Show She Is August Bride OGDEN tElinbr Glover IsNow Bride of Gilbert Meacham 'jrpA? - SJNDARD-EXAMINE- MORNING R IMother Children Return to Home in Ohio B AUGUSTJ7 1944 Take Voivs in Brighfim nounce the marriage of their daughter Elinor to Radioman Gil! bert Meacham of the goast guard The ceremony took place Aug 17 at the home of the bride's parents 138 South First West with Bishop C R H Olson officiating Members of the Immediate families were In attendance The marriage was performed In front of an improvised altar which had bouquets of pink and white cladioli and tall white lighted ta pers as a background The bride wore a black and e white wedding ensemble and carried a bouquet or wnue cluster gladioli and talisman roses fastened with white net ana satin brocade ribbon She was attended honby Beth Meacham matron of dress or who wore a black crepe and had a corsage of gardenias and American Beauty roses Bridesmaids were Dorotny Merrill a cousin of the bride dressed with a corsage of in powder-blu- e roses ana and talisman gardenias of Mr Nola Roberts a close friend of the Mrs Rnssel Lund the former Miss Sherma Stanfill daughter to Captain bride dressed in beige dress with and Mrs Perry L Stanfill of Tremonton whose marriage C D and the a corsage of gardenias and peach Russel Lund son of Mr Yeppa Lund of Washington late Mrs Veda Scott was solemnized August Z5 gladioli blooms Eldon Meacham a brother of the bridegroom was best man Following the wedding ceremony Nola Roberts and Dorothy Merrill gave vocal numbers accompanied by Mrs Margaret Johnson Grace r1 1 111 i Glover was in charge of refreshments assisted by Myrna Dee Meacham Nanette Hansen and — Glover Janis Mrs 26 HONEYVILLE Aug are The sons of Salt both bride andof bridegroom two and Mickles Mike Box Elder high graduates of the One outstanding weddings were calling on friends school Radioman Mecham joined of late summer took place August Lake City the coast guard during the sum23 when Miss Sherma Rae Stan-ii- in Honeyville Saturday mer of 1942 and Mrs Meacham is a cadet nurse at the L D S hos- Mr daughter of Mr and Mrs Per Mrs Robert Turner ana exuremomon ot ill out jnc oianiui ry Russell Steven Buckmiller Salt Lake city piiai rhmooH vnw with The bridegroom win return to Lund son of Yeppa Lund of Wash- - were visiting relatives and friends his ship the U S S Casper for wees overseas duty and Mrs Meacham ington D C and the Jate Mrs in Honeyville last on ano Bootne will resume her training at the hosMrs Veda Scott Hyrum ai at uguen relatives visited Reed was pital The performed marriage WPPK-en-- d 4 this l"Jst z UUJ " lint 111C KnmA nf tha VTMsornAm'e Miss Lynne Hunsaker is expectea s L F Keller 374 West First iionrv R home from Sacramento Calif soon I M the past been has She candlevisiting with adouble ring Cooper 4kan maaVi ulth nr aunt and unae weuu yvi "v " her The bride who— worei a white-- In She also visitedt"V"" Moore j of nrrhiHs was attended bv cousin Miss Barbara Jean Moore SUNSET Aug 26 — The annual MeClillan field at was held M I A summer Lund Miss Beth Keller Kenneth Mrs June Christensen ana xvirs Tuesday evening party at Clinton the acted as best man Bensen were in Logan Satur- park Games were played and Immediately following the cere- Ezra lunch served Those in mony 'a dinner for the bridal par- day Miss Svea uoiiara was visaing campfire of affair were: Mrs the friends close and relatives few a charge ty in Ogden last Sunday Mrs Glendon Porter was held at the Blue Bird Logan relatives Knight Mr and Mrs Rex Lewis ana Mrs Thomas Guild Boyd Call The bride- is a graduate of the children otr Golden Ardin Tamara andMrst a Draper and Onzlow Niei Lewis-senioBear River- highchool and e visited wnere student at the USAC Tr t Mrs Teiand Hun- Lamarr Holt was hostess to -- he was affiliated with Chi Omega!-—Mr Lewis' theMrs and Ladies' club Thursday Sunset Lambda Rho honorary parents at Garland for a few days were played and Games of member evening yrority acfraternity Collin Hunsaker week last were served Twelve refreshments a the Home Economics club ind them home Friday for members were presnt Mrs R member of the editorial staffs--' of companied s visit a week was Adam guest special Cowly Buzzer school year book and Mrs Israel Hunsaker spent ±rl- was who Mrs Smith LeRoy school paper Student Life with her daugh present at the Grocer's banquet and dav Saturday The bridegroom was a student ter Mrs Kula laroet Esau wkc night m Salt Lake City of the USAC and has recently re City Mrs Tarbet brought her Saturday drew the wishing ring presented turned from Eneland where he- mother home and spent last is un Tom Brenaman of Hollywood occuby over 38 millions dav visitine here completed radio fame mv an(j ivirs John Isaacson and and pied Europe He has been a pilot R Adams Mrs and has 7 and Fortress of Mr anci Mrs Leland Hunsaker daughter Kaye whoCowley Flying been have received an air medal three oak vacationed for two days in Idaho spending the summer with Mr and : leaf clusters and the uai rwentlv Mrs LeRoy Smith is leaving for The young couple left immediMr and Mrs Auston Tolman Mr Baltimore Md where they will Calif Monica Mr and Mrs Lamont Booth and stely for Santa Mr Cowley join and Mrs Wavne Booth of Ogden Mr and Mrs Earl Wintle and Les lie Hunsaker of Sandy Mrs Leland Andersen of Nephi and many oth ers were in Honeyville Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs lia Chlarsen Rasmussen Monday George L Wintle went to Logan PERRY Aug 26 — The Perry WEST POINT Aug 26— The on social Monday Fri ward held an outdoor school officers and teachSunday in noneyElsie arrived Tolman " a "misfit" party Tuesers had Texas morning from General arVanenV yille Saturday at the church park auu evening xvlia ner u day parent charge of Martella Nelson and 1? visit Games were played and the party Le5 to Wash was concluded with a weaner roast 3!" dSSs Conger returned " after spend by a huge bonfire Etta Dahl was gton Friday evening dJwiVaJsc1SIL05-it:- 1t- -ine the summer with his grandpar in charge The bishopric members were special guests Mr -ti U b V I i — — A Clinton Holds Party - tZt oz-m- - er — B-1- 9 erry Ward Holds SJ-H- ? rr-T-- T wi "r: jwui &iuup enjujreu ujr jiiThe program conducted by Lorm Walker was as follows: Cornmumty larx vTfiuxe suigmg iea Dy a paper prayer Elmer R Matthews on "Our Townspeople Grace Fors- ren musical nuniuws xmic asu crdxc ana i w u suiu nuuiuus udo Peterson Brigham City reading mell Ravsten a skit presenting I le dramatic talent of the ward Conducted by Alton Ravsten bur lesque short stories s w Beecher and remarks by Bishop Douglas Quayle A large crowd attended girls of1 the Perry --ward spent several days at tne Girls Home" last week Arrangements were under direction of the Young Ladies presidency Mrs Carrie Peterson Amy Walker and Ruth HlrschL On Wednesday evening members rst the ward were invited to tha a program and re-home for Tirls A "TTIAlon hi ret" vuv l anrt Ii rAiniiciiu roast- wm and tha enjoyed " T V i ' ' ' the ' proioiiowing presented girls Betty Wha-le- y gram numbers: Song Was Pa Courting skit "When m Tonpt Young and Dorean Young song Bonnie JeanofWeaver MLA and a skit by the group Dean Young son of Mr and Mrs — Vnunc Fprrv togetner with his wife and small daughter are folks in Perry visiting with their will report back Willard Dean where he Is Calil Victorville h? wC-5in th TT S air corns tv Prrv ward choir under th direction of Merleas Judson with accompanist Louise O Davis nichr the musical numbers for the afternoon session of the Box Elder stake LDS conference held In Brigham City last &unaay o TJnTotajan Ad2 Ihe niSr home" ol Mr The "M" men Gleaner Girls and Juniors had a treasure hunt Friday and Mrs Ceo L Wintle Tuesday evening This party concluded the v Hm Chicago 111 'and was a guest of Larry P Wright on She was en route to Wednesday her home from San Francisco where she has been yiting the past week or so Mr I 1 I 1 — — Xflfi - the former Miss Elinor Glover daughter of Mrs Gilbert Meacham Glover whose marriage took place August Lamont W ndMrs Mr ' V"'"' x"pp-xx:::- : m ' M£yr$£ vvv v v XvXvX-x-xvXv- a - V Layton Reports Numerous Social Activities ton were married rrioay at tne ixy L D S temple in &au was in given A wedding reception evethe of Friday couple honor ward recreathe at Layton ning reside In will tional hall They Layton Mrs Almon Van Epps Phoenix Ariz is spending several weeks in Layton with her sister Mrs Hattie Harrod Shirley Craig motor machinist's mate 3c U S'navy is home for leave from Farragut a Ida visiting his wife and family He is a son of Mrs Laura Craig Pvt Max Weaver arrived in Camp Cus Layton Monday from ter Mich to visit ms parents ivix and Mrs David C Weaver of Lay-to- n and his wife Kay Kimball Weaver and his two sons Kert and Kimball of Logan Pvt Verl G Wiliams arrived Wednesday from DeRidder La to SDend 10 days with nis wne tne former Beth Craig and their in fant son Vernon Hal Cowley son of Mr and Mrs Wallace W Cowley and Lee Moore of Verdeland Park have completed their boot training at tne navai i-- ase 10-d- in Layton Mrs vvv mm Adams Cowley daughter Kay left Saturday for their home in Baltimore Md after in Layton at spending the summer Mrs Wallace the home of Mr and W Cowley and in Sunset at the home of Mr and Mrs LeRoy Smith Mrs Cowley is the former Marjorie Smith Mrs Hugh Love entertained with a - party Tuesday at her home in grandLayton in honor of her on her daughter Pauline Taylor ay ninth birthday anniversary Twenty-five little friends were present Miss Taylor is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Loran Taylor of Ogden Mr and Mrs Alvin Jacobson announce the birth of a son Aug 19 in the Dee hospital Ogden Mrs Jacobsen is the former Lorraine Lavton Mr and Mrs Frank Holbrook Salt Lake City announce the birth of a daughter Monday Aug 21 at the L D S hospital in Salt Lake City Mrs Holbrook was formerly JoseDhine Whitesides of Layton Mr and Mrs Eugene Schow and children Dorothy John and Rob ert have returned home from San Francisco Calif where they have been visiting Mr Schow's father who is ill vvvvv V'VV' XvXvXv and R 1111 m l vX-- v v 1 vvvvvvvvv vXv yxxxx y 'Vv'vvvy vXvXvXvXvXvv mmmi At BROWN'S APPAREL 4 it v III it ) k i aWU I v AT ir AT AT AT 7 'V- blouse or sweater and you have a costume look that expresses your own taste A lot of our smartest customers choose their clothes thiS( way It's fun in our "separates" shop SS AT jkjt wf f ft A X r at jr if f w r i f AC n M f aW- - - A f f S aAt 7J I at yr-- f AT f T f f t AIT AT Mil II J g AT r - mur f f VVV 7 £ Xv-I- ef jAT- ill v v AT Jf I tv jr J £ W £ S J? jf m aW A £ AT w - JT I jw aWT a AT i sw w mr w Sim M M M : TAT - r sra m T at AI- - AT aLv t Ii r AT - -a--- m AT AT a± Pick a jacket add a skirt top it with the right aP' " AT JT m m aha AW m m "fJ ff U 'XXviXvXvXXv- V: fm I v W W S JUA: J r str-jV m mm - VVAVVV If you want a coat to keep you blissfully blessedly choose Skunk If you want a coat you can warm wear year after year and never have to pamper choose Skunk OTHER 7 FUR FASHION FINDS 1944-4- 5 Mouton Lamb Sable-dye- d Squirrel Locke Forest Mink Blended Muskrat Beaver-dye- d 29 $20 iff minm life-o- il 25 5 fAackhs Vave Every curl steamed in a bath of oil to give new life— new luster — new beauty to your hair The finest quality pre-wsupplies are used carefully packed in tin cans GUARANTEE 2-YE- AR Linings on every' coat guaranteed for two years' All service satisfactory poats guaranteed against yips for one year I - ' " ' ar 25 Ala chinetoss IVavo these days jane -- 1 f Vn err I Supplies are limited so take advantage of these permanent wave specials now! Other permanent waves are $375 and up We specialize in all methods ot Cold Waving And we guarantee you complete satisfaction! ---- jackets All-wo- skirts and ol i $ r M $1695 595 sweaters Genuine suede leather jackets $2250 Suede leather $1095 vests Corduroy jackets' $ 495 :::-:- XvXvXvXv VVVVVVVVi : XX-'av- rvVVv?vXv:-- : XvAVvXvxc?v XXvXv'Xv'vXv XXvXvtXXXX XiXvwvXvx" :vXvXvx:xx ::: WaVLJL diafAWUtnL MB 2432 WASHINGTON 1 Ogdea— Phone I ( f 4 Open from 8:00 turn to 7:30 p m 2179 Washington Boulevard — t r j - rp1--- n e wiii aju Mrs " Carl M Fre-di- n and Mr parents CaliL during Leandro San of y xuiiuuA jus ? i All-wo- ol 22 BLVD ac i 5 1 1 I I n VI - ft long-lastin- Vi i4-ca- """ ' : 1 Wives Miss """ W VVV'V' V - 1 1 : LAYTON Aug 26— Mary Morri- - training station Farragut Ida and son Ogden and JJaie Aaams juay- - arrived Friday to spend furloughs i vvvvvvys-VV'" VVVV'V g natural curl Also preDelightfully cool — war supplies packed in tin cans— almost impossible to get will hold mi9T monthly dinner on at the UASF Thursday Aug 31seven ClUD at -Officers' Reservation may be made by calling Mrs oetta "i11 — Mrs JrneiJi TTI ram 4821 leave Ogden on the t of those convenience hour for the desiring transportation Stanley N Fre-di- n Sgt and MrsMich are expected of Detroit to visit Mrs today here to Mr and Mrs ir arrive r-JohC Davis Mrs Fredm is the Wormer cms i 10 MONTHS TO PAY Plan Dinner rtt-orcp- an i n : " Overseas Wives rr VVVV" w son-in-la- Wygi n)A jr vVA" 7 ! oii: yvvyyvv S ''' x::::x:: 1 A" VV '''VVAA'VA — rnd i vavavvv : A 1 " t - vvvv-vv- V ?? vXvX-XvX- t XwXvXvXvXii V ' 5 I vvvwvvvv XvX'XvXyiX''' fireside chats held during the summer The M I A officers were special guests Refreshmentsof were the served at the conclusion hunt Class officers Stanley Dahl Thelma Fisher and Beverly Fisher were in charge -- M-L- ill l were£ J? Mr and" Mrs W Karl IIopkir3 were host and hostess at a family dinner at their home Tuesy VVVVVVVVVi VVVVVVVV'i XvXvX'XvXvX'X vvvvvvvvv ( West Point Scene Of 'Misfit' Party Outdoor Social USs °r"T Son-in-La- w "' " c Army Captain VVVVVVV-T- V two-piec- Salt Lake Mother Sons Visit AtHoneyville Thomas Mayhew Provo a guest during the past was Utah week at the home of Mr and Mrs John Murphy in Evanston Mrs Mayhew former resident of Evanston and a member of Esther chapter of the Eastern Star attended the Masonic picnic at the City park where she renewed hei evening in compliment to their Bert H Purdy and daughter Mary Ann of Las Vegas Nev were Mr and Mrs Alacquaintance with her many for- Attending Mr and Mrs Harold bert Coop mer friends Mr and Mrs Edward Eichstaedt Crompton Miss Ann Crompton and Mr and Mrs Ola Lance vis- Mr and Mrs Ned Purdy of Walited at the home of Mr? and Mrs Utah la Walla Wash Mrs Glen Lewis the former Harriet Pugh daugh Francis Frazier in Woodruff ' and Ray Done of Portland Ore ter of Mr and Mrs William Pugh last Sunday 3 Miss Sherma yv eub "i a Hopkins Honor Mrs EVANSTON Wyo Aug 25— Mrs John Paca and daughter Beth and son Ned left on Wed home in Canton nesday for their Ohio after a three-wee- k visit in Evanston at the home of Mr and Mrs William J Haines Mr and Mr$ William Pugh and Mrs Ray Romick Ogden were also guests for the past 10 days at the Haines home Mrs Paca is BRIG HAM CITY Aug 25— Mr and Mrs W Lamont Glover an- William and a sister of Mrs T?ow T?nm?rV Tlfre Ualnet - 3433 Washington Boulevard Ogden vXvXvX |