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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD ae e : Srneet By CHERIE NICHOLAS PARK MAY OPEN EARLY APRIL BOY SCOUT MEET RABBITS SLAIN BY AUTOS N, R, A. £ ¥O UT : D © Dr. Write program, the substitution of a new billion-dollar program of a relief. character for the CWA which Ad- E ,had a_ bad cold and cough and was quite miserable as a result, I used Dr, Pierce’s Golden Medtel Discovery and it ri aggravating cold and cough, built me right up and i felt fine It is just fine for a run-down for bronchial coughs.” Pierce’s Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. simplicity there is some- thing about these new print gowns which bespeak the very quintessence of high fashion. Of course the prints themselves are as. new, as new-looking as can be both in motif and coloring. So much so that a last year’s print sad- ly looks it by the side of a today’s patterning and weave. For example, there’s the new necktie prints such as the one which fashions the very good-looking dress to the left in the picture. To be clad in a frock of necktie print silk during the daytime hours is to de clare yourself style-conscious to the last degree. This model is designed for immediate wear under one’s winter coat. It plays up the idea of e: : Hopkins ‘ j art. |ministrator now concedes | agram, but in; a different form. : implicity with consummate: [Has been something of a flop, and| — lt ought to be said here that in-| Note the dropped shoulderline, the the desire of the President to accomplish a change in the attitude of the critics. *x & & E ee - ec Deak: Lae me Hit at significance, sleeve. is a long iliness. * * accessories are the three-quarter One of the Soon of gay springtime the stepping out in new and fashionable * new footwear, which in- The thing you are bound to remember about the print dress on the i Sounds intriguing, ae and the mossy crepe prints fabrie is why © by Western Newspaper Union. many years our best doctors prescribed creosote in some for coughs, colds and bronknowing how dangerous it let them hang on, . Creomulsion six other with highly creosote important and medic- nal elements, quickly and effectively stops otherwise trouble. - coughs might Creomulsion and lead colds that to serious is powerful in the treatment of colds and coughs, yet it is absolutely harmless and is pleasant and easy to take. — Your own druggist guarantees Creomulsion by money are not relieved if you refunding your now coming forward with the sertion that “spending our way of the depression” may leave government with such a debt asout. the that our children’s children will still be But right in the face paying on it. of these attacks, Mr. Roosevelt has. brought forth the CWA substitute and a request that congress appropriate $950,000,000 to pay for it. In the meantime and while the confusion has become worse con- founded, it is to be noted that orders have gone from the Executive offices to the congress Democratic to get new leaders air mail in con- tract legislation through in a hurry. after - This legislation is predicated on the ‘taking Creomulsion as directed. Be- theory that private air lines shall ware the cough or cold that hangs carry the air mail. Further, there Always keep Creomulsion on | is every reason to. believe now that. on, (adv.) | the companies whose contracts were eanceled so hastily willbe allowed ‘to bid. again for the jobs. OLD AGE PENSION INFORMATION hand for instant use. Send LEHMAN JUDGE atm ” Humbodt, Kan. SHAP OUT OF a Postmaster General Farley main‘tains the President was acting in law feral: different languages. a por ON’T let constipation got ew he when or- with ae ag ea dered the mail contracts canceled.| Mr: Roosevelt had said so in sey- ‘aecordance: The cities. From appear that this outline, it would there had been a great change in the method of dealing out relief, compared with the present system. As far as I can get facts on: this there is new program, actually little however, difference. It may serve to create a feeling of new progress, and it may serve to get rid of some of the appointees whose work has not been satisfactory, without causing political strife, but I believe the end sought will be no different than the CWA plan. While this has been worked out, there have been new rulings galore respecting the Agricultural Adjustment administration contracts with farmers, relating to cotton, wheat, core anil» hogs; 8 ey ee a ee ; Ee nae aes ate pe 2 ea dling foreign trade. The treasury, Though far from holding the spotlight, it is beginning to be seen and adds elbow same bright red She designs a give a contrasting 30-odd and fact | resentatives senators touch. Another tweed season lies cane . ; mild, will make it less difficult than in a normal year. ahead. one be charge or fraud of whether it be some other allegation. WRITE FOR Dianent grip on you. GARFIELD ented the al was you | 7). the prompt,thorough FREE TEAgives on oe. — y J eee : th ation ’ b "Hee otek y : 200 Rooms ee ee hood Here’s the latest—the se lar which drops the fur to the back. 200 Tile Baths RATES FROM $1.50 Just opposite Mormon Tabernacle ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. It is estimated OW ature’s Remedy). But now after years WHAeof FE haeneces ST ee ation and color and vitality in—freedom from Poowel slug e laxative poisons, This all-vegetabl‘ie po. stimulates the entire pevch ives =: : Soe . tor cag eling! Te hen nig peptesste Sapatattnat ow York feabagemat your draws store) 7 = WNU—W 1i—34 Bae the work,k in Aa Splendid Laxative ab : in. : plana oon e Naik: Gone. dame G “no” whispered on any of these,| sione used by tailors, but by dress-| lars are capes and made of Many capelets. as detachable, of them for velvet fur-bordered in- natural including de- | as enemies bad overruled weather. a motion to dismiss congress, it is quite there are many influential throughout the country who contractors were not given evident now, persons feel the ‘tween a fair however, the is getting and President no better © by Western the and very Newspaper breach be- congress fast, Union. and very trim looking a3 well. The tweed hat and scarf combinations are popular, althoug: a prefer- {ence is for felt hats wits tweed. The body of the coat pictured here is more fitted as to waist and more rippled as to skirt ter models, than in the win. judgment secured by the Idaho Gold Dredging corporation for alleged damage to its mining grounds, A . a 1; 10c, of ‘the rabbit—not | and his wish would have been an fr-| makers, Not only coats and suits| signed to be worn with your new | the appeal of the Boise Payette $6: Hho ‘aisensat as c* According to the discussion | reyocable order. It is different] are made of it, but separate skirts | spring suit or cloth street frock, | Lumber company from a $100,000 ee Teens Sires EA SURERBTER YE | ee tn tan oo ects of Une| Sier"xooeret con hve. a «| "Sit tee flag are at | Stn prey suing “has | 018K iA the sree ow'| STOP ITCHING oe in| BON {patil relief until ske ed of famous ailvegetable NR Tablets gently such eS S z ; Safe, AllVegetable Way had given up yi She hope of anything but BOISE, IDA.—Automobiles cause | Soi nlote, shorough gman Noe abn ap anon an estimated half million fatalities ae wat druggists’. each year among the rabbiti popu lation in Idaho. a bey, Finds Relief 7 ee rie friend, it lactweed, and now that: As the: season advalces you will be Geaths gagceuated mire: tan | weavers have become imaginative | seeing all sorts of hood-shaped col- | cused by coyotes, weasels and Other | acces one’s interest color is schemes, e air} omy act. Then, there are the sol-|intweeds at Comer heat. ee were | diers’ bonus advocates. A year ago. — Radio connection in every room. testinal yiles sain ee a ee ID A.—National 15. The communications point out that the light fall of snow this winter, which has been unseasonably . 0b ae HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE Cody, Wyo., chamber to open Yellowstone park on Memorial day, May 30. The usual opening date is June m yriads of those details. And| Tweed Good, Serviceable . fo Feb on top of these, there has come a _ Fabric for Spring Wear ) ruckus in congress where 485 rep- are ity 5 9S Newest Hotel , chamber of commerce and from the and idem emits remains, however, that it always of |tweed it is impossiblein to kli th F i been: the practice to accord an has. eee |. of|¢ habit a sprinkling more than There is #!ve {t Up. If one wants durability,| opportunity for a hearing, whether | these who want to restore part of | and a general all round good fabthe POCATEJ.LO, small collar of apple-green satin # er oe ci ghee aiesas hg ee ee oe with its vast gold hoard has had to work out details slowly, but there N.R. Aa ee @ a t 4 IDA—Wendell’s park officials have been urged in a communication from the Pocatello satin sleeves MEMBER Phillipe’ Milk of : frock epaulet frilled with Genuine Phillips’ poli agnesia. UT.—Students from all bracelets of the satin. black wool frock afternoon of ‘Genin of a teaspoonful o PROVO UT.—Receipts by Provo City during the first two months of 1934 totaled $3600 more than during the same period in 1983 it appears from a report recently. for two colors. puts cherry red_ ALSO IN TABLET FORM Each tiny tablet is ae OGDEN, UT.—The motion of A. P. Bigelow, president of the defunct Ogden State bank, for a new trial in supplemental proceedings in confailure o f the bank, nection with the fail " WENDELL, And there are other variations of in a black potatoes and other bulk agricultural chance for getting a new high school gymnasium with C W A funds and labor went glimmering when a count of the votes cast in a special election to bond for $7500 showed the proposal lacked 15 votes of the twothirds necessary to carry. Again it is seen in a model whose sleeves contrast with that of the frock, on a trim little dress that has a deep yoke of a contrasting hue. : sleeves graphed a protest to Senator J. Pope against a proposed processing tax on jute, used in making sacks for onions attend Brigham Young university, -Registar John EH. Hayes announces. At present 396 students of the total enrollment of 1866 come from out of Utah, with five foreign countries and 19 states represented. again in women’s spring wardrobes. Sometimes 1t appears in a frock which has a dropped shoulder yoke of one color and the body of the dress in another. the vogue Lanvin If you have Acid Stomach, don’t worry about it. Follow the " simple directions given above. This small dosage of Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia acts af once to neutralize the ae that cause headache, stomach_ ou'll and other distress. Try it. feel like a new person. | But—be careful you get REAL milk of magnesia when x bu genuine PHILLIPS’ Mil nesia. See that the name “ ‘PH LIPS’”’ is on the label, BOISE, IDA.—Governor C. Ben Ross announced that he has tele- PROVO, frock—once a high |The two-color whereas in-|in favorite gations inhavecommunities has been | dustries Mr. Roosevelt ™24e_money Bronchial Irritations | ispending as fast, if not fastbut lately almost banished died, such er, than was spent during the from the scene—is staging a fashcoal mine areas, and Need Creosote World war, and many persons are. ‘forworked-out unemployed populations in large jion comeback. For have form chitis, is to an parts of the world come to Provo to , families and pop- why $400,000 have been~ forwarded to Utah’s congressional representatives in Washington, D. C., and treasury department officials. was denied. ¥ stranded 27283 Program UT.—Reasons appropriation for a federal building in Provo should not be less than aaa above. through which the ex-banker was declared guilty of contempt of court HOOD COLLAR eo Pace wiganas first, distressed | TWO-COLOR DRESSES AGAIN FIND FAVOR families in rural e. 9° eg ° PROVO, rected Dies nn ee anticipated. aca prints the quota originally The and the present membership totals eleven. program. Roosevelt outlined in his anQ nouncement a program of relief for: Relief Phillips’ Milkof Magnesia “Tablets — one tablet for each . teaspoo! nful os di- temporary secretary, says only handsome bordered prints, all of which are headliners on the spring ne. oe Opener faculty members of the St. Anthony pieh school. i club. Cyrus W. Sige does it | ized flying ae minutes |}. guperintendent H. H. Wilson and commodities. The tax, he said, would seated figure is that it is smocked eost Idaho pene 000 every shipping at neckline and sleeves. As a trimming treatment for. prints here is season. POCATELLO, IDA.—Farmers are real news. It is our prophesy that urged to plant their.crops by the you will be thinking so excitedly over this idea you will resolve at calendar rather than by the unusonce that it is exactly what you ual weather conditions of the present. However, an early spring is will do with the print frock you are going to make up in the near ‘generally predicted for the region. PRESTON, IDA—Much enthusfuture—smock it! You’ll love the eolor scheme of this print in the iasm ‘has been created in Preston and vicinity over the recently organpicture, too. It’s tango red and Mr. Le ae Fas Expenditures But slow as progress made when a human be. It is to be observed that, for the first time, criticism of the New New size, tablets eae Our ote apres ee size, tabs. or liquid, that, there can be no doubt. the progress has been just as from navy evitable and so with this captivating spring frock accents of this color very modishly appear in hat, girdle and a chic pair of navy blue kid strap pumps with circular motifs piped in contrasting white. we would call yay to scarf of self-print, the slim gored | Of | Skirt and that which is of greatest _ tion Ao to the new sheer wool has not been entirely Industry is recovering. ing recovers spring, t up. Ta teaspoonful 30 after eating. And another out ene seeming navy background. The flowers are in tones of mulberry and white. Seeing that fashion has gone into “the navy” so wholeheartedly this IT: Rs is not a mere happenstance. Rather is it a deliberate move on the part of designers to create along lines that are different. With all their DO FOR TAKE—2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips’ Milk of Mag nesia in a glass of water every mornin: e smartly felt is black outfit than athletics has been worked TO td of relief was going along all hunky dory. Then, rather suddenly, there came the happening which I predicted some months ago, namely, a lot of petty graft. Next, Mr. Hopkins, the administrator, made a rather clean breast of the thing, saying, in effect, that the CWA had flopped. _ But few of the correspondents were prepared. for the sudden announcement from the President that a substitute plan had been evolved. The President had been planning to eliminate CWA relief with the return of warmer weather. Something had happened, however, with which the correspondents were not made acquainted. This was development of a conclusion that industry, despite the NRA and other New Deal plans, was not absorbing workers as rapidly as had been expected. Hence, the President decided to. continue the CWA pro- dustry {the battles for legislation in con-| 600 So. Lath SL, Boise, Idaho, sai Peat one time | press all are accepted as showing | blame. z 4n every way. condition and 9 af co UGH chic criticism are viewed by some observ- | respondents were ied to believe that | ‘hat which is newest of all, fairly | banded with white. [ers as having formed the basis of close-fitting from shoulder to wrist. The point about the print cen-| the Civil Works administration plan tered in the picture is that it has a Well now this glaring simplicity I can report. only measured. The action can thus be the confusion. regulated to suit individual need. It that which I ean ascertain to be fact and, on appearance alone, it forms no habit; you need not take a “double dose” a day or two later. seems Mr. Roosevelt acted hastily Nor will a mild liquid laxative irritate on the air mail contract cancellation and his action unloosed an isthe kidneys. The right liquid laxative will bring sue over which individuals can take It is really the first time @ perfect movement, and with no sides. he has provided the opposition with discomfort at the time, or afterward. ' ‘The wrong cathartic may often do a peg on which they can hang their hats. more harm than good. While the official spokesmen of An approved liquid laxative (one which is most widely used for both the administration say there is no adults and children) is Dr. Caldwell’s ‘eonnection between the back-fire reSyrup Pepsin, a prescription. It is sulting from the contract cancellaperfectly safe. Its laxative action is tion and the several moves made by ‘based on senna—a natural laxative. the President since, in his far flung _ The bowels will not become depend- efforts to get us out of the depression, I am told that these declaraent on this form of help, as they may do in the case of cathartics contain- tions are having no effect on those ing mineral drugs. Ask your druggist who want to criticize the New for Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin: Deal schemes. The NRA revision Member quite full at the armhole or tops this) which hat The file. WHAT general hospital, which has been a bone of controversy in budgetary affairs. ST. ANTHONY, IDA—A point system of awards for other activities cae the administration’s efforts to avoid | administration has set up, the cor- | fem sg dose of a liquid laxative can be The or full length, | and three-quarter Auto-intoxication discuss proposals for disposing of the county heh of ; either = ee Mouth Acidity Sour Sto Loss of Appetite Nausea hee the information which Frequent Headaches ak ee whos have HERE ARE THE SIGNS: Nervousness ey to ACID STOMACH 3 time, —— | Ure same will RELIEVE 10 PP the been given birth as a result of the Or to state ; criticism. the proposition in another manner, | sources unexpected == commissioners pil- 4 at has followed county Poor-without-debt is a softer low than that of any prince. dS seems, that we are especially calling attention to the smart black kid opera pumps which milady of the necktie-print frock is wearing. These pumps have a beautifully designed simple arrow motif at the side—just that touch which carries them out of the rank Goodness alone is free and slaves.” ¥ confusion AVE you noticed how remark-ably simple is the styling of One almost the new print frocks? gasps at their simplicity—straight narrow skirt, top part frequently in shirtwaist fashion or made ostensibly plain with sleeves which are in man are 2e The ; They have come, accurately speaking, “from all over town,” for the numerous agencies, administrators, bureaus, departments and so forth are scattered that widely. Here is an illustration of how things change: from the various good men WAY Falls IDA.—Twin Dro A SIMPLE QUICK wae are in the institution, with jobs for only 150 of them. TWIN FALLS, take Independence | said 259 prisoners. warden, healthy Your local dealer carries Ferry’s Pure Bred Vegetable Seeds. Now only 5 cents a package. Adv. racticed. Ira J. Tayi, ye itentiary and Freedom “The University of Utah. BOISH, IDA.—Unemployment has hit the state prison and rotation of Jobs i clean all bad br it anessubmitee persons fered to person or tee ting the best school song for the time the keep ye. wave of criticism that has come forth into bloom ts traceable to one of Mr.. Roosevelt’s acts, directly. Do You No Harm ZEST by changes resulting from one move, Democrats as well, As nearly as I can ascertain, the | another, or several, has taken place, Liquid Laxatives rock are being tested.. SALT LAKE CITY, on Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach.—Ady. BOISE, IDA —Idaho farmers, aided both by improved prices and federal farm loans, have retired almost $200,000 in loans held by the endowment funds of the ‘| public state since last July. in difficulties their To offered. Applications must be in to Seout headquarters, Chamber .of Commerce, not later than March 31. one gets a thorough knowledge of the] among but found, be would Wh choose four subjects from 36 courses ELY, NEV.—The fishing season in White Pine County will open May +1. The closing date is September 1. LAVA HOT SPRINGS, IDA.—-Local promoters are considering the possibility of opening a stone quarry near here. Samples of the available this new world their dvorsteps. ‘The islands will have their trees, flowers and gardens. The sea will be harnessed to provide electricity, and the wants of the communities will be supplied by cargo carrying aircraft from the mainland. University of Utah takes place April ina long Actually, up. | keeping they it is natural where lican ranks ers will discover anthe 2,3 and 4. The Pow Wow is a merit badge school for First Class Scouts only. Each boy will be permitted to ance with official affairs have I seen circumstances in the nation’s capital in which the moves have been so swift that even trained ob- ‘}open opponents of the administration policies, not only in the Repub- j servers have Ba covering the last several decades. SALT LAKE CITY, UT.—The nual Boy Scout Pow Wow at no time At acquaint- ment. charts : Now, how- vocal. + : s a . highly rae 1916, accord ee districts. since North t it is a fact that there are critics and they are making that is not hushed. There are as Confusion de- be cannot did $ ing to government the dre But give me $2 and I'll call it square! eriticize who ever, more noise $10|scribed up taken Slickum—You’ve - worth of my time dunning me for it! ee Boise S34 is a correct state- Much those and critics, few were There Savage—I want to remind you once| more of that $5 you owe me! POCATELLO, IDA.—Forage on the national forests has been below gee s A in tes Washington.—Topics of general | shake by President Roosevelt. Max Beerbohm’s books, such as The conversations I hear are to. discussion in Washington obviously “Zuleika Dobson.” The dictionary the general effect that if the army: range the whole greater workout than the get a will mail equipped to do the had been of sub-| : g eat ies : reading ? iaik it is glor- More Critics ; category Be carrying job, as some of its genjects that go to] More Noise Max makes you feel like ious fun. eral staff members publicly anmake up the “New a chameleon on a Scotch plaid. nounced, and if there had been noj Deal,” but I have been impressed __ But for workmanlike words stick lately with the predominant place such deplorable loss of life among to Stevenson. There was a lad! now held by two questions in the the youthful army pilots as ocHe never used a word unless it conversations one hears about the curred, Mr. Roosevelt in all likelimeant exactly what he intended that hood would have had few repercusstreets, offices, clubs and other it should mean. No faulty bricks in places where men meet. sions to the dramatic cancellation Largely his literary wall! — of contracts. But the army planes to the exclusion of other matters, If you want to increase your vowere not fitted for the job, and one hears people trying to figure - @abulary to widen your horizon of out whether a turn has come in the there was a deplorable loss of life _.thought, your purpose is excellent. Roosevelt among the youthful army pilots. political luck, as one - If you are merely collecting words topic, and growing comment on the And on top of that, there was ope= as these pbilatelists collect stamps prevalent confusion within the adcriticism of the cancellation order or others of their ilk collect antique ministration, as the other subject of among a good many of the Presi_ doorknobs, then save your energy. comment. dent’s own party in congress, True, they constitute Mere words without meaning are as questions If the criticism of the air mail to which the final anNever use a sSwer is not yet apparent, but the the gabbling of geese. contracts had come alone, Mr. word without knowing exactly what thought I am trying to advance is Roosevelt, in the opinion of many If you do that your vo- that possibly the New Deal is unke means. competent observers, would have eabulary will take care of itself. weathered the storm. Probably he dergoing some sort of a transition would have been the gainer, beafter one year. eause few people are willing to conAttention should be called again _ Ferry’s Seeds are sold only in fresh done crookedness. dated packages. .When you buy Fer- to the all-embracing control which ; e &« & ry’s Seeds you are sure of the finest President Roosevelt hitherto has exercised almost without effort. Anyquality available. Adv. I mentioned confussion as one of thing he said, anything he did, or the main topics of conversation in anything he proposed, was accepted. - Strictly Business Washington, That shortly ada Soy the gymnastics of lexicography, do the same thing, then, with one of rise WP _\. feeds by William Bruckart to sea, A time in the near future has been visualized when there will be maritime towns moored in the middle of the Atlantic and complete with luxury hotels and landing. grounds for aircraft. Fast airplane services will be begun from the mainland and in between the island communities, wireless powerful s, with i will Then Ee ? an be built . Week-endcome the health seekers. 8S -. National Topics likely CITY RECEIPTS GROW $500 FOR SCHCOL SONG used, you will have a vocabulary of which _ you may well be proud, says a writer _ in the Detroit Free Press. If you en-. world a new race of island dwellers, is said by a Berlin correspondent. Readers Seo craftsman Busy Son master for a that told ; word —Briefly Lionel If you can read the great noveis and short stories of Robert Louis Stevenson and understand every .—— of many others which will give to the we : Intermountain News tilbedaiicibahadichs ids Chic Prints Stress Simple Styling, as Master Craftsman It’s amazing how this tormenting “eb it occurs— : a { im a _— Pitas _R. L. Stevenson Hailed TOWN IN MIDOCEAN A vast uncharted island,forerunner |