. In vain gemanded al Com-| Central swung at the extremity of his caudal hair | call issued by the State Davaaebreit cited Gh sae. sey ee te . OSS nly pe North express surprise at the large his head with all the patent appendage twenty-two rattles. The Dhoteleibtiar ie anelane & Degscrs) i vue. Nie for cia} human. iia iad hs halfa |" Som three Weeks 260 oat need reptile water, aj) at the request of the State Central measured nearly fourteen feet TAP ANG ane vy, mittee, and was loudly cheered. Major | Committee, : ina See ae which they refused to do, | soldier as caterer. MounticalY Old | government moved to the villseoaee pee oe adh eee aetcd Coe AAS Tixie Medflerty was’ then’: cement Ut eee iy are hand TE Roa 2 rs ree F odie te oNneaea negro,at i if he tf a Soi ‘i > ior ae ; Heeger aos ee ee yan site hall panateyg the a as st follows: METRE committee # for. 150 Phtiadelphia, | aneSord From cient “pounds: now. one_oe oeJust eeeforetethe | Peewith two Neiching reat of different ae eaterre arsett aat hisMtprnnich, of ae ne and clenred except D3 SE oO on Saunog ho. square aligee a committee’ on | cannot ho eppointed | motion, he.itri | ly 200 persons died. along. ee mcnatiors varieties, which he will ship in a short aehis top-knot ee persons. ve com-Acklin | ang ample supply of. “bluebacks” Represenfati the South, incatiaey be cleared except by violence | pocket, | Close of the last century the ver here | g quarter each will float entire ‘the ig scour to him qreaealalls told we with morning every gated and perhaps bloodshed. " of Boston, then arose far all other influences asa | time. Gockritz, in aid of the sufferers by yellow . ein Blackburn, Representative “pined.’: at Dr. white-sage tea. of the DemOne day the boys got hold of the | and denounced the actionit could the tournament given near this city on} not be ‘ocratic committe’, said Friday last for the benefit of the yellow sage tea potsle ane ape Gpow sgtJ bee considered as binding on the Demo-| lye ed concen't# ex-}0l to occasion took fever sufferers, days after one of the | cratic party. few A mixture. terms. similar in himself press that the acchair ruled In replythe the go to} necessary was not the mat: for the it good committee RAILROAD LANDS.: of his: to health, | tion of ply, Walapithought | boys volta ae : € Othe land grant companies | \hile the others struck out for‘ Stickeen ter beforethe convention. railroad affected by the recent decision of the Gockritz then attempted to speak, | days. [tis said that the.) Secretary of the Interior, that. lands re- between.two like a large brush | but was ruled out of order, then made | would at the expiration of Major's head looked fire. maining motion to adjourn was A severe a after patch be grant the in th time specified amid great confusion. | voted down the tor- | andAmotion only study would them ak men upon prevailed that during recess | ie of gaD5-fo tureeetbrought overnment ie by the huntHolt at Hee Linde h oeat effort to Aa than fail destroyed: 2,500, lives, and ten New| ee of ae wes poe Bote ee oes ‘i - : os ue oe oe g fe ee ag peeeedet hear now moh poor, | habitants. We to show wes a al] that he had V vh moreI } to had L HnOOT, i of cab- of the fever inI 1822 than of tha feverin : SiG || head : insignificant miserable, readibage, not bigger ; than his two fists, 1793. How fertunate that w'so our ca- | forget both our sorrows ad within, | ly and worm-eajten wilted without Yet | lamities!—New York Time $9.50. for which he had to pay e a proportio the price was not out. of eS ay nate e iE t rates then y oe th. One of Price’s Shes Expodes. | at oe ee eee aah # |. Some time since Mr. H. P.Qussell ae Tee Pos of . ae oUt Serge: Bry Sn te cint OF Hid anaes ene Tei voted | Central Commitice unanimously : : : Wednes.: | the convention till to adjourn ey a next week at Faneuil Hall in oston. This action was rendered necessary | have | pom the fact that Butler’s friends Wor. | secured all the available hails in Coster, and the leaders also take the sound that after the mob proceedings [hich have taken place here to-day, | j ose wee \dant an : e day: oui sls atari ee nh ee ee nadie f +t ony a8 at the | people our of said was it when South that in going to market the they can go before the people and lead several Sena10s coat, a large reward would be | the delegates from the and select a] 4 pjovement that will crush Butler. given for the exact location of the | torial districts assemble | Commit: Central State the of DEMOCRATIC ADDRESS. member | Wear inventor. ‘ grave of its Chinese F ; | The following address was adopted year. : the ensuing for Millen ere. : tee Mr. ee pen ees that repOh on hasone been made a motion betore. and the law thereby to all intents and who, there about noon at an adjourned meeting | Nonabhtialidis entral Comto be gone ten days, : and as I| yesentatives S of different ae6 State Central were We | unstcbut t fl with, complied purposes Com- | ; : : , Central a Horst State entire the constitute tricts | few a with coat a on have to 5ened |}, L argued case ‘ cessfully. The particular the in future party the of i ts, I volunteered to carry the | Committee Supreme to : be carried Massachusetts of cae will soon: the Democrats -| Vo WHEREAS, : panty: Convention of a Pe : Boome tow ; el, two- bars of | Unanimously adopted tape line, Pict Court of the United States. If the de- compass, Be die ace ihe aeuetniy fo a Scie, his desis. 408 ahd dees dé a tt side: HOE gaged <a by the company are practically sold, stated, it tained, as before i ision IT Fara at ge€1 cee 95 Aad cle twoeee raed OS years ago ion to the rule adopted : . a CU CC acre z BG gs aye Ga aos ta Sow ige (gatos gin pron, | ensnab ase nee a | et ofan Sar ver OH eine alg a toted their small change kets and took home : portmonnaies— 1 Philadeiphia in A Sneeze at Wallack’s. : i aa) RAILWAY MAIL full, everything packed away and—O, | well Lhad afew pockets in my3 coat | and could pack the tobacco until noon | SERVICE. in length, and was the largest of the species ever seen in the vicinity of tlre Sacramento river.” From Santa Rosa 4 is stated that the moveColonel Donahue yellow férenautlelthe. is aiding adhhamiidhat: has very bceoat In a tED ers tmorr,He tee of anes way. rT f On Poe ; 7; trains on the 19th instant for an cxNorthfrom all points on the eursion ern. Pacific Ratlroad, from Cloverdale Tue Denver and Rio Grande road is a ate on, and Eatcompetition = steadily pushing road goodlas: tote peothen ate ae e tirllrondihg; pquny 6 in resulting forty miles | now completed grade is Alamosa. <4) of _. | bi ; A voune woman in Green River city | Itisthought This raft | offered her services asa_ yellow fever |-to San Rafacl, andreturn. connected by a wood floor. | that 10,000 tickets will sold, and it is the Secretary expected to realize $6,000. Henry Altman, Wyoming, room | nurse to TO: pounds, and haspersons. only weighs 300power and O. F. of | of the for thirty and sustaining living half a mile south of Mein: “It is Mechange: San Francisco deer | transportation has been obtained for with Government experiments schol ploughed up an unexploded pt easton married all sugvested that Pacific. Union the over her | that proved ago, years of shell, and wishing to preservit it as a | bair, a couple conugdtomlt these competen daatoisendd that Dee k a o Fe | teachers be tne dismissed, Blacktases The Times: DrEapwoop one pound of it would sustain a weight memento of the war for. war, put itit i intva bar | provided be may Hillers who have been engaged in run- | single women pe Ha It will enable pounila fot sree cae let it remain foi about often ning a drain ditch in the Bear Paw | The idea is a good one. of water and rel experiment, more recently, showed that Last 5 Thursday he consix weeks. t citizens‘ who now f live onI athletic many ‘ deer hair, after saturation in water for work on the abandoned have : diggings : r for seven ; its contents, to remove cludedFees ring to display their gratiial A Laical, al twelve times its geheunmmeh ing, and the | wives’ earnings ( days, sustained a4 account of the wet drifting, ‘The company have found.a weight. some honest ee an Sha i tude by doing dead certanty iy, of finding§ no | et Almost mney? seo load many vacancies, eee gold.” held the shell between his kneesee means of extracting He the oil from the and after a few strokes it exploded, The Board of wealth. are vacancies t é ces : SA a 1 its buoyancyShe still _ increasing ay hair, and irec will hardly combat the “A. E.| pqueation + os 5 ace per cent. These facts | Virernra Chronicle, oftoth: proposition.” one hundred San Francisabout deer hair. and its utilization as | Head and Mr, Barron, Nevada Sierra the into down went co, | life-preservers, are not generally known. Vircinta Hnterprise: his hat The found the bot. : “Not aea few oe a severely wounded ‘ in the leg, Sk : is a hint to hunters : statement evcning, and last evening, 5h mine s last midst, are é tom of the winze still in splended ore, | of the Chinese in) our they was blown off his head, his face was able to ae at ene caidas’ one Si tam vcnre,| meagan etn nae Ce | nerne haan pamet . ann ”| : t but 2 that hesaehad made such an outcry 1 & geri against his p pictures that he was well burned and hisi younger of the membersangered. & | Several of the eyes seriously at satisfied; for the critic had thereby by, but happil were standing there was | familyi t that at there edge 1 east acknow ledged | none enc mart, alth onan ane Satie party to the present State | Gommittee of the Democratic istence members of would hold office be held at Worcester this’ day; and Central Committee : : : found at the; hour at He yntil the ist.of January, Ys 1879. WHEREAS, of1t is said Convention that assemblage | authority-by the that moved therefore | nyhow. : The annual meeting of the beneficial aged b hal 2, the that committee was toi remain oe L gna es ll. rot ti But we had forgotten the beans—in | which ‘ in theE | he 2 composed : society wae in pis fact every article necessary for | until January. 1, 1879, be rescinded and aa ‘iof employees a eS aes in bushel Has. Msi} their purchases in Colonel A. BR. Boteler | Weekly TimeLimes. Weekly Philadeiphia ta ee ae ‘ ee eee = A deer hair pillow can be used rest forihe Bed and = a momen be ife 3 converted into a life-preserver. jacket which fastens without straps without coat many the the be :worn under can ; ip, | invenAmong convenience. ied is a || i to which deer de r hair tions 18 @ hair is applied which ions to feet cylinders, fifteen and| raft made of two fect in diameter, long and twenty power in the pictures. It is true that, judging from superficial eae: and The Elephant. ( RYRe. Nine feet ten inches at the the development a showing earhings stocks. all’Were their teports’ dabbling aG coer con- in its : " be putatau into atthe a doubtless would aA ae ee c stant improvement. shoulder Balt Qu golive oils curus tote, “(Nevada itiied AC Pieneh: Corral, uo Ye , ¢ 5 Mr. Sander railway of one wag torn in several places by a | Was the highest i elephant SiO alot. of Se SierraTereNeyada : tilt | cause he sold Theyeee ever | county, CCal., on Fri matters, ever Friday night. The | tion, is in possession of a mob in publicly pert in suchh matters, of the : shell. teDr. Farrar ywas | son, p< an expert be aecun et eer puerpanet z | their places ea th Im | there pena e- | | fragment Water | four, months ago at $425 per share. ae oe ee bese ting itself as acting ing about B00 fem. -| would spi is nothingaoethat the wor In tie Of the 1 ‘ Ko) inenibers, itsell announcing backs areon | motion wasi unanimously a¢oplec measured. A thoroughbred elephant | were cleaning up the Milton turn our Beans do to beans. never without and Sisal De gauidionelieye i eee ep te g SoS ae ee Le tS until eae civilization on pr | ee held nearly he oP Had ly ese Tepresenting Ei present, Saleen were ORE pers ere of Ben bad Mining eee me aan ee In 1885 bes 0 go a time he would have been CIs pard—his steadfast eta Sue and is yet in a is worth $10,000 or more. Nea an, ae The society every, State and Territory. Oe Ht The Pave Cane hie ee eakene aie Re: Sesic Tepe 4.600 ee ais Pi site idiienitorsli 8 Dur. oe ieee Hon and mopene, fuend not Chili beans who loves hisiMaker. night. loveth was heartily @p-| He monopolies. purchased, the beans Well, pounds was no || plauded ear there were Baty eight of them.were There ing £ thethe-lastia Year. ght | twenty i of Spofford’s’ speech A 4 the j conclusion to} upon |. need to unpack the animal inorder : tax a Sear involving : nomindeaths, soe 2 of | stow away the beans. I had a pocket | John L. Rice, of Springfield, ;4 of $20,000—$4,000 society the to ated Gen. B. F. Butler for Governor which came out of the reserve fund. | in my coat and wanted something 5 cheers and great excitement, the | E amid | as that, so tobacco, the perma-|palance at the death or pays in| packers say, the pack would ride | delegates allarising. Cook, of Boston, | Bach member of an associate 9 . nent disability . ® bat * At this| seconded i the nomination. ite. i awewere ee whil as the boys packing eke the eae eon SR : ple eesbody of themendelein|- | while ee Se @ ee Be poms, cnaran Poa oF 7 the into away gates are as fine a floor || the comW.Galvin John lesa denounced hathdid | and the actiontookof the ee I enhad on. eeeAnd they every respect as were ever seen in this | of of a coat that repeatedly I remember near asamong As were = cout it away. pack the a aceinterrupted ee He being dens not excepted. the arli- | mittee, city, Congressmen following pow Rik Hata sheeanee : my pockets: T'wen- | him out.” i L observe Judge Sutherland is very cles dropped into oats, in the name The speaker asked how a bushel of po-| pounds of Schaeffer | ty-five could nobaianie confident that Chief Justice tatoes, two cans of pickled pig's feet, a | of God any Democrat is possible he will may It be removed. not be mistaken but that 1t ay , dication cate itisno cer-| willbe don the “President titer promise to do so at some sugar of lemon, five feet of swing rope,a two quart} Butler as a Democratic ham weigh- boxes ie gigernae : Nesatad nO said hall cannot be py letterand that placed within the control | cleared 4 : ea Committee said aesforce RS and f abana Asli without eed 5 of the Democratic Committee the State thatA | party of Massachusetts, ’ believing ‘with | cannot Convention g3iq’ at this ; day held be safety | the declaring and Worcester, assemblage free and peaceful yient for | bodies gathered of aj] ofdeliberative : E ee purposes as the foundation political principle of all Democratic action, do said conhereby declare andbe proclaim holden at Worces- nominee. For vention called to ter, postponed to meet at Faneuil Hall, yeh tine ee Rote le Te speaker said > estes proposed to put Boston, Wednesday, he regards | chance to get at the inside tier of pock- | ae ME Moctivue Wieeln Be at é § am ye na Happ ee home A committee on resolutions was ap- | 17° from the Arizona Miner, o 41 ee eh ane eset 5 er ee et follow. aA $225 a head; for less than | tec ® widest we have. The renumeration is | gary, mahout, howdal, guns and all into $78 per mile of street, including of'| the river. cee eae ae _ m. : Eastern brands THERE has been a rapid the public schools : growth in of Oregon the past six ae years. The ene oe oe = ae __—____ e< _____ Ot controversey $< reign and A SALEM, (Oregon) “News has 1ith says: “attendance is | day afternoon, - aoe Cee ee Chima during | here of a murder Sea serene | back to. there as a Arizona has recently been drenched lord. Qurrm: a sensation was : produced a failing to| and goaked—few+ localities Ge paid A Oregon ; tate oa Govspont sa y || few Vista,title Buena is‘ saferaini to has miles bewestof tion.two Itmonths recently, portion some nearly get. t, for that Mr. McElmurry had got lost. The of partic-) day, eyery \ fallen in some'parts threshers aroused, was neighborhood | the of south mountains the in ylarly unhitched their teams and joined in Gila river and bordering on Sonoxa. of ascersearch. “iG After 4.4 | the hea ; Oe Naa Her He all hopes Angeles Herald pene that states Tum 7 Los Angeles e ¢ oil W- McPherson, the wellthatknown was dis-in @ shaver bushes little currant the some abandoned, of aparty state to written has man, behind capitalists are about-erecting # refinery covered Saat dey eee of ae ceaige? nent a : 4 A of 200 ef : capacity ; cap! ote 7 with Francisco, 7 San i 8 Ynerea© foe 1 barrels refined oil per day. The manoe : : ufactured staple will equal the best | M0! dispatch of, the been received committed on Mon- sixteen Ot Hhesenuntsred miles east of See course the removal of the dirt which is and becoming Tuscarora T'émes, 11th: The six. | constantly increasing : eI ett a new man 8 meine wae & ayes deposited at intervals by the machine.| The State University, regular. murit is | shooter and articles ot jewelry donated | more was details He es. any Sta into the going from comer | creek Without Deaf : Bitvor the i and frough College“Asylum,-are all | dered while riding P ig : 5 Agricultural Blind of | the a dye is something Ssakin to | py a lady of this towm for the benefit Silver - thishoe his ware Wo dl Sad Death ofan Editor and his Child. | cevident that ee ca and whileot ea Agvet amie and; Blind were raffled | 20° ere pla sufferers, feveratthe cany be a the yellow as | Jast’ isno restraint WOON of nere reported in a prosperous condition. of | toCOMBS: ©. 0. D. Saloon. yesterday died Last evening C. RB. Norvell in} Mr.prevailing which alloy, the amount the year he disease. ee a ay 26 a a s me SS was had $750, and tuskers of any pretension are | judged|in September, 1864—Ironton, Mo., held be Attwenperson’s power is to Any to $7,500. $4,000 at from 7 | object, | Register. is full-grown, ele his _ prominence, ai by years the -five elephant ; ty-five ee Z e s the from Uaen live or even | 80 tois 120, es the into Will gets Beg it eg if and itDy years eae EN trivial, STS how matter no ee set oe anon fk cee ae Tee ee ceect : : 5 load is | 3 Sater years. The Sea Government . -| 150 ‘ { :] proportion to its siz € all PrOpoEt things | of chains is and gs out of L aly 1,640 pounds, exclusive such ae a eau) wide ae 800 | ration the dailySentient O° to its merits; as, for instance, a bad attendants, andfodder Aas Picture on the line at the Academy; an | travel eight miles to sweep one mile of | pounds of ee ae separated o i were quarreled wi had fect. wide. . These eight | which inte | street forty feet in the Senate; imbecile sdbdie SE Chane a weak man tlie | out taken years and then can be traversed in three hours| for fourteen | ft the P resident’s chair; a bully at will || Iniles Hanaeicecspeation. easily. A street sixty fect wide would - Theanine pebble a newspaper. head damage in a A.delicate pies require twelve trips to x the mile, ’ and of ee 5 abies do asofmuch fk C ) S seventy-eight feet fiftcen and three-| cach other, but on descending a slant: | ‘ : z Senate efi ie: nate Hf ermrasiet in this city as| ing path down the steep bank of a rivfrom the country suddenly became the fourths trips. We pay a sudden made a for the forty foot street as the | er, the one behind on wpset oid veuaike much its old adverAbicat cok ere Se seventy-eight foot street, which is the | plunge forward and eipiply be 25th, | Catse September half dozen Utah Southern. a four pound | phim in the field as Presidential candiof telegraph matches, es a go wayRei from ae The old saying, 4; of ovr “yes, yes; a) there were crics can} of yi yeast pe powder. at [Here :I have a| date, in'the or the aa ie verified the speak- | fAB forspeech). were given groans : on my2|| (three : ofgivebeingthe laid recollection faint his of er at the conclusion packers pack in order to day, | ing sixteen pounds, for he does not hesitate to change His | : as often as iti may suitonhis pur mind The removal of the postmaster pose. at St. Louis is an illustration of the light manner in which of pe. | bottlesof whiskey (for medicine), thirty | fiftee ip cabal acta can by the little to the | he suffered severely compliment paid his mis: | Price of elephants But it does not follow in art, | rather precarious condition. ereat. now none can be a sile was fired from one of Price’s guns that politics 208 fitterature windows ana broslinia to the ladders hoon alluded speech ofMr. theSpofford He | wants laboring class and de-| gown doors; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor not] said Comimittes nounced bond holding and banking | o¢ Worcester informed near Silverton, |