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Show Harold Lewis Succeeds In ee rom a as ‘Hoot’ Bites “Bodies F ound Lying baie Park Police Officers Summoned. , Ds eee Harold Lewis has again reached prominent fame on the campus. This ‘fourteen-_ -year - old boy wonder was found on the campus the other day conducting a senior class meeting and no one. there recognized that the shift had been made.. This. atl Building; ee ee e Park EB en, ye d'|Prexy Socked, Acting Not lotCause | - Stewart Kids of Play F nilapes ~ In Conspiracy tu- nit a are after We tried but had gs : Virginia \, happen- at et they would -not have him around when they came to college, students from. the Stewart School recently decided to conspire against the presi| dent and remove him from his office. They hunted | around for days, but finally gave up the idea of placing» _ Goates Indicted Great I mpressario, Joseph Smith, Passes Opinion on Effort—‘‘Damn Good,’ He E Jaculates. { * iti is ‘the pleasure of lace A. Goates told the schools: “Action, my a aos before _ eons. could =n etn] hh : “| : acdae L cae his famous | “WA! WA" yell. ~ Defend Honor | |to a very. ‘high level, hovering atl ebinna who are cut satisfied with its about sewer depth, however, as the} their salaries to formulate and level of the hell was raised the | have made a beautiful and ex- 2 | level ‘of the spirits were lowered] tremely “useless outline for their | the ‘spirits contained in courses. It would seem that the | | bottles), After a goodly number of standard textbooks designated for| artnet things had been found to be brok-| use by the various f en, torn, bent, gin-soaked and ap-| are not ig Prepaid at the so graciously do- suit the comprehensive enough to; average professor. So to nated West Auditorium, it was kill time and add to the many. ex- the penses of tne students nothing is| found necessary to call someone on| the carpet. ‘The first thought was right but that an outline be stuff- |. to ring for the barbaric fratérnity d of ed down the students’ ‘throats An outman. Asa result | every ‘Greek tak- ‘much to their distaste. several | iing part. in a skit was questioned line should help a student to study | .to a. party three cents worth of shown in th | as to his behavior. Ex eptin a very but when oo on page Sees OES on ae oe keep. his compos- - pe “Squcal” t to. give to the student a Rocka ‘seas at the High young people, is what counts. Why, wh Chester Dowse comes riding in on his gallant black | mount dur-. ce ing the third act, and delivers the princess to the lover, your 3 be ident ceil Omogas ae ‘Frosh IsPresInspiration His Highness the Honorable Geo. cat. ‘gis ‘Trankagiving rally held last fall at the West Auditorium, hell was, raised. It was not raised| (meaning fur- : heart strings will be touched— tense moments that you can never ' forget. It is not the acting that et counts, it’s ment, rapid stairs are you high the action, the action. Seats movedown- selling at $1.50, but to school students who’ will | Watkins, ’31, is all that the mod- some day be called on to carry on ~ Again proving their resourceful- ern college: man should be. He has the great precedent that I—we |ness, the Chi Omegas recently laid entered into the spirit of the Unihave set for you will be ‘reduced foundations for the coming season versity in a most delightful manto $1.35 with your student eards. of fraternity formals in a supreme ner. Just prior to Freshman class Patios: to place themselves on the elections he easily out-did the Come early and tell your friends— _ | social register above their ancient small town constable candidate. of $1. 35, and ner stih it’s the action | rivals, the Gamma athletic girls. - the late nineties in offering any- that counts.” his whole- | Thus we are able to put heae’ ae : We’ re a e. about The Gammas, not prepared for body and everybody It was not the acte one goes. with Joe Jep-| such an occasion will probably go hearted support in any thing that . you the truth. down to bitter defeat. The report ing that caused the failure. Inasthey might undertake to do. t nd — bee “used |comes to the gentlemen of the If you come up against anything much as there was not even so | Squeal that after obtaining the ex- that is in the least bit hard to much as one “damn” in the entire — ‘act dates of the Beta, Pi Kap and understand, just call Mister George production that select little group n| Sig formals the girls over at the Watkins and he will take the mat- ‘of the inner circle called the cenae house decided to. ter in hand. As the president said sors cannot be blamed, although — ay sacrifice four bits from the much to Gus Gowans, editor of the Hum- they were present with their copies’ needed house fund and pick up bug at the first of the year, “— of the Ladies Home Journal, inside Bint then ean Good! ae, Oh! Them awful | some of the unsophisticated Greeks well, I’m certainly glad to see you of which one might find the latest number of Beerzy Chee: S (Continued on shen 2:) © d up here. | roan ALBERTI The Incomparable Master of Ceremonies | » Capitol T heatre Revues: " | Every | Tuesday at ee |