OCR Text |
Show ~ popes CFAMpie a Wi Boke Aoi Ycying Wis bee vi i culled ees . = $S.s wen wieemaoa far that ito of fo 6th a Tile. thething the inst. ee 2 ieee eet ne ee ute be more ;| piste thet one that will substit and ons | kuows. neither the rigor of : duproportionae penalty, pti { nperent — thant eee ‘8 the meet. ope eaden Aeomndoasat com | [9 Ste Pecans agers rb || Peace . Oneiake ie'aent antiet poltey of the American citizens of | by a Utah fs the true one and the ouly ; eee ay on i ation ty all its 7 tote eee Radiog au to poste there shied | eee eee eee 3 to Prophet ee eee eeewill please call... has se sai ae bee persuade bis | TBLEGRAPH. ¥, and ° a “s unanimity of feeling among the members 2 extndig nay fortberpriilacs 3 : | ' eaten ts , | a saf- inwe Aho wesid an enemy to mankind with therefore recommend that minvmatic | f|iciewould farbanefromof most summer, do away and inoetted tn nothing to enforce, fe | the public | % beart ready to engage in apy crime. It new | nt tax be lerled to make are the ich Gisesseawh at a southern in Utah = | whieh; phe, hat peting * rther need entirely free 0 far an the common | ia.to be by ‘industriogs and n evils in with the oxteting Indace you to| ‘OClATED Press Dispatcurs nroRTeD | Trpo.Phesii be said ob this subject to rennches enn eunentiat aed reason «hy {/ thers wo single blow. Our opinion ts, and tod raga, tot BY THE W. U. T. COMPANY, ' 1} pat axide this wukind and as I believe dis.) | be among the foremost in} vide a board of examiners ae one | % *b'Gid it ts the undivided we aw | : thie race fur commercial empire, Pp fieates of qnalification | gteceful custom. — . of the Gentiles of this ‘Territory ,that | and greatness. Bat iu order to mort with tos Grokiog bt esau Wouters te pitta the dismemberment and annexation correme, Or Soeple mutt bo entontaged ia tote quslon of he npenct. Se | neninet | ekhoratan, ifr Yel Jomtphi biYoung polfmuiny, rape sid incest, rect Salt | Brother attend.oe did ienotren Utah. Lake City, hehe bia aenede Se aap Uity, Ut hus and havi Aeting, Ooternee P Balt Lake: ty, Jan. 11, 1870,” . eee ~>{ Deseret. Evening News, the organ of he goce of a mromeut, the folly hit should attain. to that statidard to # Government | Sortbern wisters, sor the languor of the cost effective, BPs; : | aed > | Salt Lake City, 10.—The last spike ia "Tt ts desleble that you should pas« | te last tie of the U. OC. R. BR. was driven | th Aa authorizing the clerks of the severnt | 8-day by Brigham, In the presence of aa. i the prot courts, od ec unty tecorders to appoiut | immense assemblage of people from all siow to entull thimsdives Amongthe in. | Arpaties. While1 believe that no persovs | narts of the Territory. A grand holiday | the wealthiest | rather =” "ir- | stenctors of the youth of this Territory, | Should hold oficial positions who are not takes the place of business to-day. The | on. ludicrous LAT ft has been, found jn: and more ex en ee eee cee the partBat.ofit is an ingenious Young, device since| | perienced commanities that public schools | the duties t } Yet there are times | stores are generally closed. A grand ball, | ii ‘is 20 as a martyrdom | OF ‘ ss set - ; mont succeasfally conducted! apart wi ren ae — Of | toreh-light procession and a display of | the: dosen't of persectiticn | “THE UNITED STATES, and that unable attend raised by ble, camissarice notsectarian be teedinfluences aa the means to incul.| (© ey bisre Oficial ee duties, At each times it | are-works) to-night. Curioalty wpecals- | ia, therefore, the Btates, and appeals are | eAME? AT TRE aRCOND aEmON oF THE a ‘ar creed of faith except | FOBbt be a matter of convenience both to tion and prophesy are rife. scaete waitin anting tba aA YORTY-FInsT CONORERA © 4”) wheoh teaches “that | theoffl-er and to the public if the lawan-| shoald pot de unto others that whieh | otiae| the appointment of deputies, Now York, 14.—The amount foady ae al- of the general comm to, the Stanton ré- he | —o—— of Brother Benton's dis- |, ° Tu lis all é.vilis vilized Cyn The & i eup osed notorious Cook, the | dod, bat the inducnce of ‘The dha’s hah aptudieden *| S exiating< ; cenens, < Manioni a mate. Uniedbled, Sates = That ali. L Bot : fo Co adieu of si craeye the sour, F8 oe pe Fen Dom been sree tiee "on than for the utetly Tt Who pet thle’ part: the Sinn. same ou noted ktwen an These civil and of | ae Would be eas equally unjaat at ae ae sine parungs: asylum, and bis! family praction, codes erimital aboliali codes the din, ture compebs:tion Hction of forma tw netion and fechaieat.| (helt services: The’ profession of the law | the other all-essontial’ ibenebys susventiad.as Sete to an in- | day before. : Diwir hands were clean, aad the Arat.day of in, sigh - | tak. > nd vr | pn caer the or |e meta ttheein tna on Unie ei sabiinhaal as opens i eanot | et yr sa this end the legialatates of most of the States of the Unton have passed what are reece oes : é z tes pn common haw in ite divisiun of actions. t i of& vehidae braveek va te gvaiel ‘no earpl ye for ny wevlos a il : sethvcdepenoner | [Posture Resowwrmo—No.4.) “ , . BAPRALING LAWA a a cin this cliy, Boston ead soarna’ teat bo beet talc ) about | a. RESOLUTION | Ry secslon four, chapter eight of an act ladelphia, footsup near $ ++ | the peoulia® inetitation, gamy, nor.) provisions CTvit, AND cRiatiwat. Copen relaling to uttorniye te te pettibed “No| - Atan annual ciation of ofhcers of ruin men, ‘eye Hesol ty the petson of pertous counsetioany | Of the Union League. Clu 0 nT es Leyrniad othe errtry ball be en eres n tee boon fund couduelee ‘ | Soimyelled by. any of dae; to | provis tfeebuteal.thas t a ; te #onld not that others shoald do ante Poste 4 Febroary,auuo?” nmbundred and seventy? 4 have || formed the af The » i. (tae MPPEO e Ps Dosensber neon, kuce ings aad elements, Sins pecan tatesSe 2, 1809. peered gw hynthi, wetv tnd |" (Pupric, Basorttriox No. 5} ae cben tn practice, and avold an far an possi. | * Ouly ueqnired afteryears of patient and | 9 are seandiv’ favery fil, JOIN TE RBESOLUTION relating.to steaus te those labyrinths of the; law, whicy ate | done Ward study, Aso class, attorneys bave | Thus ends this rending affair, | eed there,wae withing curious about Us veuwela owned in iby as mach, if oot nore to ameliorate [@ tov often productive uf ni gua, aed omy | ad ‘elevate toankind than’ any OF the PP a Pataca 7that GenEsutenant tinetly ofa previous: state off than to Honorable Rody, that the ua. | your attention to the desdrability of the vn, | leateed; rofessions, They have originated waa a direst exposition doctrign of | “Bett resobved by the Senate and Hons | looked absence of the Goveruor has | euactinent: of a general incorporation principles fo ths aluiniintion of Justice hig ietempapebca is Hed oi oy I qsontatives of the United Hea devolved thia daty apon me with av Hmi-.) low, pursuant’ to tie Act of Con of urease of justice, Hho Siots 9b Key Yutk ; to note for thei aw eall ‘| me-.| ance of this end, I ae anc ‘ted a notice as to meke is bagouite eutire tal for | March 2, 1687. and aleo of an Act author. erste od tiation of limited tner- vo the | tut Wations sd eat o of oc w uation tapes ear Hawley, | limitations and ste paanioon by eeteed shagies te rights of the people, 1 of an act concerning the Judiciary, are a6 substan yer portion ‘of the their windom, and matty other adopt such States and the) abet festly, re- edly comansad thesaslves(+ your witon. | Te te fed te capeuclitineof Lege A meyeonth ine Ee that heir (fhould BHO laws shall of Phatvo bus or cud - ae me Sil tate: aon eomdreiied cine oad erg - Ale ~a hed or’ adupted tu any | ain the trial uf any ease, ex diring euneted by the Coverner aust Ly gixAsa mbly ui thy Tem rt wud a ols Mt ateure wer any eonrt eho ; na os ly Corson LEbo cunrtme 00 eee obi * ] to rest to ; : ts techni. tu adh the prast for Alpal pes fy cuts, which it bas view ty beens valighOmed by the atady oft the re oy yer ee oe houses aro esta ished, Llie’ passage of a! subsery. d by allowing all partiex, whether bel U peed~ hardly. wies and jadicions fneorporation law | fiitefeeted of not, to testify in their own tendency to bring | bebalf in both civil and crimiual caves; eae those "ho | would have a ration of: the flown: | needed hither that ssekal while isof so.the much enlarging sphere of‘aa theto jiry ain in the development many | thas leaving them to the determine th cred. Geet ae none gr varied resources of the Territory, aud ea.| ability of witnemen S pecially would Hs a a? ft tid th the development & strong noel by a | may bebe ‘ bomen nat et Olataen?™and the faces bf || of of Claima,’” bh, and so forth, an so Shae Se enatiare een of tye |dhall -not y tonor be constrocd to | bekders and it 9 bat too-olene that |-debar the of claims for stenns. | Mormoniem sis: the revolt of ignorance | bosts or other yexsulp taken withont con. ag teneanbetes, the belief if the power | sunt of the owner,oF fmprewed mio the , the passions.:to sead,, aorestrained by | military herviee of tire United States, tur. own on SE raat meen Or parte of of Mtutes declared-in-inwarrection ; Ir. eee, not in accordance: vee the easly formes oo of | the tupe ee their eco tient aueniod coarse licips Ia civil eases. this Seok tu facilitate biainews, from Ronr| boyal it | ttiering with: mor dering for, theafities'of | rectionary districts by proper anthony, The legitinmte offepring of | viz: chacte”, contract, impres-men',or > ned | the work. niloak Cons ‘that Comnann ain ateethe convent and the srry With rales or regulations & wilt deelte Cbrinters«: Lat thes Ldotieé Mormorben!ia [ biblished Wotlie Soeretary of the Trew Ae thek ‘that he eave. tho» at she drift . ony AD were claims vriginated, and re. thereafier; nyel wero ri. States, and , xneh steuo; vem were iu the ins or other vesuela ins | boats letter Christians were Commantata; private TY cinbieen asehinh tnemeenes jarred on the nerves, Immedia 14.— A rumpls, assonible’d, nineteenth, Lowers Fila ner Waa an ntly | buodr ‘and entitled “Aitact ed +n 'wet entitled sense ofan thesisty-ceven, | Meent, atid Lie spokd of Jeens “our heldor | to declare een 14, — nioricn tw Corigress for | Id, 14.—THE ‘Renate | the counsels of reasom’ Its atliendrtientto-<lay. |are bell out amduly to the lowent ow |’ pame 1 | the act of Pebrnary Tm, dogndee | ry. aryl apiroowedd iy KlyB wet lent of th of thio | cn emPt te. serie lie mthew: before thieset Wlddte aFAE tes Biter hie | Sens arr. prectited Idrnel neithe | Un ted Staten, , Teak body oueninee ‘London, 14>! et invas-<ll- a of David, when the Mebrews tad | Approved, Devemlen 23, 1409. Aue (eauecun-| crit tckceth ed ce et erm Pi mie Risoler [wemat rate whl pares tilias | cbse eka A eaeRP canes mene (REN Main)a memory ol Guiry deulenly, deccaseh fi tea a af. derision. . An: rom t h five hundred tl 1 boilers»i!Ehe-awnorsed of havemastalready of be || thus asitigis vowtriacs of tele mighly power | eciatheegnargaenes oF Tesi. happesing in our ows eoan- ordinary provision for the trausfer ree to ve pune ren t 1OUsa TE teenth conttacte afOR HOW. OTM “ kK New Yor 2h en A special 211.) entire, nud we we Me more Brita try, when we .ren) frou! Utah) that free slisenesion t* albedo alt) poldin; Usat of provis iGo ae | Pos riche ridings4 ‘.. ) oe ulen sil - ot be Feuinling db bionative land: Therefore, The it'resolved by the Senate aud Hoa ulives of the’ United Statys of Tost meri¢a in, Congress assembled, That ihe Jegtelature the doch ines of paiygamy ing: treely ean Atlanta, Ga, es er eo Selon het : ie seagate ee that-ta' the -anldie: af a the orders the alyrarr er fe f | the DPrexident of the. United States b Die, claaiier apisit, iato be found ‘Rullock, The ‘Repate. organized | Seer a pantsemrnt to the evit door s#¢he | aulhorisa) Wo. wake sneb preparation for Be oe th *itteuiged Stat h ickly, and wn the choice of the aerate rafegnart to; sovinty,’ and pro- | the reception of te body of our disiiv‘tin oy ea Phe‘ulET ‘ arash the! bite of ‘there'seems epublican toofficers in theconsiderHouse, } qjiiremonts duces outwantofthe respect, at aon oe eer enighed Philanthropist merited ly tibiiat: vdntsta ‘Valuable ‘mediel have been Tawa. Po timke this is orlous deeds, and inas mn isMapvercou to conan Me Terry hey 10 48.) SFuited Tales ‘Khao thelo plane tetn! || earefal sbrowdbniven States where condnet wo of affaien sees toit thatman his in the con: || f'n etry’ : me AO" pomvnn © Bau wi me of jastice Moald refues to Hain | Columbia zi from annexation to the | sim. 4 a parallel a the bin. elie teehee nen ian: fatoricaare inn, | Modera experience, I tlidk, has dem. vibe t Pie daseaaek na lina : "tory of other parts of our common coantry. | tines are worked, achoolk and ranking Poostrated that the erie of Ja-tiee are bent | jy “es und OF Jeginkations wnt bnew erie! peers yf. the *! lait : , ‘ | & Crowe precodiuts of, jaw. whiels: the ex. U Piobestnt ge Phe city war vis: ee ee Whereas, sin the dQ athoof Geone loo perience moukind dudLaw the iywisdom pf | it ited1 heby a oatery. ‘dlddegtructive feetive<frefre tot to | '. Bormondem Beeaming Chriiced, a native ofBiitaritt: the Unitedonrexmnry States, cml || ages lavevfsanctioned. a profer. YW warn ae yobont - | takdy, Lave penidaubiel ost Aut adienden ath! eciener Hhe other jirofeantins atroy re BB ioe # were‘@ationatiod entirely deSawly the. of steam rade: ead || the We staid Abtoest ‘nt ie aril wale tet ai tac ontid binsait re grout au iehtavwar savebrkeagents at |. clinttteltyru wholly indebted ma lisont Mt ite nent | aie wits the atatuled . witneniwns ‘ te? enced eelat Weahi | otha greatt works ofthe palhedabdallME theAC || Cina MAP eucraioait a as | sic im toe tread eaten that Sa TI Jahier oestions which xhonld be plaiuly written | Unygit As weil attempt th for bit the physi. | bul Cased wil Fie Ward Heoche Vote 1040 18/) be epee te Plnes utes nbs Ww series States ix Lardly equal : to the bealsof a single year, Porheps this ha« from idea lawn; that for. the neededthe freemistaken and simple off, the «tatates in suet: that whee and thatleave law beytos, the Gothitsow wetting a entitely free’ from debt; “e condition not only int -iteelt, of that it area vo : "i i i 0; Vheat T tende 82;Ban FiFrancisco62)—5 $1 Ye our, $4 we vera 0. ea, : > _ Bt: ee oar (Kamans Benabo. ratified the 1b), angne- woid, . Ikijs pened eet yon eat paucur Twiakd ‘in thin Jiuury lation ativen Heople will Leseeu that | ririmyh the ageney of corporations moxt is high , i: atemote | many teepnets, ace. Pigsilar, tu opt oom. | [> SNNE OL ONUNH AR ARE AIENS IS | ecrtal today. shimbs, great care, ahd | indaced, by public spirit of the hope of contain many valuable ee ete tana aged saliar’s 2: i A tnes anB 5 r erprise, aoe ih (he| vitancn all il thet their capita in most in: management oP which m repotta . the T erritotial stances, necesarily . “be left" to others. bait ha terse te why ) hoy ith ' of the codén of ottiur || ‘Section ous‘theub eliaptcr two peaeiiies of an act : | ater rending the Journal toa. Hioeee \Coridianhy,\an ts tan. daby sei Ofora) - ined Joya) torien an are adiitable for | Jaws uf d the Virginia bill. tninnionarien, | Inothe>elded .duyn! the | den Ri ;of Tayal a einer. ising [cetromens sed we alesis tr | ae priscay prepared. with ed ip baat has been will be found suggesdions, rho . : pumbered Heury have but ¥itDbiped! me fiden that the law tahoe v3 of you % car avail ‘ ond |be ertiesfortunately .be statute wants of onrowa. the onde ep lyn aud wus drawn tently ofadopted thas | | lawyer beg legislation whwhich ix thas reat cxperieute and eminent nd emp ge eee ability for a people whose interewtn in certain fied Sed of . mast ’ os” let’ orton ceueeteas ect the Lak . . ve of ‘the Chief Justice, it ia | continued a of prudence and forethought. the | 1s ovr oro ean tule utes and uring a8 nied | many of f tn produi Uy is attempt yo deps ive thetiaN right ment y. have been rewarded by equal Heal@ay« ‘unwine atid Witt ‘alt! hawbeen ‘and It be expected that at one will be found to be: nagatory and . Colu garded ws ewential to the well being and * suggenbefore you, knowing it containa of, whieh will undonlt- “a ibe -shettt Seid Fertaly alne thohdthents a y, in ar ‘ ' eri advancement of. every cum. cunnection. suggest. the examination of tade, merely a memorandum a The law governing corporations of the 8 ate pt Nevada, om being wourt the code intended to compile amore | aud defning their ote aml privileges one in many reapeetan bdVe thiwante thum +f the doune | OS, In bia ab. | bas been digested by the wiedom of ages, of thia ‘Tertitory. fh is place it | and it is, therefore, not an untried of an- The propor to we ; thane a ks, Asanoiat ¢ ity and windows of, that xystem of leg. | 8 —_ ad diamilton, bah wi ed human taco : font , Wilson ten cial busiuess under, aud exemplitied. A fenaiats Pesach | : antes isting toms Corpone- | J ais : te joa oe to map th yl i Joyal The be mat ria medion, The na ee ernst LimelaWnivencrare shbanee lee kiah aeons oe oo pal ante | re peveniive, sisgpaticity. hacesmble wich ave | HoUried, and Asrens freely made,per | | Gro ot bnew ty bandand aleaye | Ande ittether fnolvet That pba . ence of medicine has made urrat progress like creditable conditiob. 6 ia force niust be hear at band and alwa " . ; a ¥ Of @ great people, j The geustalPease prowprity of the cowutry | Wy.oak] theso materiallysell locrease the prosper | tec'sarefeduant to wridie or ars mon: [el"te ke advanciag, aill,, amongvs, Peerated. "The House “adjourned | Cow.to oulwant appearanoe at teat, | the Preskdint ue may adoptFpriolin tho4 premio piel ger one or anbiede biol oot bat (be wee sion Weal ae a mee iiaaies ine —— madet all aystome of oan completing an organiza: Young kuows now that the poe af the ay ebro ee protalionon. : Perea bortiean™ plenty a ude eeptions abondant, . Sat one tinued proofs of the richness of the soil purposes. re en Iron and ae Fie nature. efficient, coavedied beennie winbde Hbs-euletien ee come to all cuantry. oe cada of the people. portions of the o«nnot be told, noegli- many to | and medi- ranged Radhediy ny depen: lined ww law oul eS combivat eee Thas iu the | ary conqnored. thatpvetabed All such w- | tribanale of the land are the noakillfal | puther uF have been fit Yt Speeieneeee cae Crops, caase ‘Thronglr S‘nnioms of immigration, as | the trath. in the COnM- | bors of extent destroyed tt tea dhe spoke ribbed festiouare ond We adaptability f sgricsiianal snd novel as it has aia w Sat atigtl en. Uraode over andsets a some of the rich. urn Ae moat nnd art fret . is greatly Of restand » Ine which Prince M. SSE statdtés savor and abrewdness of a more opponent | jaws of thé Teritory. The) ane sot of * | Congrens of July 20, 1808, | lature iden gmbralied law, that «8| | 115) in otgemions, Maret 90,unless 1809,this law provides for bienbe} pornob, however intraecommon in his manboor, showld ) Killed M. Noir, wed ie Pt ~r ated, D |’ 2SSOLUTION ‘' ate given olltoce 1 ¥ oe on ; e NOTICE! me Orhin, J sammary 1, 1670, ea ee tm, waa Round’ seke between the undersigned under the O'Farrell, | after, if found at all, murdered b Commiisioner. Dury bavi otherw Approved, Detember 83, 1860. aaa we bear ho wore of of | years, when a Gentile,oe imeelf, Jasper ot Paci | of goolety of former | "itt tans Crt Oa » 12th,—The legis- some of ee enks el of Sans as of delegraph. At pathlcas ethan of wisdow and it | The Prince was’ promptly arrested | the horrible stata nt, and for that renson por- | is hopedthat the pre ent Legislatare by oj and held to anéwer the: charge they have | and thé rigoroms rale ofthe law. .sity tae tie exc Moat of them at | hapsthe more unsuspecting, es vorificed to-| caregul revisiou will erase them from the | hom epeened Sets ; ci Bpectale tramstod eres ties tontmerts ! AVERBCE& Duos, hes thin day Leow cise! these demons,and Themurders female sex was Asheran as |" fofspared-either, were rife,notia || esSew Inthe frm of ‘eetngy Fr Avezanee h one ed ell et arrang- unworthy of credence by reason of a mere i other billiard match for $2000 “pitting away,” as they called due me At Troy, Alabama, mitint be setiled wit wominal interest, no matter how slight, | 7. AT Seton haat Cintecnean te to take place on the 22d inst. ; finer tenn es wives Hh many | tneipew fem apa wae ‘ ee ee stad prpvide tee biewnitl bessions by the It is the California-Pacl-| Free discussion, then, having gained THEODORE H. AUENDACIL men oultable UVERBACH. feft to determine the 9 of ‘eeeh ftom his appearance on the stand | Hust importance shonld be taken witness of testimony the affray, ecutive as the to any : centuries, t | barous times of former up by nestion, to wny disagreeaud the Ex- wien to and all the eecunbasee! Gutvounding euch. In many capital eaves when the de. | the end that should Loginlature ‘ceased and the sccused are the only par. | Meut between the of hibited, not inferior of imported geoda of * your enactinenta, the land, our any part panies. Cent : tics to the ; watebea, egal in seientise od br tite $0 linea -gencesoee fen- | latif , to-day, ‘Rochforte myeh oljectionable his.statement may favor | #1 thus remedy, hotover much or NolI THLE dcatt blow to polygeniy abd oe tilaile bot byt Sea andrine Pee the Jary aco belive euabled to-er. | tN biasetif, may serve-to throw in light, and | Hite may be sufficient timo to oanvas crimiual | Earope of the real facta in thease Whatever code | tnjust4o tbe exceutton, to adopt, | 4 serious ef praction yon may deem proper Cabs ple “a. We spon It woold meee , | alike tothe meaat seas tared silk will cane. ports of Utah, art, exciting of latesert: . ox meas on teatify ' party shall warranting ieee propre |. 6 E ¥aatd recommend yon'to meworlalixe | Rock of the Lagi Congries lor anudal semions , ee ree FUER oe. te T ry Ce a Ce bnore. E 5 7 DISSOLUTION NOTICE! | | | |'geowd. Fado a iii - xchange ‘Hotel, Aidexiaa heed STRERT, san Branches, ot, to Halleck o¢ (Ratendiing Tom Byertmmenio e bane chiioe ; of call p.m. umier, at} tee it i pirrs. PH) / nib es ai pein ' r Goemnor of Fashington ont petrine , Sral ston, .10.-The House met | hem te tae binned Cit | : } munity « of Debiien hedos o0d.4 ie at these a | of tty order wholly Sout bs toni tation of ertazs eee | ’ woking relaions.. € J fof th Mareciities, ent! Siewaneen Wanhiington;, 120h./The President |:sent ibe , development in this Teeritory: foris | | 24ntpidmenta ofthe I sande The Penitentiary a number of nominations to the | itor: the sparpesde” eh at ants, CONE vies the ineoutity | testering wad. ahamidanedercica cut Ellen whic it was Sartly exp fay tee foster Guslee pete SSPE es be } some extent n@hould, Oliver: - 7F the resaltof the | *mme and digest them. | Pextrentting. ; bat often revalts } Prines. was a cotisin of theidhed. Emper. “M. |' | -Mormborion 7 2earees ~ woah nate ner tee Samenaed kod the Horcels osotpy'aseto | sjetogs saree 16 29 Po Abe bole bre: of, be faust ath : then, Free |}. . ide toslny, Trocbtorte: ret RORSED ALL PERScNY, OWTSO ee a oA! e ea eee temote, leather, aad goods that would a ibid ete eat cee of el to the means of execut \ ane atte bo axilla be Of l ‘sach 6 thing should btod) OMY uk madyinil [; oe - HF, plahed, makes Ut the most qu ie he, _ + saa late * eee ; ce r Coe — a — at # a wht oat of te r ” vores MD ase se peene ac | * a abo i Ms y s - ; ’ . — Tribene ( teds baiple . aera re r 7 ‘ i’ $ ns tr of 5 ee y 7 rth oF pe : ts * og 73 bee ; . * oy 47 : * ee " : : ae ie ee . legroom feelt , : : folly oar Yio . oye tow \ ' a Bein tousererrop) 3 he rot ; t 7 ‘ oil ‘ : whe 7 . . (tee bund ' * i s.i ge e | Po. 7 PP sear , “4 . 5 . & n: x = eo . Mer wt iT doidw oi ‘ cael yet nae te , \ en Mont jon p, A Nevad od pkg a ‘ nm ‘rete 4 :” . * mn ‘ ip eicis . bode ah an) ; ; Ar ie . ! ef Ww Adie ~ ‘sven Coll oF wordivere : otdt te WiC edf an incl (Yi -deers Blok) ; -T § elcet | | | |