OCR Text |
Show a 4" * | is 2 ™a a8 Hy+" in if. 0 1. fs © OR ‘- ; hg . - 5 : ea oe “" : ’ / UI ; * Phe type. ce ‘Ha al ral ‘i, SS Sok Ptin? » ee he oe Oy MOI ERE WY pet PNT IGN, 2 fareweevens ewok tO ' bahent et Deceats se ot ket es Lg We Ie - Teta svi A PU i oe es UE - , ee +i 1 wey } ) |e NP fel li * Sori ane ' the fe ny came the thet aod Yatne, tr strict; Ut tag tlues : 4 im fact bat a synod of ecclesiastical in 4) ‘ ; San 4. op prevent year, tliree. or for two and dare the | have the city, tath all over they toof affordpart We can't- Thid SU! longer. United States to inter. | any of the dhe Government chek i | Ses with chee te 20M" this .y@ar, and iso. they | fa} vory = Ro-duch. ae ek eb esl, he ary, apd. ilt halt he. vsitiot to holyaniay, aud i een! araatepadae viet ot reace cs on Chater Abbie heater to check free immigration, ‘pro- od ant Charebs, there- ut we POHATM« mn- con tion, tried: ‘he oe onlla lolebebe feo Fabre ese Re at That she ; to | oaths of affirniations abovg, fs shaped or cana ea ies the Terti- feof wht; it is now . \ ' a, mrat in on A . reso Sa wet ? tw! oer * r ro ‘I would first place ; Tui ‘the Tilaho. nonage ante bine rnae Lda Ais ; pteedes - : nea lef, ea es i "weer the mre aiinaty ee a be eter Oe RR FARO aire tbo * not be admitted, te thee people concerned will be pr sted ‘tah div ded, and Congress to have ap. They polygamy, +70) oe ene PF, OM Fey i, "vbe ; plane Velpebonseehiell exarmiue anh Abd hee pear fy bs the Vlreuit aes tig 4 reese in with hibit enterprise and retard Bist - tory, if properly managed, them or their institutions, with Gretag Hoot s00tirtln 1f easorend will ed States for the district” of Georgia” “>. the Torritory. It aims, by the ungaat €0- Uni men at the head, coul Bee 1 GO nese in the ee a es op Woolley, ia his discourses in the 13th dimtrint said orime was.cowmywhich in) | ventral. to ines, franc: val ‘os surplus great a tite on the | made to mt | Ward, mocked at the pony force : : =. : , : Tiat by th 3 be have to. sup ort concern. Well, things are getting oth we show hot bere, and if the polygamy bill passes, ae re ee dthtine “mage a hare thers pied | ei elected, na aforesald,.and en- the will ae tna ther in look ont for lively times: The women |.who never do any work, {tcome | to the sound and , ia giterunebt ite tall dod y eieeee: peavbiieedt eiedths ent oP :iaball aioe prewcrited ip above there-or. ‘Territories, in Idaho, where, affirmations are bal be encour. | dhaahers will industry and aa immigration meetingaa onto rw thix || of are an indignation to bok!night, are OP ach beet n crops on the question ‘Thareday. : Congressor mal. If they decide in the | the ye ind habiiwot thie Living | exlatenerof polygamy pow er. Iiogbatiert er in iyigam » but aes on Congress, it will be rough negative ra ; te oe have retarned hee omg oe ane : , i all have the same there that a o whith be thinks aretate that portion all forty-first annexing north of the ” DatenWl He migist teertitly county, over the mah ecny pif ng tomy hare ' ee Fe pt is extensively ’ i " , Geineeeeten tuentp-te b0te | gino th“e aa abate wae hong. 8 United aaa thehhde w pr bibiting ee anal Territories. Brigham oe nae : | se nd that alee ier ° 1 m “ Baier wey the investigation von ly puesae M ee ou the | pe > - the Seti ed omnes PhySMe 4, we eoppeing Bove ataby be will thot eanienad bbe . @, gn Seay stat Chere |thong oth Saat Apow, frenn | pe tpath beoN, matic Ta ’ bs e+ yo oa that ' thar alee ie tl My ou Se a * i ther ig one . CRE ye MERION thir cata | . ‘ 84S. Cues steep {ts Ww * serene! eeoet? faa great ia i r tel Sapa 1, ‘Thin the ahiecnth Conittitution proposed ty the senators and Pitas to neta ip Yon oon reer rt 3. G, BLAINE, | Bneoker of Wie ituce Lx Representatives. al ’ of te Didiof theieee Vice-Piedldent Reante. | atid President 400, Approved, December 22, | \ ee aes rae . would leave here then | OF THE UNITED STATES, ay” (Pubije--Nbo, |: 5b AT TRE estARCOND steston OW THE | Mi py Heigham, “ Utah | with No, 2] |. done anything want! parteats AN ACT ne PORTS. FIRST COKGuKIM. tohurt Ogderi. ‘There eck Ses yours Hing thud cus 1” (Cimte—No, 1.) ficieneles ig the appro. mpply. th SS atibaibins many Mornogomist Mor- You know the Gen- mons here that will favor anything hd ak! eons it 5 would lw lieves it the . Mr. W. says) ho), quickest, way the only ' The prophet dewended from j p wpot ehieh ae _ Mi! crest heat the stores atul aaloous fellow gotp re a The ed ph ; Ng ’ hia) eer “ selected for Harenwam , Crry, : Box Rider Co. | : and Qed bad he and ‘ he be- Samay | lot is thickeni HcKhen S143 cartings, and appromdned the sacred ther and to settle this Horwl a bole © | matter of authority:in Utah. il emmen a emo Ml di from Joss and danger, * fhe, en Peel te w~ in 4 ue4 ite engrat _i, duierittGal Side uvieh’wend)pinehitoratel’ le‘ TAg Tatse +4 ERTJ rt mg or op. PALA hr ba ash th Mtbetiapo, ee Are © WE : By thie Ay | * : Whet fe: “yh i ‘ . y ee attache mat hoynera} TAws “‘Trighany’s under withOgden, fromnterfere a good dealMT |?eule,Ketif out have 1 distance of | tiles aud apostates itdon’t rs ws WC MMfjadt one eebek Wotetisl, Hear gileb. | atragture, | AL nyoe te iste poly into enewo don't (hat is going of gevernor the appleation of the anataney : of |” Hye jg" | AN ACT to promote the resoustrnction me bITG pe oss KY America of | of Huse and Senate the by envicied' hu ation poy us plithed; the ei bbothat bt Mormondom well te move careful in this matter, | heeause It wouldgive tr: fie ret *utuis m4, ted the bate ‘nro Use Vaited SER ex of Amer | the followlng at once by bein Attached Hi prone ntatives'sy a bat the above, | sted in ave at the maynitedé of the | til you are sure we are all waft here enough Mun, to Tdaho, ta be adinitted ‘Into. the | fs ia Coayress assembled, “Lut tue Gov: | hereby, pore font of any mohry I, pan 2 Sec. 7. And be it firtiler enacted, Thit Hpen to up at Corinne are gular w-day, avd | Territories, Is the only: thing the anil Wanehip, and the settlements observations atevel adel plain the , bane Gevernot | geerkhy | the ern of Mormon econductore. which the ee .- ar \ ce a line from the “Lion's Den" | "Y, “this division of Utah, and) and all ae a iiccsante te Thinking ee : canyons, also Coalville | Ju. would be of sotue. littl intereet, I Late | Paréeling It out among the adjoining | aud Echo Pyros cumuty a trainway over | is euccessful, t | Of madden fime—bailting ase tage Hee. & Abd be it furtherionncted: That. PA ET Kt erie lees al aed fadthe ggg egtton: ave al wake legistature Shall salify. efor cate ee ee lee Reel and weit tn a eae Seed—ffar* || north Bear Lake, Ogden, Cache and Ma- | the greatest aud most daring enterprises | for nome time tu come, If :: : Sar Yeabl enarts dull in ie con if the Chaser stale di bony be ne! Sheffer mill thet onder « new election broth | cemary to enfore: and exectte the preced- ‘ Ie Be KS Sea | Hhsitwoy,” and ie couseqnence an iu | created considerable comment, and | mense cfwd, estimated at 20.000, assem | no little hate and fear, My-opinion NRWMAN. Ram of ond of | ia, It would nearly rulu Salt Lake | led te witness the eeremonies this move | Vruterwally rs kone tt bb indeed a # to sve 4 |” citlm fot an Awerican : them seyd will Hempatead A GENTILE FRIENDS | thelr numeroos eduenbines Oubks, UT. 3 gone have class influential “Bulls Kye | cided looking for the whole country to tarp bat | woeld be driveo te day in the ” ta ste) ew La (arabic 7 vs Meotion of the Callon Bill, District Attor. | in. grent considered pendin | uthof this place, between. here | und thetntelligence te te etetes | trateantt the seme tur your dixgnenl It | hierarchy fear,” of such de-) would justas soon lye in Ps kegel bringsto-day stchevermesns, . | cit Sneretemnnate of the theRe caotaetiy camps chee bore: thoughJ om | ** generally given et that the lant apike | Your paper tah ata idlsar 40th lenseieat all dieo | he eee Oe ie a measures being taken, has et hone aaNet te te Fe Ps alee oe | aumepliuent | Ont weleiber Lorenss Snow, acrow the giving’Reethis part where crops where | tingoe SUtah eeinto, andpe xm In oi the U a tad valleys, alt, tiver, shouklretarn at once to a‘senson Auue Lane City, Jud.-10, 187 | more sure with less work, A» you Reporter: ooh abe A tiathed prigtves in perand- | been taking thin law and tiam- sid she i aunt well. ee that u tw look and 4 Toring | 4, lamer #@- The more Intelligent to and the diane, ae ares always been to go south and Aghtthe In-| lected Completion un rtehg o axe three pons was! sesthen Wee Soll, om se sad the vemtont ptep aes | on hureeneet oneAge = wie | Oeetared Itam the Pulpit, TE in erUtah, the theLatter than fect ofthan i; man, elle me be Teblabte The ‘tate chess bientider ieee Que wings ss Waten uitistiliatane a ae machinationa, have are property” norant fanatics, victims of Brigham’'s LAE ComRESrerDEaCE. sab? Mattering. are estremely feet, @hich, in a se made some seventy tiles below Mi scala, ; ; : ‘pie ‘aseubittia ‘ ns if she now begs, sufficient capital and: within omen of Utah. “They will | Senate or hense of reprenentatives, upon; Assdiubly 1 re- | takes all the best agricultural sce- | hé wrote the letter at-all, so If you | Generalof temain Dee. 1th, 1809. | tate to develop her Keverowe Raw in sosion about o weet, Abe ground of race, color, of previous con. that Mr. G. wrote | probally and about 3),009 of Its x not quite sure thrrowrls Utah, of tion of Aervitede, would s be ill gl, and entitle to dition ; population, and t h ourcen, anitog | ~ when, | Biro? col& the Sir revolat Ma. W. A. Cisnn—Dearhigh thronghoat while the peor ig- it, please say ©o : & thes provisions of the 20th OM n, : best population, sts ’ hmary. and t¢ hereby protsiliter ae ' : The excitement t her to admission. e titritie of your paper, as bris-Jife and thia oft bdgeens ; 4 usa a : one Lake, toe Mr. | This gang of palygawitic. bishops, | it i bereby deelaret} that! the rtclasion a could hot get away trom here. Fre-| itions of the most enthusiastic in | PO? detaching takes all of northern ‘ trom elders, p:ients ef dil gonine enua, met ot aa aed Solin: cates igiitbesh,ef wail A ated Seeca anaes parte to ey 1 B Beace, M.D. | Montana, will soon command what Utah and the Salt ofLakethis valley tm the pricteedinge . ue Salt Lake City-yesterday ander the tame | participation 1 for one don’t think It] tetieve him. city. eight miles or he oat ‘ ; a Usa. ve riins| abt ete arded eet RRR eR cacul on behalf yf the citizens of ial fms tahini ‘ Committee and for théGenitilés oFth Fabvut a. letter, publisted re Should this discovery turn out @ of this clty, but what-effect would ald nflonec iiiarbet nflanes ek wher walsh OFshallGoityia, ¥ toh aliateiet nena Habba 'EL Hobba cee eee [Seat Re ES A | co ue mnge ier Idaho and pun tie trie, and cireaitver odiinet by theduavieted,' therefor ished winy' court of the United tutes fortiny d Patcick Hall | Wen. a Merrick, way. af wt. and the nnd abun oe sae ' | If ‘v0, a copy by ~ tiona, atkd ‘othe rwise complied with.tbla ~ Tylony,° bo deemed qyilty ott wot, be ahall Stabblefeld, Strat, D.A. Bh. sf, Tibbles, ng and the) . be -_ of this face mining | t laveon Celt lake and ue Get-} by Me. C: C. Goolwin often the cive'a: inthe | haa been even T triond. gingtome there Tercnorp. : exceeding the expee- tiles here? The portion you~ pro-| with another letter from Mr. w. this, | district, before eral have : Tone ‘ Cun ee mtg uy Ya | o dlistitets ane va ‘(Sto 90 cents to the pan. Han- eepeahest ’ Ho ate or hoose of reproseutitives, after hav yg ing taken one of iid outha or allirma- * “A. W. Taylor, J hit Raves, O. Be Fran’ How, an “ofniallthe arewint. tnect! of the, pro- | Samuel lying of con y latitude to Idaho, waa held | send hers. | north hs Shakers pectecrrnrsay| cecens etice ten crtina|oy ; tes 4. fy J. W. Guilitie, Ney, proper- | 4; K. il Hyram erhape the loas of. our tie Fou ay your sext of ~ Sess tis sheer coshacehtainratires- bed t by thin not, or from partions prescribed Garrlab, «| Heipating in thé proceedings of maid wen-> ¢ Jolin W. Jacob Strain, are a special exp us to su tlegree "The ex- Insane asylum, the nearvat ficeaak ase those Ye sed ih section | ° saneaiaas ever aiaconeeed , a (thew. exenes} tipy oon. pebtuconesaadeciuem'. oth io Me | their authors were fit subjects for ent pry epg deg : mass meeting aby“? interrupt - | fraud, wilfully: binder’ or ba Rake, | . G, Guldbarg, P, i, Wilber tet ¢many’ en re1 heo: »| 8. Da Lass Sit sf ay Pare BAe 4a via, Baturday, Jan. 8, #70, it up us rend ft and then we burn E. Comway, ae of tha Reporter: . | for mee the teachers ot To the Editor * } | would did they If which, out, I see in. your paper, of this date, find it & Brve the-at : Bro. 5. And be it further enacted, Phat if any petvon shall, by force, vinleuce. or O, Ht,’ Etiowt ; 0. D. Hayet. 1 seldom is ae much ae yb cee es the proper! _ f t vege eeelifes | Monro, i N, § Ranshoff — women to live with. them, | are eet smart and mean enough not to do | Dr. J, W. Grabam, Dr. 0. D. Casa, a 100. Air rept W. A. Caanm, Beq.c< Dear T have no news | ! about the arwly ones ; :‘ on +" ¢ by the ©x- | iz0 sald senate and house of representa: 4”: tees, epectively, by the ates ana 27 | 1, W.Tole Toohy,, d. pet nia Mhiauae or enc leter ceeto s—— sachets 1 mean enough . Anous oe Sa LETTERS FROG THe PROFLE. . a De, t | " Medeowna, : ain’ a Nadie ’ | - ' : ‘en 8 vo é ; > re- | upof proceed in maid sendte wud hooge of you | aged, national interets fostered, the the whet tively, ta redrynn. | representatives, r , and of the country de oF .fiotupon | soarees ieee ely of oe they will ealmit to the action whether Se |: ; ; g Ma ot the Pali ta aula Ghd cicluute RD. ep Ar and waid they would but when they rent atl our beat men | ite leaders hilt, (Camp Douglan) eS ABOU Se, = | pose a, ey unil | ainterial interests of the éoantry.. send oat enough women to demolish tbat ee ah veana ibe ~~. That ebaeted, farther eit Aad 4 Kec. | acitexing'thix portion of Utah , | enthusiastic, P yi aent : % memofiahata your actiok of Juch ‘In sates Was a at which ae ; : oF wild aehadasduiMl ite have beed aforenaia, such welaws foal throats: “We [alt of Cache valley? Ifad, we watt | who epact only upon & deaths | yonaw frotw 4 thvasaud preteen Phere, one will stick to our religion and Brigham | to go to} Tdahv, | Otir crops Were | rend) oF Gis : th oe aud thé. dontrof of the Mormoa cri Cie ; Tod vier ee aise hey Commer ae | HIKES Kinowe what You meéail by, the | the Territorial Lagulature of Utah being | MME |) ide cu OF eeagk . pe be eete oS Lah oe “ ‘wation, ora o @ part held wna frank, tpn clotation of war, ehonldé the ing De tnbe torn, | Youny—for aay polyguiny or death.” craks ae to Gfeon ‘tg Teelee “ve \e . % Reeraie wid aE 19 Benet | a commer sonal Item | mw EMEA 0 ot Slt matns mgee bepamwthe nee We, ree P air hode §he oan del hit oS i Licks, lot+ vara oti” jae we b | : bsctnbes nd: sellin punt | lier sthw at Digin. ota ort He kiuss ite yi Peale’ der ion : TheA yak pie ‘ , i pres | aban ed ba he a. * my comb ace anteon, ang 1 hoe” per al ' dio akeant eee de iter ~ py. phar * 1 2A, | fittemeedtannsin tna offers at! onntayees | wien” rT ” 3 *, ka TAT. - te 2 sot willis: det Baad cocratirne Sin ars bee). LMM WA OE: Waathes Meve rtPi | mle ribs tr to ot rmneenaprorpenpeaie —— ae | | : tien Secteate A terprisin:: “4 1 siabin a 2 Scan taneet riba fend proged | Smee | Pen ee Se Wash r of the forty-firet parallel h of aoe oe Y Reporter listened pene President; and oat ear flew, our of ult aperclea bovert neat a tl “a aa the i | at ele Sete leit ee tine ea memorialiet. citizens jot the Ter. a Yoor tenpecifully petition, pat} c ve of Utah, ritory wo mack of the Seeders ia Utah ae ’ “ A Faiexp To tim Move. ee °°aly LOGAN, eee rs \ ee We a Debit wre eed - " to and made latitude, be attached ; ne a ‘ Ib Tooterfoy E eisited the talernace and of ste my olivek, | Le your Saturday's paper you ely VF v6 Territory of Idabo, and for cause | 2 Sevctaed Oy call Actestary [in sooth, while «blast manited al hee the Arve bel Piderreaiy ip ge oe fa ef yes 3 cd S aailiidaaie " pecan % hat tes “ ; ; $ ii i ely OT likes aoe ith? tlie Peery. 9+ IR. ee “ Che- Res ae WRRELT, " 4 is “ gr Gite «ofl ve Mi. oe = ‘§ | 3:’ ‘a = [oe oaraseipbenorie Seen of the scribe myself _ | ineleding offfeene std employees sept Momioation | yt U.P. roade ot the ae Aiwieene | SS Caxtn'va already aiote than | erenteg, tite fire amt atebul bangs the || te con tony weneegeoigege renpesbag oreshets have been red Qe wee ete we — ; re ate ' feos fof iS REMMI een py ee ‘United States allow ‘eects Gentlemen were present from other places, ay ne ea | Cee ; boenikas 1 No. Ly. | Be = |p), a Bod ‘: | make ‘nothing |' if, Cowthe hearty wishes | 7/0us Of Representatives mevrioa With public now. many | Agreed doo at the terminus, MT (herald, teen - fe $ : “i pores pateland Ereye| sls MaeMe was howetn "bygratMtrvlWiha[allinoar mre | cheer the thins "Ne cut ee tattle all the’ fact, Agares aids | oo tage, Hoge. We we mmmrmremmmnmn | Fite kee ee ae Ber e te -15, 1870. . JANUARY SATURI oiorote U. T..T., SATURDAY, ie: bi 18 CORINNE, : TA i a8 is Chee & Ss waa ciel etalbdeich iS ea 1 tind Etaeedartesbi Prana | cL RT, dan, 10,1870, stood io fot cally had tat ta come am out, ty ait, atic ity hand oli pl ng hisit; He : nbout ufo ut mn so, FL without and strong yet... Lf there w a vote taken hero aud evple vote ie re ‘a the haw ot with, by ibe State of dheurgia be, and | ib the|arent fens forth. hereby i, uathorrzed wud todireeted, all sttimou proclumation, ted ah othereiee dee teow bundred and persons eleoted to the general assembly | thirtieth of Jane, ; phe a lernongeeo ul George mation | mee ; a. . * by eade, proche, ‘they the gvoerul east Vim). evenny,) “ ; ¥ |e ar or ; Scenttoupites oo unnechipunteadt |in ean caaeor ae ilenge 7 Oy , tingent expeniape thereol, just | geucral assembly of maid Mtate sliall approptia- the Approfenciesear inOhding the on the fixcal priations could be sien astd procthguation| tt Adkeintas on thereapon the mid | form -teachem, | ; the kowing erier gue (ME, pep thousand pablishing (he lawn in pauper pi Sad t ake aud insrennonrs othe y the termination, The multitude tomand exactly how each mar itn ttlaink | Seed. co pertert ite organisation Sal el tira : mot | Adifor Reporter: breathless silence; not 4 wan ptirtet, tee | matee E1800) semcnnn Ginteasomertng Wetted States, | eho REmuce .wouldO2:00e‘vote etter Oey bebter of the 10h | 0,thisInrBy, tan 1’ Vous Duan to the pro | |.» web avcording al calesedi United the [| it. an" wechoen ' caliechh wunte-bete Pt for Se ees i rome county sea act. : this of thendion know hou our tlokets | visions ‘ Wp a | Inst. came to hand this A. 3, atid | suppose td Bright atitred the bend’etracl read. Efegret to are walt#ed. As | has been carefully edvanced avdieay that we can furnish you no frowd , Sec.% And be it farther enacted, | hat jot RESOLUTION. di we ot and nambered eres for jen can | *beu the inembers 20 elected to mid aen- | 9 contract , 80 that the authorities trode tite elty ta $outr mem: | er ater, Sections to areep | nests iy hen a detailed | polished bam- | origh to Cougrese, asking to have] with chased audoent inaghiG ehough fo | this part of Utah cut off and an-| from the Galnte cheered Bs You ought to alto, bowls, grants aed | nexed to Idaho. and bag | know our situation better than- to blow wasatrurk, |ed an Utah “and ea co ae in Sau, shallesbe | _ look ate wud bare of represeutativ or it, Branci e, » mae epuan unk cach-ond aaaeppasiicouned festa vert ” : G8 ances Ttas in Congress, electedofus a member of naid | America tobeor house senate fcatting ng tie off | ity certain agreemeut made the ia Gindindaense ¢ hi Se tis by the sontantiony.of, Georg, ns tn ee Soa er of ot Sean of That tho “the eleventh day ay afowd tiso' take and subscribe and Ole te tbe| by Hogh MeCalloth, Becretary ofthe sce youinover better, ty: 6tb> lank It. Don't misusiderstand me will be uprand sneeceded it eet on iil ones of! utate Of the (dling Mypes art, and John R. es svegt] and think wo—that is& few of| and then we can'talkthee 1 can write: Until themLam | outs ‘ox atirut comers 08 the |. anyway—are notin favor of any | “an right direction,” as). “move tec cmha: er sateact, call InIth.theto ‘escape the buntess at big | FOU ~—— \ Your true Beekeeper A: ap ae of the Soria iene ifurnia, k, for.the period of | solemaly. fon upon use by the and Insults heaped for It le not the to he Hea ureh authorities jocometive war deives Gee ‘ vena : ' nd come ° 7 af the ; Les iho, . »aete 1h we Prva mony nae a ain to "Seat tine ited eatil ) yI ro ‘be ane ee save ok » ae ) wonld think (twillbe a big camp. | 41. thoy P| ' vem, ao sf and , eavics of thelr eee rent all Gentiles, exterminate . net Mh ofthis |overtbeow the Goverement, and set ap ' of i Os ws in iven of tlie United States of Ih. Congress amembled, there be, andis herby,-appropiated. ¢ be paid out of anguitones.in the tr wa vadenibeaiesibe and aioe as from the heathen Gentiles, and | : "peed bd ie be, oe ae b tevcieit os o oe ma. . ee ay work, thet | great S tnach cas | septisie the Slolespet Rion. Be it eoacted ‘hy the Henate ava House’ Brigham or any ofthe delivery in considera. Aisoppbedeerby apvn of the work y tion for the proseeati whrngrapit rd thiuig aasaheingeens icant | Mean apie nasal he ecuene a a. (gail Cannon, io which he stated tha! Brigham sad God es anol a: oth Bide eben mines fro the then came ; and the vallvoad 5 oeuped Thebere 1votes | ee meamnens [parma ce to-night. oad ome ning. a + am in tt ie | ha " Some. ‘eT Eo: : Bb jpocica Eee of two esac “ ant op “Approved; December ¥3, 189. a. * for! duke cul ’ of j : | |