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Show UINTAH ae Rey EVERY A. FRIDAY Schonian, ADVERTISING RATES Display Flat Rate, For DUCHESNE, and Mntered Advertising Plates, AT Publisher UTAH . - Editor ag second-class matter May 26, 1922 at the Postoffice at Per Agate Line, 214¢, Per Column Inch, 30c. Classified and Reading Notices For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per line, first insertion; 5c ger line for minimum each succeeding issue charge, 30c. : Duchesne, March Utah, under act of 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION One the RATES . Year DER. MOUGIS $2.00 Biter ee ooo el nrcccgane, DO Three Bontne 2... a. ne AIRMAIL RECESS si an effort to halt further tragedies in the army’s air mail forces, President halting all airmail With issued an order service, last Sunday. ten casualties has flown air force ed, or is and mail equipped Roosevelt in the short time the army answer to this question an investigation of the army air service has been started, and in the mean time the mails are grounded until a condensed schedule ean be perfected-on which only the best pilots and equipment will be used, and quick action on legislation allowing the mail to again be turned private Just not yet service | DUCHESNE FINANCES The Duchesne City Financial Statement for the year 1983 which was submitted to the City Council at the last meeting and published in last -weeks issue of the Record, reveals that the city, in spite of its creatly curtailed income staid well within its bounds. Reference to the statement. shows that disburse ments were $21.09 less than receipts, and included a $500.00 reduction of the bonded indebtedness. With ‘ a tions on property on which the Home Owner’s Loan Corporation and the Federal: Land Bank are clear- ing up taxes, Duchesne should see another year of liquid operation and additional Bonded Debt reduc tions. It would seem, however, that something additional should be done in connection with the water depart: ment. The statement reveals these facts: Water Receipts for the year amounted to $1,995.87. Actual disbursments,(not including depreciation on the system, which is now practically worn out) are as fol lows: Pipe and ditch upkeep, $671.56, One half Mar$570. 00, Bond interest $1,630.08, totaling $2,871.64. In other words our water department during the year 1933 showed a deficit of $875.77 without including any share of recorder’s or treasurer’s salaries or any amount for retiring of bonds. .Why not make the water department self-sustain_ ing? We think an effort towards this end should be _made by the City Council and believe it would have the support of all thinking citizens of the city. A Specialty With Us Doctors care Prices "WE DO OUR PART BASIN Mr. Thomas Day was Howard Dunn and wife went Price Sunday on a short visit. evening at Games the was were evening, served by —o— The children on the bus welcome the two new riders, Rip and Jack Emery who are living on the Milton place. We hope you enjoy eeihiag with us. Oa Glen Wilcox who stent the week his sister, Mrs. Harold). returned to his home in Salt Lake school to again take up __ihis ee eee ‘Neville Wimmer Curran home ~——-Q--- ; i Mr. and Mrs, James McDonald and daughter, Ida and Owen Minchey came in from Ogden Monday. They are visiting relatives here, Mrs. McDonald and Mr. Minchey are sister and brother of Mrs. John Anderson ‘and Mrs, Eldon Behunin. Mrs. and Mrs. Bob McCully accompanied the McDonald’s The Relief Society willtheir annual Day Saturday 17th. The married people be treated to a supper hold the only after and stopped Farming is starting at present. right, —9— a number ing to Grand |to shear of men Junction sheep this are here for a few Von Pearson is moving his family to Roosevelt this week where they the their home, —O— convenofficers present were Representative Charles W. Smith and committeemen James C. Michelson, Fern Moffitt, and Clytia Gunn. The old Gencommittee was released. The new Ward Representative chosen is Joseph E. Wells, committee members, O, L, Gilbert, Ray Leona Holgate, Melva Secy and Treasurer. La Wells. automobile ; Mrs. H. T. Richens entertained at @ birthday party Sunday complimentary ma, still make —-oO-—-- spring. - Business Is Better is will Genealogical Conference ed here Sunday, Stake Preal in- dustry’s spectacular recovery and spectacular is the word. Every fresh report coming from the motor centers is more encouraging than the last. Unfilled orders for both trucks and cars are zooming. Ford and General Motors alone are reported to be at least a quarter of a million orders behind. And other industries are racing a long with the auto makers, In the department stores, according to the last announcement, the cash The to her daughter following guests served at a sumptious Horrocks, Trilba Thel- were CWA, made a_ —Ga— Baird of Ogden in Ioka. Sep Glen friends Hugh Percival Friday. He for time, some left is land located in the S1%4NE1% gone A ai cher of proposed the Mr. Mathesin Monday young and folks Mrs. ; —_—O— Angus home of: Dr. is employed Miles at the of Roosevelt. Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Jensen were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gentry Friday ope evening. mother, Mrs, Abe Beatrice little her Sorenson. a Miss return- Miss Elsie Murray of Blue Bell was a Sunday guest of Ralph Shields. =O Clarence McAfee came in Sunday to move his mother’s furniture to Heber where Mrs. McAfee will make her home after a two weeks sojourn with hr sister, Mrs. Mary of Myton... ; —_o-— Krebbs and son ‘Verl of Ioka visitors this week. F, O. Lundburg pick is moving ily into the Marion Ross his fam- house. ~-O— Mr, and Mrs. which Date A Oral Miles and of first publication, ‘Date of Matter OF T, Jochems, T. Company, & Frankenhoff, Frank Of John|& Wolters, Wolters, Aloysius Wolters, Adalaide Wolt-| ff ers, Vincent Wolters, Rosalia Wolters, Elizabeth Krings, The legal) representative of Dena Jochems, deceased, Werner Jochems, W. D. Edith Anna hems, and Robert Jochems You and each of you are notified, That B. L. Dart, administrator of the Estate of Ferd Jochems, the has filed in the above court ascertain and Corporation, £ a part appear before en- ROBERT G. PORTER chesne, State of Utah on 3ist day of March 1934 at the hour of 10 o’clock, A. M, 1934 of said day and exhibit in the manner provided by; law, your respective claim or heirownership or interest in said estate, to the court. WITNESS the Clerk of said Court with the seal affixed this 21st — of February A. D. 1934. WM. H. CASE, Clerk, Date of first publication, March 2nd. Date of completion of publication March 30th. Otah L. A. HOLLENBECK Attorney-at-Law — en March 16th business sponsored by Come and & Success, help at the the Ward Hall, Relief Society. make this event MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Routes of 800 families in Duchesne Counties. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly... Write inmmediately, Rawleigh Co., Dept. UT-4-S, Colo. SALE OR TRADE—2 Registered Holstein Bulls, 1 year old, Champion stock. farm stock... A. chesne, Utah, Will L, take | Duchesne, Utah F ‘What oa Your leaccae! HEN you. need .a ‘doce: tor, an order from the. store, a plumber, ‘an electician . . .-isn’t a telephone useful in meeting the - emergency ?~ When. people say, “I’ll call you up,” isn’t in to say, “We it embarrass- haven't & iy : It costs. but a. few: cents a day to have. one. : to Y Ee Any eiployee will, take your: Tees. : - The Mountain States = ‘Telephone & Telegraph Co. any Dastrup, DuNo. Vee ALIMONY & DIVORCE LAWS OF ANY STATE in the Unien and with plain . Utah - WM. H. FITZWATER Notary Public Postoffice Bldg., Utah Duchesne ‘English - separate A. maintenance, voluntarily, involuntar- LEGAL RESEAROH SOCIETY 1604 Maltman Ave. Los Angeles (Clip this adv., it may come er ; SCHONIAN Registered Mortitian x RADIO TUBES BATTERIES ACCESSORIES oon . ily. Price $1.00. MEXICAN DIVORCE LAWS and information gratis. DELAWARE CHARTERS; safe, sound, sure; obtained in 24 hours ANY LAW QUESTION fully answered by competent, trained lawyers for $1.00. sometime.) ROY ex- custody and support of children, ete. Specify. mite vin a ake ——$1.00. THE CRIMINAL LAWS OF ANY STATE in plain English with full explanation. Prices $1.00. THE BANKRUPTCY LAWS fully explained; who may become’ a bankrupt, Duchesne —O— Denver, 7 AXELGAARD, ‘Mgr. annulment, Duchesne court at the court room thereof in the city of Duchesne, County of Du- ship, ce, planatory comment and annotations. A different publication’ fer each state. Covers marriage, divorce, alimony, legal separation, Lawyer declare hereof. said | ce Quick Returns OT Mexico, You and each of you are hereby to BORA ELECTRICITY Is YOUR MOST EFFICIENT SenaNT Professional Cards said estate to the persons entitled thereto, which petition is on file in the office of the Clerk of the above entitled court, which said petition is hereby referred to and made -CREAMERY —UINTAN POWER & LIGHT 60. to whom distribution thereof should be made and that a decree be made for the distribution of all expressly . JocJoc- Hazel Jochems: deceased, GATEWAY... Better Sight” § Mary Jochems, Mary Birzer, hems, Alvera Jochems, TRY THE E Wolters, Clara Black, Theodore Norbert Wolters, Frank | Lou- Falk, Clark, : ephone’ ?_ the 9th day of April, A, D. 1934, at the front door of the County} Court House in Duchesne, Duchesne County, Utah, at 2:00 0’clock P. M., the following describ- Elizabeth Degan, Elizabeth Gertrude | ARZY H. MITCHELL, Sheriff Dated March 8, 1934. ROBERT G. PORTER 33-4T Attorney for. Plaintiff Plaintiff. Vs: ASN. Alt and Mary HE. Alt, husband and wife, and John T. Rowley, Defendants, , some times|# Jochems, De| § Florence Wolters, IN COUN-| The Columbian Title and Trust Jochems, Hannah Jochems, Her-| man Jochems, Carl Jochems, W. is Jochems, 160 — To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on Of The Estate Howell, SALE DUCHESNE been Probate No, 246. CITATION Charlotte SHERIFF’S FOR ceased. To publication, TY, STATE OF UTAH. of Plumbing museum has J OCHEMS, as Ferdinand of 1934. NOTICE THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DIS, TRICT, IN AND FOR DU CHESNE COUNTY, STATE OF | UTAH. In The March IN THE DISTRICT COURT Legal Advertising FERD known completion April 13, tur- installed at~--Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, in. the _Mcdern _ tower, where Newcastle’s first goldsmiths, plumbers, glaziers, pewterers and painters’ guild was organized. in 1536. : IN HOMPHERYS, State Engineer. 16, 1934. AND Museum plumbers’ cited —— Myers T. H. Been. Robert Price are containing this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. ed home Saturday from Wellington and Price where she has been visiting for Some time. She was accompanied home by her cousin, the rights of all persons to said estate and all interest therein, and Frank davit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00 and filed in ; Washburn Shields, Barbra Lusty, Wilda Bell, Audry and Iona Nielson. os Blaine This application is designated in the State Engineer’s Office as File No. a-1251.' _All.protests against the pranting of said application, stating the/| reasons therefor, must be by affi- Du; igation ‘Company. water at al. convey through the Farm Creek Irrigation Company canal and use as heretofore for irrigation and domestic purposes. —_O— Mrs, James Larsen and sons of Arcadia are visiting said to-wit— Special Meridian, point N. 89 deg. 58 min. W, 1986 ft. from the N% cor. Sec, 14, T. 118. RB. 8 W., U. S. B. & M. and Chester night. to divert Utah, acres, more or less, together with 90.96 shares of the capital stock of the Farnsworth Canal and irr- Sec.) 32, T.1 5, R. 1 WU. 5S. B. & M. and for domestic purposes during each entire year. It is now Provo to be —{)}—— surprised 13, each year to irrigate 34.3 acres of for expects March on “West half of Southeast quarter (WY,SE%) Section Ten (10) and West ‘half of: Northeast quarter (Wi4NE%) of Section Fifteen (15), Township:One (1). South Range, Five West (5W), Uintah Office, City, Utah, IE Raa ed lands in Duchesne County, April 1st to October 31st incl. of ee titled court a petition praying that has employed 4,000,000 people, inMrs. Wanless S. Shields left cluding teachers, artists, street Wednesday for Salt Lake where cleaners, insect eliminators, a poet she will receive medical treatment, ee or two and about every possible classification of worker, is beginCharles Hardman is moving. his ning and will naturally react un- family to the Hardman Ranch favorably on business. But lead- North Myton bench. ers hope for the best - - and, what ee is more, seem really to expect it. A St. Patrick’s dance will be giv- Stover Olive Lemon returned home from Provo Sunday where she has spent the past week. dinner: Lula Gill, Leona cent in dollar volume over last family were Sunday guests of Mr. year, The chemical industries, and Mrs. Edgar Miles of Mt. Emwhich survived 1933 in good shape, mons. are continuing their advance now, —o— with glass, textiles, paper, etc., The Reclamation Service Survey finding good markets and stable crew are here busy surveying the prices. The most recent Depart- canal known as the Duchesne Rivment of Commerce survey shows er Exchange. {steel output higher, business act—o— ivity better, commodity prices on Oliver L, Sagers and Sam Gunthe rise, stock and bond prices ner were dinner guests Sunday at up and general betterment all a- the home of Mr, and Mrs. Marven long the line. G. Shields. of night. —Q— min- —o— Thurlo Richens has purchased the Liddell farm and will make his home there.oo Horrocks, go- Horrocks, from. here, Sunday in at Clarence Horrocks is home from the herd for a visit with home folks. ealogical dancing. Quite home —o— = is very ‘sick and the Provo, s ARCADIA mon in USERS Notice is hereby given that Ethelbert White, Ft. Duchesne, ‘Utah, has made application in accordance with the Laws of Utah to change the point of diversion of OT sec. ft. of water from the Duchesne River in Duchesne County, Utah. Said water has heretofore been diverted, by virtue of an application filed in the State Engineer’s Office, at a point located S. 8 deg. 29 min. HE. 910 ft. from the NW cor. Sec. 30, T. 1 8., R.7 W. U. S. B. & M. and used from Saturday. Frank San Felice and Ray Jonhson went to Ft. Duchesne Monday Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess of utes Monday. Ferron, Utah are here visiting old friends. They had lived here for the last twenty odd years. We are glad to see them and shake hands as it seems like old times. —o— Born to Mr. and: Mrs. Lenord The Farmer’s Irrigation ComHospital pany met in Blue Bell Saturday Smith at the L. Miles for the purpose of voting to see if ‘Roosevelt March 6th, a girl. Moththe Farmer’s Irrigation Company er and babe doing nicely. should go in with the Dry Gulch. —o— Miss Florence Durant of Provo The vote went over a hundred per cent, Altonah was pretty well rep- is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. resented. R. Swasey. Mrs. Brig Timothy at this writing. in Ioka ate Mr. and Mrs. Archie Benson entertained the younger set at their Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lang of Utahn were Sunday guests of Al- to help va Rust’s. keys. \the was Engineer’s Salt Lake -1934. work. =o to State Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson Miss La.~Rue Nielson spent week-end TO WATER chesne, of Myton business Edna Sunday lunch Lott acting s throughout end with Wimmer, Bliss nate NOTICE Ar- and Ellis MurBase ball was home. after which the hostess. ALTONA trip to the state capital during the week, j spent Curran played visiting Last Thursday night twenty of the American Legion members} and wives hired the ~ Altonah school bus and went to Duchesne to the Legion meeting. They report havinga wonderful time both going and coming, but most of all the wonderful time and refreshments they enjoyed during the meeting. John ae family in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Discontinuance UINTAH of Mrs. Berthena Holfeltz and two children, Nelda and Vern Holfeltz and Mr. and Mrs. Odes Bemis and the registers are ringing merrily, with an average national gain of 25 per A Trial Will Convince You Arvel ‘Hamilton at present. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lindsay from Park City were in town Wednesday. jump Materials J ennings evening were, Archie Lar- and <= Yes, business is better. And the curve is holding stubbornly td*its upward trend. Mainstay of the Expert Workmanship Bunola Mrs. Viny Marchant’s son, Cal- the main sport of the afternoon. vin had a serious accident Tuesday A very enjoyable time was had by He was playing with a No, 10 all. giant cap when it went off takHarold Gee was a caller at the ing 3 of his fingers on the right hand, he is at Roosevelt under the Curran ranch Tuesday evening. which there will be a program Job Printing Miss Shields, of Arcadia ray of Blue Bell, garet Young. will Depression Sunday sen of . wore Cees the expected increase in tax income from the redemp Quality Guests “TOK cadia. ; —O— ay Mr, and Mrs. P. T. Farnsworth . Quite a number of Juanita folks are rejoicing over the arrival .of a attended the ‘dance in Bridgeland new daughter, born March 7th, Friday night. 1934. Mrs. Ethel Curran spent a few Jack Franklin and family are days in Duchesne last week takmoving to Elmo, Utah. They are in care of Mrs. Charles Burdick. eos planning on- woe their home Guests of Miss Nelda Holfeltz there, Sunday afternoon were: ' Misses Curran, . Geore Lindsay went out to Salt Bunola Jennings, Ailene Richens, Max Lake last Saturday to attend the Messers Marvin Ross, Robert Gilbert, Ralph funeral of his sister, ‘Mrs. Mar- over to hands has been asked. what the final outcome of it all will be, can be predicted, but it looks like the army air is in for a good airing. shall’s salary. (Water-Master) Mr. Ferron Stevens and his brother-in-law, Max from Park City are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Les Stevens.. —o— the mail, the question arises: Is our army and equipment inadequate and undertrainthere so much difference in army flying, flying that an efficient army flier is not to fly the mail? To try and get an acurate DUCHESNE, UTAH MTN, HOME. — QUANTA UINTAH BASIN RECORD] _ PUBLISHED RECORD, cee SCHONIAN FURNITURE COMPANY WOMEN! NEED NO LONGER SUFFER AT PERIODIC INTERVALS OR_WORRY ABOUT DELAY! © LAXVIBURNUM Relieves the most stubborn cases quickly: and effectively. Different from’ anything you have ever used. Priced $5.00 for full size. Sent in plain wrapper, postpaid—Sold only by . U. Box S. LABORATORIES2006. Hollywood. Sta., Los Angeles - (Clip, and put away!) ce |. . - |